Not Diagnosed and Waiting for Test Results? Start Here



  • lmw1960
    lmw1960 Member Posts: 1
    edited January 2013

    Hi, received a phone call today from Breastscreen saying they have looked at my mammogram from 2 years ago because of screening problems back then, have asked me to return for more tests!!!...I have had no symptoms of any sort of lumps or changes apart from about to go through menopause I think!!!!...Am so worried, what should I be asking and can cancer stay dorment for this long without symptoms.? All sorts going through my mind. Im worried

  • Jan-Barlow
    Jan-Barlow Member Posts: 1
    edited February 2013

    How did you get on? I was detected on routine mam. Hope results are OK.

  • geroNP23
    geroNP23 Member Posts: 5
    edited March 2013

    I could not agree with you more. And I am a nurse practitioner. I was diagnosed on Feb 7th. It's almost APRIL. waiting and waiting on two additions biopsy reports. Was supposed to get them yesterday. My specimen hadn't even gotten assigned a pathologist yet!! "But.....have a nice weekend!" This to me is absolutely unacceptable. I am quickly realizing that BC-from beginning to end needs everything UNDER ONE ROOF and streamlined and Same-day biopsy results should be the standard (some do have this). This further solidifies just how fragmented and overly complicated our health"care" system is. The emotional and mental stress this places on women(and men) is horrendous. I'm quickly realizing why women just opt for a bilat mastectomy. I cannot handle the waiting.....and waiting...and waiting.

  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited March 2013

    Man have you nailed it geroNP! The hurry up and wait stuff is the WORST part of this whole ordeal! In my case, everything IS under one roof but it still seems to move slowly. Same day biopsy results would have eliminated 5 days of torture for me (had it on a Friday and got results the following Wed!) and the fact was they had the results on Monday cause the report they gave me a copy of was pulled that day. I finally called one of the APRN's that I had been dealing with and she is the one who pulled up the report and gave me the bad news (I was at work but still wanted to know either way) but at least I had it. If I didn't push it, who knows how long they would have waited to call me!

    In my case, the radiologist was supposed to call, but I think she felt bad cause she kept telling me how much she doubted it was malignant throughout the entire process from suspcicious birads 4 mammo to the day she did my stereotactic vacuum assisted needle biopsy. She was still thinking "benign" she said. She later said she was surprised by the results, even with 25 years of experience!

    So, I feel ya on this issue!

  • geroNP23
    geroNP23 Member Posts: 5
    edited March 2013

    Thanks April485. EXACTLY. I actually pushed and pushed and got my results. I have had them fax all of them to me. Would have waited even longer had I not done that. There is actual research out there substantiating the emotional toll this takes on us-and stays with us, even after treatment/cure. It's a PTSD of sorts. The psychological care should be high on the priority list-up there with performing biopsies. I am humbled-I have my own patient load. I know their struggles and while I deal with palliative care much of them time-I have certainly reassessed my patient (and their family) and the emotional impact of chronic and progressive illness. So much to improve on here. I know my breast center has support groups etc, but they simply mentioned it once-they dont promote it in any way which is a huge fail in my book. Best of luck to you......

  • scrapgirl999
    scrapgirl999 Member Posts: 1
    edited March 2013

    I thought all cancer was gone(StageIIIa). Now CT shows enlarged lymph nodes elsewhere. I am really freaking out. I have to wait two more weeks for biopsy and results. How to deal with this waiting? Do they ever come back neg? All the nurses at my Oncologysts office were so apologetic and sad for me, like it's a done deal. Xanax is my best friend right now.

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,761
    edited March 2013

    Hi scrapgirl999, and welcome to BCO.

    Sorry that you are going through this fears again. Hopefully soon you´ll find support here from other members with similar experiences.

    The waiting is terrible, we all understand and want to let you know that you are not alone.

    Please let us know how it goes.

    ---The Mods.

