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Treating estrogen responsive cancer naturally



  • Scottiee1
    Scottiee1 Posts: 1,790
    edited February 2013

    Thank you ladies.....will try all....❤

  • Mini1
    Mini1 Posts: 1,309
    edited February 2013

    Be careful with the peppermint. A little can settle the stomach, but too much can aggravate it. A peppermint stick in some green tea can be easier on the stomach than straight peppermint. Ginger teas work well for me too. Hope you feel better soon.

  • Scottiee1
    Scottiee1 Posts: 1,790
    edited February 2013

    Mini1.....thank you ....will keep you updated.

  • CCFW
    CCFW Posts: 570
    edited February 2014


  • Mini1
    Mini1 Posts: 1,309
    edited February 2013

    Welcome CCFW. I have lots of gastro issues too. Diet is key I have found. I take DIM, mushrooms, resvertrol and Vit D and haven't had any problems.

  • ClaudiaMetz
    ClaudiaMetz Posts: 136
    edited February 2013

    What is the best DIM to buy.  Several I have found have soy in them.  I watched a doctor on Dr. Oz's show that said to make sure it had black pepper in it for better absorption. 

  • Summer_Girl
    Summer_Girl Posts: 25
    edited February 2013

    I am happy most people do well with DIM.  DIM gave me horrible, horrible migraines.  I had to stop

  • ClaudiaMetz
    ClaudiaMetz Posts: 136
    edited February 2013

    Can anyone give me the name of a good DIM without Soy?

  • shayne
    shayne Posts: 524
    edited February 2013 carries one that is their brand - no soy.

  • ClaudiaMetz
    ClaudiaMetz Posts: 136
    edited February 2013


  • Shrek4
    Shrek4 Posts: 519
    edited March 2013

    Remember you are supposed to take around 200-300 mg daily at least for it to be effective so count for two of those pills a day. This is the one I'm buying.

  • CCFW
    CCFW Posts: 570
    edited February 2014


  • Mini1
    Mini1 Posts: 1,309
    edited February 2013

    I take the same DIM as Day. I had to go to a liquid diet at one point and work my way back to normal eating from there. Just remember that it can take 6mo to a year for your stomach to completely heal. You won't feel bad that long, but the healing process is still going on, so you still need to be careful with your eating, even after you start to feel better. I got a lot of my nutrition in smoothies, green drinks, and organic sweet potato soup. Ginger and pepperment teas helped as well. No soda of any kind. In fact, no carbonated beverages period. Hang in there. It will get better.

  • lightandwind
    lightandwind Posts: 97
    edited February 2013

    CCFW - I had the same or at least similar problem my first month on femara. i didn't think I was going to be able to take it and took me while, a month or more to get used to taking it . It seemed so hard on me at the beginning. I now take probiotics everyday, my doc told me when I first had the problem to be sure to buy some w/ the sacchromyces cervisae in it (also called beta glucan). He also told me to buy some psyillium husks for fiber to take daily. I've done this and far better now.  I've also taken some serious measures to keep everything flowing, whether its eating raw food, taking enzymes, doing enemas, drinking herbal teas, eating a bunch of fruit.. it's just do whatever it takes. I'm a true believer in fiber now, I know that.  

  • HLB
    HLB Posts: 740
    edited February 2013

    That's interesting about the beta glucan because that is what's in the maitake d fractuion extract that I take. Supposed to help with cancer. I know the feeling of doing drastic things to keep things moving. It got to the point where I think I went off the deep end a little bit with anxiety compounding the problem because I was so worried about having to go to the ED to be disimpacted or have surgery for obstruction or something. I think what works is different for all of us and we just have to figure out what works best.

  • Shrek4
    Shrek4 Posts: 519
    edited March 2013

    I get my psyllium husks from here. And other things as well (they really have low-carb no gluten stuff to bake with). Might want to give it a try.

