STFU (Shut the F*** UP)



  • StaceyLeeH
    StaceyLeeH Member Posts: 117
    edited August 2013

    Lilli and Camillegal, luvmygoats, Chevy and everyone thank you for my birthday wishes.

    Sass I think Tim's parents thought what are we going to say to them... Ugh we don't want to help out bc we would rather not be bothered OR this is going to cut into our golfing, mnt biking, working out, or remolding our already perfect house... I wish there was a good/real reason why... I think they just realized they couldn't be selfish and they needed to help us. But trying to be positive just happy they are making a slight effort. Thank goodness for Tim's and Austin's sake.

    Rennamr I'm so sorry this is happening to you. Have you gone through chemo or radiation? Which side is your cancer on? Last chest xray or PET scan they need to rule out a PE. Did they Dr comduct pulmonary function tests prior to start of treatment? See if the Dr can get you a pulse ox to check O2 saturation at home. You could see your % with exertion. Or some stores carry them but if insurance will pay for it that might be more cost effective.

    GMA Happy Birthday!!! Wishing you nothing but the very best ;)

    Well my family got here from NJ we usually go to the shore for my birthday but it was nice they came here. DH and I had live blue crab shipped out over night so we could eat our traditional family dinner Maryland style blue crab in the mountains. My cousins made ocean sounds for me almost felt like we were at the shore.

    We leave for the Grand Canyon this evening. Uncle and cousins haven't seen anything out west. Well radiation is going well but unfortunately I devolved a seroma. :( they had to tap the area and drain the fluid... It is starting to fill back in today. They will probably tap the same area when we get back. Then maybe place a penrose drain. I will keep you updated.

    Sending healing hugs and prayers xoxoxo

    Sweet Pea

  • marywh
    marywh Member Posts: 1,433
    edited August 2013

    Oh Sweet Pea, yuck on the radiation problems, thats all you need right? Have fun at the grand canyon, are you going on the sky view? Ive never been there, but would love to go. Its on my bucket list.Dd didnt come over to help today, she was all bent out of shape over her job.She lost her promotion to manager at 7-11 cause she cant work second shift, but they didnt tell her that until today. So she was of no help to me and the pictures. Will have to wait until she comes over, cause I am completely illiterate when it comes to do anything on the computer but type.

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited August 2013

    Morning all - well its Saturday morning here. Must get dressed and get some things done.

    Chevy I want that cake and I'd love to see your garden.

    I bought a light wool coat to take away so hope I het a chance to wear it.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2013

    image alt="" name="lT7ffSHnBrBsFM:" />

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2013

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2013

    Hows that Chevy--Chocolate and a hot man.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2013

    Alyson OK it's Sat Morning ghere now don't tell us what happened last night cuz we want to find out ourselves.

    Sweet pea whow nice everyone came and thing are looking up, I'm sorry about the stupid rad thing. But u sound pretty good.

    Gmacomfortable---what a present--I would find a home right there beautiful.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited August 2013

    Oh My God Cammi!  You DID it!  I am so proud!  Just like you are my puppy, and you did something great!  Ha, ha!  WTH did you find THAT picture?  Wowsers!  and Hubba Hubba!  Wink 

    Okay, I just gotta get serious for a brief moment.....  I have had this  awful swelling in my left ankle, for the last year...  I wear compression stockings sometimes.... But my left leg is 1 1/2 inches fatter than my right leg.  I just got measured for the "right" compression stockings.... I only have to wear one.... because my Right leg is fine.... My ankle even LOOKS like an ankle.  But my left leg is "tight" and my ankle is just everywhere.... no bone is apparent. 

    I looked up Lymphedema.... I had 3 nodes taken out....  all negative, but is it possible that this swelling and hurting is because of Lymphedema?  Or how do I know it is not just Edema?  It is on the same side as my CA breast.   The swelling goes down when I am done with the day, and sit in the recliner just like an old lady.  Wink    I had THOUGHT that Lymphedema is only in your arm....  Does anyone know if it COULD be this?  The compression stockings  really help, and I bought this "thing" that helps me get them on..... 

    Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.... xoxoxo

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited August 2013

    It Could be LE, but I'd make an appt with the cardiologist just to rule out any other problem. Yeah, just what you wanted to hear.

  • juliaanna
    juliaanna Member Posts: 575
    edited August 2013


    Did you ever break any bones in that foot or leg?  Any surgery on that leg/foot?  Sometimes that can cause swelling.  Otherwise, off to the cardiologist.


  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited August 2013

    chevy!  We have matching left ankles!  I'm so excited!  And really, $5??!!?

    cammi - I love the chocolate guy, but where is the dancing guy?

    Happy Birthday Juliaaaaaaana and GmaFoley!  Sorry I'm late, but it is a constant state that I sometime fight.

    sweetiepea - glad you get a vacation but boo on the  seroma drain thingy.

    Hi lilly and squishystone and blondie and goatling and chicklet and many others that my brain cannot keep inside it.

    I went out for the first time in a couple of weeks.  I took myself to breakfast and then shopping.  When I got pooped, I went home and rested up for the big Evil Store trip this afternoon.  I DID IT! 

    Then I came back home for another LONG nap.  THEN I did laundry.  Holy cow, it was almost like I was a real person again.

    Tomorrow I may get all energetic and put on some eyebrows then go to the farmers market.  Who knows, maybe I can go flirt with the goat guy!  He sells goat burgers.  He is such a hunk! (shut up sassy!)

    Just so you guys know, sassy has me on a strict diet of organizing all of my stupid medical records.  I am using her instructions from the "just diagnosed" thread.  It's good, but exhausting!  Plus she can be a bully, doncha know.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2013

    Phyloslut sassy can really teach u how to flirt too.

    Chevy u can have LE pretty much anywhere and no special time either. so see the Card. Chevy u told me to look up naked men, but those could not be printed, oh they could not be--so I went to sexy men and that one was OK in my mind, well better than OK--so I just had to show u. I knew I'd make u proud. Oh and continue with the leg thing too.

    Phylorunaround--U really got out today--good for u, u must be tired tonite tho.

  • ChickaD
    ChickaD Member Posts: 971
    edited August 2013

    Miss PerfectScarfMaker....Happy Birthday my friend...

  • juliaanna
    juliaanna Member Posts: 575
    edited August 2013

    Msphyllo, Thanks for the birthday wishes-but mine isn't until January.  You must have been so excited about shopping......

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited August 2013

    Juljaana - whew, at least I djdn't miss it!

  • juliaanna
    juliaanna Member Posts: 575
    edited August 2013

    Dwillyoucomebyandsayhi?  Hope you are doing well.  Check in when you can, please.

  • crog234
    crog234 Member Posts: 324
    edited August 2013

    Good Morning all.... Just checking in!!! Not raining so that is a good thing.. Suppose to be a good weekend... Going to our sons house which used to be my parents house. They both passed away last March... I am executor and was so glad when my son and daughter in law showed interest in buying the house. Saved me from having to put the house on the market and gave them a great opportunity to buy their first house. Also I still get to use the garage for having garage sales. Still have a slew of stuff to sell from my parents stuff plus my daughter brought up tons of baby stuff to sell. Some of her stuff I have confiscated for when my son and daughter in law have children... The stuff I kept was stuff either I bought or my parents bought... Ok I have talked enough so I will just STFU!!!!

    Have a good day everyone..

    Cindy AKA Squishey

  • crog234
    crog234 Member Posts: 324
    edited August 2013

    One other thing... I keep meaning to tell you Cami I will be in your pocket on Monday...


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited August 2013

    Cammi, WHAT did you say to Phylli?  You are such a BAD girl!  Wink  And I'm going for my annual sometime in November anyway!  I am wearing my new hot-shot compression stocking!  Even with the new "contraption" I bought to help me put them on, is a trick!  I mean IF you can figure it out!  And it takes awhile just to figure out which way the heel goes, and where my foot is, and WTH I am doing! 

