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Scary BC tumor removal photos

chillipadi Member Posts: 38
edited June 2014 in Alternative Medicine

These photos are not for the squeamish. Have you ever seen, or heard of, such a thing in your life? The patient is supposed to have Stage IV BC. I think I would have died from the pain going through such a procedure. The photos look absolutely real, so I doubt this is a scam. Has anybody tried black or red salve for removing cancerous tumors?  Have a look and tell me what you think:



  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 205
    edited March 2012

    These terror tactics don't work on me 

  • sweetbean
    sweetbean Member Posts: 433
    edited March 2012

    Whoa.  That is absolutely crazy.  I couldn't withstand the pain, either.  I've heard of tumors falling out of the body before, but not due to any salve.  

  • apple
    apple Member Posts: 1,466
    edited March 2012

    not a good link

  • Stormynyte
    Stormynyte Member Posts: 179
    edited March 2012

    From looking at these pictures, I would happily go for a mast instead. I don't recommend looking at them.

  • chillipadi
    chillipadi Member Posts: 38
    edited March 2012

    Let me explain my interest in this alternative treatment. My BC is very agressive and covers my entire right breast. No surgeon will attempt to remove it. I have tried many chemos and hormonal treatments, but they have all failed me. If they work at all, it's for a maximum of 3 cycles. The tumor broke through the skin almost 3 years ago, and the pain and the stench have been killing me. Showering is excruciating and putting clothes on to go out is very uncomfortable.

    My oncologist wants to try yet another chemo, but my track record with all drugs has not been good. Not only do the chemos almost kill me, but the cancer becomes resistant to them very quickly anyway. Now the BC seems to have spread to my other breast. The radiation oncologist has said that even at maximum dose, the tumor will reduce by only 30% at best. All my present and previous oncos have been honest with me and admitted that whatever medical treatment I undergo, the cancer will grow back and very likely be even more aggressive.

    Remember, the tumor is inoperable. So I've been researching alternative treatment. What other choice do I have? I have heard of people removing tumors with black salves, so I've been thinking of trying it myself. But when I came across this website yesterday, I was absolutely horrified. Apparently, not only is the procedure very painful, the salve will keep seeking out the cancer wherever it is, and no matter how deep it is. So, even if I start with a small area, the salve could potentially keep 'excavating' until the entire tumor is exposed, similar to the photos shown on the website.

    This is why I posted, to find out if anyone had any experience with using black salve. I'm too chicken to use it, but medical science is offering me very few viable options now. I really don't know what to do next. 

  • Stormynyte
    Stormynyte Member Posts: 179
    edited March 2012

    Chilli I'm so sorry you have to deal with all this. (hugs) I can completely understand looking for anything that might work, I think we are all doing that to a lesser degree. After looking at the link you posted I looked up a little more info about the salve type treatments. They look like they could be something useful, but very dangerous at the present time. I only read a little about them, so I really don't know what the hell I'm talking about. Just wanted to say it sucks soo much and just pisses me off  that you would even have to consider something like this and you are in my thoughts.  (more hugs for Chilli)

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605
    edited March 2012

    Chilli, will no one perform a mastecomy for you??

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605
    edited March 2012

    Wow! Just looked at all the pictures! The woman didn't want any pain, but seemed to have a lot of it while the process was going on. I don't recall how long it took, but it must have been pretty uncomfortable as it died off. It seemed she didn't have much breast tissue left afterwards as well. It seems a dangerous way to compromise the rest of your body's health, with an open wound like that. To me, it seemed like "old medicine" ways and not a very healthy approach. It would have been much safer to excise the tumour in the first place!!

  • sweetbean
    sweetbean Member Posts: 433
    edited March 2012

    I am a bit confused, too - why will noone do surgery?  

  • DiDel
    DiDel Member Posts: 733
    edited March 2012

    Barbe you are braver than me ...after Apples warning I will not look.

    Just wanted to say Chilli I am sorry you are dealing with an inoperable cancer. I dont understand why no one wil operate. What part of the world do you live?? Maybe you can find a doctor in another state that will operate? {{{{hugs}}}} dont give up...keep searching till you get the help and relief that you need.


  • chillipadi
    chillipadi Member Posts: 38
    edited March 2012

    My tumor looks very similar to the one shown in the website. It is massive, extending towards my armpit and down to the top of my abdomen. The tumor has broken through the skin and ulcerated. No-one will operate because they say that it will just leave an enormous, gaping crater on my chest, which will be difficult to close up because I don't have much healthy slin. The entire area is covered with cancerous skin and lesions. They are certain they will not be able to get clear margins anyway, so they won't even try. Attempting such extensive surgery may kill me. I have a very fast-growing, aggressive cancer, which is unusual for an estrogen and progesterone positive BC.

    From what I can tell, the man doing the black salve / red salve procedure is a Westerner living in Bali. He decided to try the salve - which has been used in the West for decades now - and other natural things when he was told that his cancer was incurable and he would die from it. The salves he uses are adapted from salves used by other Westerners, including an American, a war vet and victim of Agent Orange, who used it to treat his cancers (he had several). That second man went on to live for 25 years. He also uses salves developed by Ingrid Naiman, famous for decades for using salves to treat cancers. He lives in Bali now because that's where he treated himself, traditional medicine is well-respected there, and the ingredients he needs are easily available there.

