Any ladies from WISCONSIN??



  • Destina
    Destina Posts: 51
    edited February 2013

    Badger, yep, there have been a few name changes of campus buildings that I'm aware of. Big donors have a way of doing that.

  • badger
    badger Posts: 24,938
    edited March 2013

    LOL, if I had the money, I'd donate big and get something named after me, too. Money Mouth

    Have you Ladies of the Lake dug out yet from that foot of snow?  Happy end of Feb!

  • badger
    badger Posts: 24,938
    edited March 2013

    ... and Happy March!

    hey ladies, Gina & I are planning lunch next week, either Weds 3/6 or Thurs 3/7.

    Anyone want to join us?  If yes, is one day better for you?  We could do either.

  • Destina
    Destina Posts: 51
    edited March 2013

    I'd love to meet you, but next week doesn't work. I'm catching up on homework and heading out to see the Badgers play the Spartans next week in East Lansing, MI. Really looking forward to a little road trip. Have fun and I hope to catch you next time!

  • vlnrph
    vlnrph Posts: 537
    edited March 2013

    Will be in Madison on Thursday but always work thru lunch! Would consider riding over w/ hubby on the 6th and meeting you, however I have a mammogram appointment (it also happens to be National Lymphedema Awareness Day)...

  • badger
    badger Posts: 24,938
    edited March 2013

    Sorry you ladies can't make it.  Have fun on your road trip Destina, and good luck with mammo Mary.  Are you doing something special for National Lymphedema Awareness Day?  Glad the issue is getting some light.

    Gina, if it's OK with you, let's do lunch Thurs 3/7.  I took today off work due to the predicted foot of snow, so will have some catching up to do tomorrow.

    Hope this finds everyone safe and warm!

  • ginadmc
    ginadmc Posts: 183
    edited March 2013

    Hi Badg, yes Thurs 3/7 works for me. I can meet you anywhere...11:30?  Gina

    On a sad note, Fuzzy's mom is at TLC, has been removed from all support and they are letting nature take its course. I texted her around dinnertime last night but haven't heard any update today.

  • badger
    badger Posts: 24,938
    edited March 2013

    Gina, 11:30 it is, Sunprint?

    Sorry to hear about fuzzy's mom, that's sad news.  ((fuzzy))

  • ginadmc
    ginadmc Posts: 183
    edited March 2013

    OK, Badger, see you there. They haven't moved yet, have they? Gina

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Posts: 5,938
    edited March 2013

    You guys have fun. I'll have to wait til I have a bit more money. Maybe next time. LOL

    Fuzzy, so sorry to hear about your mom. Hang in there. To all much love.

  • badger
    badger Posts: 24,938
    edited March 2013

    Gina, they will be moving sometime in March, not sure when, but they'll still be there tomorrow and so will I.  Looking forward to it! 

    Monica, we'll miss you so def. next time, for sure when the weather gets better.

    ((fuzzy)) thinking of you and sending some love your way.  KissKiss

  • ginadmc
    ginadmc Posts: 183
    edited March 2013

    Hi Monica, hope we can get more of us WI girls together once the weather cooperates.

    Badger, I'll see you at 11:30...looking forward to it!

    I found out that I have to have cataract surgery. The UW doc I saw said it was definitely due to the steroids I got in treatment. It seems that I have another one forming in my other eye so that will be in my future. I understand that the procedure and recovery are no big deal. I'll report back once it's over.

    Haven't heard anything about Fuzzy's mom.


  • pebee
    pebee Posts: 96
    edited March 2013

    Fuzzy- I am sorry about your mom.....

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Posts: 5,938
    edited March 2013

    Gina, sorry about the cataracts. My mom had that done and she did fine. Badger you guys have fun Fuzz, thinking about you.

    Did anyone get clobbered with the snow? we got 11 inches last week here by the lake. Much love.

