2013 Survivors!!!



  • juneaubugg
    juneaubugg Posts: 517
    edited May 2013

    Trying to catch up... Who asked about my house bid? Well it was accepted, and we now move I. To attorney review!!! I was bugging out Sunday night, realizing I am buying a house!!! Thinking about the cost of such a venture. But I know it'll be fine. It's tough being a grown up; after all I just started a few years back when I got clean and sober.

    Jumping into pockets. Who had a scan and mamo coming up?

    iatigger; happy belated 24.

    On the body image front, all I will say is that its been a looooong emotional journey to get to a place of being ok with who I am right now. BUT I am NOT ok to stay this way so I continue to exercise a lot and count calories. It's taking theee times the work it used to in order to lose a single pound. It's frustrating; but I'm committed. Treadmill most mornings, spin, walking with a friend at lunch, Pilates, yoga, muscle pump classes... And if I have time kick boxing... Every week I do all those things. I mix it up and keep my body guessing. I am getting STRONGER. I can FEEL IT! And it makes me want to do more. To make the time. And after one month at the same weight; 173, I got on my scale Saturday and saw something I have seen in months... a six! 169.8. Then I got out the measuring tape; I lost another inch around my big fat belly! So it's literally "step by step... Inch by inch" but its progress.

    Gotta run. Busy day! Love to you all.

  • KarenZ0305
    KarenZ0305 Posts: 345
    edited May 2013

    Juneau - Yay and YAY! I've owned 2 houses so far and loved it! It's nice when you can make it your own without having to change it back when you leave! I lived in apartments my whole life (not complaining) and always had white walls so I wouldn't have to change them back (except when my mom went through a bright orange phase in the 70s) first thing we did at our first house was make sure no walls were white! And yay for the loss! Sometimes inches are way more better than pounds. Could mean that you are now toning up and building muscles!

    Ok 15 min till I get the DS on the bus and still need to jump in shower. It's herceptin/MO visit day so I am cloning myself to jump in all those pockets! Make room ladies! I'm coming in!


  • ireland20
    ireland20 Posts: 175
    edited May 2013

    Goodluck luanne.x

  • liefie
    liefie Posts: 761
    edited May 2013

    Yayyyyy on the house, Juneau! How exciting - you will enjoy your own little paradise where you can do what you want.

    Luanne, best wishes.

  • SwgeeWi
    SwgeeWi Posts: 199
    edited May 2013

    In your pocket, Luanne!!

    Marcie, your sister's a keeper!!

    Karen, well put! I have such patience with others, I need to save some for myself!

    Momof3... Good luck with DD, the house,and upcoming appts. I'll be in your pocket! I need to make an appt. for my 1st colonoscopy as well, but just can't seem to make that call! Let me know how that goes!

    Iatigger, Happy Anniversary!! Hope you celebrated big time! DH and I will celebrate 27 on the 18th.

    LuvBngGma, I hear you on the brain fog! My psychologist said it's called Stress Inflamatory Response. Stress reduction is the way to beat it. Way easier said than done!

    Liefie, you have such a way with words! So glad you're here!

    (((Hugs))) to all!,

  • Believe777
    Believe777 Posts: 540
    edited May 2013

    Luanne - in your pockets! Deep breaths will help too:-) we all feel your anticipation.

  • juneaubugg
    juneaubugg Posts: 517
    edited May 2013

    SO I was given this card by the instructor who does our Yoga classes here on Mondays. I want to share it with you all. I have been reading it every morning for the last few weeks, and it's given me a sort of peace:

    I AM...

    (P.S. - Home inspection is scheduled for next Friday!!!)

  • Scottiee1
    Scottiee1 Posts: 1,790
    edited May 2013

    Hi everyone....just popping in to say hello and to say congrats to Juneau on the house!!!

    We are getting closer and closer to school end here, so very busy. Went to a BBQ on Sunday for Greek Easter....still exhausted from all these Greek Gods lining up to serve me...😜😎😷...💃

    Chrisrenee WTH are you???????

  • Chrisrenee77
    Chrisrenee77 Posts: 693
    edited May 2013

    Hi everyone! Sorry its been a couple of days. I have read and kept up for the most part. So here goes.

    Iatiger- congrats on your anniversary! And HE'S still alive to celebrate it with you. Here's to 20+ more years.

    Shianne- let us know what the RO says.

