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Any 40-ish survivors?



  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited May 2012

    I do not have any issues with breathing.

  • christine47
    christine47 Member Posts: 846
    edited May 2012

    sagina, big hugs to your DH, hope he is doing well, glad all is ok.

  • ReadingMama
    ReadingMama Member Posts: 338
    edited May 2012

    mamachick, my stage II is the day before yours!  My insurance issues seem to be resolved and I am having the surgery at the outpatient breast center of the hospital where the DIEP was.  Still not sure how much time I need off from work, nor if this will be the final stage.

    eema - glad to hear from you and glad surgery went well.

    kiwimum - I think in the US, it varies quite widely. Probably from a standard two weeks (10 days) + maybe 6 holidays to 25 days + 12 holidays.  It often goes by length of service, so you might start off with 10 days and move up from there. Or it's by pay grade/title.  I think often, there are more holidays in the government and non-profit sectors, as a way to help compensate for generally lower pay. 

    Christine - that is very nice of you!  Rads is tiring, but nothing compared to chemo if she did that. I didn't have any issues eating, so snack and drinks would be nice.

    Gina, nice to hear from you, hugs to hear from you and healing thoughts to your dh!   

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited May 2012

     Hi Girls,

    No issues with breathing here either.

    Gina...I wish you and your husband well wishes. I'm sure you both are tired. Hope he is well very soon.

    Kiwimum...Yippee for the school. It is stressful ..we went through all that this year..testing etc. So happy for you . great is that she will have some company..I also had no issues with eating...I am sad to say THAT is when I could eat anything and everything...six really good oatmeal cookies in one sitting!!! You are a good friend!! glad you got the go ahead..and now you can march forward.

    I know this will come as a shock...LOL but I have been annoying my family today.....TODAY I am 46!!!  I have not told anyone else and I used to be the type to just let it pass and pray no one remembered...not because of being older..just the attention...but I will tell you all..I am so happy to know you even if it is just here..and I am so happy to be here...laughing my son was saying this and that and I would say.."I'm not sure I can do IS my birthday...did I tell ya it's my birthday???"  He says  Yes, mom you told me!! I swear one day my family will run away or something!!

    Hoping all you girls are having a good day!!

  • bgirl
    bgirl Member Posts: 435
    edited May 2012

    Kiwimum  - congrats that your daughter has good choices for school.  We always want the best for our kids.

    Gina - hope DH feeling better soon.

    Kim - to MANY more Happy Birthdays!

    Christine - I was hungry during rads, only time since I started Tamoxifen.  Had a bit of acid reflux towards the end.

    Been a busy couple of weeks.  Moved oldest daughter home from university, working on youngest's decision about university (need to make sure her choice can provide support).  Had to update her Audiology Assesments, etc.  Been going to the Y to exercise (getting stronger).  Started working again last week.  Work for myself as we keep bees.  Not able to do heavy stuff yet, but good to feel useful again.  Glad to be busy so not too much time to think about apt tomorrow with BS - need to book follow-up MRI to see about something that lit up on other side on pre-op MRI.  Wait and see 6 month repeat.  Freaks me out to think of starting over.  Hopefully it will just be nothing important.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited May 2012

    Meegan.. I was in the hospital for 2 nights after stage II, and then took 2 weeks off (conveniently fell around Thanksgiving so that helped) And I will be having another stage II (or two) next year.

  • kiwimum
    kiwimum Member Posts: 485
    edited May 2012

    Happy Birthday Kim Kiss

    I hope you are having an amazing day and are thoroughly spoilt!  Here's to MANY MANY more.

  • lrr4993
    lrr4993 Member Posts: 504
    edited May 2012

    Happy Birthday Kim - I always bitch and moan about getting older, but as my grandad used to say, getting older is better than the alternative!

    I am now one month out from a trial and I just want to lay down and die.  I am working so much right now and really very little of it is for this damn trial.  Our section of our firm is just flat out overloaded right now.  I have very little support from staff or other attorneys which is starting to be frustrating.

    On a positive non-work note, I finally got my new patio furniture on Friday.  I now have a lovely area to relax once I have time to relax.  The chair are soooo comfortable and the ceiling fans make all the difference in this hot weather we are having.  I decided to order some flower planters to hang from the railing along the patio.  I ordered a pansy-like flower to plant in them in this beautiful peachy red color - I can't remember the name of the flower but some of you green thumbs may know it.  It apparently blooms like crazy for most of the year and spreads/hangs well, making it ideal for basket planting.  I am sure I will kill them in no time.

