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STFU (Shut the F*** UP)



  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726
    edited February 2013

    how can get a free one at I think it is, if you want to know, I will look later...woke up at 3am can't shut the head off, it is 540 and gonna try to go back to sleep...take care all...Happy Sunday...hope you all are safe and warm..

    Sandy aka blondie

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited February 2013
    Oh my God, she's BACK!  Damn time, little miss plant killer!  So relieved that you aren't stuck down in some deep hole, and couldn't get out....  Oh wait.... you WERE! 


    When awful things happen like that, and take so long, it just takes the heart and soul out of you...  but thankfully you are on your way back to us again...  ..... kills plants.... (I can't believe it.)  (would probably kill a rock.)


    I promise I won't ask about your Brian until you mention it again.  Just know that we are always thinking about you and him....


    Shady, I know.... Janie told me when she gave it to me that it probably wouldn't bloom blue again... Their grower rep. who supplies them said they are "man-made"...Ha!  But for a few short days there, the blooms were gorgeous.   I think that orchid is just damn glad to be alive right now!  Especially after living through that traumatizing blue stuff!   But I've never seen an orchid that I grew, come back bigger and better than it was!   (I'm going to have to go back and get rid of 1/2 of these !!!!!)  Does ANYone use them more than I do?  Think not.


    Anyway, I'll check into that Web-site.  You have WHAT???  Did you say 200?? or did you mean 20?   I know... I think they are addicting.  But I don't have room nor enough windows for a lot more plants.  I keep some upstairs, but THAT little room was the girls bedroom when they were little, and now it is just a little spare...  a "catch-all"  sort of room.  And gets pretty cold, because we keep it shut off during the Winter.  Things don't like to grow up there... I catch them shivering all the time.. besides they also don't like being ignored.


    Joan, yes, Cyclamens do "come back to life"...Got one upstairs that is contemplating "can I take much more of this... or not."  Just keep it watered, and snip off the dead leaves, & blossoms.  Did you say Granny had it before you?  No wonder.


    BlondeSandy, just get up and stay up, Ha!  When I wake up at 3, if I can't go back to sleep, I just get up, and fool around on the computer, and I can read my Nook books that I downloaded on here!   It's even easier to read them on this 23" screen than on my Nook. 


    Okay gals.... I can hardly wait for Nascar season!  You know what I ordered?  My DH and I were at the Safeway, having a Starbucks, and this older couple was sitting at another table, with all their crap spread all over the table.... like books, food, their lap-tops, etc.  But I saw this little car, with the head-lights on!   The HE in the family had this little car MOUSE!  I couldn't believe it!  So I made DH go ask him if that was a MOUSE!!!  And sure nuff'.... It WAS.  Cutest damn thing you ever saw.  And ME being a motor-head!  (More !!!!!!!. I just can't quit using them!)  So  me, being the shy, quiet type, finally asked her where he got that... and found out it was from THAT Safeway, and she got up and showed me where they WERE.  But of course they were out.  Got home, called around, and could find NO MORE.  Sigh, alas....  BUT I got on the Internet and found them at Amazon!  I bundled the order, so I got 3!!!  Count them 3!!!   And even with shipping, was just a little more than they paid for 1... Damn!   So I'm getting a Ferrari, a Mustang, and something else.  Life is good.

    Take THAT Mr. guy at the other table! 
  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited February 2013
  • shadytrake
    shadytrake Member Posts: 69
    edited February 2013


    Cute!! I watch the occasional NASCAR on TV. My hubby and I like Pass Time on Speed channel.

  • shadytrake
    shadytrake Member Posts: 69
    edited February 2013

    Okay all, I had another STFU moment with the Dr stepmother. She called me with all of these studies that she is sending me and was doing the whole death and doom and gloom crap again. Then she starts going on about "well studies from Sloan Kettering this and Sloan Kettering that..blah blah blah." I politely told her she could discuss it with my team after tumor board next Friday and then I hung up.

    Told hubby about it and he went to look up the CVs of my team. My MO was the chief medical resident & did his fellowship at ...wait for it... Sloan Kettering!!!

