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Any 40-ish survivors?



  • kiwimum
    kiwimum Member Posts: 485
    edited May 2012

    I think you are probably right.  It's like designer bags. There are so many rip offs that I don't know why people bother buying real bags - Louis Vuitton is a good example.  If you have a real one, everyone thinks it's a fake.

    Personally I don't see the value in paying thousands for a handbag - it's not one of my priorities!

    I'm off for a haircut later today.  This short hair needs constant trimming. The top has grown much slower than the back and sides and I'm trying to avoid a mullet.  I also hate the curls!!

  • profbee
    profbee Member Posts: 304
    edited May 2012

    Hey friends! 

    My first job out of college was at Coach.  I adore handbags.  (That said, I went to a warehouse sale last weekend and got an adorable black leather bag for $5.  Yes..5!)  I recently bought 2 dresses at Nordstrom Rack.  They have one down near Boston, and I went with a great friend.  They had SO many dresses!  I got a Michael Kors dress for $20!  I adore a bargain.  

    Kiwi...I think I need a trim on my hair too--the curls--it just stands straight up.  I look like a 14-year-old boy.  I've been waiting thinking I didn't have enough to cut, but I'm thinking it may be time to try to shape this into something.

    Kim, I went to one of those jewelry parties...bought a nice hematite.  Cute.  It's fun, but I pretty much usually wear the same jewelry every day.  I just don't have the time for accessorizing every day.  LOL.  I DO need to get some more color into my wardrobe though.  

    G'nite gals.  I'm going to watch Castle and then hit the hay.  :)

  • Eema
    Eema Member Posts: 403
    edited May 2012

    I promise to come home soon, girls. I have a great /not great story to tell, but I'm so tired and have more work to do till I am done for a while. Hernia surgery is Friday! Can't wait!

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited May 2012

     I know what you mean about the SIL had a Louis bag.. I remember her speaking about them...but I am like you in that I really don't care about my handbag...actually I use the same bag every day....I think I have had this purse for two or three years now!!  I am not a shopper ( horrible at it really)

    As for hair...I have only had one hair cut in the last two years!!  I do have much more hair kind  of at the temple all the way around and have curls too...the longer it gets the curls are relaxing?? I can almost pull it all back in a getting there...little by little.

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited May 2012

     Hi Prof...and goodnight too....That would be awesome to have a shopping friend least they will tell you how you look etc. 

  • momx3
    momx3 Member Posts: 126
    edited May 2012

    OK<<<< I"m complaining!!!!!!

    I HURT!!!! Cry  I wish my arms and my chest were disconnected from my body!!!!!

    OK, I'm done. Thank you 

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited May 2012

     Debbie...sorry you are hurting ?? Is this from recent surgery??? I can not remember??

    Had to tell you 80's we heard UB40 on the way to school.....OH Gosh...Do you remember  "Red Red Wi-i-ine......" My son actually turned it up!!!  Just a little laugh for the day...and we made it over the tracks today.

    Have a good day everyone...I am off to forget which greenhouse everything is in  Smile

    Love to you all!!!!

  • momx3
    momx3 Member Posts: 126
    edited May 2012

    HA HA HA!!!!! I acutally think they changed the tune alittle!!!

    As for my hurting.... It's built up scar tissue from both my surgeries 3/11 & 12/11. What I'm not of is if it caused my hand to hurt ALL night!!! No sleep makes me SLEEPY today! LOL

    Have fun at the greenhouse!! It's to humid (in MAY????) to plant. YUCK! It was acutally 89* yesterday. What's up with all this weather???

  • odie16
    odie16 Member Posts: 1,415
    edited May 2012

    Sorry to be absent yesterday, I was helping my wonderful husband install a ceiling fan in our bedroom. Think he feels sorry for me with these hot flashes...... 

    Had to chime in on the purses... My SIL is a huge Coach fan and owns several. While I have found some I like, I just can't spend that kind of money on one. So I continue to carry my cheap purse from Charming Charlies. ((love that store!))  And I too am guilty of wearing the same jewelry daily. Who has time to accessorize? Have a couple of ladies in my office who change their purses daily to match their outfits... I aspire to get to that

    Kiwimum - I am sure you will find a great dress and look stunning!

    Kim - be careful on those train tracks! Oh and my tomato plant is a husky red cherry.......

    Agree with Debbie, it has been really humid here lately. However so far, I have still managed to do my 2.5 mile walk daily at lunch. 

    Sweet dreams ladies... Eema, will be thinking of you Friday.... May your hernia surgery be successful & go smoothly...... Hugs to all!

