STFU (Shut the F*** UP)



  • gardengumby
    gardengumby Member Posts: 4,860
    edited August 2013

    how long on femara?  I've been on it 2 years (almost).  Take care!!

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited August 2013

    2 years this past July..........hesitated......did not want the SE's, but gave in........can't do the things I use to do......foot, leg, pain.......trigger fingers, hair got thinner, look like a prune. And just no real QOL.........want to stop it, but can't bring myself to take the chance.......

    You wonder.....would it be better to get a few "good" years, or many just existing years.......I push myself to keep up, and it gets depressing.........oh that is another Femara gift.....depression...........oh well shit happens......

  • cmbernardi
    cmbernardi Member Posts: 853
    edited August 2013

    Yep, I too am taking the Letrozole generic and my insurance was just was billed $549.00 by the pharmacy at my Oncology Center for a 30 day supply!  Yikes!  I cannot believe it.  I have osteopenia of hips and they hurt along with feet, fingers and knees mostly.  Huh, yes, worried about losing my health insurance in just a few months and hoping that Obamacare does help me get coverage.  Please, please, please.......  For those whose politics differ, that is OK, just have a heart and keep the Affordable Care Act from going down the tubes!  Back to Walmart (the evil entity) for my meds. Thanks to all for your replies.  The Pug gto me up at 4:15 a.m. and is snoring away now so nap time for me too & I will STFU!


  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited August 2013

    I too have Ostopenia.....knees are have back stenosis, n the Meds add to it.......I say....great world if you don't weaken......hve a good nap.....

  • gardengumby
    gardengumby Member Posts: 4,860
    edited August 2013

    cm - are you a Costco member???  I get mine (generic) at Costco.  I just got my refill a couple days ago.  Didn't use my insurance.  $23 for a 3 month supply.  For some reason it varies - the highest I've paid for 3 months is $36, the lowest $18.  But when I compared prices it was FAR AND AWAY the least expensive place to purchase it.  2nd was Walgreens at $250 for 1 month with their club card.  But Costco wins!!  You don't even have to be a Costco member to purchase prescriptions there, I don't think.  But I'm a Costco nut, told my husband I could live anywhere as long as there was a Costco within 30 miles....

    My hair is much thinner - just completely changed hairstyle so that it wouldn't look so bad.  STIFF JOINTS!!! Muscle aches, bad shoulder, knees, hips and feet - but hey - no cancer, so all is good.  three years, 12 weeks and 2 days to go - but who's counting!!

  • gardengumby
    gardengumby Member Posts: 4,860
    edited August 2013

    Ducky - depression is part of letrozole, but I think it's also a left over from the whole cancer freak out and everything that was done to us.  It's been rough.  On one of my down days I talked about stopping the stuff and my husband told me that it's NOT an option. Kiss He's with me on not taking it longer than 5 years, but I think he'd tie me down and force feed it to me if I tried to stop now.  One thing I've found that is VERY important is to get enough sleep.  Enough sleep now does not translate to what enough sleep pre-letrozole was.  I used to do fine on 7-8 hours of sleep.  Now my pain goes up rapidly if I have less than 10 hours.  Massage and swimming are both really helpful as well.

  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484
    edited August 2013

    Flowers - that billing for Letrozole sounds like my first few months. Now they're billing my DH's insurance for something like 87 cents (yes cents) for a month's supply with my $15 copay. Yikes. I know they went to different supplier and manuf. changed. I can't believe it would change that much. Do any of yours come in the factory sealed bottle? It has the most foul chemical smell when I first unseal it. What are we putting in our bodies? Going through a few new finger aches - mostly L hand. Why L when I am right handed? I get mine at Brookshires. You might check the price there, too. Costco is 45 minutes away from me and I would spend waayyyy too much there.

    It is ONLY 86 degrees here at 11:30. Wow. Loving these showers passing through. Was 106 out here yesterday. Flowers, are you getting these showers too?

    I, too, am on it for the duration. So far - fingers, toes, anything else - crossed for no unbearable symptoms. Waiting with bated breath for DEXA scan in Dec/Jan. Had osteopenia pretty much unchanged but I was on Evista b4 BC which was certainly helping the osteo. Need to talk MO or PCP into checking cholesterol though it was good last year.

    Charles - nice to see you return and with a good report. Keep on keepin' on way up there in Laramie.

    Cami - must admit your typing and spelling have improved though I'm good at getting your general drift when I read.

