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Any 40-ish survivors?



  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited April 2012

    I do.. especially when I have been sitting and then get up...

  • christine47
    christine47 Member Posts: 846
    edited April 2012

    welcome terryberry..  For you new girls looking at reconstruction, we have done it all here in this group.  I did not have rads and did not find the MX/TE experience to be very difficult.  I have my permanent implants and doing well.  Nothing about this breast cancer business is easy, but we all get by (with alittle help from our friends).

    profbee and mamachick!  I have been missing you girls.  Mamachick, June should be beautiful in Charleston.  profbee, glad stomach issues are only from Naproxen.  Cold and rainy here too.

    I am having a bad night (sorry to complain), my dad has not been doing very well for the last month.  He and my mom live about 600 miles away.  My oldest brother just called and is racing to see him.  He has not been eating well for several weeks and 2 recent hospitalization.  His BP is dropping, Oxygen sats falling, etc.  My brother is less that an hour away, and will call me as soon as he knows more.  My dad had a stroke several years ago, and more recently dementia.  I have a feeling that he is near the end, and I can not do anything but sit here and wait.  No flights out until am, and have a feeling the entire family maybe driving up tomorrow.  To lake to call my local friends for support.  I thought about waking the boys to tell them and pray, but I don't want to upset them.  My DH is looking at flights for sad tongith.  I am his only girl.

  • profbee
    profbee Member Posts: 304
    edited April 2012

    I agree with Betsy.  After sitting for a while is worst.  It's not unbearable for me though.  I know it can really bother some, but overall, I don't feel much SEs from Tamoxifen at all. 

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited April 2012

     Christine...not sure if you are still awake, but I am sorry you are going through this with your dad.. I understand when all you can do is wait but you really want to do more and now...hang in there my friend..will pray for your dad tonight.

  • christine47
    christine47 Member Posts: 846
    edited April 2012

    kmur, still awake and not sure if I should try and sleep.  Not sure I can sleep.  By the time I go to sleep my eyes will be all swollen.  Feel like I need a xanax ( I have a few stashed away for emergencies), but don't would to miss anything when my brother calls.  My younger brother (2hrs away, just called and is leaving his house now).  My husband will not let me start driving and no flight out of our airport tonight.  Recently when I mentioned my dad and his issues to my onc, he said something that has stuck with me "remeber there are only so many steps left in the dance".  I think we may be there.

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited April 2012

      Wish I could say something really great to make it better. Try to take one step at a time..that's all you can do. Hard to do ..I am thinking of you

  • christine47
    christine47 Member Posts: 846
    edited April 2012

    thanks for being here kmur.  Keep the thoughts and prayers coming.  I know my daddy is ready to rest, just hard not being there, for him and my mom and brothers. 

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited April 2012

     Will do.  Do try to get some rest...sounds like maybe a long day ahead for you tomorrow...things could look a bit better when you hear more from your brother too so I will be hoping for this.

  • Eema
    Eema Member Posts: 403
    edited April 2012

    He everyone!

    I'm sitting here sobbing for Christine. I would be doing the same thing. Now my pj bottoms are wet from tears (better tears than piss, I always say!). I hope you all find peace soon.

    Mama, Kim, everyone else who mentioned me, I'm fine. This is my new attitude. If I'm not the one in the casket, I have to keep moving. Friday I go for my preop appointment , then next Friday I can deliver this MFing hernia baby. Surgeon said I probably have adhesions that are causing issues. Lovely.

    I have so much to do today and not a lot of time to do it. Have a good day, ladies! Be glad we are here and not there.

  • profbee
    profbee Member Posts: 304
    edited April 2012

    Christine!  I totally posted at the same time last night and missed you.  I'm so sorry about your dad.  I hope you managed to get some sleep, and you've heard from your brothers.  What a lovely testament to his parenting that you and your brothers are all communicating and heading there. I'm thinking of you.

    Eema, good luck with the hernia!  You've been waiting for that for a while now.  I hope it brings you relief.  

  • momx3
    momx3 Member Posts: 126
    edited April 2012

    Boy soed (OK, this is great, I CAN"T typeWink) DOES alot happen when you aheva busy day!!!