    Apparently, when the salve is applied topically, the hole created when the tumor dies and falls out eventually fills up to some extent, and skin grows over it. don't have the courage to try this procedure, but black/red salve can be used internally, taken in capsules (a program is given in the website), so I'm going to order some. I haven't heard of it killing anyone, so I'm willing to give it a shot. What do I have to lose?

    Stormy and Diane, thank you for your hugs. I really appreciate it as I feel so alone in this.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 32
    edited March 2012


    This is a scam. It will not help you. I'm sorry, this is not your magic bullet. You are welcome to pm me.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605
    edited March 2012

    When I had a large cyst in my breast years ago, the surgeon who I consulted said there was no way it could be cancer due to it's size!! If it HAD been cancer,  he said, I'd already be dead. There was no way I could be walking around with that size of cancer in me.

    So...I've been thinking about this on and off all night and have come to the conclusion that the women in the video doesn't have cancer in her breast. It may be a spider bite or something else, but not cancer. I've also never seen cancer "pop up" in other areas of the body like she had the lumps on her arms and legs. I've been exposed to a lot of cancer in my family and have never come across that.

    So, Chilli, if it makes you feel better, go ahead and do the capsules. But, what prognosis or treatment are the docs here offering?? Why not chemo?

  • leggo
    leggo Member Posts: 379
    edited March 2012

    How are you guys getting this link to work?

  • althea
    althea Member Posts: 506
    edited March 2012

    chillipaddi, I am so sorry to hear you're having such a difficult time.  I can only imagine what I might do in your shoes.  When I spent literally years feeling like crap after treatments, I realized after a couple of years that the doctors were of no help for my chronic complaints.  I struck out on my own and created my own learning curve, and it continues. 

    Along the way, I decided that if I ever had occasion to battle this beast again, I could at least be thankful for my awareness that a long list of options exists.  I would personally explore the Gerson therapy.  It is rigorous, and you would need help with it.  There's an expensive clinic in Mexico that offers it, but the information is available to anyone and it can be practiced anywhere that you have access to a good juicer and organic produce. 

    As for the blacksalve, I think I've heard of it before, but can't recall really anything I've read about it --perhaps that's telling in itself.  The closest thing to it that I do recall is the Rick Simpson story.  Simpson is a Nova Scotia farmer who healed his own serious health condition by using hemp oil.  He achieved amazing results, according to the video, and many of his friends say they benefitted also.  I think I remember it because I made a 'note to self' that I might want to try that if I ever had the unfortunate occasion to battle a recurrence. 

    There have been a couple of ladies in the holistic section who discussed using it and benefitting from it.  I don't know anyone personally who's used it.  All I know is deep in my heart I have a profound belief that the cure to all our ills will have remedies that are dirt cheap.  I believe the great creator placed us on the planet with everything we need to be healthy, happy and whole.   I hope you will overcome this challenge chillipaddi, and I admire you for your tenacity.  

  • river_rat
    river_rat Member Posts: 317
    edited March 2012

    Gracie1, here's an active link for you: 

  • leggo
    leggo Member Posts: 379
    edited March 2012

    Thanks RR, pasted that same link earlier and tried your hot link. Still can't get it up. Oh well, must be one of my settings or something. Chillipaddi, what you are going through sounds awful. I would have liked to have seen the video before I commented, but when traditional medicine can't help, we have no other options other than to try anything and everything else. I agree with Althea....heard many good things about hemp oil and it's wonderful healing properties. Worth a shot and I am so very sorry you have to go through all of this....I can't imagine.

  • chillipadi
    chillipadi Member Posts: 38
    edited March 2012

    Remember when everyone believed that the earth was flat? We should never be limited by ignorance. Although it may be hard to imagine, the tumor I have on my breast looks very similar to the one shown in the website. Until the tumor broke through the skin and ulcerated, I never realised that cancer could manifest in this way. As for the lumps on the woman's arms and legs, I saw far worse in a documentary about strange tumors in Indonesia. Some people have it so bad that they are completely covered from top to toe, and look like knobbled tree trunks. In the movie Elephant Man, the sufferer, who worked in a circus as a freak, had a similar condition. The Indonesians who have these tumors are also considered freaks, so they exhibit themselves for a living.

    Barbe, you asked "Why not chemo?". I explained my bad track record with chemo earlier on in this thread. Althea and Gracie, thank you for your empathy and for not putting me through the Spanish Inquisition. I have read about hemp oil. Have you or anybody you know tried it, and how effective is it? I don't want to waste precious time on wild goose chases.

    Traditional allopathic medicine is offering me very few viable options, and I've got a monster on my chest eating me alive, so I'm open to any evidence-based alternative treatments. 

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605
    edited March 2012

    Chillipadi, your original post said "watch the video and tell me what you think". So some of us did. Just because you didn't like our questions is no reason to insult us!! The fact that we responded shows that we are concerned for you and most certainly weren't putting you through an "Inquisition"!!