  • kiwimum
    kiwimum Member Posts: 485
    edited May 2012

    Odie - ceiling fan sounds blissful.  What a nice DH you have!  Changing purses daily is far too much like hard work!

    It's cooled considerably here as we progress into Fall and then Winter.  I am LOVING IT!  When I wake in the night with a massive hot flash it is so much more bearable than it was a few months ago.  Auckland gets hideously hot and humid and those summer nights were oh so hard.

    Good for you going out for your daily walk.  I went to spin today - the first time in 2 weeks.  I've been feeling lazy - it must be because it's winter. 

  • burley
    burley Member Posts: 248
    edited May 2012

    Ceiling fans are a must in every room here.  It's just too hot without the air moving around a little.  My husband also sleeps with a small fan on his nightstand that literally blows on his face-so some of it creeps over the big mountain of a man and hits me as well.  Nice.

    I have probably 10 purses, all of which are from Ross.  The one I'm carrying right now is HUGE, a light gray/silver, very cute.  I have one dark brown one, and the rest are black.  Every time I feel like I need a new purse I just go through the old ones first.  Haha.  I've never been into designer bags, or really designer clothes.  90% of my stuff comes from Ross so some of it is designer brands, but not on purpose.  And I have A LOT of clothes.  Way too much.  Luckily when I shrink something now, I can give it to my 12 year old.  And yes, at age 41, I still shrink clothes.  Duh.

    Kim-it's my left wrist that's broken, and I'm right-handed.  Thank God.  I have to tell you, I made a copycat recipe of the Zuppa Toscana soup from Olive Garden last night (holy cow, sooo good).  I was cursing as I was cutting potatoes and onions, but it was so worth it. 

    Eema-good luck tomorrow!  I'm sure you'll be happy to have it over with :) 

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited May 2012

    Hi Girls,

    FANS.....Oh gosh .....we also have them everywhere and can not imagine sleeping without one. The feeling of a hot flash is so weird to me...over time they have become better ( or else I am used to them????)

    Kim, i guess it is better it is not your dominant  hand and  can not imagine trying to cut the onions etc like that...I am a well known finger cutter when using knives. I will have to look up that soup.

    Have to say ...Eema, thinking of you ...wishing you a speedy,problem free surgery/recovery. Please let us know when you can how you are.

    Today was a good day...worked and actually had answers to questions and someone finally asked a question about tomatoes!!  Came home and  tilled the garden again and my green beans are up and tomatoes are doing good...then cut the grass.  Tomorrow is Oaks so it will begin around 12:30.It is a Breast Cancer awareness day. Also I went in for my YMCA test post program. I did better than I thought , she asked if I would mentor in the Fall?? Not sure about that as someday ...I need to not think about BC???? Do you all feel the need to move on???

    Hope you ladies are having a good night...I will post Oaks pictures on FB when I can!!!

  • ReadingMama
    ReadingMama Member Posts: 338
    edited May 2012

    Hello all, have not been able to get on in ages, will have to post more later.  But as always, thanks for the laughs, I didn't know there were different kind of tomatoes, I'm not a garderner or a cook, very bad.  Glad you made it over the tracks and Have fun at the Derby.

    Oh, I will just say that we went out to dinner 3 times in the past few weeks to take advantage of my mil being here (and my sils stupidity for not allowing her at there house).  So two Saturdays ago and this past Saturday, just dh and I went out, both times to new to us places and then Sunday we took m-i-l and kids also. 

  • proudmom_wife
    proudmom_wife Member Posts: 176
    edited May 2012

    OK, I have a strange question for any of you that have had reconstruction/implants.  

    Can you make your new foobs dance?  You know the way body builders can make their breasts go up and down by tightening and relaxing their chest muscles?  

    Eema - thinking of you today and hoping your surgery goes well. 

  • odie16
    odie16 Member Posts: 1,415
    edited May 2012

    Proudmomwife  - Funny question but the answer is yes. I figured this out while seeing if I could still do chest lifts (from a belly dancing class a group of us took a couple years ago) after my surgery. Needless to say my belly dancing future will never be the same.....

    Eema - I hope you are resting well tonight. Sweet healing dreams...

    After a super busy week at work, I am so happy it is Friday. Intend to spend the next two days doing mindless tasks like cleaning house, laundry and weeding more flower beds. 

  • christine47
    christine47 Member Posts: 846
    edited May 2012

    Hi Girls!

    What a busy week!  Just quickly read all your posts. 

