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STFU (Shut the F*** UP)



  • Scottiee1
    Scottiee1 Member Posts: 1,790
    edited January 2013

    Granny thanks for taking the time to update us. As Sandy says, DS is in good hands.

    you need to take care of yourself. We love you. ❤

  • Merlcat
    Merlcat Member Posts: 122
    edited January 2013

    Hang in there.....out of icu and eating are awesome signs! Here's to a great week! Cheers!

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545
    edited January 2013

    Granny - Getting out of ICU is a wonderful thing and eating too - awesome.  Thanks for the update.  (((GRANNY)))

    Chevy - You are so damn funny.  I can just see you rolling all over the kitchen in those chairs.  I have laminate floors and hate the thought of covering them up.  I think it was already suggested to take the casters off and get ones without wheels.  I have regular chairs and I found these little tips made out of felt to put on the legs - it is supposed to prevent scratches on the floor.  I do have a few small rugs in my kitchen but you can still see the majority of the floor.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2013

    Good Morning ladies---I finslly know something and someone else knew it first---LOL My mom had that problem with her chairs and my dad went to Ace and bought something then there was no problem--she hated covering up her floor too, then after a couple of years she did get a beautiful rug. But there is a solution for you Chevy.We're supposed to get icy stuff from the sky today, we'll see--they get everyone all hyped up , then nothing.Joey cleaned behin my end table this morning, my silly cat keeps knocking things over and I can't get to it so he does it for me. She never did this until we got the dog. And  she's not jealous so much about me it's my SIL they both want ll the time. LOL

    Oh I'm thinking of Granny of course--It's a very bad time for her and her family I know--when my youngest Dgtr was in ICU I denied every thing they ssaid and kept on saying u don't know she'll be fine that's all I could say. And I felt that too and they thought I was crzy but that's how I handle everything-and she's the one I'm living with today and she's doing well. (a long story)--so I know the orror of this crazy hospital thing. So my prayers are still going her way.

  • iatigger
    iatigger Member Posts: 269
    edited January 2013

    Granny, little steps forward can lead to great things glad your DS is moving forward. Hugs to you, hang in there and remember to take care of yourself too! 

    Camillegal, the icy stuff is moving your way. Roads are slicker than snot this morning.

    Chevy, I have wood floors and put the little felt stickers on the bottoms of the chairs and they work great. You do need to change them once in a while because the felt will pick up dirt and fur if you have pets.

  • Merlcat
    Merlcat Member Posts: 122
    edited January 2013

    I just had a friend from high school message me on facebook to let me know that she knows EXACTLY what I went through...she had a spot on her lung- that turned out to be a defect on the film and if we go to a mutual friends Super Bowl party, can I drive her? Like WTF!? I just had surgery and am not allowed to drive yet?! Isn't it SHE that should be offering to take me?! STFU!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2013

    Merlcat wait--she had a spot on her lung, it was the equipment, so therefore there was no spot on anythin and she's fine.

    AND SHE KNOWS WHAT U'VE BEEN THRU?????? hahahahaha I gotta wonder how people think really And now she want YOU to drive her? OMG  That's totally crazy..

    iatigger thanks for the update on what horror is coming--love to hear that LOL

  • shadytrake
    shadytrake Member Posts: 69
    edited January 2013

    Merlcat - WTF? You tell her to STFU!

    I'm getting ready for Tues lumpectomy w/ SNB and I'm getting my big girl pants on. They want me to take Tramadol for pain after and I'm allergic to codeine and derivatives. I can take it w/Benadryl but I don't want to. It makes me itch. I want the stuff that works, morphine.

    Hubby and I have a plan. He's going to pressure them as the bad cop.

  • Scottiee1
    Scottiee1 Member Posts: 1,790
    edited January 2013

    Ditto from me Mericat.

    Shadytrake.....You may not have as much pain as you think, I didn't and many gals on here say the same thing. However, I was given a prescription for morphine, yeah the real thing, but honestly I think tyelenol 3 would have been enough. Good luck with everything.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited January 2013

    Shady.... me too!   I also had a prescription for "something"  but I am just too afraid of those pain meds.  I didn't even take a Tylenol....  I probably would have used a little heat, cause "heat" cures everything.... Wink  They even put that MammoSite device in, with all those lovely tubes, but it didn't hurt that bad!   Don't take anything if you are allergic to it....  I hate hives and welts! 