    Once I get it on, I am happy!  And my ankle looks almost normal!  My lower leg, gets "lumpy" and kind of hurts when I press on it...But I'm sure it will help.   Guess if that's all I have to complain about, I am lucky.

    Been cookin' up grub for Lacee....  Vet seems to think she is allergic to either the beef or chicken we mix with her kibbles..... So I baked some potatoes, cut them up and fried them with olive oil, and they taste really good.  Then cooked chopped carrots with celery..... Even some brown rice, and have all that to add to her food.  Going to eliminate all chicken and turkey, to see if that helps...  She will be better ANYway, after that shot of cortisone, and the anti-biotic I am giving her....  Poor little girl.... she has lost 6 pounds, probably because of the heat, AND she really needed to.  She put herself on a restricted diet I think....Wink   But she seems to feel a lot perkier, and barks her head off for no apparent reason, meaning she is happy.

    Phylliconfused!  THAT was funny!  Better early than forgetting, Ha! 

    Hi Chickers and Juliaanna!  The others must be sleeping!  Bunch of lazy-bones! xoxoxo

  • marywh
    marywh Member Posts: 1,433
    edited August 2013

    Chevy, Ziggys allergic to chicken, made her scratch herself raw, took her off that and she is fine. Just make sure her kibble doesnt have byproducts in it. I spend a fortune feeding her but shes so worth it, my little singing dog...

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2013

    Good Morning Hoolies

    What did I say to Phylodarn that I usually don't say. She can take it. She rigt on top of birthdays that's for sure. And Chevyfurbaby u'r eats better than most people, lucky she has u. Chevy I use those big cleaning plastic gloves with ridges to put on my crap, the ridges seem to grap onto thematerial to make it easier ad smooth it ut. It is a Pita.

    OK I'm lossing my typing abilities again, Oh well. Chit I had to get my own coffee this morning and my water--Joey's at his aunts house--my feet didn't get rubbed last night, my back didn't He's got a lot of nerve leaving me. He's like my houseboy. LOL

    Oh Chevy there are so many possibilities on that google thing u gave me--u'r going to love all I can do now and so am I. I remember my goal when I started using a computer a couple of years ago. I wanted to be a hacker so bad---Obviously that'll never happen.=oooohot flash, hot flash---How can I still have them ick.

    OK I'll check back later. Hugs all around

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited August 2013

    Phyllisofunny, you know your sooooooooo happy to get rid of all those piles of paper. Hope Goat guy wears a shirt under his bib overalls and has has'em both buckled. Hahah

    Chevy, The swelling in the leg isn't connected to the arm/torso, anatomically impossible. Does that make you happier. With one leg swelling always have to be worried about a VTE(DON'T YOU EVER READ WHAT i WRITE NOODLE BRAIN). No you're not a noodle brain. Impossible cuz yo're a fairy keeper.  One leg chronic swelling falls in the category of venous insufficiency. Doc will do venous studies. If it were arterial you'd have a different set of symptoms and signs. Doc may do studies on arterial system supplying the leg too. But this will be a "DO not ignore a possibility" exam.

    Lower extremity edema that is lymph related occurs most often after abdominal or groin surgery. Can occur without lymph node removal in either area. It's like getting LE in the arm without lymph node dissection. Rarely, LE can occur in lower extremities spontaneously without and discernable diagnostic evaluation determining origin of cause.

    The doc will consider the three(venous/arterial/lymph), but will key in on venous insufficiency first b/c your history drives the differential diagnosis in that direction first.

    There are multiple diseases that can affect the lower extremities arterial and venous circulation. All won't be mentioned here b/c this is already too long.

    Long term chronic swelling in one extremity, should always be watched for development of  a clot. Reason?  You already have a log jam in the circulation. Analogy ---in a log jam in a river, it's easy for another tree to get caught that blocks any further flow of the river. In the venous system(or arterial side if that was the problem) flow where circulation is impaired, it's a set up for a clot to occur b/c the flow is decreased. "Something" changes and a clot begins to form. That "something" can be -1. A spontaneous formation of a clot 2, trauma--hitting the leg with anything which cause the clotting cascade to start 3. genetic predisposition which in your case is unlikely b/c it hasn't happened in the year of swelling. 4. drugs that are known to predispose to clot formation.