  • SwgeeWi
    SwgeeWi Posts: 199
    edited March 2013

    Fuzzy, I'm so sorry to hear about your mom. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

    badger let me know when you plan another lunch or get together! I just finished my rads yesterday and would love to connect with you guys! Have fun today!!

    Gentle ((hugs)) to all! Bring on Spring!!!

  • LibraryLynn
    LibraryLynn Posts: 33
    edited March 2013

    Hi all!

    I saw how long ago this thread started, and I'm thrilled that it is still going. I am, unfortunately, a new member of this club. I was diagnosed on February 13th and I just had my SNB and lumpectomy on Tuesday during the 112th snowstorm of the winter. :) I will start radiation sometime in the next month or so.

    I live in DeForest, and I work in Sauk City, so I had my surgery done in Sauk. I've known my surgeon here for 30 years, so it was a no-brainer. It all turned out excellent, and my lymph nodes were clear!

    I'd love to meet others from this forum, so I'll keep my eyes open for a chance!

    Glad to "meet" you all in the meantime.


  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Posts: 5,938
    edited March 2013

    Welcome LL! And sorry.

  • badger
    badger Posts: 24,938
    edited March 2013

    hi Lynn, welcome!  This is a great bunch, the best club you never wanted to join.  I live in the southwest part of the state, in the beautiful Driftless Region, but work in Madison.

    SwgeeWi, congrats on finishing rads!  We've been thinking about visiting the Chazen Museum some Thursday evening (when they're open past 5) then having some supper.  No definite plans yet so stay tuned.

    Gina, great to see you today, you're looking so good!  Fingers crossed for surgery!

    Monica, we got maybe 9" by the time it was done Tues night and that was enough. 

    Take care everyone!  ((fuzzy & family))

  • notready4this32
    notready4this32 Posts: 11
    edited March 2013

    Hey ladies, do not know if it is ok to post here, because I have not been diagnosed yet.  However I have been refered to the breast clinic at UW.  So my story is complicated I guess.  This all started in Oct. and here I am still without definate answers.  On a mam, nothing showed up, ultrasound showed enlarged duct. (went in b/c of nipple dishcharge.)  Dr told me it could be hormonal, wanted me to do an mri, but we opted to wait to see if it stoped on its own.  Jan, had my yearly, Dr told me "lump" feels like it has gotten bigger, (shoot I didn't even know she could feel one to begin with) so she decided we should go ahead with the mri w/contrast, and see what it would show.  Dr called and said I had a 2.2x2 spiculated mass that they wanted biopsy on asap.  They were very concerned that it was cancer.  So at the end of Jan they did a core needle u/s guided biopsy.  Dr called back and said great new, pathology says it is sclerosing adenosis.  Asked if I wanted the tumor removed, because it could grow and become painful.  I said no, we could cross that bridge when needed to.  However my family disagreed with me, and told me I should at least get an opinion from a breast dr, as to let it stay or get it removed.  That is when I was referred to UW.  They got all my pics and scans from my hospital, and called me in early on day of apt.  I was supposed to be there at 2, and asked me to come in at 11:30 so they could do more mam and u/s.  So here is where it starts to get complicated.  After they did mams, they did u/s, and tech went to show pics to the radiology drs.  She then comes back with the Drs, and they proceed to start u/s and explain to me why they do not believe that it is sclerosing, they think cancer is still a very high possibility. And expect biopsy results to be wrong, and or they took the wrong tissue at 1st biopsy. When I saw breast surgeon, she agreed.  In fact she wants another biopsy cause she does not think it is b9.  So I go in on Tues for an excisional biopsy, and central duct excision.  My ?s I guess are for you ladies who go to UW Madison,  Experiences with the drs etc... Also, good/bad exper. with UW...thanks ladies!, and I hope you don't mind me asking?

  • vlnrph
    vlnrph Posts: 537
    edited March 2013

    Hi, Library Lynn and congrats on the clear nodes!

