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STFU (Shut the F*** UP)



  • redheadinwv
    redheadinwv Member Posts: 71
    edited February 2013

    thanks shadytrake, she died at 42, diagnosed at 39.  I was diagnosed last April at 38, turned 39 in July got a stage 4 diagnosis in December.. today just sucks....  My insurance is good, it was caught relatively early just not responding well to any of the myriad of chemos so far.  Usually I'm ok today is just one of those days.  I'm dealing with a T4 vetebrae met that is killing me and the oncologist is being indecisive which requires my red headed self to be well... agressive works LOL

    Thanks for being here, it helpsLaughing

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2013

    Redhead I'm glad u have good insurance cuz whtever they decide it will be accepted. This is a very hard time for u but I know there are some good protocols for mets to put u in remission-it sometimes takes a while but in the meantime it's a waiting game. U have my prayers going to u. (((HUGS)))

  • redheadinwv
    redheadinwv Member Posts: 71
    edited February 2013

    thanks camillegal! I appreciate the prayers, its just one of those days.  I did tell my husband the STFU this morning, made everything better for a while. HA!!

    I'll pull it together and be back to my normal not so feeling sorry for myself self before too long, I can't stand to be miserable forever....

  • apriltears
    apriltears Member Posts: 8
    edited February 2013

    My STFUs are almost always directed at my mom.  Sometimes I have good days, sometimes I have bad days and my mom will inevitably ask when she calls each evening what kind of day I've had.  Then, regardless of the answer, tell me how her day was better or worse than mine. 

    I know it's coming as soon as she says "it's just like...".  The story she continues with is never "just like" anything I've just said.  I believe she only asks me, because she knows I won't ask her about her day.  Perhaps I would ask if I didn't feel like it was a contest AND if she'd stop calling only when I'm watching a show I've waited all evening to see.  After a long day and an evening of making and cleaning up from dinner, all I want to do is sit and laugh at the tv.

    Don't get me wrong, I love my mom, but breast cancer will never be worse than that damn achy hip she has and don't get me started on her sore feet!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited February 2013

    Oh come on Apriltears.... tell us about her sore feet.... Ha, ha!  I know exactly what you mean, only MY DH is the one who does it to me.  No matter what I say, or have wrong with me, he goes into this thing about how HIS hurt all the time, and how his leg keeps him awake at night, aLONG with his shoulder.... and blah, blah!

    So you just can't win....  All the time she is "listening" to you tell her how YOU feel, she is thinking of what else is wrong with her!  Wink  So just hang up.  Just kidding.   Put the phone down and go get a drink.... like a screw-driver.... then come back and say, yes, I know how you feel.

    Thinking of you Redhead....  maybe YOU need a screw-driver too, about now.    I'm sorry about your mets....  and it's so easy to think that "because it happened to her, it will happen to me"  ..... but that's not always true....  You are different....  I know technology seems like it is stuck in the mud for you, but keep telling them  you feel like crap!  Or "What else can we do?"  I'll be thinking and praying for you....  What thread are we on?  Do those two go together?   Of COURSE they do....!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2013

    April so sorry u'r like on that old game show--"Can u top this" It has nothing to do with loving u'r mom but maybe she actually feels like she's making u feel better? I don't know it ain't easy, that's for sure.

  • redheadinwv
    redheadinwv Member Posts: 71
    edited February 2013

    chevyboy, I'll take a double jack on the rocks!  Screwdrivers are ok though... LOL, I'll be ok, I'm just whiney today and that's usually not me, I guess I need to kick my own ass and move on!

    Oncologist is used to me ranting, he'll get one today that's for sure, he'll get over it.  Actually they have really been trying hard to get things under control, its just a slower process than I'd like...

    Not sure we are on any threads together but, I'm glad to have met you! Laughing

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited February 2013

    Okay, I'll whine too.... my right shoulder is KILLING me.... I know it is going to snow, and I know I have been moving a little furniture around, but it is the damn weather!  I have to whine and go drink....  Wink  Just kidding..... I just fixed me an iced coffee packet from starbucks.... with cream and sugar.   I will sit on a heating pad and drink.

    Redhead...  glad to have met you too...  Just kick your own ass and move on.... YOU said it, not me... Tell us what your stupid onco says.

    Hi Camille....hugs to all....

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922
    edited February 2013

    Redhead, In your pocket. You might think about giving your onc a heads up about the anniversary. That way he won't want to lock you up for ranting. 

    I lost my Mom when I was 4 and she was 23. I breathed a big sign of relief when I turned 24.