    More coffee needed.

    GmaFoley - I love your mountain top. I love living in the country and wish we had done it years b4 we did. Do worry as we get older about the driving to doctors. Grocery is only about 7 minutes and the local pharmacy does deliver. I actually did hospice in a little town where the grocery delivered. Amazing!

    Veggy - hugs to you and hope Xeloda kicks those liver nasties OUTTA THERE.

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited August 2013

    Good morning Hooligals 'n Hooliguy.

    Chuck! - so good to see you post here. I know you're probably Charles with no Chuck, but Peppermint Patty always calls Charlie Brown, Chuck, so I thought I'd give it a try.

    We got rain last night and today is cool and cloudy. Very weird.

    cammi - WTH!  You used PARAGRAPHS!!  Are you okay?  Really?

    hmmm, new meds - must be nap time!  See you later

  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484
    edited August 2013

    Phyllorain - Has your part of NE missed the floods of Kansas/MO? Have SIL living in Paducah KY. Think they've had a lot - saw pics of flooding in Nashville.

    Hooliguy - I love it. You are so inventive.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited August 2013

    CHARLES, so good to hear from you, I forget are you married, if not, do you want to be LOL, but serious too. But your in Colorado, too cold. You've just started your practice. Oh well, I guess I have to start the online thing. Now everyone's going to think you aren't coming back cuz i hit on you. But it's kind of fun I've never just hit on someone before. Felt different.

    I've got good news. When I went to see DR GI, one of my three polyps was precancerous. It's OUT now. Makes the whole ordeal well worth it. Except that according to obamacare I can't have another scope for three years. That's bad cuz my last scope was 1 1/2 years ago. Those bugger polyps grew in  1 1/2years. BUT I know how to get a scope in minimum 2, may be even 1 1/2 years. It's all in the words, if you get my drift. If you don't get my drift call or PM. Remember--it's all in the words and how you use them---you can get anything with the right words.

    Spookiesmom have you seen the reports about coyotes coming right out in front of people and snatching their dogs and cats? Windemere I think? Watchout for spookie baby.

    Mostlymomneuteredbutwhydidyouneeditanyway? I must admit, if I thought I was going to lose so many body parts, I would have gotten an urn and started filling it early. Sheesh

    Squishy, I agree with Cami, talking is good. Makes you feel good and more connected. Specially, since were not connected to our body parts. That's kind of macabre isn't it? But it's true.

    Littlegoats, we have a goat eating bear here somewhere. They've been trying to catch him for a month.

    Flowers :), Please call and I'll walk you page by page through They have soooo much to offer on this one thread for economic resources. It's easiest though if I walk you through while we are both on the computer. It's not the easiest to navigate to find everything that may can be a benefit

    ANYONE WANTING TO TO THE SAME AS FLOWERS, PM OR CALL. DUCKY since your so near the gap this may really help:)

    Chevy, my thing hasn't gotten here yet, I want it to be here right NOW.

    Gumby and flowers , you both are swimming too? Are your pecs getting firmer?  My foobs are looking perky

    Julie are the headlights settled in?

    Phillyfeelingsogoodonfentanylandgaba miss you posting on here. We must talk tonight, got some great gossip.

    Blondie did they ever give you fentanyl. You would feel soooo much better.  I'm calling you right now.Well you weren't there, but I had a nice conversation with your recorder :)

    Stacey hope your holding all the ship together. Glad to hear Tim's parents grew up a little. What do you think changed their minds?

    Mary, coastal living magazine level of renovation! How much fun is that. It'll take months for that feeling to wear off. NEAT! My old house in Ohio is on the market. I got to go through all the rooms vicariously. I still miss it. Would buy it back today if it didn't mean leaving DS here in Florida.

    Chickie what up? Tried calling you too. HEY got you. Hope you aren't swearing at me in a half hour and the sore throats better.

    Veggy lurking? The good thing about Zelda is it works on colon and boobs. So, if they missed any little boob cells. It will get them. Anything that may think about trying to set up housekeeping in the colon--it'll zap them too.

    Shells, miss your long posts. Just a thought about job search. Lots of insurance companies are highering ARNP's to do in home assessments or over the phone counciling. (had a call this morning). Might be another avenue.

    Foley, hang in there with your drugs. The key to know when to retalk with your doc about the drugs is---if your drug frightens you, call him and chat before next dose.