    Momof3- please keep us updated on you DD biopsy, been there recently as you all know. So I am with you. And you have a double whammy with your colonoscopy- stay near a toilet for the first several hours and drink lots of water- we already have one strike against us with node removal, you don't need dried up veins too. Will be thinkibg of you tomorrow.

    Marcie- I believe it was you who said we need to be easier on ourselves. It's hard to see the new you in the mirror and clothes, but we can do it. We have a better ego boost system than most- we have each other!

    Juneau- I love that you'be grown up and got a house. I love having my own place. So give us more details please. :)

    Luvbggma- brain fog- I suffer through it every damn day and I didn't even have chemo/rads. I can say/do the same thing all day and and I still forget what I just said/did. I agree 100% that a lot of it is due to stress and the fight/flight method. We are just so damn strong that we can do both at the same time. Ha

    My hubby finally got home last night after being gone for 3 weeks for work, so we are going to spend some time together. Still trying to plan Tays birthday party next Friday night a sleepover with 4 girls and Stephen trying to get out of the house ASAP! Ha then mothers day on Sunday.it's going to be a busy couple of weeks. Trying to keep my attitude positive with my 1 yr anniversary coming up in 3 weeks. I'm in a better place currently than what I was last week, I don't feel the need to cry at the drop of a hat. Thank goodness.

    Well off to figure out dinner, I know what sounds good, but not going to do it.

  • shianne29
    shianne29 Posts: 282
    edited May 2013

    Juneau!!!! That is so great a house and a 6!!!! I agree the lost inches mean more than the weight. Muscle weighs more than fat.

    So, everything went well at RO *deep relaxing breath*. He said all my fears and worries are normal. Everything actually looks better than he expected. YIPPEEEE!!!! The lumps I feel are normal recovered scar tissue and there isn't much of it!! He said "I say this in the most pleasant way possible, I don't ever want to see you again". Lol

    Thank you for the pocket party, I could feel each of you in there cheering me on

    Now MO on Thursday and BS on Friday.

  • Momof3GreatKids
    Momof3GreatKids Posts: 285
    edited May 2013

    Just a quick stop to say thanks for all the well wishes. DD had her mole removed with no fussing since they let her watch her iPad the whole time. She is in some pain, but doing better than I thought. Now we wait for the biopsy which they said takes a week to get back.

    Now I just need to get through the colonoscopy tomorrow. The prep is awful, but I keep telling myself that not doing it could be even worse so I trudge on. I just hope I can get some sleep tonight as I only had a few hours last night.

    Hugs to everyone!

  • Marcie47
    Marcie47 Posts: 163
    edited May 2013

    Momof3, you have nothin to worry about... The colonoscopy will be a breeze compared to what you have been through in the last year, the worst part of it is the prep😜

    We are all soo strong and can do way more than we ever thought we could!!!

    Sounds like we are getting good new from all our appointments this week.

    Hope everybody is having a good week😃

  • mcook301
    mcook301 Posts: 314
    edited May 2013

    Hi ladies,

    In your pockets for upcoming scans etc ladies! Seems I haven't posted on here for a week but I do read and catch up with everyone.

    Juneau - if I have said it yet - congrats on your new home!

    I like all the encouraging words about remember to love yourself and not to forget we have all been through so much! So days I do better than others at that.

    I do have a question? Is some of you as stiff as I am? I can't even get up very well when picking up something and lately it seems to be getting a little worse? It had seems that for a fews days after herception it got worse and not sure that was even a side effect. I mentioned to my oco but she said that some people get it but maybe I was not clear on how bad this has started to get. It is ok if I move at work but I can't sit Indian style without one hip staying stiff. I have tried to stretch it out but almost feels like it is freezing up on me? I can run but it will not budge and let me increase my stride and I would think it would be my running but it was before too and not like sore muscles more like bone pain and stiffness? Has anyone experiences this? I just lay and stretch every night and trying to decide if it will get better or just my new normal:)

  • loral
    loral Posts: 818
    edited May 2013

    Mcook---My left hip and thigh is very stiff, I can't cross my leg without pain, and now I'm walking a bit slower because my leg feels like it may give out. I was blaming my bad back, do you think it could be Tamoxifen?? I go to MO on Monday, I have a few questions for him.

