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Any 40-ish survivors?



  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited April 2012

     PS.....enjoy those drinks with hubby!!!!!!!!!

  • christine47
    christine47 Member Posts: 846
    edited April 2012

    Kmur, I know exactly what you are saying (about my dad), when I last saw him, it was not the dad I remember. 

    Just hope you did not put the German Johnsons or Beef steak in the Roma row,  ha, ha, only three kinds of tomatoes I could think of.

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited April 2012

     Christine, Thank you..I am glad you knew what I meant...what kind of restaurant are you planning???  I thought after I posted is just now that my husband and I go out alone....for years we took Zane ( our son) with us in -laws are older and we did not feel right about asking them to sit with him. Now that he is 14 he loves to hang out at home...just the other night we went out for Colombian food down the street. We had such a good time. I am so happy to spend time out with him ..

    As for tomatoes...that made me got "Crazy"  with the brandywine/celebrity/cherokee purple....LOL..BUT!!!!!   I got my first paycheck I told my DH I would take him out for dinner!!   LOL So I will have a drink too...and a cheers to all for many good years ahead!!

    Happy Friday/Saturday Everyone.

  • christine47
    christine47 Member Posts: 846
    edited April 2012

    Love all the exotic new tomatoes.  We have a new Whole Foods and they have so many tomatoes.  You also enjoy your dinner out.

    My boys also getting to the age that they would rather stay home, than go with us.  Not sure where we are going.  There are several new places we would like to try, two are within walking distance of each other near one of the local colleges.  Probably just park, walk and see where we can get in without reservation.  I am heading off to the Y, burn a few of those calories I plan to eat.

  • lrr4993
    lrr4993 Member Posts: 504
    edited April 2012

    You all are cracking me up with the tomato talk.  I did not realize there were different types of tomatoes, other than red, green, and teeny tiny ones.  Which reminds me of a hysterical story that probably will not translate well to writing.  Several years ago I went to the super walmart to get groceries for my granddad.  He was stuck at home with my very sick grandmother at the time.  Among other things, he asked me to get him about 10-12 bananas.  I hate bananas.  I have never eaten them.  Therefore, I am not a savvy banana shopper (or tomatoes, obviously).  

    So, I get to the produce section and the only bananas I see are these big ones up on the the shelving area.  I looked around for smaller ones but did not see them.  (I now know they were on their own display around the corner from the produce section, so I blame walmart for this).  So, with those being the only apparent bananas in the store, I load up 12 of them.  It took three bags to get them back to the house.  

    I put all the bags of groceries, including the three bags of giant bananas on the bar as my granddad walks in the kitchen to help unload.  He sees these big bananas sticking out of the tops of the bags.  From there, the convo went something like this:

    Grandad:  What the hell?!

    Me:  I know!  I can't believe how big these bananas are, but that was all they had.

    *  mom comes around the corner and sees them*

    Mom:  Lisa?! Those aren't bananas.  Those are plantains.  

    Me:  *lightbulb turns on*  Ooooh.  I thought they were awfully big for bananas.

    My mom and grandad were rolling.  Me too.  My grandad went to walmart himself and returned all the plantains and got bananas.  LMAO. 

  • achpurple
    achpurple Member Posts: 245
    edited April 2012

    That's too funny!  Wish I would have been there to see what he said when he returned them   :)

    My son just bought a plantain to try a new recipe and I saw it and told him he better not put it where we usually put all the fruit because one of his little sisters might think it was a banana! 

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited April 2012

     Lisa...that is too translated very well!!!  Speaking of different kinds of year when my sons class had to take the "state tests" to see how smart they were in Second grade...I was responsible for the snack to "get them through "testing....well I had this big idea that peanut butter pretzels in a little snack bag along with a "mini" banana would be just right...I went to seriously every grocery store looking for those dumb probably have not seen the mini ones!!  LOL...they are lots smaller than plantains...and real bananas!!  Every time I see those little things I think of second grade..