    So immediately, I texted her the links and told her "I hope this gives you enough background information on the leader of my treatment team." I so wanted to add STFU, but I took the high road.

    I have to say it did feel good to send her that info.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2013

    Shady How satisfying tha had to be for u--I love it. Sending her that was better then STFU this time. LOL

    Now Chevy I'm not judging u or Granny--I have no reason or clear life to judge anyone. But id u guys ever think when u'r plants died they commited suicide--Well u wouldn't find any notes so u can't be sure.

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545
    edited February 2013

    Granny - So glad you are back.  We have all missed you. Hope Brian is on the road to recovery.  When are you going to have that surgery you have been putting off for so long????  It is time to take care of you sweetie.  Hugs

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited February 2013

    Camille!  That was hysterical!  Ha, ha!  Too funny! 

  • shadytrake
    shadytrake Member Posts: 69
    edited February 2013

    Camille, I have had many 'chids commit orchid suicide.

    Chevy, yes over 200. I have a greenhouse that DH built for me.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited February 2013

    Oh, okay!  Me here in frostville, only thought of having that many around my house!  The only greenhouse I have is either Walmarts, or Home Depot.  I remember when I was little, my Dad worked for a green-house.... and I used to think I was looking around heaven, when he would take me "upstairs" to look at all the beautiful flowers, plants, vases, etc.  He was a grower all his life.

    My Mom raised orchids, and Bonsai's!  They moved to the Bay area when I was engaged, so I didn't go.   But I love growing anything I can get my hands on.  My youngest Daughter is a Floral designer at her Kings Soopers.... The apple, er, I mean the rose doesn't fall far from the tree...Ha! 

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2013

    I really appreciate u'r love for flowers and nature cuz my dad loved to grow flowers and food that was his thing on the weekends and he was always trying to get me interested in it. My brothers and sister never went in the gardens, but I did and he would pick up dirt and tell me how beautiful it was. and I would just say can I go now--How I wish for those days again, I would have learned so much--so that's why I appreciate it, I just don't get into it. But they are beautiful to just enjoy for me. It's funny cuz my dad worked in the trades, he was an electrician with big hands (Like me) but when he's pick a rose he was so gentle and bring it to my mom and she'd say there better not be bugs on it every single time for yrs. and yrs.

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited February 2013


    yeah im sistas keep me goin alright...when i feel like crap and want to tell everyone STFU i come here to ya...each and everyone of you.

    I am goin to have this stomach fixed...maybe they can fix my broken heart while they are operating.Oh i forgot i have no heart.

    love ya...enjoy the flowers...just keep them away from ME

    huggggggggs Kantalope...just for you Chevy

  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726
    edited February 2013

    Granny what do you mean you have no heart, I could go on and on...take care of yourself and your stomache and we will be here..

    Thanks Chevy that is wat I did until 7 and then went back to sleep until 10...


  • Scottiee1
    Scottiee1 Member Posts: 1,790
    edited February 2013

    Yeah....Granny your heart is bigger than your mouth and you know that's saying something.❤❤❤ glad your getting your stomach fixed finally.

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited February 2013

    Well, I have a lot to learn, I guess...
    My cyclamen was wilted when I got back from a trip -- watered it -- it went into "shock" and all the stems became watery/mushy and fell over and the leaves were falling off.  It wasn't 100% dead - two shoots stood up with small flowers.  But when it was mostly dead, I put the pot outside and it died in a day.  I guess I can leave the pot in a sheltered area and see what happens.  Thanks, Wren, for the advice.
    Chevy, LOL too funy about granny Laughing  She may tell u stfu...
    And I love the car mouse!!! No safeway here, but I'll look on amazon for my DGS.
    Chevy, I saw this and thought of you:
    Shady, Hard to believe that if your SM has to weigh in, it's so heavy and not positive thinking.  So glad you were able to reply with the info on your doc.  I go to Sloan - don't love my MO, but love BS and RO and know that there are standards and that they do research....also love that I can get all my test results and appointment information on line.  And bills (ugh)
    My mom raised African violets and they took on a life of their own after awhile.  Lights in the basement for the "nursery" and it took her hours to water and pull off old blooms etc.  Then was love/hate when she gave me some because the next time she'd come it wasn't pretty.  Granny K, I think we are related.
    Two hundred orchids??? sounds like little shop of horrors to be that outnumbered by a living thing!!!  Honestly, they must be so beautiful.  How do you keep the bugs away??
    Shady, thinking of you........and sending a big HUG your way today.