    Emma, hope your hernia was delivered today without incident, can't wait to hear your spin on how things went.

    Kmur, Remember to set a good example for your son, he will be driving soon.  Hope you had fun today at the party.

    kiwi, what kind of event do you have coming up?  If I remember you are in the sports industry?

    To those with the dancing boobs (I don't call mine foobs), yes, I can make mine move too.  My PS reassured me that I can not displace them with exercise.  Sometimes I wonder if anyone at the gym is noticing.

    I had my pink lunch this of the authors from Lunch at Nordies, spoke.  She was soo funny...kind of imagined it would be like lunch with one of you. 

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited May 2012

     Hi Ladies, are a wonderful DIL. I am sure your MIL appreciates spending time with your family.

    Eema...hope today finds you healing well.

    Christine...I have to clarify because it is my nature!!  LOL..I was not racing a train or anything like that I was already crossing when the warning bells started ringing...I don't want you to think I would do that....I think that is why he let me go although I have seen some people do this. We could not even see the train..that is why it scared me so !! I am so glad you enjoyed your lunch. How did they tie in the cheer leading?? Did you speak at this luncheon??

    We had a wonderful time at Oaks. I have never bet before,but this time I do not know why??? I bet purely on feeling/hunch....and won three times. That was really fun...don't know why but loved the name "Believe You Can" and "Howe Great" the best one was the first race, the horse I picked was "Successful Dan" because it is my DH name and it won...high fives with our new friends from Dallas who said they think it was hotter in Louisville. Anyway...met so many people from Minnesota "doncha know" It is polite chaos it Derby time. Wish you girls could be there..we would have a great time. Oh ...I also met a little old lady from Beaumont Texas!! I told her my grandmother was from there and she said "what was her name"  and she knew our relations weird is that???

    Sorry to ramble ...I hope all you girls are doing well. Happy Sat/Sun

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited May 2012 boobs dance too...even when using knives to carve meats etc.....I guess some people try very hard to achieve this right???  LOL... Oh Gosh ...blessing/curse???? LOl

  • sarah1968uk
    sarah1968uk Member Posts: 327
    edited May 2012

     Hi all!

     Kim - loved your pics on FB, especially your hat! You look like you had a great day too. I've never been to a horse race, but it is popular here too. People get dolled up to the nines and have a good time in places like Ascot and the Grand National in Liverpool, I think. It used to be very posh, but there seems to be a quite a lot of fake-tan-type "Essex"girl-types going now and it has often degenerated into drunken fights - we Brits do like our booze! 

     Kiwi - hope you don't think I'm a weirdo looking for suitable dresses for your award thing!  Of course, I don't go to that kind of thing, so got a bit carried away looking a sites full of lovely evening dresses which I could never fit into myself. (Tents, maybe!)  Hope you find something suitable.

     Glad you enjoyed your pink lunch, Christine and sorry to hear about your wrist, Kim. I think that's one of the most painful places to break a bone, isn't it?

     We've got a long weekend for May Day this w/end, which is nice. Hope to get to the beach, but I expect the weather won't play ball. We had about one lovely week before Easter where we managed to get out and about a bit (my son and I managed to both fall in the river on a day out!) and the beaches etc were packed. But, since then it has peed down most days!  We're going to Scotland in a few weeks and I expect I'll be wearing winter clothes there as it's so northerly. I am looking forward to visiting the Art Nouveau museums in Glasgow as I love the work of Rennie Mackintosh (and his gang) - totally beautiful and very calming.

     Love to all you girls, Sarah xx

  • mamachick
    mamachick Member Posts: 154
    edited May 2012

    Hey!  I thought I would check in.  I too loved your pics on FB Kim.  Christine- glad you had a great pink lunch.  Can't weigh in on the purses.  I am a very simple gal here.  I have had the same purse for I know over a year or more.  It is only to serve a function.  Don't have the cash for the designer stuff either.  Vera Bradley is very popular around here, which I know is not even on the same level as the designers you are talking about, but I don't even have any of hers either.

    Implants and muscles! Most of you know how I feel about that. But yes mine moved with every movement of my arms or hands. That is partly why they are gone. Sorry I know you all are tired of hearing my rants about that. 

    Kim I would love to have an event to wear a hat like yours! It was so pretty!

    Eema thinking about you and hope you are recovering easily!

    Have a great night all!