    As for my recipe of (very) low-carb bread

    Oat fiber (bought from said website) about 3 cups.

    1 cup of psyllium husks

    2 eggs (separated)

    about half a cup of extra virgin olive oil

    a tbsp of baking soda

    a tbsp of apple cider vinegar

    Water - this is without measure, just add until that oat fiber swells enough. Usually from three cups of oat fiber I make enough dough to fill a big loaf pan. Just add 2 cups of water in the beginning and the olive oil, then keep adding water until it swells to that bulk. Add the yolks too, the vinegar, baking soda and a pinch of salt.

    Now, VERY important. Whip the whites stiff. Fold into the rest of the dough. If you don't do that, you will spend about 5 hours of baking at 400F and the loaf will still be raw in the middle - the oat fiber is THAT sticky. And you can't tell until you slice, the toothpick checking trick doesnt' work on oat fiber, the toothpick will be clean even with raw middle.

    IF you didn't do it well enough and it will still be slightly raw in the middle, do not despair. Slice it, grease a cookie sheet with butter, put the slices on, bake for about 40 minutes at 400F. Trust me, they will NOT get dry.

    Keep in a tuppelware with a good closing lid.

    Goes for about 59 cal, 0.5 carbs, 9 grams of fiber per slice. That is enough fiber to help your constipation, just make sure you drink LOTS of water.

    Not to mention it's deeeeelicious. Even just plain with a cup of tea.

  • april485
    april485 Posts: 1,983
    edited February 2013

    I thought this might be of interest to post here in this thread. I was recently diagnosed with DCIS and am being treated at Yale. I joined a clinical study on the effects of black cohosh (an herb I think?) on early stage BC and took it for three weeks prior to my lumpectomy which I had on 2/21. I have not heard the results yet, but the hypothesis is that black cohosh has properties that may be beneficial in shrinking early stage BC lesions. They took some blood before my surgery to see if my Ki67 (I think that is what it is) is different than before taking the black cohosh. Here is the link to the study I participated in.

    Since it is sold over the counter and women have been using this for a long time to stop hot flashes during menopause, I figured it was safe and I tolerated it well. Any thoughts? Comments? I am not sure if it did anything at all but I figured it was a safe study to join even though black cohosh has also been shown to INCREASE estrogen. Scary thought since I am highly ER+ (>95%) according to my pathology report after biopsy.

  • Shrek4
    Shrek4 Posts: 519
    edited March 2013

    Well it might well shrink the tumors that are NOT estrogen-positive - but definitely after the tumor isn't there anymore, there wouldnt' be a reason to take a herb that actually increases estrogen, now would it?

  • Mini1
    Mini1 Posts: 1,309
    edited February 2013

    I've heard of black cohash being used for limited time for hot flashes and sleep, but not BC. Since there are conflicting reports on its effect on estrogen, I've not contemplated adding it to my regime. Regardless of what you use it for, everything I've found says it should be taken only for a limited time.

    Will they let you know the test results? I know most studies never let the participants know. My husband was in one years ago. We never knew the result until about 7 years later when we read that his treatment regimine in the study so successful that it was now the standard treatment.

  • loral
    loral Posts: 818
    edited February 2013

    My MO said by me taking black cohosh for 6 years for hot flashes, it is possible that my cancer spread because of it..Wow, who would have thought. Now he says no Soy, or Black Cohosh..Very ER+.

  • april485
    april485 Posts: 1,983
    edited February 2013

    Good question Mini. I am not sure of the answer to that. I will try to find out if any changes were noted when I go to my post op appt as the APRN who monitored my study and gave me the black cohosh said she would see me that day too. I think they might actually tell me what if any changes were noted from this. I am doubtful they will find anything significant. But, I tolerated it fine and I am no longer taking it. Just thought it might be interesting to post about it here since it is a somewhat benign herb and it may actually be found to be beneficial in shrinking BC. I will let you know if they tell me anything. Should be interesting either way. Despite being ER+, I was assured that taking it for the short time would not affect that one way or another.