  • profbee
    profbee Member Posts: 304
    edited April 2012

    Lisa!  Here I was trying to get my kid all sleepy and snuggly and I start shaking cuz I'm laughing so hard at your story!  LOL!  Hilarious.  I'm picturing grandad schlepping all those bags back into the walmart. 

    You gals slay me. 

    Christine, hope you're having a nice night.  It's good not to rush out there--reinforcements will be needed at some point.  :)  

    Kim, you are too funny with the tomatoes.  I had no idea there were so many!  I'd be so lost in a garden place.  Unfortunately, I "plant" rather than "garden"--if it weren't for my awesome mother-in-law giving me cuttings and telling me where to put them, I'd have nada in my yard! 

  • christine47
    christine47 Member Posts: 846
    edited April 2012

    Hi girls, back from a lovely dinner with hubby.  We went to a new (to us) place.  We had yummy food, a hot goat cheese and tomatoe appetizer, yummy salad and excellent pasta (all kinds of funky musherooms, garlic and fresh basil), it was a vegetarian place, and also cheap.  Including a beer for DH and glass of wine for me, under $40.00.  Lots of hippies in this place, and I so love to people watch.  Saw a young man that looked very familiar, I just could not remember where I knew him from.  So, since I am very bold, I walked up to him and his date, and said "where do I know you from".   He then informed me that he is a plastic surgery resident and assisted with my recent surgery.  Great, here I am talking to a man in a bar who has seen me naked and also has probably  has felt my boobs.  My husband got a good laugh out of that.  It has been a very long time since any guy in a bar has seen me naked.

    profbee, your comment is so on target, not rushing up this week to see my dad was the right decision for now.  I believe things may get worse and my brother will need more support.

    I just smile everytime I read you girls, who would have every thought we could have so much fun, talking about tomatoes and banannas.on a friday night.  When the day comes that we all meet we are going to talk and laugh for hours/days.

  • momx3
    momx3 Member Posts: 126
    edited April 2012

    HA HA HA!!!!!

    I guess I really shouldn't try and figure this out AFTER I took my Ambien :D

    I hope everyone has an AWESOME weekend, I'm sure I'll check in at least 3 times!!!! LOL

    Christine, Ruckersville is in VA between Culpeper & Charlottesville. 

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited April 2012

    Christine....Ok would have to ask"what kind of tomato"  on the appetiser  LOL  and you are too know at this point...does it bother us these people have seen us naked??? I'm not sure what this means???  We went to a restaurant right down the road...called The village Anchor...I had some drink with Gin and cucumber??? Anyway..cheers to us all!! it is very funny to be discussing plantains/bananas/tomatoes ...I can only in my head imagine if we could all talk where all these conversations would go....EWW...that could get ugly but very funny. 

  • CharB22
    CharB22 Member Posts: 87
    edited April 2012
    christine47 - cracked up about the plastic surgery resident story! My modesty went out the window after I had kids.
  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited April 2012

     Hi Girls,

     Profbee...that is so nice to have an awesome MIL....that is how it starts usually ...with a flower gift and grows from there.

    I hope everyone is out doing something fun....yesterday I found all the other needed Kentucky Oaks attire  LOL....good grief I really thought there was no such thing as a pink sweater,but I found one!!! I betcha in October I could find one easy as all get out!!! We won't go there though....LOL

    Today I worked ...I wish I had a dollar for every time I said   "I will check"...."I am not sure" I really love it when I without a doubt know the answer to the question asked...not one person asked me about tomatoes...which I do know about/and where they are!!

    Thinking of all you ..I am off to grill up some chicken with Alabama white sauce...

    Love to y'all

  • christine47
    christine47 Member Posts: 846
    edited April 2012

    Hi girls,

    What a beautiful day today in NC, back to warm and dry weather again.  Planted some flowers in pots and pulled a bunch of very healthy weeds from our natural areas.  Our lot is very shaded, so almost all my flower need to be potted.