    I hope everyone is doing well.  I have not been keeping up as much as usual.  Too much going on.  

  • Eema
    Eema Member Posts: 403
    edited May 2012

    Happy Birthday, Kim!

    Well, talk about birthdays--I'm such a good customer of Coldwater Creek, they just sent me $20.  In honor of Kim's birthday, I bought a cute vest and tshirt.  I had others picked out, but picked them out and went to do something else and by the time I got back they were gone!  

    Do something fun for Kim's birthday--any reason to celebrate! 

  • burley
    burley Member Posts: 248
    edited May 2012

    Happy birthday Kim!  Here's to many more.

    Lisa-you didn't catch my Devo post today!  What's up with that?  I was rocking 80's Pandora most of the day.

    I have noticed lately that I find it hard to take a really deep breath.  Ever since I have felt all this tightness and possible LE.  Like right now, it feels like I'm wearing a super tight ACE bandage and I have nothing on at all (haha, mental picture) so it seems difficult to draw in a super deep breath.  Who knows.  

    I am honestly TIRED of having issues.  I want to go on with my life.  I'm stuck in this never ending cycle of doctor's appointments, tests, scans.  Enough already! 

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited May 2012

     Hi Everyone and THANK YOU..for the birthday wishes!!!  LOVE birthdays now.  Two years ago when I was told I had this stage three cancer I was preparing for vacation,bought new bathing suits form Athleta..and back then I actually thought "It's a good think I didn't wear them , I can send all this back" I guess I thought I would not be here now...but here I am rambling on just as I always do!!  LOL  Anyway THANKS to you all for making me laugh and sharing .

    lisa...sounds not fun right make you laugh I swear you know what I thought at first???? I thought you meant BC Trial ( duh ) I had to read twice??? I am Polish !! I hope it eases soon and you can plant your rear in one of those chairs. It does look very nice. they must like you all I got was 5 dollars off at DSW???? I hope you will enjoy MY birthday present!!  Hope you are feeling well.

    Kim, know what you mean...normal would be great  not "new normal"  normal,normal...I hope we all get there.

    Have a good day Ladies..I am off to the greenhouses...I was trusted with the golf cart!!! LOL

  • momx3
    momx3 Member Posts: 126
    edited May 2012

    Happy Birthday KIM!!!!! Cool Enjoy your day!

    Betsy, what does "stageII' mean???  At first I thought you meant recon, but now I'm and can't out why  they have to repeat it?? I'm sure I am going to feel dumb when you tell me.

    Tomorrow is my trip to the hand dr. Let's hope they have a "GOOD" fix because my fingertips are turning purple when I hold my coffee/tea  cup.  I need that!!!!

    Kim #2, if they tell you how to fix your DEEP breath stuff, PLEASE let me know!!! I have the same feeling. Because my husband is changing ins deductibles in June (STUPID), I canceled my LE appt until June so I don't throw away $$$.

    Well ALL have a totally AWESOME day!!! Kinda dreary here and it works with todays efforts!!! We are trying to get our Board of Supervisors to give $$ to the schools from a "RAINY DAY" fund. Fingers are crossed!!!

  • sagina
    sagina Member Posts: 849
    edited May 2012

    Debbie~ I have had arm and hand trouble for over 20 years, and it gets to the point that my hand starts to swell and turn purple.  I tried just about everything short of surgery.  Last year I decided to try a chiropractor - and that was the first real relief I got.  

    hope you feel better soon! 

  • christine47
    christine47 Member Posts: 846
    edited May 2012

    Kmur, I can not believe I missed your birthday.  I had computer issues last night and did not get on.  Anyway, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, my friend.  I wrote big, just incase you vision is getting bad, LOL.  I did not know, but promise I also will shop for something in your honor.  I don't even need a coupon to shop.  I did go by my favorite jewlery store today, so I could update my wish list for Mother's Day.  The girl that works there puts your favorites in a file, then when the husbands go, she helps them out.  I found a great necklace and a ring, good thing our anniversary is in June.  I also want a full length mirror hung on my bathroom door, seems easy enough, but I have been asking for 5 years!  I may need to do it myself.

    Emma, if you are out shopping you must be ok?

    Lisa, new furniture, how fun.  I need some sunroom furniture.  Can't decide on wicker or metal, we have so much pollen in the spring, not sure how I would keep wicker clean.  What did you get?  We now have table and chairs out there, if I had a sofa I could nap.  I bought Summer Classics furniture for out on the patio and love it, abit pricey, but very comfy and sturdy, no need to move inside in the winter.