    Chabba, Dwilli and Lilly hello and hope things are okay.

    Squishy---see you just keep on typing

  • kathindc
    kathindc Member Posts: 1,667
    edited August 2013

    Hi Charles, Good to see you and so happy that you got a good report.  I'm like you.  I don't post very often but do lurk.  Ladies, I love reading your posts.  They always put a smile on my face.

  • rennamr
    rennamr Member Posts: 10
    edited August 2013

    So I honestly don't think it's costochondritis. I am having still having occasional difficulty breathing and the past couple of days it seems to be more frequent. I did some "google research" and did find that approximately 7% of those who take tamoxifin report difficulty breathing and one person said she developed COPD from it. Not sure how accurate that is, but that does concern me. I am a very active person, and it's so frustating to walk up a flight of stairs and have to stop because I can't catch my breath!!

    It's not painful to breath, nor do I feel completely out of breath, it's just that I can't take in a full, deep breath and that urge to do it when I can't, makes me feel a little panicked sometimes. I am going to talk to my oncologist about getting off tamoxofin. I need to figure out risk factors. Which is worse, the risk of recurring cancer from not taking tamoxofin (although it's a low percentage) or the risk of developing COPD??? I am WAY too young and active to be limited from breathing problems.

    Any thoughts?

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited August 2013

    Okay peeps, this is Cammi's Pocket Party Time on Monday:

    Hawaii:               4:30 am

    Pacific Time:       6:30

    Mountain Time:  7:30

    Central Time:      8:30

    Eastern Time:     9:30

    Jimminy Cammi, could  you have made it it any later?


    Mary, excited to see your porch.

    Flowers - call the Southlake Costco pharmacy and get the price.

    Hey to Crogs and Mostly, Spookie and Charles.

    GG, Phylly and LMG, thanks for helping Flowers

    Sas, Wren, Julia, Esther, Sassy and Chevette,  Chickie and Stacey, Joan & Jo, Veggeroni, and Squishie.   Love it when you hang with us Duckster.

    Where are you Blondiee?......and April? And Chabba, Dwilli and Lilli?


    If I missed any hoolie - including our beloved hoolielurkers, please pipe in cause it's just not acceptable to miss you!!


    I'm goofing off almost every day, all day. Diagnosis: stuck on my buttitis. Did apply for a hospice job yesterday and will do another application today. I think my layoff last year, followed by full time grad school and BC diagnosis in the middle of it just plumb wore me out. Have no right to complain to my hooliesisters, just checking in.
  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484
    edited August 2013

    Shellsterhoolie - What kind of hospice job? You know I loved hospice except for the distance driving and the frequent on call - esp. a company that could not keep up with who's off when. I would still be doing it if I could get some limited area but not so out where I am. Distances too big.

    Maryofthenewporch - We need pictures. I don't think pics of my new hot water heater and new toilets will satisfy this bunch. Hope you are getting some good sitting time out there.

    Ummm fresh coffee. Almond joy.

    I need to get unstuck off my buttitis too. I think I may give dog a bath outside b4 it heats up again.

  • gardengumby
    gardengumby Member Posts: 4,860
    edited August 2013

    OK - for Cami's pocket party I'm bringing brownies

  • marywh
    marywh Member Posts: 1,433
    edited August 2013

    Oh Luv if you would like to post pictures of your new toilets and hwh, I will be glad to ooh and ahh over them. I need a new hot water heater too. Ds Really tore my car up good. Its totaled because of the age and mileage. Dh is going to keep it and use it for work.Makes me sad. That was my last mom-van. We were only keeping it for sentimental reasons. Im just glad it was my old van and not his car. He just used it cause it had air and his doesnt.

  • gardengumby
    gardengumby Member Posts: 4,860
    edited August 2013

    You want pictures?  OK.  Here's pictures of our new house (It closes tomorrow!!) 

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited August 2013

    Renamar--Hi, your post sounds like it's a continuation of  a pervious discussion. I'll scroll back and see if I can find it. If your working on it with someone I won't comment :) sassy

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited August 2013

    Gumby what Fun.  Looks great. Have a ball.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2013

    GG great pictures, beautiful house. but

    that's not getting MaryPorch off the hook.

    And shellneedstowork u have entirely to much time on u'r hands. hahha

  • marywh
    marywh Member Posts: 1,433
    edited August 2013

    gg, what a pretty house. I know your excited.