    "NotReady4This" could have been all of our user names (hope that 32 is not your age). Happy to hear you are at a specialized center. I started at a community hospital and quickly transferred my care to Froedtert two years ago. Sorry, I don't know Dr Beckman but would trust the UW. Surgeons can be very abrupt and may not spend a lot of time reassuring people. Take someone along to help listen, take notes and maybe see if you can record your doctor appointments. That way you can review what was said and try to understand your options even better. There is a ton of good info on this site and we are here for support.

    Lobular BC can be difficult to detect on mammogram and biopsies can miss those cells spreading out in single file fashion. I had a dilated duct problem in 1999, probably not directly related to the eventual diagnosis.

    Waiting is the hardest: practice deep breathing to calm & relax yourself. Is the excision with local anesthesia or will they knock you out?

  • notready4this32
    notready4this32 Posts: 11
    edited March 2013

    Hi, vlnrph, thanks for responding.  Yes unfortunatley 32 is my age.  I would have never thought this would be something I would be dealing with in my life, especially at this age.  I am not familiar with all the "different" types of breast cancer.  Don't even want to let my head go there, until I know for sure what I am dealing with.  The words of the Dr, don't seem to want to leave my head.  She said I could have another core needle done, however if that came back b9, she would do an excisional anyways, because she does not think it is b9.  So I opted for just one more proceedure, instead of 2, because I am praying for another b9 result.  She said that she "only wanted to do 1 surgery on me", and that is why she thought core needle would be best, because she is so sure that she will be doing a mastectomy on me in the near future.  Why a mast, and not lumpectomy is beond me.  I think that part is harder for me to deal with right now.  Just the way she talks, she says "I am going to treat it like it is cancer, until something can prove me wrong", that I do not like...I would like to think I have sclerosing adenosis, until THAT is proven wrong!

    The excisional and central duct excision are going to be done with a paravertebral block, and sedation. not exactly sure what all central duct excision removes, and almost to afraid to look it up, lol.  Started to once and a video popped up, and I was not about to watch that! 

  • notready4this32
    notready4this32 Posts: 11
    edited March 2013

    Also, I should ask, what can I expect from excisional, befor, during and after?  I know they told me some of it, but you know my mind was going a hundred miles a min.  And this paper work I have does not give much help.

  • vlnrph
    vlnrph Posts: 537
    edited March 2013

    I took a look at your other posts and felt sad when I realized you are so young (and with two little boys!). BUT, you are right to be praying and even if the tissue is not benign, you take one step at a time.

    Depending on where the lesion is located, you may not get a nice cosmetic result from lumpectomy. I had two tumors in different quadrants, so had mastectomy. IF you end up there, consider your reconstruction alternatives. For gals with enough of a muffin top, the abdominal fat can be used to make a new breast...

    You sound like a "glass half full" kind of person, hoping for the best. Just take in whatever information you are comfortable with and let others know what you need. There is no such thing as a dumb question.

    I give you permission to take a break from the computer and go play with your kids, unless they are both taking naps!!

  • vlnrph
    vlnrph Posts: 537
    edited March 2013

    Missed your question about the procedure. I'm guessing you'll have an IV and maybe some nice warm blankets. Think of it as a spa treatment. Use deep breaths to relax yourself. They don't want you throwing up so you may be able to drink a little water in the hours prior to the operation, usually no food is allowed. Plan a nice dinner the night before. 

    Post-op discomfort should be minimal but they may suggest acetaminophen (it's probably best to stay away from any aspirin or ibuprofen now and afterwards, those meds can contribute to bleeding).

    There will be a small scar that will need to heal. If it's obvious in a tank top or swimsuit, there are silicone topical products that can be used to minimize the appearance of redness, etc. The central duct might be accessed through an incision around the nipple, as mine was several years ago. Did not realize I would lose feeling there since nerves were also cut!

    Check on the surgery threads here - others may have more recent experience and thoughts. You will be fine.

  • badger
    badger Posts: 24,938
    edited March 2013

    hi notready4this, sorry you find yourself here but welcome.  Good luck Tues!