    I DID have to take 2 antibiotics though, because your body tries to fight anything "foreign" in it... (that device)... Also allergic to tape, but they somehow used it anyway...  But the surgery was smooth.... no problems.

    Merlcat, tell that "friend" that "No sweetie, you DON'T know what I went through, you bitch!"   And you CAN'T drive yet..... just TELL her that!  WTH?  These people!

    Tigger, I do have those felt pads on the sofa, recliner & chair, but the dining room chairs have roller wheels, which are fine, but you could slide right into next Tuesday on the Laminate floors... I even have those plastic pads under them, but they slide on there too.  Right now, I have 2 nice area rugs under the table and chairs.  At least the chairs, which have a mind of their own, sort of stay put.  I have those plastic pads down again on top of the rug, so the wheels will slide.... I looked at Home Depot for the "carpet rollers" but they don't have them!  I don't think he had a clue as to what I wanted!  Then we looked at rugs.... but the ones we have are pretty nice.... So I came home, spot-cleaned them again, and said to hell with it.   They really DO look nice, and when you drop something on the rug, it doesn't sound like a SHOT out of a cannon, like when you drop something on the wood floors, Ha!   

    Kantalope, so happy to hear from you... God, we are all so worried.    He will get better now.... So glad your DD is with you, and has SOME control over you.... Just take care of yourself.

    Camille, have you seen that commercial with the guy using his little Pomeranian as a dust mop?   And just swishing her all over the floor?  That is soooooo funny!  You can use your cat for a dust mop...Wink

    I could use Lacee for that too, except she is too heavy to move around, Ha, ha!  But she LOVES when I move her around on the floor, or table when I'm brushing her.... She pretends she is a sleeping princess...

    Okay gals.... I had better get busy.... love you all....xoxoxo

  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726
    edited January 2013

    Mericat, wish my chemo brain wasn't that bad cause I would love to think of a creative response, that was mean but didn't come across that


  • Blessings2011
    Blessings2011 Member Posts: 1,801
    edited January 2013

    Merlcat - a thousand years ago, we interviewed a young woman for a student assistant position to work with disadvantaged, at-risk, refugee, migrant, and foster minority students.

    I asked her what she felt were the qualities that would make her a good mentor to these young people, and there she sat, with her $250 boots on, and her perfect French manicure, and her oh-so-carefully highlighted blonde hair (probably another $250) and she looked me in the eye and said:

    "Oh, I KNOW EXACTLY what it's like to be a minority. I was an exchange student in Sweden, and I was the only person there who didn't speak Swedish!"

    In that moment I could see her whole, self-absorbed "me-me-me" future ahead of her. It wasn't a pretty picture. And no, she didn't get the job.

    But your story just reminded me of how early this kind of behavior starts.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited January 2013

    Oh Blessings, that poor thing!  You should have smacked her up side the head.   She didn't have a clue as to what she was applying for, or what the job consisted of.   You COULD have asked her WTH are you THINKING??? 

    She probably got on somewhere else....  maybe giving lessons somewhere on "How to win friends and influence people."  Wink

  • Merlcat
    Merlcat Member Posts: 122
    edited January 2013

    Ya know, maybe it's the latest round of grossness that I've been through, but you'd think that this dumbass' comments would have really bugged me, but, in truth, I really don't care- she's obviously an insensitive moron that's extremely selfish or completely out of the pages of that book, "the sociopath next door". Sadly, it seems that there are an ungodly amount of really moronic selfish people out there...I really don't want to be bothered with that drivel...what-ever! I'm not even gonna respond to her last message. Thankfully, she doesn't know exactly where I live and our phone is unlisted/unpublished....

  • taylormd
    taylormd Member Posts: 5
    edited January 2013

    I'm just wondering what it says about us as women when two of the most active threads contain profanity.  Am I the only one who is uncomfortable with words in which most of the letters have to be *'s?  Just saying...I long for a gentler, kinder world.