  • mcook301
    mcook301 Posts: 314
    edited May 2013

    Well I just started tamoxifen and it had started before that so I have to rule that out. The great gift that keeps on giving huh:)

  • Chrisrenee77
    Chrisrenee77 Posts: 693
    edited May 2013

    Mcook- are you taking glucosamine or an anti inflamatory? I take 2 ibuprofen and 1 glucosamine twice a day and it tends to help my stiffness a ton. You might want to try it

  • shianne29
    shianne29 Posts: 282
    edited May 2013

    I get the stiffness too. I'm ok if I keep moving but in the mornings or if I'm sitting around for a bit I walk like I'm about 90!! Hips, and ankles just don't want to bend. Plus the joints in my fingers seem to ache constantly. I didn't mention it to RO today but I'll add it to the list for my MO Thursday. I just started tamo a couple weeks ago as well and have had this for several months. I'm thinking chemo maybe?

  • Believe777
    Believe777 Posts: 540
    edited May 2013

    Momof3 - prep for the colonoscopy is absolutely the worst part. They will let you watch, if you want. I asked to be put out and that was perfect for me. Praying for good results for your DD, waiting for results is for the birds! Staying busy always makes the wait seem shorter.

    Mcook & Shianne & LorAll - I feel 90 after sitting still too. When I first started Arimidex, all my joints ached, especially my wrist. I even wore a brace on it for a while. Eventually it got better and today it's fine. I can open jars on my own! My family is happy! It might be the exercise that has helped, plus losing weight.

    I finally bought new clothes. Only one size smaller but I've kept my original 20 lbs off for a year so I thought it was time. Can't believe I ever enjoyed shopping. It's exhausting! My goal pants, still don't fit but they are sweats so I have until next winter to get into them.

  • Tazzy
    Tazzy Posts: 1,442
    edited May 2013

    mcook:  yep stiffness in the hips, lower back and tops of legs - my MO told me that its a combination of left over chemo and tamox.. great said I. 

    Dont have much time to post - outlaws here for a MONTH Cry 

    Jumping in pockets and wishing all a wonderful Wednesday xxxxxxx 

  • shianne29
    shianne29 Posts: 282
    edited May 2013

    A month!?!? You are going to need that vacation by then for sure lol!!! I can only put up with mine for the time it takes to eat Christmas Dinner!!!!

    Stories of survival... My buddy from high school jus face booked that his with is 5 years cancer free today!!! I was smiling like it was myself. I just love those stories!!

  • Tazzy
    Tazzy Posts: 1,442
    edited May 2013

    Need a vacation and liver transplant.... so much for not drinking during the week.

  • shianne29
    shianne29 Posts: 282
    edited May 2013

    Lol.... It's allowed now remember the study. We all liked it so much because it said we could!!!

  • Tazzy
    Tazzy Posts: 1,442
    edited May 2013

    ha ha ha!  Of course I am doing it for my health !  How stupid of me not to remember that... chemo brain I suppose Wink

  • juneaubugg
    juneaubugg Posts: 517
    edited May 2013

    In case anyone wants to see my new house!!! You might have to cut and paste the link. :-)

    Off to my treadmill now.


  • SusannahW
    SusannahW Posts: 375
    edited May 2013

    Juneau, I love your house! S bright and modern looking, I can just see you and your DH living in it.

  • loral
    loral Posts: 818
    edited May 2013

    Juneau, your house is beautiful, very tranquil...Congratulations!!

  • Shari0707
    Shari0707 Posts: 260
    edited May 2013

    Congrats Juneau!

    Hello everybody who I missed which is all of u...

    Luanne in ur pockets! Miss u!

    Good luck to everyone!

  • shianne29
    shianne29 Posts: 282
    edited May 2013

    Juneau, I love the house too!! The gardens are beautiful, love the decking and how bright and airy. Very nice!! Congrats!!

    Miss you to Shari!!

  • websister
    websister Posts: 405
    edited May 2013

    Juneau - congratulations on your new house - beautiful and love the setting

    Momof3 - in your pockets today

    McCook - it sounds like you are worried. Sounds like you have the stiffness many of us feel but one hip is worse and you are describing it as bone pain as opposed to joint stiffness. My advice is to get it checked out for your own peace of mind and to ensure that you are not exacerbating an injury when you are training.

    How is the tamoxifen going for you?

  • ramols
    ramols Posts: 310
    edited May 2013

    juneau - love it! what a tranquil setting and lovely home! I'll be waiting for a weekend getaway invite for me and my fam to visit once you're settled! :)