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Scary BC tumor removal photos



  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 32
    edited June 2012


    I am going to be the lone dissenter to tell you that this is a scam. I have PM'd you previously to let you know this.  I hope that you see your oncologist to discuss what you are doing.   This black salve is another false hope for you. .  You are applying a highly caustic agent that just eats thought your tissue and that's why it hurts so bad.  What you are left with is just a scab and the idea that oncologists will biospsy it and see that this is a new cancer treatment is wishfull thinking.   All of those people that are cheering you on, have no background in medicine or science.  In fact, they have nothing to lose. You, however, have everything to lose.

    I know your situation and I would ask your oncologist to present your case before a tumor board and I would also look for other opinions with medical oncologists in your area.  What you are doing is a recipe for disaster.  

    Remember impositive, she was so sure that cancer was a fungas.  Some of the same people that cheered her on to her demise are cheering you on.   Now that she is gone they have forgotten all about her.

    Please see your oncologist.

  • luv_gardening
    luv_gardening Posts: 362
    edited June 2012
    This is a support forum. 

    This forum is a safe, judgement-free place for Alternative Therapy users and for those wishing to learn about alternative therapy only. 

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 32
    edited June 2012

    Joy, you are one of those that supported impositive.  I think you were going by (name deleted) in those days.  I seem to remember that you were  trying to educate posters on logical fallicies because your son had taken a class but had not experienced a critical thinking class,  yourself.   From what I have seen you still have not.

    You had decided that you were an expert on fallacies and were going to call all posters out on whatever fallacies you or your son saw.  It was bizarre.  

    After that, you announced you were leaving the boards to be a commodity trader and support your family. Never mind that most people that do this have a masters degree... you just wished it so and that made it so.

    You also told thenewme in a post that you did not make it through natropathic school and later on you added nursing school.  I have seen enough of your posts to know that you don't even have a student nurising education.

     I am not saying this to be mean.  I want you to face reality. 

    It's time for everyone to wake up and smell the coffee.

  • luv_gardening
    luv_gardening Posts: 362
    edited June 2012

    Chllipady, I do hope you have your dissenters on ignore so they can't harass you by PM or on this thread. It's not worth the emotional pain to read criticism when you are taking a very brave, last resort action. Only you and your dear husband know what's at stake here as you've spoken to all the experts for three years so it's not the place of casual observers to judge you. Thank goodness for your kind and patient husband along with your helpful oncologist and lovely supportive forum friends.

    I'd like to add that at no time have I seen anyone advise you to use this treatment and I'm sure it's your own decision after much research and pain support from your oncologist.

    Love and gentle hugs.


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 32
    edited June 2012

    Joy, what I am trying to say is that wishing something so does not make it so. It's just magical thinking. I think you found that out long ago.

  • luv_gardening
    luv_gardening Posts: 362
    edited June 2012

    Black cat, I changed my name after realising I was compromising my security.  I'd appreciate you not using my real name.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 32
    edited June 2012

    Ok,  I deleted the name.  It was only a first name and I really would not fret as it is the most common name when people think of aussie women.  A very pretty and cool name.  Don't hear of it much in the states,   It would not have identified you from adam. I would never post a first and last name of anyone.  Not in this day and age.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 32
    edited June 2012


     I am not your enemy.

  • luv_gardening
    luv_gardening Posts: 362
    edited June 2012

    Black cat,  Thank you for deleting my real name.

  • luv_gardening
    luv_gardening Posts: 362
    edited June 2012

    Love and hugs to Chilli.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 32
    edited June 2012

    delete away.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 32
    edited June 2012

    It dosent matter. This is not about you.

  • luv_gardening
    luv_gardening Posts: 362
    edited June 2012

    It is about me when you discredit me with inaccuracies which are irrelevant to the purpose of this forum.

    ETA I will delete these posts on this page if you delete yours.  Otherwise I'll be PMing the moderators. Also, you have described my name in a way that any Australians will still recognise it.

  • Stormynyte
    Stormynyte Posts: 179
    edited June 2012

    Chilli so glad to hear it's working for you! Keep us posted. Sending hugs your way.

  • badger
    badger Posts: 24,938
    edited June 2012

    hi ladies, IDK anything about this tx but it gives chillipadi some hope in a desperate situation.