    Anyways, had my PS appt yesterday and he said that he wishes he could have his BC patients in a one room because we would ALL get the same answers. I guess scars shrink (banding) AND then they will release. As for my newly formed nipple.... NO CLUE, maybe a fold in the implant. Good answer??? NOT! He also said that the uneveness and double bulging can be fixed later. HA HA HA, like I'm really ready to do this again! He also said PTO might help... So far 2 months worth already.

    PTO appt.....tuggin and pulling and finding out that EVERYTHING is attached somewhere. Funny how you have no clue. So my biggest job is too "WALK WITH AN ATTITUDE"! Shoulders back, chin in...... Now I feel like a giraffe!!! HEE HEE HEE!!!!

    For the LE, I have pads to put in my tank tops to help keep things moving.

    Christine, I'm praying for your family. I hope that everything works out OK. I've been this situation to much this year between family and my friends. HUGS {}

  • christine47
    christine47 Member Posts: 846
    edited April 2012

    Thanks to you all for your support.  No one else up to listen to me in the late hours. 

    My dad is stable this morning, his vitals have improved (last night his BP was 70/40, and he had high fever), this morning BP is 120/60 and afebrile.  He has pneumonia and "failure to thrive", they are keeping him in the hospital, but we do need to make some decisions.  He is in a wonderful nursing home (I call it the Ritz, if he only knew what it was costing him he would die), when he goes back they want us to consider hospice.  We had previously decided no feeding tube and he is a no code.  They want us to consider NOT taking him to the hospital if we have another situation like this.  My dad is just 76.  He has always been abit stubborn and sometimes difficult, just like him to make it hard on us.  Please forgive me, I sometimes deal by using humor.

    Emma, I need to remember "better tears than piss".  I am hoping your surgery goes smooth.  Please keep us up to date. 

    Debbie Dia, sorry to hear you PS did not have any great answers.  I have been fortunate that my reconstruction went very smooth.  My young and handsome PS (ok, my first postmenopausal crush), just looks and tells me how great I look.  Even with that said, I found PT to be very helpful to release tightness and discomfort.

    kmur and profbee, thankyou my sweeties for your support. 

    So, moved my Saturday haircut to this afternoon, not sure if I am flying/driving north tomorrow or weekend (my oldest brother wants me to wait) and see how things go over the next day or so.   I so hate not being in control of this situation, thanks for listening...

  • sarah1968uk
    sarah1968uk Member Posts: 327
    edited April 2012

     Love to you,  Christine and your family. You said some lovely things about your Dad. It must be hard being far away from him.

     Kim - the French Closet party made me laugh - it does sound a bit rude!  Was it a sales promo. thing?  My wardrobes/closets are el cheapo ones from Ikea! I find that store quite exotic too tbh! Their stuff is probably all made in China now, anyway.

      Congrats to all who had good scans this week. Nice to hear from you, Stacey. Glad you are feeling OK.

     All the best, Sarah xx

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited April 2012

     Hi Girls,

    Christine..thanks for taking some time to post..I thought of you last night and today..sleeping all night is something I used to do SO Long Ago!! Anyway..I woke up last night just hoping you got some good news. I swear I feel as though I have known you father was also difficult, I did not get to see him before he passed and ( I know you have to press on) but I sometimes wish I could have spoken to him again..I'm happy he is a bit better...I have to believe when we do pass on someday..we will be perfect and we will carry on somehow

    Sarah...I am so happy you are back and I gave you a chuckle and yes it was rude..and well ...rude ..that really says it .  She has a gigantic room ( I guess) and it will be her closet she just called it a French Closet Opening Party for fun ..she did have a lady there that makes jewelry and Derby hats..I didn't buy anything though.  I am so goofy I googled "French Closet Opening Party" thinking this is one more of the latest things I do not know of..There were ladies dressed to the nines as my mom used to say ( I think that was it)...Google doesn't know about said parties either!!  LOL  

    Hi to all you girls...Gotta go cut the grass before it rains!!