    I find you unbelievable and boorish. Give yourself coffee enemies and get over it.

  • althea
    althea Member Posts: 506
    edited March 2012

    >>I find you unbelievable and boorish. Give yourself coffee enemies and get over it.<<

    Pot, kettle, black!  Jeez louise barbe, is this how YOU would want to be treated if you were to have a tumor break through YOUR skin??  There's no need to be so literal if it the only words you can think of are so ugly and hateful.  Get over yourself!  

  • leggo
    leggo Member Posts: 379
    edited March 2012

    Geezus Barbe, hope you never run out of treatment options and find yourself in such a position. What a thing to say to someone who's so sick.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605
    edited March 2012

    I am extremely insulted by the OP that shot off her mouth on those of us who dared to ask her questions!!! She is on a public forum and put herself out there for discussion by what she posted. I am NOT one to blow smoke up someone's butt just to make a post!! There are over 420 views of this thread. A lot of people are looking but not posting. When posters get shot down by the OP, you can see why other's don't want to add their own posts.

    She got as good as she gave.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605
    edited March 2012

    Here are chilli's own words on other threads:

    Sirolimus can be as cheap as one-tenth of that price, depending on the dosage taken. As it is an old drug, it is easily available. This is a very popular treatment in France and India, and it has shown good results.

    After less than 2 weeks of starting this therapy, I noticed new skin forming. Skin is still forming every day, and the many lumps are shrinking. There is much less fuids oozing.

    She is also taking Tamoxifen, which, in her own words is working very well. No smoke being blown here...

  • althea
    althea Member Posts: 506
    edited March 2012

    This thread is not about you barbe.  Again, get over yourself. 

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605
    edited March 2012

    Oh dear!!! NONE of my comments are about ME!!!! Holy crap!!

  • althea
    althea Member Posts: 506
    edited March 2012

    Well silly thought that you might have some latent compassion and decide to edit out your initial ugly post.  But no, you have to pile on.  Good grief.  Only the mods can clean this up now.  Thanks for a bunch of heartache barbe.

  • Alicethecat
    Alicethecat Member Posts: 77
    edited March 2012

    Hi Chillipadi

    I am so sorry you are being put through the mangle re your tumour. 

    An alternative: have you considered the possibility of following a diet designed for your type of breast cancer after having a chat about it with your medical team? 

    I can well understand your reluctance re chemo but as someone with an aggressive, grade 3, HER2+ tumour I decided to go for it.

    My thoughts are with you.

    Alice the Cat

  • dogsandjogs
    dogsandjogs Member Posts: 677
    edited March 2012

    I didn't look at this, but from the description of others I think it is a fake. My BS told me if I did not have surgery I would be dead in 1 1/2 years. There is no way a cancer could grow that big in 1 1/2 years.  Not trying to be argumentive, but this can't be real.  The poor woman has something else going on with her.

  • dogsandjogs
    dogsandjogs Member Posts: 677
    edited March 2012

    Oh, ok. Didn't notice that. Thanks for pointing it out

  • MsBliss
    MsBliss Member Posts: 62
    edited March 2012


    The management of your tumor mass is not being handled in an efficient way.  Something just doesn't make sense.  Flap surgery might provide a sufficient closure for excision to be effective. If you cannot find a surgeon or doctor who is willing to be more aggressive with your treatment, it is almost like they are leaving you with no alternative.

    I wonder why your doctors will not consider a debulking surgery for you--you appear to need a second opinion. Would that be possible?

    I looked into the black salve a few years ago. It looks like an interesting intervention for superficial masses on an extremely limited basis. It is a corrosive, however. It does not spare normal tissue. The carrier base can be extremely corrosive, as well.

    A good source of information for the supplement and lifestyle phase of your journey is The Edge CAM. It is one I have vetted with many of my onc contacts and doctors. These recommendations have been screened for effectiveness and met stiff criteria for inclusion. It is a protocol I have repeatedly mentioned here, written by a brilliant research interventionist (he is not a doctor but works closely with several).  Here is the link, copy and paste, because I don't know how to make it hot:

    This is a starting point. I personally added, for a limited time, other interventions, for example, low dose naltrexone, and mushroom compounds like AHCC, that were recommended by an integrative oncologist. You need to read and learn to tailor your regimen to your particular situation. Try not to take anecdotal stories as proof to start questionable folk remedies. If you want to take more targeted compounds which show evidence that they can actually work, then you owe it to yourself to read the Edge treatise and go from there.  But with such a large tumor load you are starting behind the eight ball.  There is a vital need to get the mass removed.

    Chilli, further to all this, I want to point something out to you:  I suspect that the reason you are having poor response to chemo is because you are vitamin D deficient.  It has been shown that adequate levels of vitamin D and CURCUMIN MAKE CHEMO AND RADS WORK BETTER.  This has been clinically demonstrated.  Resistant cases often relent when levels of vitamin D are raised to robust levels.  Have you had your vitamin D levels checked?

    All my best,