  • gardengumby
    gardengumby Member Posts: 4,860
    edited August 2013

    I am.  When we sold our other house, we hadn't planned on buying again for a few years, but the prices started going up, so we both got nervous and replunged.  Now, of course, I'm really nervous!!  :)

  • gardengumby
    gardengumby Member Posts: 4,860
    edited August 2013

    rennamr - I had breathing issues when on tamoxifen.  When I stopped it for DIEP, they went away.  Then I started back up and got multiple PE's.  Be sure to have them check!!  Now I'm on an AI - no breathing problems.

  • crog234
    crog234 Member Posts: 324
    edited August 2013

    Camillegal... You are right I just need to write even if it doesn't make any sense... I guess if a person with a name like a car (something like a Chevy maybe hahaha) can write about chickens, I guess I missed something, I can talk about whatever!!!!

    Sas glad your news was good but I can't figure out what words you are talking about to get a colonoscopy sooner... Course they told me 10 years and I am so hoping I don't need one before then... You are certainly right with me when you say body parts are not connected!!!!! Hahaha

    Ok there has been some talk about insurance and prescriptions and I have a question or two. I will be going on Medicare Oct 1st due to disability. For those of you who don't know I ended up in the hospital during chemo because of blood clots. I had bypass surgery done and a fashiotomy.. I ended up with a right foot and ankle that would not work right. With PT and over a year working at it I finally got my ankle to bend a little over 90 degrees. That was last summer. In September of last year my bypass quit. I ended up with a right below the knee amputation.. Anyway back to Medicare. I need to buy Part D which is for my prescriptions. From what I have found you pay a monthly amount and then pay so much for your prescriptions. I have read about this one and that one and what is a Gap? Does that mean I have to spend so much in addition to my monthly charge to have part D before I can use the benefits of Part D.. I really need to go talk with someone but thought I would throw it out there in case anyone could set me straight. Does any one know what the cost of Anastozole is monthly without insurance?

    Ok I have broken out of my shell and aired my problems (health wise) to you all... Course what I told you health wise doesn't even include the breast cancer...


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2013

    OHcrogcindy--what  horrible time u have had--I'm so so sorry--OK now we have to figure out about u'r meds. I really think someonw will come on to know about this for u'r help--I wish I knew these things but I'm the one who's eye candy--I really know nothing about even cancer, but a lot of smart ladies on here so be patient someone will help.

    Calling someone who knows about medicaid or care I don't know the difference Crog needs help fast.

  • juliaanna
    juliaanna Member Posts: 575
    edited August 2013

    Crog, I do know about Medicare part D. I think I can help you but I'm at work now so will reply later

  • gardengumby
    gardengumby Member Posts: 4,860
    edited August 2013

    Crog - ohmigod - what a terrible experience for you.

    I don't have an earthly about the price of Anastazole without ins.  But if it's anything like other meds I've checked on, the variance in price from one place to another is astounding.  Be sure to call around - I've had great experience with Costco prices, personally. 

    There are probably others who know more about the Part D gap, but here's what I know (or at least what I think I know)...  The first few (2 or 3) hundred $ spent is fully on you (the deductible).  Then medicare kicks in, and covers a large portion (I think 75%) up to somewhere around $3000.  Then it's fully on you (the gap) for about $3000 more (up to around $6,000).   Then Medicare kicks in again and pays almost all of it (95% or there abouts).  You can purchase "gap insurance", I believe, and I read something about the ACA eventually doing away with the gap, but I don't know when that occurs. 

  • cmbernardi
    cmbernardi Member Posts: 853
    edited August 2013

    Thanks ALL for the Costco tips and location near me.  I see a road trip in the near future.  Will be at pocket party tomorrow for sure.  

    And Ms. gardengumby - what a cool and groovy home.  All the best!

    Ms. Crog - I will do some research for U and try to help.  I'll have to re-read a bit though.  My attitude, things always work out!

    Hugs, Peace, Luv, Prayers and Blessings to ALL here today and everyday in the future.


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,344
    edited August 2013

    Stopping in to say hi and I'm thinking of you all.  I'm three pages behind again.  


  • crog234
    crog234 Member Posts: 324
    edited August 2013

    Thanks Camillegal, juliaanna, and Gardengumby for you quick responses... Ok now that you explain the Gap gardengumby I have heard it told that way.. They sure have you coming and going... Juliaanna I will wait for explanation when you have a chance...