  • mamachick
    mamachick Member Posts: 154
    edited April 2012

    Christine so sorry to hear about your dad not doing well.  But glad to hear he perked up a little today.  I know it must be hard to be so far away.  My parents are 11 hours away and getting older.   It is so hard to be far away when things are going on.  I will be praying for you and your dad and the rest of the family.

    I forgot to to say last time, yeah for all the good scans.

    Eema- still love your sense of humor.  Will be thinking about you in your upcoming surgery.  I know it will be a relief when it is over!

    Hi Sarah!!

    Debbie so sorry for not getting answers from you PS, been there done that.  I won't even go into it again.  I know the girls are tired of me talking about past issues. So won't bore you, but I feel for you.  Hope things work out soon.

    Have a great evening/day everyone!

  • odie16
    odie16 Member Posts: 1,415
    edited April 2012

    Christine - My heart aches for you going thru this with you dad. I went thru something similiar with my mom a couple years ago and it simply sucks. Your posts clearly express the love you have for him (sometime stubborn goats are the best - my FIL was one).... Use your humor and the love of your family to get you thru this. Will be sending tons of prayers & cyber hugs...

    Welcome Terry! I am also on Tamoxifen and was also 40 when diagnosed. Failed my first mammy, yes ma'am. Had a BMX with TE's to implants and never looked back. As a bonus, I never have to do that stupid test

    Eema - So proud of you girl and love love love the attitude!!!!

    Profbee - It is easy to drive ourselves crazy with changes to prevent any further issues. I am one of those trying to simply clean up my diet a touch and am learning moderation ...ha ha  

    Happy dancing for the good scan news ladies!

    Sending hugs & love to all you girls! 

  • JenH13
    JenH13 Member Posts: 155
    edited April 2012

    Christine, I am so very sorry for all that you are going through. Prayers are with you and your family.

    Debbie- how frustrating!  Can you get a 2n opinion from someone else? I cant believe a dr would say that to an obviously worried patient.

    Thank you so much for all the advice about the recon. it really helped me to come to a better place emotionally and I have been reading more on it and feel good about the decision... not looking forward to the procedure but comfortable I am making the right decision.

    wishing you all many sunbeams, pleasant(cool) nights of sleep and little SE. tx number #5 for me tomorrow of TCH(oops edit it from TE.. thinking too much about recon!)! then 1 more left to go!


  • christine47
    christine47 Member Posts: 846
    edited April 2012

    Bless you all for the support.  As Kmur said, I feel like we are a group of close friends.  I am still in a holding pattern, my brother really thinks I should not rush up yet (unfortunately I can not stay but for a few days if I go this weekend) .  He just called from the hospital, one of dad's nurses from the nursing home came to visit and my dad smiled for her and held her hand.  I am jealous, but this is good.

    JenH, Wishing you an uneventful and smooth ride in the chemo chair tomorrow (TAC?).  The countdown to final chemo is on!

    I am going to get some sleep tonight (hello ambien and thank God for leftover xanax).

  • momx3
    momx3 Member Posts: 126
    edited April 2012

    Good night ALL!!

    Jen, I hope that your sunbeams help you through the day. My heart goes out to anyone who had to go through chemo. You are going through more than I can imagine!!!

    Chritine, I hope your dad continues to be OK and I hope that he finds the strength to heal.

    Took my pills & Ambien, ready to go to sleep and not think about work for a few more hrs :D

  • bgirl
    bgirl Member Posts: 435
    edited April 2012

    Like some of the others who haven't been on in a week or so, there sure are a lot of posts to catch up on.  Add my welcome to the newcomers.

    Been on tamoxifen since December.  Had all sorts of SEs.  Leveling out some now.  The thread on here "Bottle of Tamoxifen" has a lot of great people on it with helpful suggestions.

    Christine, sorry about your dad.  I live only 2 hours from my parents, but have found it hard this winter to be able to see them.  My dad has been ill for a long time, didn't think we would get through this winter, but we have.  Although recent tests confirm that his condition has not only seemed to be worse, but actually is.  An aortic aneurysm, so really a ticking time bomb that the fuse is getting short on.  Very frustrating to just be waiting and hard to watch him struggle to breath, eat, walk, etc.