    Blessings to all of you,


  • jomama2
    jomama2 Member Posts: 12
    edited January 2013

    Oh, I dont' know---what do YOU think it says about "us as women" that we sometimes use profanity?  What words would be acceptable to you?  Excuse me for being a bit harsh, but I've just flown in from the ALT Forum and am a perturbed with "holier than thou" attitudes.

  • Merlcat
    Merlcat Member Posts: 122
    edited January 2013

    I'm mostly past the point of caring what most others think of me- most important to me is under my own roof then out from there....jomama2- cracks me up that you "flew in" from the ATL forum....

    Taylormd- Not trying to be nasty but if you don't like this forum and are offended, why are you reading it?

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2013

    Mary sorry that this offends u really. but I guess we feel 100% comfortable talking the way we do here, and those words come out of our mouths easily--We really don't use God's name in anything so they are just words that's all. And I'm wondering why u say "for women", I mean u expect this from men? I know people are sensitive to this but then this isn't the topic for u, that's all. What's so surprising if u got to know all of us u would know gentle, kind people that really care about each other. That's it. All these women are so verynice--words don't make us not nice actions speak louder.

  • Scottiee1
    Scottiee1 Member Posts: 1,790
    edited January 2013 just beat me there girl, but I couldn't have said it any better, truly. Yes, she missed the point that we ARE all loving, caring women, concerned for one another...

    I certainly learned about the "actions speak louder than words" adage since being dx....

    Mary, would you be commenting if it was a bunch of men here on a say prostate cancer

    thread....they are only words ....a release actually, for many of us who probably don't use

    This language elsewhere.

    Sorry if you are offended, but you do have the choice to stay away from these two threads. My suggestion is that you stick around here and REALLY get to know these

    gals....I'm proud to call them my new friends....I can laugh, vent, or curse with them...

    and they just make my life that bit happier.

  • shadytrake
    shadytrake Member Posts: 69
    edited January 2013

    Hi Mary,

    I say it here so that I won't say it to others in person. If you don't want to see it here, please move on to another thread.

    I don't appreciate people telling me how to live my life especially when most of us are using this thread to vent our frustrations, fears, and anger at the stupid insensitive crap that people say to us.

  • Scottiee1
    Scottiee1 Member Posts: 1,790
    edited January 2013

    Jomama....meant to say that you cracked me up to with the "jet lag" issue...can I use that one sometime myself?

  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600
    edited January 2013

    Mary, I'm surprised that with your sensibilities you even visited a thread named STFU!  What did you expect?

  • shadytrake
    shadytrake Member Posts: 69
    edited January 2013

    Hi Scottie,

    Unfortunately I'm allergic to codeine so no Tylenol 3 or 4 for me. I'm highly allergic to them -anaphylaxis. I almost died once after taking 2 by accident.

    That's why I have such a hard time with drugs. Everything in between has codeine.

  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726
    edited January 2013

    Well said ladies, and I agree, and for me if nothing else, I feel open to say anything I want, call it my ADD or what BUT I said what I think, and for people that can be a problem, but not for me.....have no time sweating the small stuff or being politically correct.



  • L421
    L421 Member Posts: 1
    edited January 2013

    The things people say amazes me. Prior to diagnosis I would never have expected some of the comments I've received. Lots of "stay positive and you'll beat this thing", "Oh I'm so jealous you get new boobs", "it's only hair it'll grow back", and in regards to it leaving me infertile; "some people just aren't meant to have children" and "but you can always adopt".

    The worst and most jaw dropping comment I've heard was from my mother in law, who's a very sweet woman that I love dearly but I still cringe remembering the following....I was explaining to her that my doctors and I had decided that it was in my best interest to go on and have a bilateral mastectomy. Her first response was "But if you do that will you ever be able to nurse a baby?" I was completely floored... I literally dropped the phone lol. I then told her no unfortunately not, of course in my head I'm thinking did she really just say that. I really wanted to yell at her and say that it's doubtful that I'll even be able to have children and your worried about breastfeeding? Ugggg.... Deep breath :)

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2013

    chabba what u said was hystericl, I thought LOL

    Shady u'r allergic to coddeine??OMG  what do or can u take---I personally would like to take something stronger, butthe other pain meds I get extreme palpitations with them. Now do the other one have codeine also, the only one (I think) that I can think of is tramador? And I didn't know there was a Tylenol 4--does that have more codeine in it too. I'm just wondering what u take.