    What can you do?

    1. You are already using a compression stocking. That tells me that your doc has evaluated the extremity in the past and recommened the sock. If you did this on your own, then that's not good b/c the origin of the problem wasn't really determined.

    2, Sitting for extended periods of time will cause an increase of swelling. So, don't do that. Get up and walk around. But you garden allot. Perhaps setting up a walking program will help. Also, ask doc for a physical therapy evaluation and teaching session  for exercises that will promote VENOUS RETURN and COLLATERAL CIRCULATION development. Actually, walking is the best, but there are some more things that you can do.

    3. ELEVATE extremity while at computer. But this should be done in a manner that the bend at the groin is not at 90 degrees. Set up a daily plan to ELEVATE the extremity for 20 minutes 3 times a day and do foot pumps. The way to do foot pumps is to point the toe as if doing a ballet point. Do this so you feel the muscles contracting and stretching  all the way to the groin. Then reverse the movement, bend  the foot back towards the nose. Again you should contract and stretch the muscles so you feel it all the way up to the butt cheek. FOOT PUMPS ARE ABSOLUTELY CONTRAINDICATED IF A CLOT IS SUSPECTED. REASON IS THE CLOT COULD LET LOOSE AND TRAVEL TO THE LUNGS(PULMONARY EMBOLISM). CONTRAINDICATED MEANS DO NOT DO.

    4. Epsom salt soaks  with fluid above level of swelling. Number of times a day will depend on swelling. If swelling severe doing it more often will decrease the swelling. Once swelling under control doing it 1-2 times a day should be sufficient. If swelling dissapears entirely then skip this.

    If swelling in the lower extremities is b/c of Congestive Heart Failure(CHF), the swelling will be in both legs. All the above can apply. In CHF there are many other things used in the treatment management, but that is not the question raised here.


  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited August 2013

    DUH,  Chevy,  lovey aren't you glad you asked, now you have a book to try to absorb.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2013

     just a little sumptin sumptin

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited August 2013

    Lordy  sweet Cami, now that you can do pics we will be in for a world of unknown stuff. Perfer the chocolate guy HAHA. Have you evfer watched "Chocolate" The movie. Very much a chick flick and very intense.

    Littlegoats glad your plumbing fixed. My damn toilet is still sitting on the pool deck.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited August 2013

    Ducky re:discussion of us saying the right thing to get what we want from our docs. You pointed out that your doc always writes the right thing to get things done. Most docs do. My point was WE need to say the right things to get what WE want.

  • ChickaD
    ChickaD Member Posts: 971
    edited August 2013

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2013

    Sas I have so much to explore thanks to Chevy. So u can thank her or blame her.

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited August 2013

    Sas.......many times I have heard of people saying the right thing, even being insistent, and Drs saying...."insurance won't cover that now, your to young", or flat out doing tests they want to do, completely disregarding what your saying, not every Dr listens to your requests, or even your "someone" saying the "right thing" does not always work for the patient..........sad, but true..............I and my family are fortunate that we have specialists that "listen", and make good decisions.........many don' you saying the right things does not always work in the presence of falling on "deaf ears", or just plain "sorry we can't or won't do that" happens all the time.......

    So you can talk till your blue in the face, and if they won't listen......oh, I would find a Doc who would.....most don't.....unfortunately.......

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,344
    edited August 2013

    OMG Cami.....the guy above is definitely not my next can count on that.  Ducky.  Found it interesting about what you said.  Often a variety of people ( not just our medical minions ) don't hear what we say.  I think some of this comes because you get so busy formulating an answer -- based on the first few words that have been said -- that you don't even realize that the focus at the end, has little to do with the focus YOU started working on in the beginning.

    I say that because Dh does it to me all the time.  I do find that most of the time when this occurs, it seems that it is mostly a male problem. 

    ((( Chevy and Lacee )))