    Kmur, when in the Kentucky Oaks?  next weekend?  I have a pink lunch this week,big funraiser for our local hospital.  My health care group is sponsoring a table in honor of myself and another lady who is an office manager for a family practice group.  She is an amazing lady, under 40 and diagnosed with a second breast cancer last year, now mets to sternum, but doing fabulous.  We each have invited 4 friends to sit at our table as well.  Everyone wears pink and each table has a theme, our tables in "Christine and Donna's Cheerleaders"  we did not pick the theme, our HR department did.  I have no idea what they are doing to pull off this theme.  I did find a really pretty pink and tan dress, I wore it for my sons Confirmation too. 

    Chicken Alabama White sauce, think I need that recipe.  Burgers on the grill and beans here.

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited April 2012

     Us too Christine...started out chilly/then hot..I did bacon cheeseburgers yesterday. The white sauce is one of our favorites...not very healthy I am sure but it is mayo based..This is how the recipe is written,but I scale back..for just us  I have made it so many times I kinda plop the stuff in a bowl. 

    1 1/2 c. mayonnaise, 1/4 c. white wine vinegar, 1 garlic clove minced, 1 T. course ground pepper, 1T. brown mustard, 1 t. sugar, 1t. salt, 2t. horseradish....the rub for the chicken is  ... 1 T. dried thyme, 1 T dried oregano, 1 T. ground cumin, 1 T. paprika, 1 t. onion powder, 1/2 t. salt  1/2 t. pepper...and it is very good on.....chicken thighs...see not healthy,but it is also good on chicken breasts too.. just serve along side ( I mean the sauce) .

    Oaks will be this Friday. It is a big deal here..the kids are off school. My husband was invited through a company sales person. So we will be in the Kentucky Derby Museum..with lunch and private betting windows ( I do not bet though) Your lunch sounds so nice I hope you will share how the cheer leading theme comes into it???/ Oh ...and what you have for lunch.

    As for flowers...I used to have all sun until this house..I now have two million trees..some are black walnut and they poison the I am learning what to plant..I have viburnum I planted last year...I do have some shade perennial plant ideas if you need them. It is harder though,,,usually it is dry shade when under trees.  Sorry for the long post with recipe stuff.  

  • christine47
    christine47 Member Posts: 846
    edited April 2012

    I will try this chicken recipe, sounds yummy, anything with mayo has to be good! 

    Your party sounds fun and so posh!  I would not have a clue on how to bet on a horse, but maybe some mint julips i could do.  I will let you all know about my pink lunch. 

    Today I put a few geraniums in pots (they will get some morning sun), very, very deep red color.  Also added Torenia (blue), they seem to do well for me too.  I will do some impatients next weekend, they only thing that I plant in the ground, except pansies.  With all the trees, there are roots and planting is so hard.  We put in sprinkler system a few years ago so we could keep a decent lawn.  We had a landscaper install some different perennials a few years ago, so worth the investment.

    kmur, we need to start nailing down some times for a meeting somewhere.  Are you going to the beach this summer?  Asheville?  My boys are done is less than one month!!

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited April 2012 is amazing what can be done after a mint julep or two....LOL....I always thought they would be gross...but when they bring them around the crushed ice melts some and makes them kinda good...very easy to meet lotsa "new friends" after a julep/or two. LOL

    I actually know torenia...( I think) does it trail/cascade ? Kind of tubular flower?  Planting in shade requires more thought...If we stay here I will do the plan. I have designed and planted 3 perennial gardens so far...all sun though.

    Yes, we will be going to Bay Point is on the bay side of Panama City Beach...very quiet. My husband fishes in our canoe right at the hotel..he caught red fish there. How about you all?? I imagine you may go to the Atlantic side ??? Would be nice to live so husband and I have talked about living further south someday..after we spend our million dollars on high school and college ..we may live in a camper!! LOL I know today I looked up an Inn for all us girls to go to...not sure if some of us here may enjoy Inns ( B&B) the one I saw is in Tryon NC...I think it was called Pine Crest Inn ( 19 something Pine Crest Inn)  I do try to imagine how all you girls sound and I can not imagine all the chatter at the same funny.

  • odie16
    odie16 Member Posts: 1,415
    edited April 2012

    Hey girls...