    I'm cheering for her not the tx itself.  Still sending good thoughts to you chillipadi.  ((hugs))

  • leggo
    leggo Posts: 379
    edited June 2012

    Your post is incredibly cruel Black-cat. Chilli has already stated she is out of options and that she IS being monitored by her oncologist. Unless you've walked in someone's shoes, I'm unclear what gives you the right to denigrate someone's treatment choice. I don't know you so it's unclear to me whether or not you have a medical background or not. If you do, so what? I've met plenty of lousy doctors in my time. Furthermore, there are plenty of women on this forum who have failed conventional treatment and, in desperation, have tried alternatives. Some with success, others not. Not your call. If this is helping her, would it be so hard to be happy for her? Hate to break it to you, but hope is the only thing some of us have left.  

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 205
    edited June 2012

    Chili, I am very impressed with you and your progress. DO NOT LOSE HOPE, it is vital to your wellbeing !!

    I have taken a much needed break from this site but see that nothing improves nor changes.  The skeptics who haunt BCO are very active on multiple threads and actually giving this site an extremely bad reputation, i.e. Chili's own caretakers wrote a response to the skeptics' comments 

    Response to and YouTube viewers, from website author

    Word spreads like wildfire on the net - I would think that BCO would be highly concerned with its reputation and therefore prohibit members of certain organizations from posting on this site.

  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Posts: 5,372
    edited June 2012

    Since chillipadi has stated that she is out of options, why should anyone take away her hope or denigrate her choices? She has been very frank about her history and experiences with both conventional and alternative therapies. Best wishes to you chilli!


  • 1Athena1
    1Athena1 Posts: 672
    edited June 2012

    Black Cat: I fail to see the point of your post. I don't see your medical degree either (or your specialty in oncology). Even with one, you are not familiar with chilli personally. It is irresponsible to give medical advice over the Internet. And extremely misguided to push your point of view in this when someone is deathly ill and out of options - and has said she sometimes feels suicidal. For the record, she does have an oncologist and has seen one, so it's a good idea to read carefully what she is saying. I think many of us don't have an opinion here - nor do we have the right to one. We are cheering chilli on in her efforts on her own behalf. We are not dispensing advice.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 205
    edited June 2012

    My links apparently do not work - In essence, this is what appears on the homepage (OP's link worked for me)

    "Response to and YouTube viewers, from website author.

    Mrs. L. was past the point of benefiting from a mastectomy, due to heavy metastasis throughout her entire body. Because we use a very mild formulation for our eschartiotics salves, pain was relatively minimal and of short duration. She was able to control the pain through simple over-the-counter medications. She had some restless nights, due to inflammation. Bathing in magnesium salt helped, in that it calmed the nervous system and hastened tumor expulsion. We often chilled the area with icepacks before administering medicines. Some of the ingredients of the salves and powders greatly reduce pain. (This is more than simple Black Salve; we use a combination of herbal medicines and therpies.) Of course when the tumor has died, there is no pain in the tumor. Mrs. L had a few days when she rested, but still continued to cook for her family, while remaining active in her church.

    The point is that the medicine has worked to kill the virus in the entire body, which is rarely the case with conventional medicine (remission versus cure). Mrs. L. who speaks Mandarin and Bahasa Indonesia, not English, has repeatedly stated her satisfaction with the process. May we respectfully suggest you consider researching before blindly dismissing alternatives. You are welcome to contact us, and we can put you in touch with her husband, who does speak English. Thank-you, Wayan"

    IMO, a very polite response to what amounts to attacks on Mr. Wayan. Hopefully, he and his site will not be harrassed and hacked. 

  • leggo
    leggo Posts: 379
    edited June 2012

    Chilli, sweetie, it seems like your thread is taking another turn. You had mentioned you weren't brave or courageous. Can I just say again, you are one of the most courageous women on here. You don't have to share anything with anyone on here about your progress, but you are brave and kind enough to do so. You are very special. My kids...and you....are the ones that give me hope every single day that this horrific disease will someday end up just being a terrible memory for us.

  • Sommer43
    Sommer43 Posts: 45
    edited June 2012

    I don't have breast cancer, have no idea what you ladies go through, but here, with Chilli, is a woman who is sharing her journey through this awful, awful disease. 