    The closet party thing made me think of Carrie's closet in Sex in the City.  I don't have enough clothes to fill a room, but I would love to try with shoes!

    My daughter's musical theater class did a talent show tonight to raise money for their big theatre production in June.  It was a lot of fun.  Moving my oldest home from university this weekend.  Can't believe she has done 4 years.

  • kiwimum
    kiwimum Member Posts: 485
    edited April 2012

    Christine - I'm glad your Dad sounds a bit better today.  You will do what is right for you in terms of visiting. Sending my love and thoughts your way.

    We had a day off yesterday to commemorate ANZAC day (Australia New Zealand Army Corp)

    ANZAC day is observed by NZ and Australians to remember our fallen soldiers and those soldiers in active service.  It is a day whereby we try not to forget our history and those who have gone before us.  We took the girls to a service mid morning and it was a lovely day.  The sun was shining and we loved having a day off mid week.

  • sagina
    sagina Member Posts: 849
    edited April 2012

    Christine send prayers your way!

    Could joint pain be a chemo side effect? I'm triple neg so no meds, but my hip hurts, and I get that achy feeling when I first get up until I warm up?? oh, wait is this just what happens when we hit the forties? well, I"m still going to call them the thorties. 

  • ReadingMama
    ReadingMama Member Posts: 338
    edited April 2012

    Hi all, Christine, sorry for what you are going through with your dad. 

    Add me to the scan group.  Mine were just regular follow-up, which my MO agreed to do.  Bone scan and CT scan.  All were fine. Nurse called on bone scan b4 I had time to even worry about it or post about it.  CT scan, I finally had to call a week later, so annoying. 

    Work has been horrible, late every night.  Here are my horrible dinners: Tues Knish, Wed. Peanut Butter crackers, Thurs. Nutter Butters, Mon. 1/2 apple and cheese nips, Tues bag of doritos, Wed. bowl of dry Special K cereal.

    I have still been going to Y twice a week, except this week as I didn't work from home yesterday.  I I have been also walking to my son's baseball games on Sat. and then walking around the track while he plays. 

  • ReadingMama
    ReadingMama Member Posts: 338
    edited April 2012

    Also, I wanted to say I had DIEP.  Although it's a long recovery, I am very pleased.  I would suggest checking out the DIEP 2012 and if you have time the DIEP 2011 thread.  It is of course a very personal decision for each person, but I did not want to have foreign bodies in me, nor did I want something that very likely will have to be replaced in 10 or 20 years....  In the end, because I originally had a lump and rads, implants were not a viable option for me.  My rads were before my BMX, so I have not been through Rads after the DIEP.

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited April 2012

     Hi Everyone,

    Christine..hope you are doing ok today. Know you have lots going on.

    KiwiMum....glad you had the day to enjoy the family..We have something like that we call it Memorial Day,,it is the end of May and usually marks the opening of pool season and many people have cook outs and parties. My Husbands B-day is right around there too.

    Jane..I also do not have enough clothes for a closet like this..nor shoes!!  LOL ...I am not kidding when I say I can barely stand in our closet...our house is an 80's house when closets were something kind of after thought..Like "Oh crap...we better add a closet in here somewhere...that's my closet!!  LOL

    Meegan....I know it is not funny that you have had no fun with all that work...but because humor keeps me going...I had to think MMMM...Nutterbutters.....I have not had one in ages!!  LOL

    You know whenever I refer to my job around here ( if you could see me) you would see that I do the little hand gesture for quotations..because I do not consider it a real in difficult/brain taxing ...I am glad that I am not responsible for anything major as these days ...I can not seem to follow through with more than one thought I would tell you my "job" today...I moved tomatoes from the greenhouse to tables and when I say tomatoes..I really mean like a million tomatoes!! LOL..they were to be in alphabetical order...that was the hard part..

    Oh I almost really sounds like arthritis...but that is what I dislike the most about BC....the things I used to blow off as age/tired muscles...I don't think that right away...but if it does not go away...then my mind goes to those bad I hope it is arthritis ..sorry to wish arthritis on you...but you know what I mean.....