    Just thought I'd pop in to see what everyone is up to. Looks like we have all been enjoying the great weather and working on our flower beds. I actually was clearing one of mine as I am going to use it for a small garden this year. I always do a garden but needed to change location this year. And I bought my first tomato plant today and thought of you Kim...... Between working out hard yesterday (4 miles incline/jog & strength training) plus the yardwork, I feel like I have been hit by a truck. But glad to have it done. 

    Wishing everyone sweet dreams and a happy Monday!

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited April 2012

      Hi Odie....Ok what kind of tomato plant???? LOL  I planted my garden....One of my outlaw squirrels has already eaten all of my dog Hank and I have a love/hate relationship with squirrels...anyway...I have canned forever..beans/salsa etc..this may be my last year though.....I feel ya with the "hit by a truck" .....I didn't exercise either????

  • momx3
    momx3 Member Posts: 126
    edited April 2012

    Happy Monday!!!!

    Instead of "40ish", we could rename it "Hit by a truck"!!   LOL 

    Moved furniture this weekend to welcome home college students (my youngest and my niece who is spending the summer with us<<< YAH!!!). YES, a BIG NO NO!! and believe me, my 24 yr old daughter let me know it, lthough she said she didn't want to sleep in bunk beds when she comes home, so I needed another real bed!!!She said she was going to tell her father. I guess the tables are turning, she's acting like a mother!!! HA HA HA!!! LOL Laughing

    Everyone enjoy the rest of the day!! Ithink it's going to stay cloudy and gloomy today which means I get to finish the bed rooms!!!!!  Happy ME!!!!!

  • burley
    burley Member Posts: 248
    edited April 2012

    Hi girls, checking in.  Hope everyone had a good weekend.  I did...absolutely nothing!  Haha, the benefits of a broken wrist.  OK, I did do some one-handed laundry.  That is seriously a pain in the ass.

    Going backwards, I'll comment about Tamoxifen.  I was on it for 7 months before they switched me to Arimidex when they took my ovaries out.  Horrible hot flashes (which have never subsided), felt 80 instead of 40, joint pain, weight gain...pretty much the standard unwanted side effects.  I had all the same side effects with the Armidex, but the joint pain was a lot worse.  So was it the Armidex, or the forced menopause?  I was also losing some hair on the Armidex, and it probably contributed to my super slow hair growth.  Now I'm on Femara to see if the joint pain is less.  So far, no.  And he just had me stop it for 2 weeks to see if my headaches go away.  If they do, then he's switching me to Aromasin.  Seriously, enough with the med switching.  Reading about the side effects of the Tamoxifen and the rest, they basically all have the same side effects.  They only switched me off of it because I was suddently post-menopausal.

    My hand hurts so bad in this damn wrist splint I was to cut it off (my hand, that is).  Vicodin doesn't help.  I have a feeling I'm going to have permanent arthritis now.

    I'm so jealous of you girls and your planting!  I would love to have a garden.  But with 4 big dogs and gophers, that just isn't going to happen.  Plus it's 120 degrees in the summer, and not much survives.  I have lots of aloe vera in pots, that's about it.  Waiting on a weed guy-ah, the joys of having an acre.  I have to pay someone to spray the weeds-at least they give me a 6-month guarantee.

    Happy day everyone :-) 

  • momx3
    momx3 Member Posts: 126
    edited May 2012

    Burley, why did he switch you from Tamox????? I had a total hyst at the same time as my BMX and my doctor said Tamox was still OK.

    I also hope that your wrist feel better soon!!!