    Burley, are you resting your wrist?

    Debbie dia, let us know how your appt goes tommorrow.

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited May 2012

     Christine ...LOL  Thank you ....Thank you I'm so glad you can shop in my honor and jewelry sounds really good ...I hope you enjoy your mothers day/Kim's birthda y present!!!  LOL  I think our Eema was cyber shopping. Yes, my eyes are not as good as they were and if you could see me right now you would be laughing as I am trying to type with my LE pump sleeve on!! So humid here and I have been "working"  LOL.. We have a screened porch and purchased a sectional for outside...It was the place I could sleep during treatment ..not sure if this is the time to ask,but how is your dad doing?

    Gina ...hope the Husband is feeling better.

    Debbie..thank you for the wishes. I also hope you get some answers. I got to thinking about your deep breath question and wanted to tell you.  When first DX I had a few panic attacks. Had not ever had one before and thought I was having heart issues. I would have to self talk and tell myself to breathe. Very scary.  Once things settled down , it was better...have not had them anymore...that was such a yucky time then!!  Feel better soon.

  • sagina
    sagina Member Posts: 849
    edited May 2012

    The DH went to the doctor to follow up from the ER/hospital visit. The family doc took his sugar and low and behold it was over 400, they like it at 100.  He can't return to work until he sees an endocrinologist, which they are rushing the appt for him.  Sugar over 400 gets a similar response to biopsy, stat!

    Hopefully they can get this in control and he start to remember what it feels like to feel good.  I think he has forgotten what that is like.

    I bet Burly has been out bowling with that wrist! jk - rest it please. 

  • Eema
    Eema Member Posts: 403
    edited May 2012

    Yes, cybershopping:)!  I can barely get to the toilet by myself:).  Not true, I'm doing ok--I have walked seven houses and back.  The 'and back' is what gets you, not the getting there!  

    I receive updates on my email for this group, so I do see when someone posts something sad, upsetting, etc., and at the moment I empathize/sympathize with you, then move to the next email...why isn't there an ap for us to go directly to updates like on Facebook?  Or is there, and I'm too lame to figure it out?;)


  • Eema
    Eema Member Posts: 403
    edited May 2012

    And here is what I got for kmur's birthday!  For nothing!  I had another shirt picked out, but I guess I was over my limit, so they removed it!  Darn it, I would have payed, it matched the blue in this vest!

     Stage 0 to Stage 4 to "Stage? Uh..." in the last two months...Metastatic or Fantastic, you decide. 

  • Eema
    Eema Member Posts: 403
    edited May 2012

    Darn it, not sure it shows up!  It is the Ditsy scarf vest thingy, if you want to search...  

    Sometimes clothes are more important than breast cancer.  

  • burley
    burley Member Posts: 248
    edited May 2012

    I am admittedly not resting my wrist as much as I should be.  My fingers are free, so it's hard to not be tempted to use them.  I went to my arm doctor today and he said it should be feeling a lot better than it does (5 weeks now), so I have an appointment with an Ortho in the morning.  He said they will either cast it, or order more tests.  Crap.  We're going camping on Memorial Day, so I'm not sure if it would be better to be in a cast?  I know I'm not going to be cleaning and loading the trailer by myself this time-HA!  My lazy kids will have to help me.

    I am really OVER having an emotional and cranky 12-year old daughter...she drives me crazy.  Seriously.  I'm constantly having to count to 10 and take a deep breath.  And I know I've got many more years of this.  Everything is my fault.  How is that possible?

    Eema-glad to hear you're up and around.  Walking 7 houses?  That's awesome!  But don't over-do it.

    I hope everyone has a terrific day :-) 

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited May 2012

    Debbie.. Stage II is for recon. Stage I comes first, then stage II and many women have IIb and IIc.. or another way of saying multiple revisions.

  • proudmom_wife
    proudmom_wife Member Posts: 176
    edited May 2012

    Happy Birthday Kim!

  • odie16
    odie16 Member Posts: 1,415
    edited May 2012

    Happy Belated Birthday Kim!!! What can I say, yesterday was clearly a Monday! 

    Glad to see retail therapy happening and hope everyone is having a good week so far. 

    And just fyi, I hate the new format. Can't leave well enough alone, huh? Yell

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited May 2012

    Hey girls,

    eema...I like the vest thingy you bought in honor of my birthday!! Glad to read you are mending. Take it easy so you get all good to go. We need no healing issues.