    I am willing her on through this...  Am following her story, as a genuine woman who wants the best outcome for her. 

    Whatever anyone else's opinion is on the treatment she is using, it is Chilli's journey, that she is choosing to share, and with that comes my respect in doing so. 

  • lastar
    lastar Posts: 553
    edited June 2012

    I have a friend that used Black Salve to treat a melanoma on his sternum.  It ate a hole into his chest and it was amazing that the bone was not exposed.  Eventually, a black mass came out and his chest healed.  He is healthy today.  

    Edited to add:  How do the capsules work?  I would be concerned that the effective ingredients of the black salve do not get to the appropriate areas when ingested.  I do wish you the best, Chillipadi.  I hope that you find a treatment that works for you!

  • Chickadee
    Chickadee Posts: 469
    edited June 2012

    Respecting someone's choice doesn't always mean we agree with it. Black salve is banned in the US for a very good reason, many have been horribly disfigured. Yes Chilli has an oncologist but she has stated that she isn't going to see him right now. I see that as a red flag.

    I sincerely wish Chilli less pain and some sort of peaceful existence as she continues on this path. She does not appear to have any more conventional choices and has turned to black salve with hope.

    While we can offer her our care and hope. Whether her experience can be considered important to science based medicine...... It can only be that if she allows herself to be seen by her oncologist to confirm exactly what is being expelled from her body and whether or not the cancer is spreading internally to other organs.

    It takes a remarkable amount of faith to undergo what she has chosen. I do wish her the strength to endure this very painful endeavor.

  • leggo
    leggo Posts: 379
    edited June 2012

    Chickadee, I think the operative words here are she's not going to see her oncologist "right now". I've blown off plenty of appointments in the past because I was too sick to get out of bed, get in the car, sit in the waiting room etc., and I don't have huge, open, painful tumors on my chest. Imagine the strength it must take to even get up in the morning, in constant pain with this horrible visual reminder. I don't think it's a red flag...we just do what we have to do. I would hope that a fellow Stage IV would understand that when you're that sick, what difference does seeing an onc make when you've already been told there's nothing they can do for you? The fact that her onc is open to monitoring her at all has restored my faith in the profession. They don't have all the answers either and he also earned my respect by admitting it and thankfully, keeping an eye on her, when she's comfortable enough to get there.

    Edited for spelling.

  • leggo
    leggo Posts: 379
    edited June 2012

    Has this thread been removed from "Active Topics"? Hope it's a glitch.

  • Chickadee
    Chickadee Posts: 469
    edited June 2012

    I haven't been told there is nothing left so I can't possibly put myself in her emotional state. My concern is that this treatment is being read by some as a cure for cancer because she refers to " tumors" being expelled. Without a pathology evaluation we don't know what is being expelled.

    I can well imagine that she may be too ill to see her oncologist but I read it as something she wanted to put off for her own reasons. Just a matter of interpretation.

    I wish her well.

  • sweetbean
    sweetbean Posts: 433
    edited June 2012

    I'm hopeful for Chilli and open to the possibility that there are treatment options out there that are outside of conventional treatment, but that can still work.  Because of the significant pain this treatment causes, I wouldn't recommend it as a first line of treatment for anyone, but I am sure hoping that it is an option for women like Chilli.  I've heard of cures and recoveries that defy modern medical explanations.  Why can't Chilli have one of those? 

  • rosemary-b
    rosemary-b Posts: 57
    edited June 2012


    Your posts express what I am feeling very well. I wish the best of everything to chilipadi. I hope she finds peace and comfort. 

  • itsjustme10
    itsjustme10 Posts: 64
    edited June 2012

    This is one of the threads I've been silently following in this section, and after the firestorm today, I went back and looked, and in one of her first posts, its clearly stated that she's tried a bunch of chemos that don't work, and her oncologist had given up, so I see this more as a Hail Mary pass attempted by someone willing to try anything, rather than something that would (or possibly even should) hit mainstream medicine.  She's not telling anyone else to try it, but rather, chronicling her own personal journey through this process.  I respect that. 

    I hope that Chilli's obvious desire for it to help her actually makes the stuff work.  I really do.  I give her so much credit for not playing the "woe is me" card, and just sitting around waiting for the inevitable.    

    So, Chilli,  I'm rooting for you!!