    Ok with you all later!!!   Love to all

  • sagina
    sagina Member Posts: 849
    edited April 2012

    LOL I know what you mean, just like I asked my friend the other day, "So it's only a brain tumor?"

    She knew what I meant! 

  • JenH13
    JenH13 Member Posts: 155
    edited April 2012

    mmmm nutter butters!

    Christine- how are you doing? been thinking about you!

    Just got done with tx#5!  1 more left!  I am starting to see the end of this part of the journey.. still more to go!

    Thank you very much for all the information and advice on the recon.  After reading a lot of the threads and talking to people I have to agree with the dr that TE just doesnt seem like the best option for me.  Plus being only 38 the thought of having to go into surgery again every 10+ years to have them replace for the next 50 or so years of my life(yes I plan on living that long!) doesnt sound fun either just for me.  But I agree it is a personal decision and I have come to grips with it a bit better now. Thank you again!

  • momx3
    momx3 Member Posts: 126
    edited April 2012

    Jen, I hope that the next few days bring you surprised relief instead of... well,you know.

    Kmur, I know exactly what you are talking about. If it's not "just scar" tissue I'm concerned about, it's the aches from either arthitis,fibro or rads and hopefully not the Tamox. The brain, well that's another story!!!! I think it's there somewhere, just not sure where!!! I read a response I did, and it looked like something unknown. I know what I wanted to say, but half the words were missing (?? opps). Good thing I have a sense of humor!!!!! LOL

    Christine, prayers your way and I'm not so sure what they call this, but I dread it when I hit my fifties!!  LOL

  • christine47
    christine47 Member Posts: 846
    edited April 2012

    Hello my friends,

    Again thankyou for all the prayer and good wishes.  My dad is still in hospital, but stable, he is not eating much (they have to feed him and when he does not want to eat, he just clamps his mouth shut, for those of you with kids, think 2 year old).  I am not going this weekend, my brother insists that I wait, since he is doing all the running, etc, I will wait.  My mom is doing suprisingly well with all this, I think she is just tired of him being sick for so long.  I will keep you all posted, sorry to hijack the thread with all my woes.

    On to good news!  My boys are both gone until tomorrow on school trips (one to the mountains and one to the beach), hoping for dinner and a drink or two out with the hubby.

    Jenn, one to go, horray for you!!! 

    Kiwi, seems like you all have lots of holidays and vacations.  Hope your girls are doing well.

    momx3--where is Ruckersville?

    Readingmama-- glad you have had such nice success with the DIEP.

    Kmur--thinking of you and one million baby tomatoe plants, I can hear you singing the ABC's under your breath as you put them out.  Hope not to many varieties, lol.

    More later, only good news, I promise!

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited April 2012

     Hi Ladies,

     Jen...yippee for almost done with chemo..I know you have surgery ahead but ....I think chemo is least with surgery you are a little uncomfy/heal and get better..not lingering is what I mean??? Anyway...just to give you a heads up ..I think pretty much all of us dislike surgery drains,but they are also doable.

    momx3... Know what you mean about typing or mean to brain does not function the same and I am so glad for spell would be ugly ( my posts ) !!  LOL glad your dad is a bit better...I have had a couple of friends who have had parents with Alzheimer's...they got to the point that ( not that they wanted to see them pass) but that they were no longer really there??? I hope that sounds the way I mean for it to. I just know your dad will someday be rewarded with his real body again ( somehow I know this is the plan)....hope that all made sense...I think you know what I is hard for sure. You have not hijacked have shared.

    Oh gosh...tomatoes...good Lord who knew there were so many.....I think instead of singing I may have cursed...not very nice but what I forgot to tell you is there are tomatoes in two green houses...I forgot that my alphabetical order was with only one green house/then I had to figure out how to kinda merge the other I said.. I keep telling myself this is not brain one will die...a tomato will just be in the wrong place!!  LOL

    Sorry to ramble

    See I hijacked with tomatoes.....Really????  LOl