  • hopedreams
    hopedreams Member Posts: 36
    edited March 2013

    hi.. I am sitting here on Easter Sunday...fearing for the worst ..but hoping for the best. I had dcis stage 0 in left breast with mastectomy in June 2011..had implant put in also. No further treatment was needed. Been going for check ups every 6 months.. saw breast surgeon March 28 2013  She tells me I am fine !  Then I go for mammo directly after seeing her.. Now the  anxiety comes..extra pics..then an ultrasound !! Radiologist comes do test again..Then says..with my history..he wants me to have a fine needle biopsy..IF nothing  [meaning fluid ] comes out..then I will have to have a core biopsy. He said it looked like a cyst..but has to be sure..& I shouldn't worry too much??It is just soo hard to deal with this..worrying doesn't help..but I know its all normal to do so. my biopsy is for April 2..thank God my breast center speeds things up.never waited long for anything concerning my breast cancer..results & tests came fast..good luck to all who are "ladies in waiting"

  • Pattysmiles
    Pattysmiles Member Posts: 147
    edited April 2013

    Hi hopedreams,

    I am sorry you have to go through this again, waiting is the hardest part. Praying for a negative biopsy for you.


  • hopedreams
    hopedreams Member Posts: 36
    edited April 2013

    Thanks Patty...My nerves are going into high gear ..each hour is worse than the one before..I can't even talk to anyone that I know..cause I just can't ..My anxiety med isnt even helping me today. oh well.. time will tell ? I hope to come back on here after Tuesday..after my biopsy, &  results. Take care ~Hope

  • hopedreams
    hopedreams Member Posts: 36
    edited April 2013

    GOOD NEWS !!  Well i finally got lucky..the radiologist was able to do the needle aspiration  on my GOOD BREAST on April  2.. he got out the fluid..said it was fine..& didn't even need to send it to cytology to be evaluated. It was just 2 big cysts. I am happy about that..just hope I can trust the idea that iT didn't need to be tested ? so there was NO wait time for me. good luck to all of U gals..still waiting.. ~ hope

  • pattithenurse
    pattithenurse Member Posts: 57
    edited April 2013

    GOOD NEWS hopedreams!! WE'RE ALL SOOO HAPPY FOR YOU. and indeed,the waiting is soooo hard. I'm glad you didn't have to easy now!!

  • Pattysmiles
    Pattysmiles Member Posts: 147
    edited April 2013

    That's great news hopedreams. Go take a nap and catch up on that lost sleep!


  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,761
    edited April 2013

    Great news hopedreams!  Thanks for letting us know.


    The Mods

  • hopedreams
    hopedreams Member Posts: 36
    edited April 2013

    Thanks Patty..and  good luck to U..thru your journey.. Keep positive..and pray..I wish U the best..take good care of U..!!!   ~Hope

  • hopedreams
    hopedreams Member Posts: 36
    edited April 2013

    thank u.. no time for a nap yet !! ..still busy with dr..appts. I am only done with breast dr.s now for the next yr.. but have soo many other medical issues going on. Thanks for your good thoughts..and the best of luck to U also on your journey..~Hope

  • hopedreams
    hopedreams Member Posts: 36
    edited April 2013

    thanks u ..thank u.. this is the best website for gals with breast cancer..I told many about it.. I started here @ the time of dx..then continued on in the chat room  with each stage of the journey. I found everyone very helpful & understanding. Dunno what I would have done without the chat room.. ??Thanks again..Hugs ~Hope Laughing

  • 3-16-2011
    3-16-2011 Member Posts: 279
    edited April 2013

    Hi all

    This web site has been so helpful to me in gathering information and support. I am hoping for more support now. Had to have a biopsy today on a small lump in or near reconstruction scar. I wish I could turn off the what ifs in my brain.

  • nadinepeters
    nadinepeters Member Posts: 1
    edited May 2013

    I just was diagnosed and found out and the waiting it stressful Ask for some anxiety pills that are slow release it will help!

    God bless!

  • hopedreams
    hopedreams Member Posts: 36
    edited May 2013

    Hi  just hang in there..waiting is the worst..but just try to keep busy..and just know that whatever dr  may find is still early enough..for good results !! That is what I was thinking about with my last biopsy this past 

    april  and all was OK..just benign cysts.  Maybe low dose anxiety med. might help U relax a little??  They help me get thru stressful times.  good luck  Hope

  • barbaraN
    barbaraN Member Posts: 1
    edited May 2013





  • ArizonaGirl1972
    ArizonaGirl1972 Member Posts: 1
    edited May 2013

    Wendybee, I too had my biopsy on the 17th.  I was told on the 21st that the pathology report (negative) did not match the radiologists findings from the biopsy ultrasound and that a bilateral MRI is needed.  I found out on the 24th that my insurance denied the MRI.  I was told today from my surgeon's office that the surgeon and the radiologist will be calling the insurance to obtain the approval and the goal is to have the MRI done by Friday the 31st.  I have no hx of BC in my family. I have told my sisters, parents, and closest friends of my news.  I am scared but I know that I would be in the beginning stages of BC.  I hope all turns out to be ok.  Keep me posted on your journey through the toughest times right now....testing with a lot of waiting before being diagnosed.