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited May 2012

     Hi Girls,

    Thanks for your kind words. The last time we were at Derby, I had just found out about my BC...shared a tear with my DH's bosses wife ( not sure this is correct grammer0 but she lost her mother many years ago to BC ...think it was very personal at this time so wow!!! What two years can do. Still here being ornery!!  Today we placed a bet from home on just the Derby race ..and once again my horse won..."I'll have another" kinda sounds like our group ,,,this refers to cookies/not drinks although that sounds good too!!  LOL

    Sarah, thank you for such kindness all the time.  I think you could wear whatever you have in mind and you would be pretty as a picture ( as my MIL would say) Would love love to see looks like the greenest place on the planet...speaking of planet ...have you heard that tonight is supposed to be the brightest moon I think it is called a super moon???? Wish we lived close to the beach and what happened that you fell in the river???? I will google this artist as I am not aware of many artists.

    Hi Mamachick and thank you. My hat came from a consignment shop!! One year I even bought my dress from a consignment shop! I am like you ...I have had my purse usually takes a purse strap break to make me buy a new one!!! Mine carries my "stuff" too LOL Not even important stuff???? I actually like to hear about your take regarding know mine are not exactly what I envisioned??? Are you happy with your results so far??? I can not remember when you go for next step??? 

    Have a good night my friends!!

  • mamachick
    mamachick Member Posts: 154
    edited May 2012

    Lol Kim we don't have consignment shops around here that carry that kind of stuff.  At least not the ones I have been too, but that might be because of where you live, being in KY. I wouldn't have anywhere to wear it anyway.  Maybe some year when I am nice and thin and can wear a beautiful dress and hat I will come visit for a Derby.  As for important "stuff" in my purse it can rang from hair ties to match box cars depending on what my kids don't want to carry anymore.

    Implants- let's see. Mine never took shape, they never dropped and fluffed and they moved every time that my arms did.  I had no cleavage and had to wear a padded bra to even look like I had any breasts at all. Could not mold them into anything like a bathing suit.  And I had the largest implant they make at 800cc's. My PS pretty much didn't really want to deal with my complaints anymore.  I think he thought I should be happy with what I got. Being on the larger size all around it wouldn't do.  He told me all he could do for me was a double lat flap, but that was going to be more muscle.  All this to say that I LOVE my results of my diep.  They move with me, they are SOFT and the hang like a normal breast. I tease my 12y DD all the time and tell her how much the bounce.  I did have a lot of donor tissue to use so I guess that helped.  I go for stage 2 on June 5th.  I know a lot of girls wait longer, but I am ready to be finished.  I just need some tweaking.  He will remove the skin transferred from my abd. and push the fat up in a little more then.  Sorry it being so long.  Aren't you glad you asked?!?!  Surprised

  • momx3
    momx3 Member Posts: 126
    edited May 2012

    PS<<< Not so sure my "jello shooters" dance,but I can sure make them go FLAT! :D

  • Eema
    Eema Member Posts: 403
    edited May 2012

    Hey Girls!

    Kim, thank you for the kind wishes.  I'm feeling OK!  I have lots of percocet, so I'm sure that is helping me feel ok!  Actually, since something was fixed, I am a lot better than I was before the surgery, but still have to heal!  Hopefully my flat stomach will actually come back.  I can walk as much as I want, but no pilates!  Never!

    OK, that's all I'm writing tonight.  Just realized the drugs are kicking in and I'm exhausted!  xoxox 

  • kiwimum
    kiwimum Member Posts: 485
    edited May 2012

    Eema - so glad you posted and glad to hear you are recovering!

    Christine, I work for a television company. I work in sales so a lot of what I/we do is sport related. The awards are media awards.

    Sarah, thanks for looking for dresses for me. You are too sweet!! Did you find me something suitable? I still have 2 weeks to get organized and haven't found anything yet.

    On a fun note - we are going to a quiz night on Friday at the girls school. You enter a team of 8 (4 couples). This year you have to dress in theme, tv or movies is the theme. Our team have decided on Bollywood. I'm really looking forward to it. We've been to a Bollywood night before and had a blast! We are also both competitive and love a good quiz night!

    I can't remember who mentioned that I have lots of holidays. How many holidays is standard in the US? In NZ you get 20 days paid annual leave + another 10 or so days a year of public/bank holidays. 6 weeks in total - is that a lot compared to you?

    Kim, loved the FB photos too. You looked really happy ... and gorgeous!!

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited May 2012

     Good Morning/afternoon girls,

    Mamachick...I am so happy you are doing well and had the right surgery. Sounds like you feel so much better. I am happy I asked.   I know someday the implants will have to come out. I really do not know if the option would be available to me. I would like to have them move more naturally and I do still have some rippling. Do you have any issues with LE around your trunk or over the newly formed breast tissue? When I wear a bra, I do feel a sense of irritation on my implant only the radiated side ??? So weird ..