    Gina..gosh  hope they get his sugar under control.  You all need peace and quite...nothing else popping up...I will be thinking this.

    Thank you are things in California?? Hope you and the family are doing well.

    Hi odie..and thanks!! and I don't like it much so far either...kind of like FB?? Thought it was easier to read before??

    Kim..I don't have a daughter..but I have heard from my girlfriends that girls tend to go through this and if you can keep from taking them out yourself....LOL...they do come back and all is good again.  Hope it is just a stage .

    You all will think this is funny.  I got an email from my livestrong coordinator.( I told you about her asking if I would mentor?? ) Anyway she said "do you think you could stop by ...I would like to train you to teach cycling".......ummm...I cheat all the time in cycling..and ....when I told my DH this ...he laughed kinda hard. I can barely cycle??? I will let you know how this goes....too funny. Maybe we could have the we will get there eventually class!!!

  • momx3
    momx3 Member Posts: 126
    edited May 2012

    OK, here we go.... AMBIEN time<< LOL

    Burley, if you want to borrow a 20 yr college attitude, you are more than welcome!!! LOL   One promise, they do change!!! Becky is 24 and we are VERY close now (she survived her teenage years)! She even want my approval for things that is really her decision, but being a mom, I LOVE IT!!!!!!             Good luck with your appt tomorrow!! May we BOTH have relief for our hands!!!

    Betty, I hope stageII comes out good. I'm not sure what's in my future on that front, but I guess we'll find out!!!

     Good nite !!!!

  • sarah1968uk
    sarah1968uk Member Posts: 327
    edited May 2012

    Hi all!

    Just wanted to wish Kim a Happy Birthday for Monday! So sorry I missed it -  I haven't been online since Sat. Hope you had a good one. Sounds like you're doing really well with your Livestrong prog. - I'm sure you'd be a great teacher/mentor there.

    Nice to see Lisa back too and Jane back to work with her bees! Love to your hubby and you too, Gina. Hope he gets better soon.

    Kiwimum - I did post on FB last week, but the wrong place! I saw a site called Dinodirect which was in NZ $ and had some lovely dresses which you could choose by length, neckline and other styles. There were some with "bateau" necks which are cut high up and straight across - maybe worth a look. I'm not sure on UK holidays - think the standard is 21 days + bank/public hols - of which I'm not sure. We've got an extra one this year with the Diamond Jubilee and last year there was the Royal wedding. Lovely to have my family off and a nice, lazy day.

    Love to all, Sarah xxx

    PS - Get Well Soon to Eema.

  • christine47
    christine47 Member Posts: 846
    edited May 2012

    Hi sarah!  Always love to see you here (I imagine your accent).

    Eema, it won't be long until you are out shopping.

    MomX3, I could not live without my ambien, recently read some bad press about it, so glad my doc doesn't think it is a problem.  I would hate to have to knock off a pharmacy to get it.  I could live without my tamoxifen, but not the ambien.

    I also hate the new format, I am not sharp enough for change.

    RE, my dad...well he is back at the nursing home, and doing some better.  He seems more alert, but still only eating about 50%, he has to be fed, and when he is done, he buttons his lips and that is it.  When he is eating they just keep feeding him, even if they need to order more.  My neice (18 months), went over the weekend with my brother to visit, they said my dad smiled and had tears in his eyes.  Oh, how I wish I knew what was going on it that brain.  Must say I would rather die of cancer than dementia.

    Love you all, Getting ready to leave and take my friend to Rads, raining today, I hate driving in the rain.

  • burley
    burley Member Posts: 248
    edited May 2012

    Well hell, my wrist didn't heal correctly because it wasn't cast right away.  Who do I blame?  Urgent care for not catching the fracture that night?  Me for not getting in to see my arm doctor for a second opinion until 8 days later?  My arm doctor for not going straight to a cast?  Either way, I now have two choices:  live with the pain and probable arthritis, or surgery.  He referred me to a hand ortho specialist but I couldn't get in to see them until the 30th.  This doctor today said he would have had me in a full arm cast for a few weeks, then reduced it to a smaller cast after that.  Ugh.  Too late.

    He said the surgery would be kind of extensive, that they would need to build up some bone and it may involve pins.  Just what I wanted to hear, right?


  • JulieLynn
    JulieLynn Member Posts: 86
    edited May 2012

    Kim - I'm so sorry...that just completely sucks!  :(  Praying you get better news when you see the doc on the 30th!

  • o2bhealthy
    o2bhealthy Member Posts: 1,089
    edited May 2012

    crap Kim!   That sucks!