  • hockeymama2
    hockeymama2 Member Posts: 1
    edited May 2013

    I totally feel the exact same way as you. Praying for good results God bless..

  • rhonva
    rhonva Member Posts: 1
    edited June 2013

    Like so many others, I'm waiting for results of a core biopsy. (From Stanford hospital.) I have a complex cyst that the doc couldn't aspirate any fluid out of, so we biopsied. Valium isn't helping, and I pretty much can't stop crying for the last two days. Dr. Google alternates between saying I have a 63% chance of malignancy and only a .4% chance... which means I really know nothing. So of course I'm assuming the worst.

    My husband wants to help, but he doesn't know what to do or say to make it better. I can't stop thinking about him -- how it hard would be for him if I was sick, or if he lost me. This is hell.

  • Goldycat123
    Goldycat123 Member Posts: 6
    edited July 2013

    I've been diagnosed with DCIS ER- PR- stage 0 and now I'm waiting for the HER2 test results . I'm a bit confused at what treatment will be suggested if I end up HER2 positive and what will be suggested if its HER2 negative (then I'd be triple negative ).

    I feel sorta nervous either way from things I've read and it's a bit confusing !

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,761
    edited July 2013

    Goldycat, we understand how confusing all this can be! You can read more about the treatment options available to you on the main site, starting at the Treatment for DCIS article. Also, the DCIS forum here on the boards is a great place to read about other members' experiences.

    Best wishes,

    • The Mods

  • lauren1966
    lauren1966 Member Posts: 1
    edited December 2013

    After a "suspicious" 3-D mammogram, I underwent an ultrasound that didn't show anything. I was then scheduled for a stereotactic breast biopsy - they were unable to locate the mass, therefore the biopsy was aborted. The radiologist felt that it was just "overlapping tissue" but recommended an MRI for a definitive answer. I had the MRI done yesterday and here are the results:

    There is an area of clumped heterogeneous enhancement in the mid upper outer quadrant at 2:00 axis, 8.6 cm from the nipple measuring 0.7 x 0.5 cm demonstrating rapid washout kinetics with a curve peak of 210%.

    I am not sure what this means, but they have referred me to a surgeon who is a breast specialist to undergo an MRI guided biopsy. I can't even get in with the surgeon until January 20th. I am trying to stay positive, but the waiting is making me anxious. Is it typical to wait this long????

  • clarkjennifer
    clarkjennifer Member Posts: 3
    edited January 2014


    I am waiting for the biopsy report. I was dignosed with the tumor in my ovary and surgery was done by a gynecologist. I am really afraid as my report is about to come in 2-3 days. I just hope it will be a normal tumor but gynecologist who did my surgey is doubtfull about it. I did not had any symptoms of cancer but still i am afraid.

  • ncsue0514
    ncsue0514 Member Posts: 1
    edited January 2014

    I'm a nurse waiting for my sterotactic biopsy results. 

    The problem(s) you describe  - the delays in notifying patients of test results, the poor communication, the fragmentation of patient care because we divide the individual into a myriad of systems to be treated by a myriad of specialists - is endemic to our medical system. My husband had a wicked case of pneumonia which led to an 8-day hospitalization and a seesawing recovery that lasted for months. He was treated by a series of specialists: an urgent care clinic physician, and emergency room physician, several hospitalists, several infectious disease physicians, a pulmonologist, a PCP, and an interventional radiologist.

    Even though I'm a nurse working for the hospital he was treated in... even though I was with him for every appointment and every day... even though I was a knowledgeable and persistent advocate... I found the lack of follow-through and communication to be absolutely deplorable.

    Now that I'm going through my own medical issues, I find myself starting every conversation with a new practitioner with a description of the problems we had with poor communication in Dave's case and an insistence that I know when to expect information from them and how to reach them if I don't hear by then.

    I don't know how to fix this problem - it's so widespread in our medical system - but I know that first-hand experience with it had influence my practice as a nurse and my actions as a patient.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1
    edited June 2014

    I am waiting for my Father Biopsy report; he is suffering from metaplastic anemia.
    The Research center doctor had taken about a week for the reports. Didn’t they know
    how much patient family afraid of the diseases?