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited February 2013

    (((Granny K)))

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited February 2013

    Little K...  Yes, you have a heart little honey... It is made of gold.  I know it's sort of broken right now, but you still have to keep going, if only for that Grandson of yours.... and us.   Okay, seriously now, what do you mean you don't have a heart... Are you f****ng nuts?  Oh wait, that's a new one...
     AYFN???  Ha, ha!

    Someone must have dropped you on a cactus bush when you were born...It is OUR duty now, to change that little wounded heart of yours.  WE, who are your saviors must make it our obligation to CLEANSE your worries away.  We will bring you flowers.... Yes, lots of flowers.... and bisquits and gravy, and Polenta and Tripe.   Joan and Shady will bring you cards and purses.   Scottiee and Blondie will bring you cinnamon bears and housecoats.  Me and Camille will bring you porn movies and Popular Mechanics magazines.   And after THAT, you will STFU and thank God you are here with us...Wink

    Good Lord, any one with as many problems as you do, needs an intervention.  That's our job, little miss Kantalope.   When is your surgery, and what are they going to do to you THIS time?   We need to be prepared girls.   Just who is it that is taking you?  We should call a mile-long Limo, stocked with champagne and rice soup, and tell them to take her to the Hospital and just drop her ass off.

    Then when she calls, send another Limo. 

    Thanks Joan, I'll click on that video when I post this.... if I do it now, I will lose all this nonsense...Undecided  And honey, your plant is DEAD!  Dang girl!  What did you do, put it out on the ice?  One time our neighbors moved.  And the next morning I looked out there, and saw what I thought was something green in the curb.  I went out, and alas!  It was a little Meyer Orange Tree...(the tag said so) and a Poinsettia.  WELL!  The nerve of those people...(I thought!)  So I brought it in, wrapped it in a little coat, (because it was snowing) and I commenced to care for it like any mother would.... except little k..... (SHE would have shot it!)  When my Daughter came from Orlando, I wrapped that little tree up, and she carried it home in her suitcase. 

    Do you know, that "little tree" is now a BIG honkin' tree, about 5 feet tall and covered with lemons?   So that's what you can do when you see a plant out in the snow.... in the curb.... Never mind miss K!  Just give it to a neighbor.

    Joan, yes Amazon!  So much cheaper than anywhere else! 

    Camille, your Mom didn't like bugs?  If you have Spiders in your plants, they will eat the other "bugs"... Ha, ha!  I mean really.  So when you gals find spiders, just pick them up and set them in your plants!   They are GOOD for them!  Oh, I'll bet right about now I have lost Special K!  Oh wait, that's another good one... "Special K"..... Ha, ha, with berries.  

    ONE time I was looking at our 120 year old Colorado Blue Spruce out front... (It is not a house plant)  And I saw this HUGE web!  I mean it was enormous!  BIG in other words!  And in the center was this even BIGGER spider!  This web was about 8 feet tall, and anchored to the ground, and wound around a vine I have growing up the tree.  It was also attached to a branch about 4 feet away from the tree...  But she was just SITTING there, watching things land on her web...  I took pictures of it, and I was just mystified!  It was beautiful.   I mean she was almost as big as a mouse!  I wouldn't tell DH, because he would have ordered her demise.   So for 2 days there, she was my secret!  Don't know how many birds she caught, but man she was big enough...

    Sleep long little Blondie.....  I took a nap yesterday.... that's what old people are supposed to do, Ha!  But I was soooooo tired!  I'm just fine this morning.... 

    Take good care gals...  xoxoxoxo

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2013

    Good Morning all the STFU-ers. U love of flowers are plants give u gals a pure heart--Chevy I didn't say u were pure, I said pure of heart.

