Scary BC tumor removal photos
Himalaya - if you want to pursue this treatment - it would be best for you to contact the black salve site and communicate directly with them. Only they can answer questions regarding specific to your tumor characteristics. Chilli had to do all this reasearch for her very aggressive tumor and she is following directions specific to her circumstance. You need to followup on your own because no one here has the medical expertise to answer your questions.
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My dear sisters, you are too kind to me. You have no idea how much I appreciate your support and compassion. Nobody understands or cares like you do. If I could, I would love to be there for all of you too, as you are for me. I wish I was rich, so that I could give you anything your heart desires. Maybe I'll win the lottery someday!
Anyway, I'm supposed to see my onco next week, but I don't know if I will. I never leave my home unless it's absolutely necessary, as it's just too painful. Right now, I have a chicken-egg sized tumor under my breast, along the bra-line. I don't know how I'm going to wear a bra over that. My DH, bless his heart, is going to apply some Black Salve on it tonight, to try to start killing the tumor. I hope it doesn't hurt too much. The Salve is very effective, so Wayan from BSI says that a pin-prick's worth of Salve should be ebough to create a pathway, so that the tumor can begin imploding and liquefying, and releasing dead tumor in the form of yellow fluid. When the tumor reduces sufficiently and dries into an eschar (like a hard, dry scab), I will feel more comfortable. But I doubt this will happen by next week, as the tumor is so enormous.
I've got to put on my big-girl panties now, and be brave.
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Prayers and healing vibes to you Chilli.
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Chilli, hang in there. Not trying to put words in anyone's mouth, but any of the women here would do anything to help. You are brave beyond words...and a bra? Who cares? You, my dear, have every reason in the world to go braless, especially to see your onc. Screw the bra; don't give it a second thought.
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Chillipadi, we are all rooting for you. You are doing amazingly well and I am in awe of how well you are handling this incredible challenge.
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chilli: It would be good if your MO could see what is going on with your tumors. Might be a reality check for him that there are treatments beyond chemo that can work...I agree with gracie...screw the bra, but if it's too painful to move I understand.
Praying for you and sending you healing energy!
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Yep, Chilli, I agree with Gracie and Kaara, screw the bra.
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Exactly --- whatever makes you most comfortable is the priority.
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Chili, I am rooting for you. In fact I logged on just to see how you are doing today. Bless you and your dear husband who is with you every step of the way.
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Chili ~ what an amazing and fascinating story of perseverance. I am rooting for you too.
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Chilli ~ I just found this thread. What an amazing story! Bless you, dear sister, as you fight this stupid disease.
I'm with the others who say, "Forget the bra!"
I'll be praying for you and thinking good thoughts for the Salve to keep on working and for the pain to be bearable.
Love, Artemis
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dear chillipadi, yours is an amazing story and I am rooting for you too. Love and ((hugs))
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Hi Chilli.. I hope this will continue to work miracles for you!!! Like everyone else here, I am rooting for you !!!
Do you have mets anywhere else except skin? I dont understand why your doctor told you there is no more treatment for you! Did you go for a 2nd opinion? To my understanding, skin mets alone are not life threatening although they could become source of mets. I do not like that your doctor thinks you are likely to die ! I had a local recurrenc in skin in March and right now i am on tykerb and xeloda. My response has been good for far. Oncologist is planning to have surgery after a PET or MRI before i become resistant to the drug. Another lady in my support group had the same thing but her oncologist recommended not doing surgery as there is no guarantee to get a clear margin and the surgery will be intensive with possible skin graft. My oncologist agreed there is no gurantee but he said" i know if we don't do the surgery, you may be fine for 2 or 5 years but eventually it will come back. and when it comes back, it will be very difficult to treat". I think he was referring to conditions like tumors in clusters on the skin. My surgeon also mentioned that. We are all very upset about not looking good as we used to, not feeling good as we used to. Cancer takes so much from our lives. I am in my 30s and i care how i look but i want to live bottomline. With the surgery i will be flat for at least 1 year or so. This is a gamble for me. A friend said" you are gambling for the good. do it".
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Ha, all these 'screw the bra' comments make me laugh. Anyway, I'm not seeing my onco next week, as I'm not ready to see him. I'll see him when more tumors have been expelled. Meanwhile, I might email him and send him a photo of two. I want to concentrate on reducing the egg-sized tumor next.
Everybody keeps asking me why I can't have surgery. Yanyan, I already have tumors like clusters. The last time the breast surgeon removed one pea-sized tumor in a biopsy, it grew back soon after that. So they don't want to remove any other tumors, because they say they will only grow back. Such extensive tumors are difficult, if not impossible, to treat.
The Salve program seems crazy and out there, but I really don't have any other choice. At least I'm not helpless since my onco gave me 'the talk'.
I have noticed, though, that once the Salve starts drawing out a tumor, that tumor seems to grow in size, by as much as 6 times. It can be rather scary. I think that a tumor on the surface is often the tip of an iceberg i.e. there could be a lot of tumor underneath that we cannot see. The Salve just keeps pulling and pulling externally, and pushing internally, until it's all out. New tumors tend to produce a lot of yellowish fluid as they die and liquefy, so the eschar which is finally expelled may not seem very large. Old and established tumors will also produce yellowish fluid, but they are more likely to push out more solid mass than new tumors.
I have another hazelnut-sized eschar waiting to detach. It's only hanging on by something flimsy - a root? - now. It's has to come out in its own time, when it's good and ready, so I must resist the temptation of fidgeting with it. If I force it out before it's ready, I might break the root. Apparently, how this works is the body has to form new healthy tissue under the eschar to seal the tumor off. When it's ready, the tumor will be expelled. The cavity left behind by the first tumor which detached has healed nicely.