  • burley
    burley Member Posts: 248
    edited May 2012

    Debbie-the Armidex is for post-menopausal women.  At least that's what my Onc said.  It's supposed to be more effective I guess.  Armidex, Femara and Aromasin (and Tamoxifen) all do the same thing.  Some are better tolerated than others.  That's why he keeps switching me.  At one point he said we could switch me back to Tamoxifen, but that it wasn't as effective and I said no, I'll just deal with the joint pain.  For 5 years.  Ugh

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited May 2012

     Hi to Everyone,

     Kim, sorry to hear about your doggone wrist....I'm sure this is not an easy one due to usage it your writing hand or the other one??? I can do nothing with my left.... As for the AI's ONC has not switched me either...I have not had a cycle since mid chemo...he says though the ( whatever test they use to see if you are menopausal)  shows I am maybe still sputtering???? ( that sounds nice) ...anyway..I am not looking forward to switching ..hope I do not have the joint issues as I have RA already...but..I do try to stay active to combat the RA.

    I have a kinda funny story for you...don't know if anyone has had this happen..and if you have  I wonder if you had the same trouble I had????  Are you listening now???  LOL..Ok got your ear....I picked up my son from school ( all around Louisville we have trains..I must stop a million times for trains,but I would rather stop of course than take one on...anyway..there is a train right in front of school and sometimes when I pick him up it goes by and the whistle is so loud ..I jump every time...worse because I know it will happen ...anyway at this place there are no gates??/I do not know why? I have to cross this track four times every today I am getting ready to go and all the sudden the Dingers start DINGDINGDING...scared the crap out of me and I didnt know if I should go forward or back up or if there was a car behind me???? So I went..and immediately a police officer ( I did not see him) turned his lights on and pulls me over....I stuck my head out and said I am so sorry that scared the crap out of me and he crossed the track when the lights were he is going to give me a ticket????  I have an expired insurance card in my glove box ( we do have it though) so I am thinking OMG...I have not had a ticket in forever???? So he tells me he watched me cross?? He gave me a warning and I told him I know I should not argue with you cause you are letting me go....but I really did not know what to do....BTW  ...the DINGERS go off way before you see/hear the I was in no danger ( I think) but oh gosh ...I guess I am a law breaker and had my son in the car to boot... ( is that right "to boot" ) anyway ...that's my kinda funny story. I would share about my new dress purchase and store but do not want to bore you to death!!!  BTW...I am not a train racer/track crosser....LOL

    Hope you all are having a good day...Eema....thinking of you!!!

  • kiwimum
    kiwimum Member Posts: 485
    edited May 2012

    Lol Kim - you are a rebel!! 

    Please do share your new dress purchase.  I am a shopper!!  I'd love to hear but you bought. 

    I am going to an industry Black Tie Awards later in May and need a new dress.  I have the added pressure of presenting an award so need to look my best.  I am struggling to find something that is

    a) High'ish on the chest - to cover my foob

    b) has sleeves - to cover big scar under my arm from lymph node dissection (and cover my wobbly upper arms)

    c) Which has both of the above and is flattering

    d) Goes with my short boy haircut

    Sigh ... this is now my life

  • Eema
    Eema Member Posts: 403
    edited May 2012

    I promise to come home soon, girls. I have a great /not great story to tell, but I'm so tired and have more work to do till I am done for a while. Hernia surgery is Friday! Can't wait!

  • Eema
    Eema Member Posts: 403
    edited May 2012

    And thinking of you too, kmur!

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited May 2012

     Ok dresses.....have you all ever heard of Versona???? I was on a mission for a belt and walked into this store...OMG...I have not seen so much "bling" in all my life!!  LOL...took a minute for me to focus on my mission cause first I saw fake rings...then fake bracelets of every size and color!!  I thought WOW???  Is this how kids feel with candy??? I guess this is lady candy!!! I actually found a cute little dress in there ...very colorful....

    Kiwimum...your fancy dinner sounds very exciting and you are a beautiful young woman!!! You will find the perfect dress.

  • kiwimum
    kiwimum Member Posts: 485
    edited May 2012

    I've just googled Versona.  Looks very "bling".  Lots of lovely bright colourful things, fab for summer!  Did you get any bling as well?

    Thanks for the "young" Kim. 

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited May 2012

     Kiwimum...I got a pair of ear rings...the bling they have is really very inexpensive....but now I am wondering if all these ladies who I have always thought ...WOW...that is a big ring...maybe it is just a ring from Versona????  Lol I did buy a little dress to wear for is at night .