  • shayne
    shayne Posts: 524
    edited February 2013

    So my ND only suggested DIM in addition to what Im already taking.  She said only up to 500mgs as more than that could be toxic according to the studies she has read - she suggested 300mg.  She also suggested UNDA numbers, which I am still researching on as they are expensive, the help with detoxing and for immune system.  I forgot she isnt big on taking supplements, and puts more emphasis on eating right, more cruciferious veggies etc.  

  • Mini1
    Mini1 Posts: 1,309
    edited March 2013

    I take 300mg of the DIM.

    I'm too the point that I think pretty much everythng we eat, drink, digest, wash with, wear, etc. causes our cance to spread. Pesticides in our food before it's even planted, people wearing haz-mat suits to spray pesticides to our berries, parabens in our make-up, arsenic in our water and rice, etc. Some supplements may have side effects, but not as many as most Rx or OTC drugs. Just listen to that soft little voice over at the end of the commercials telling you all the SE's, many of which have CANCER as a SE. Thanks, but I'll keep the disease I have instead of adding another one.

  • dogsandjogs
    dogsandjogs Posts: 677
    edited March 2013

    So true! Right now I have very high undiagnosed blood pressure along with extreme dizziness, rapid heart rate, shivering, etc.  Cardio just started me on new BP meds, wearing a 24 hr monitor. Very anxious and scared.  BP has been going from 140/70 to 204/111---nobody knows why, waiting on bloodwork---

    This scares me much more than the cancer coming back---I'm not the type to have anxiety attacks, but I sure had one this morning--

  • shayne
    shayne Posts: 524
    edited March 2013

    Glad you are having it checked out!!  I didnt have the high bp and dizziness, but just having the rapid heart rate scared the crap outta me!  

  • Mini1
    Mini1 Posts: 1,309
    edited March 2013

    My brother had "white coat syndrome." Every time he went to the doctor his BP was sky high. They put him on BP meds and they made him sick as a dog. Finally, they had my mom (an RN) monitor his pressure for 2 weeks with no meds and he was fine. Back to the doctor and sky high again. Come to find out he was deathly scared of doctors and hospitals and never told anyone. I have the opposite problem. My pressure will sometimes be 80 over 50. Except once when I had to fire someone and it went to 146 over 94 its always been on the low side.

  • dogsandjogs
    dogsandjogs Posts: 677
    edited March 2013

    Yes, that can happen and does, to me too. But this came on suddenly. I'm playing a scrabble game on the computer and suddenly my heart beat got really slow, with long pauses between beats and I also got really lightheaded. Thought I would check my BP and it was almost to 200!Scared me to death. I had been on a new medication for the past few weeks, so maybe that was it?  Was given a new medication, but it went even higher today though---waiting for blood test results - they don't think it is a heart problem ---I haven't been unusually anxious either ---it is a complete mystery!

  • shayne
    shayne Posts: 524
    edited March 2013

    I went to my regular doctor about my heart palps because the nurse at the ONcs office wrote them off as anxiety.  He had me do an ekg.....normal, and it showed my heart beats a little slower than normal.  My bp has always been super super low......which is fine, unless you are planning surgery....

  • Shrek4
    Shrek4 Posts: 519
    edited March 2013

    When I tried Arimidex my blood pressure skyrocketed (I'm also a low blood pressure persona nd having it at 150 scared me). It was the fillers in the pill. So make sure there's not fillers in something. Also, when my thyroid was VERY hyper, I had rapid heart rate, it was thyroid-induced sinus tachycardia.

  • purple32
    purple32 Posts: 1,767
    edited March 2013


    I have  had to wear the monitor before  for <very> low BP with associated tachycardia. The fast heart is very scary.

    I hope your test helps them determine the cause and puts you at ease.

    Take Care!


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