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Read back on chiillpadi's history. She does not have skin mets but IBC, I believe.
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Chilli, the guts it takes to do this is remarkable. You are an amazing woman and I wish I had half your strength. I couldn't help but think that you worrying about getting a bra on just shows what a classy lady you really are. The rest of us are aiming for comfort while you're trying to look your best while dealing with this nightmare. How are you feeling?
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Chilli, it is truly a humbling experience to read what you are going through. The first thing that comes to my mind is a huge congratulations for the amazing feats you have already accomplished. I do hope you keep a picture diary for you onc and for the benefits of science in general. Keep detailed records of everything, including the tumors. Clinical researchers in the US may be able to learn a lot from your experience. Glad to see that you have pain meds.
Another reason not to kill yourself: all of us here who care!
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Classy lady? Who, me? Now, that's really funny! Gracie, you really manage to crack me up every time! I just don't want to frighten anybody when I go out, is all
I look monstrous enough, as it is. Yes Athena, I am documenting everything, with photos and a diary. I'll probably also start keeping the tumors in fomaldehyde. I'm not sure where to get this from, so I might have to start hanging around the local mortuary or CSI!
The second tumor just popped out, 22 days after the first application of Black Salve. Yay! Just like the one before, there was no pain or bleeding, and it left behind a nice, clean cavity. Lots more tumors to go, but I have hope now that I'm going to be free of this stupid cancer eventually. My husband forgot to re-order Black Salve (a small jar usually lasts forever for most people, but my tumors are way too extensive) so we applied Red Salve on the tumors for the first time last night. It's supposed to be usuable topically as well as orally. Black Salve is only usable externally. Sure enough, yellowish fluid - dead tumor which has liquefied - began to ooze out from the tumors within less than an hour. The 'chicken egg' tumor oozed out the most. Yay again!
The pain has been very tolerable lately, probably because I increased my Fentanyl patch dose to 12mg X 2 patches (12mg is the lowest dose for this painkiller). Yay and yay again! It's funny, but I actually almost look forward to having the Salves applied every night (Yellow Salve is applied on all general tumor areas where Black / Red Salve is not applied), because now I know that they work, and the tumors are dying. I'm not applying Black / Red Salve over the entire tumor site because it's just too extensive, and I don't want to overload my body.
I have just completed one Salve Treatment Protocol cycle. That's 25 days, inclusive of breaks, when I don't apply any Salves or ingest them or any of the herbal powders provided for each protocol. It's been encouraging.
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chilli: Great news....we all pray for your continued recovery! What a miracle and how couageous you are to try a treatment like this and see it through to the end.
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I already have a picture of you in my mind chilli, and you can't change there
Ditto what Kaara said.
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((chillipadi)) OMG that's fantastic ~ congrats on completing a cycle of tx.
I like to walk in a lovely little city park with a paved bike/hike trail and usually do three laps around the park but did an extra lap this morning in your honor. If you felt a surge of positive energy 10 or 11 hours ago, that was me. :-)
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Are you able to get any of these tumors biopsied? Or dissected, I guess would be the term. Curious what they actually consist of.
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Chickadee, that's just what I've been thinking. This is the sort of thing that should be studied instead of the biased and dismissive attitude usually shown.
Chilli, Your MO is very open minded to keep supporting you since peer pressure to reject such treatments is high. Maybe he/she could send it off to pathology as an excision, though the presence of the salve could upset any results. It would need to be a very fresh sample on the day it came away for the best results. If the MO could give you a labelled pathology container to pop it in, your hubby could deliver one to the clinic just as we would deliver a urine sample after early morning collection.
It would be good to have a pathology report to validate the treatment as it's so easy for skeptics to cry fraud after the event.
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Totally, save those tumors for proof later on. Your story is so remarkable! I'm so amazed and impressed by this! Do they have any recommendations for those with mets elsewhere? Can the treatment be done internally?
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As far as I've read black salve is topical only. I would imagine the tissue would have to be tested fairly quickly to determine whether it includes cancerous cells or not.
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Chilipadi, for the mouth sores, I found that taking acidophilus daily helped a great deal. This also helps keep your intestines in good order, which can be a challenge during chemo.
As a topical treatment, rinsing with baking soda in a little water helps quite a lot.
In addition, it is important to get enough fluids, and it is best to stick to water and mild teas.
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I wonder if your oncologist could assist in the specimen collection and preserving - - providing formaldehyde or whatever a pathologogy lab uses. You are conducting your own clinical trial here which could be the future for other patients!! Sending you more healing vibes to kill these tumors.
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I would say that it is very important to document the pathology of these tumors that are being expelled from the body. You would think that the medical community would want to study this in depth instead of turning away from it.
Chilli: If your MO is receptive, I would certainly try and get him some samples to do path on...this is groundbreaking stuff...particularly for those who have IBC and have tried all of the conventional methods of treatment that haven't worked.
In the meantime, you keep doing what you're doing...we're all praying for your eventual recovery.
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I think you are right, Chickadee, the Black Salve is for topical use only, but maybe some of the others can be taken internally?
I know that my friend had a complete response to chemo, but they were still able to do path tests on the "dead" cancer cells in her breast. So it would seem that chilli's tumors could still be tested, I think.
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((chillipadi)) thoughts of you inspired me this morning so I set an intention and got out to greet the dawn. Beautiful sunrise! Walked an extra mile for you today, sending love and positive energy. ((hugs))