  • shadytrake
    shadytrake Member Posts: 69
    edited January 2013

    Hi Cami,

    Tramadol is a hydrocodone derivative that makes me itch and get hives.

    I can take flexeril (cyclobenzaprine) but it is just one step up from Aleve.

    The only thing stronger that I can take is Morphine. I can't take much of that because it makes me nauseated. So I have to take promethazine with it.

    I suppose I could double up on the flexeril. That would probably work. It was amazing to me the last surgery when the Drs were trying to figure out what to give me. Codeine is the drug of choice and it is in everything. It sucks because then the drs want me to tough it out. I'm like STFU! I'm not going to tough out this kind of pain just because I have an allergy and you don't want to prescribe me a narcotic.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2013

    OMG tht's horrible being so limited in a choice of so many drugs. Yes Morphine I just don't like it makes me loopy as hell, and Tylenol with coddeine doesn't do much so all the in between I can't take, but at least I cn take codeine  U really stuck with what u can take Going thru all this too. I'm so sorry for u.

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited January 2013

    L421, my jaw did drop.  Do people just get so nervous because they can't imagine what a person with BC has to go through?  I am sorry you have to deal with these people.
    Shady, I wish you the best recovery from lumpectomy, and the best possible report.  I am so sorry that you have to even worry about the aftermath and pain.  It is true that the pain can be minimal; however you should not have to deal with any.  I do not have any suggestions for alternatives.  You sound very informed.  If you are having your pre-op procedures I wish you strength to get through all that unpleasant stuff.
    Mary, looks like you have not hung have every right to post what's on your mind just as the ladies here do.  I have visited other threads where ladies have said all the right things like --God is teaching me something through BC and it's all positive-- Well it is true, we do learn from BC, but many of us need to be in reality and honestly confront our fears and struggles.  I believe that the compassionate sisters here are more focused on what's in the heart than by how it is expressed.
    G'night all,

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited January 2013

    Morning gals..... did we almost get into trouble?  Wink

    L421...  Isn't it amazing that we run into these people, or what's even worse, they are FAMILY, that say these hurtful things to us!  It would be swell if we could just hit them over the head and say "THAT hurt!"  Or "That was really stupid!"   But when this happens you just have to come here, and tell us.....  WE understand.   People have this mouth on them that just runs without having any brain attached.

    Shady....  good luck on what they want  to give you... I would still wait and see how it goes, to see if you need anything like that?

    Joan, you're right.... other threads DO say the same things we do, maybe not quite so often, Ha!   If we don't like a thread for whatever reason, I just don't go there.  Or you can read it, and think "What the hell, are those gals nuts?"  but then don't post....  And no, we DON'T talk exactly like this everyday, well wait.... maybe Granny K does, but we're trying to do an intervention here.... Ha, ha!  

    Also SOME threads go hog-wild smacking each other up-side the head with their political beliefs!  So who cares?  Sometimes they like each other and sometimes they don't!  You can read those threads, but if you don't agree with what they say, just move on.

    Chabba... good one! Wink 

    Oh by the way.... I've HAD drugs with codeine in them...Undecided  and with Me, they make it almost impossible to  even attempt a trip to the bathroom.  I mean even just the anesthetic, on TOP of codiene will render you plugged up for all of eternity... and even longer....  You have to have Milk of Magnesia at your beck and call, or a case of prunes, but not both.   In THAT case you will need Immodium AD... or some such plugger-upper.

    I always have this idea that if a little works, even more would be better.  Not so.

    Blondi... a co-worker told me that once, about not sweating the small stuff...  Kind of puts everything into perspective, right?  There are plenty of BIG things that we have to worry about.... but we come to this thread, to find our friends, and talk it over...

    Okay...where's little Princess?  We're here Granny K.....xoxoxxo