    Docs can form opinions from looking at mammo/us but only biopsy can confirm cancer.

    I had an excisional bx in Dec'09 and was put to sleep for it.  It was same-day surgery but my DH had to drive me home.  As I recall, recovery wasn't bad.  Bring a small pillow to put between you and the seatbelt to protect your chest on the way home.  Pack a button-up shirt to wear home.  Get a bag or two of frozen peas this weekend in case you want something cold to stuff your bra with in case of bruising or swelling. 

    ((fuzzy and family)) thinking of you and sending some love your way. Kiss

  • notready4this32
    notready4this32 Posts: 11
    edited March 2013

    Thanks for the info Badger, I would have never thought about the pillow for seatbelt!;)

  • badger
    badger Posts: 24,938
    edited March 2013

    Notready4this, yep got that tip here at BCO which is why it's such a great place to come for info and support.  I was the recipient of a small heart-shaped pillow handcrafted by a volunteer group and it came in handy but also warmed my heart, thinking of them thinking of me. On Tuesday, I will be thinking of you!

  • SwgeeWi
    SwgeeWi Posts: 199
    edited March 2013

    LL, welcome, but sorry you have to be here! I'm so glad your lymph nodes are clear!!  Check out the Winter 2013 Rads thread.  My lumpectomy was 11/29 and I just finished my six weeks of rads on Wednesday.  They have tremendous info and insight on the whole radiation therapy process. I live in New Glarus and went to UW. I'm so glad to be done!! I"ll start Tamoxifen in two weeks and am hoping the side effects won't be too bad. Good luck!

    Notready4, I just finished my Rad. Treatment Wednesday and had all of my tests/surgery/procedures done at UW. Dr. Lee Wilke was my breast surgeon.  She is the Director of the Breast Clinic at UW and I love her!! I'm so surprised your Dr. told you already that she thinks she'll be doing a mastectomy on you. She doesn't even know you have cancer and she's telling you she's going to take your breast?  Dr. Wilke sat down with my hubby and myself (after my core biopsy came back malignant) and drew pages-(by hand)- of what the process would be, kind of like a flow chart.  She explained the different scenarios, starting with my MRI, breaking it down from the size of the tumor, sentinel node involvement, the characteristics of the tumor, etc.  At the very least, I think she's being very insensitive when she's telling you that she's considering it cancer until she's proven that it's not!  Maybe you two just aren't connecting on a personality level, but this is your life here, and if you don't care for this Doctor, speak up now and ask for a consult with Dr. Wilke or someone else. 

    My husband was diagnosed with MS about 15 years ago.  We met with a neurologist referred to us by family physician.  He was a doom and gloomer, no bedside manner, dry as a bone, etc.  I told my husband that there's no way I would put up with a doctor I didn't like. It's your life, you're going to have a relationship with this person for a long time and you need to feel comfortable with this person. (Think of yourself as hiring this person, after all, you are paying them!) He switched doctors and has had a great relationship with his nice, funny, thoughtful neurologist at UW. If you want to talk, message me and I'd be happy to give you my phone number! Good luck on Tuesday and keep us posted!

  • notready4this32
    notready4this32 Posts: 11
    edited March 2013

    Swgeewi, Dr  is too the point that is for sure. That was my 1st apt at UW, and I was there from 11:30 in the afternoon, until 4:30 that night. I was emotionaly and physicaly drained. So much so by time I saw Dr. my bp was really low. Lol. I guess her reason for mast. (what I get out of it anyways) is because of my breast size. By the time they would be done with this biopsy and a lumpectomy There wwould be nothing left anyways.

  • LibraryLynn
    LibraryLynn Posts: 33
    edited March 2013

    I agree with Swgeewi. I have to have a doctor that I like and trust. I work in Sauk Prairie, and we have an amazing hospital there. I was completely confident in my surgeon and hospital, and that made a huge difference in my experience.

    You are, ultimately, the only advocate for you.