    Eema...I am so glad you are out and home. Time for steady recovery now. I noticed you were going home and I am thrilled!!  Hope you get that amazing tummy. Take care of yourself.

    Kiwimum, my sons school did the same thing. Here we call it Trivia Night,they dress also and it is a fund raiser for the 8th grade class trip. You will have to post some pics of your costume. Your job sounds amazing. I have no idea how many holidays we have?? I have not paid attention.  I will have to ask my DH. I think dresses are the most difficult to find...but I have a weird body, so that is probably just me!! long waisted that anything with a cute belt or wrap ends up right under my breast area not on the waist!!  LOL....I'm sure you will find the perfect one and you will be glamorous!! ( Thank you for your kind words)

    Hope you all have a great day

  • momx3
    momx3 Member Posts: 126
    edited May 2012

    Eema, I bet yout stomach will look better than all of us,probably like a teenager!!!!

    Kiwimum, I hate looking for dresses. Top and bottom never work together. I always hope I find something on clearance and I never find it WHEN I want it :D

    Kim, I have issues with LE, both in my arms and my trunk. Sometimes it feels like my arms and sides are aggravating each other. My therapist says to get a compression tank or someting like it from Belks, Penneys or somewhere simular but they are to long torsoed for me and don't fit right on my stomach area.

    My question<<<<< Does anyone have issues with taking deep breaths???? Normal breathing is fine, but when I take a deep breath it's hurts (not HURTS, but you get the idea). Anyone have any tissue stretching ideas??? 

  • christine47
    christine47 Member Posts: 846
    edited May 2012

    Why do weekends go so fast??  Hope you all had a great weekend!

    Emma, so glad to hear that surgery went well, are you home?  Three cheers for your flat stomach, I am jealous. 

    Debbie, I don't have issues with deep breaths, but I will tell you that some days I feel like my arm is irritatint my side, just on the side that I had node disection.  I think maybe some slight swelling and that side is so dang numb.  I do stretch alot.  My favorite stretch is on an exercise ball, back on ball and reach arms directly back, to the sides, etc.  Stretchs back, arms and chest, you can also add weight doing this. 

    mamachick, I am so glad to hear of your great results with DIEP, like kmur, I often wonder if I sould have bit the bullet and gone that route.  I am good with implants now, but realize at some point I may need new ones.  I guess if I am around to worry about that all will be good.

    kiwimum, You have such a great job.  Here in the states most people have about 8- 10 holidays, sick and vacation time depend on how long and where you work, there are no standards.  It is not even required that employers pay for time off.  I am fortunate to work for a great health care company, but have some friends with virtually no paid time off.  Hope the dress hunting is going well.

    Busy week coming up, so much going on with the nearing of the end of the school year.  Also will drive a new friend to radiation at Duke on Wednesday and Friday afternoon.  She drove herself last week (her first week), hopefully I can help her a few days a week until she finishes.  It is about 3 hrs round trip, you can imagine how much talking we will do.  She is very independent, I am glad she agreed to the company and ride.  I did not have Rads, but understand it wears you out.  Thought I would pack some drinks and snacks, do you feel like eating after rads?? 

    later, my friends.

  • kiwimum
    kiwimum Member Posts: 485
    edited May 2012

    Gosh 8-10 days holiday ... or no paid time off.  That's harsh.  20 days + the public holidays are legislated by law in NZ.  I never realised we were lucky.  I think in the UK has the same - or even longer than NZ.  Do you know Sarah?

    I don't have issues taking deep breaths - but then I've not yet had recon. Is that a factor?

    Christine - that's a very nice thing to do to support your friend.  I can just imagine the talking and gossiping over such a long car ride.  It's nice to add a little bit of fun for your friend.

    Today we took my daughter to her school interview at the local Catholic School.  She has been offered a place and is really excited as a lot of her friends are going there.  For comparison we have another interview at a different school tomorrow.  I will be pleased when we make the decision as it's quite stressful.  We didn't think we'd get into the Catholic School as they have a heap of applicants for not many positions.  It's great that we will have options.

  • sagina
    sagina Member Posts: 849
    edited May 2012

    oh my I've missed 5 pages or so........promise to catch up. DH was in hospital last week, doing good but real tired, he had a heart cath but everything turned out ok!

    Wishing everyone great health and a good Monday!