    Granny how are u doing. I truly hope things are looking up a bit. This is a hard struggle for u'r family and being the Mom I think is tough.Prayers still going u'r way.

    I hope everyone has a good day and doesn't need STFU for anyone today. Well it won't hurt to say it just to get the mood changed.

  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726
    edited February 2013

    Good morning peeps, raining here and of course this is a busy week out everyday I think.....have a good one, slept awesome, guess it was cause I went to work and used energy.....


  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited February 2013

    Once again i wanna thank all of you for putting up with crazy ME.

    Chevy---darlin sista you ALWAYS bring s smile along with a belly laugh.Thank you for never givin up on me.

    Joan-I hope i didnt upset you with my comment on MSK.I know lots of people who love Sloane but I had a very bad experience with the top breast surgeon from there.I just hate the word protocol.My BFF just had surgery there last week.She has been goin there for 27 yrs.

    Every comment along with the picture Joan posted warms this (broken) heart.

    Thank you is never enuf!!!!

    huggggggggs kantalope

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited February 2013

    Chevy, too funny!  oh, not a video - just a plant link for greater Denver-ites.  You probably wrote it!!
    Thanks for the truth about my plant...although after all this insulating snow, wouldn't it be something if it poked up a little green on my deck?  Ahhh I'm getting another one.
    So if all my white orchid blooms fall off, should I cut back the plant??  Am checking the newest bud to see if it is growing.
    K, honey, it takes a lot more to upset me than a comment about a place that I really don't every want to be!!!  Nah doesn't bother me at all.  What's protocol anyway?  (big words, K) All I know is that when I go to MSK on LI it is clean and private and they have the best hot chocolate/coffee machine for my way out. 
    Glad you are still hanging out, K...but don't forget to get some rest.

  • shadytrake
    shadytrake Member Posts: 69
    edited February 2013

    Hi GFs, (girlfriends)

    I had the MO consult today. My dr was great. Answered all of my questions and DH's questions. He said my TN tumor size fell into the 'grey' area for chemo and said that since I am so young that he would recommend it but that it was up to me. I told him that I felt we should based on what my other TN ladies here have said about being so close to 1cm. He agreed that was a good decision and so we are doing TC four doses. Once every three weeks for twelve weeks. I insisted on a port so I will be getting that tomorrow or Wednesday. First chemo on Monday.

    DH gave me a buzz cut tonight and I sported my new chemo cap during trivia (just so I could get used to it).

    I'm tired so I'm signing off. See ya chicklets!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2013

    Oh Shady I'm glad u have everything all set up now and it sounds good---well u know what I mean. OK we're here for any help u need, but remember I don't know anything--so don't expect much from me.

  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726
    edited February 2013

    good Shady you tell cam said we are here...

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited February 2013

    Wow this thread is quiet!!!!

    no one is pissed off?

    just say the word and ill tell anyone to STFU.

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545
    edited February 2013

    granny - you can tell my boss to STFU. If I tell him, I would also kill him I am that mad at him.  He is really pissing me off lately.  Can't wait for retirement.

  • shadytrake
    shadytrake Member Posts: 69
    edited February 2013

    Hi Granny,

    I told my sister to stop calling me with the doom and gloom death stories.  I told her it really upset me and I didn't need that while trying to get well.  I told her to tell my SM if they disagree with my treatment course, they have my Dr's telephone number and they are on the approved list, so go grill him like a cheeseburger.  I actually said that!  I told her that I was too tired to be a referee between the Dr. and them. 

    I'm trying to use every ounce of my body strength to stay positive and fight this Fefffing sh!t.  I hate BC!  It screwed up my whole year...I refuse to let it beat me.

  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726
    edited February 2013

    good for you shady!!

  • midwestdoglover
    midwestdoglover Member Posts: 10
    edited February 2013

    Go_To_Sleep.pdf (1.6 MB) Download | Remove

    thought u could get some laffs from this, about getting ur kids to go to sleep!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2013

    Shady I'm glad u said that "grill like a cheeseburer" hahaha now maybe u can getin on with healing.

    Granny I know it's been quiet--Hope u'r doing OK.