    April, Good argument for caller ID. That way you get to see your show. You might have to call her afterwards, in which case go for Chevy's advice.

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited February 2013

    Chevy.......I run around outdoors in the rain and snow with no clothes on, talking to myself while eating a cream-sickle.....and I still come here for support....YOU GOT A PROBLEM WIT DAT.........if you say "yes" do I have to give you a STFU....

    And by the forgot to bring the "THE RED SOLO CUPS" into the pocket today.....and is Granny pissed.....last thing I heard her say was.......WTF......I its your fault last thing I need is the "wrath of Granny"..........and it's your fault Chevy.....LOL...LOL....LOL.....SOMEBODY IS IN BIG TROUBLE.......

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited February 2013

    what a busy little thread this always is....thats why i love it so much...just got back from Dr surgeon....liked him a lot.brought my tape recorder and i know whats gonna happen but not until MARCH 12th.Have to do pre op testing and medical clearance.I keept on lookin in my pocketbook and all i could see was the bottles of shit to make you drunk.....nothing to smoke

    Im gald we are back to business as usual.

    Chevy darling as usual you always make me laugh out loud.

    Thanks everyone for the prayers.

    We are gonna do all this crap for each and everyone of us TOGETHER....yes we are....

    1 1/2  pages and i dont remember shit....just know that i love all of you and i never ever forget to pray for all of us.

    ill be back.xoxoxo

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited February 2013

    Redhead........tap on the mouthpiece and say..."damn this phone...we got a bad connection, let me call you later...........then if she calls again, do the same thing, only this time say...." Good heavens, there goes the damn phone again, I really have to call the phone company", sorry, let me call you kids tell me...." Mom, you tell the best lies"......just kidding.....

    She means well.....maybe you need to say....."Mom, I'm not in the mood to have a pissing contest about our aches and, I concede, you win". She will get your point.....I am 78 with 6 kids......I have heard it all, and say little about my cancer bullshit, till they start bitching about small shit, and then it is a "STFU" moment...literally.....big things, they have my ear and sympathy,......small snit I tell them......" Here's a quarter, call someone who cares"......

    Your gonna do fine.....hang with us, and in no time we will corrupt

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited February 2013

    Ducky!  I can just picture you...and us.... running around barefooted and naked in the snow and rain!  Ha, ha!   And talking to ourselves.  Yes, I used to love Dreamsickles!.... 

    No...!!!! Exclamation points!!!!! No, do not get that little shit mad at you....  We will hear about it... She will track your a$$ down and really let you have it!  Okay.... I'll go get some red solo cups.... what are they for again???   I'll get some, but what are they for?  You aren't making us drinks?  WTH???  Here I am, sitting here, drinking my watered down iced coffee, and wondering WTH?  YOU better start running!

    Are you still around April?  Did we/I scare you off yet???  Wink  And Redhead.... you get straightened up yet?  Don't forget.... we're here watching you! 

    Little K.... You have a "tape recorder"?  I think those things went out with the wooden ice-boxes.  Doesn't your phone or whatever do that?  Or can't you just  take someone with you?  Do you even know how to run that damn thing?    So I guess not much small talk going on?  I find it easier to just write things down....  and then try to de-cipher it when I get home....   You're going to have to write it all down anyway, so you will remember!  Do you think WE can remember everything for you?   Good Lord, now I have yet aNOTHER thing to do!    Yes we KNOW you can't remember shit...

    But we can't either!  NOW what do we do?  Oh Hey Ducky!  You mean April!  Not Redhead!  Dang girl!  You even got me confused.  Yes April.... Do what Ducky says, even though she didn't know what she said.  Wink  Smack that phone down....  and tell her you dropped it, and then tell her you are having trouble hearing.... then drop it again.... for good!  

    Well, guess we know we can't call Ducky.... She'll either hang up on us, or tell us to STFU.... or even here's a quarter.... like our phone takes money!   Geez Ducky, now EVERYone is going to know we are "older."..... 

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited February 2013

    Chevy......LMAO......the solo cups were for the Margarita,s your sorry ass was making.....or did you forget that too....and Camille, where the hell are the chips and goodies......holy I have to remember Ganny is going to be ......thirsty, hungry, and pissed........your asses are all in trouble............oh that's ok.....just tell her to STFU...........LOL.......LOL.......LOL, I'm running like hell......

  • redheadinwv
    redheadinwv Member Posts: 71
    edited February 2013

    Red checking in,oncologist pushed my scans up to next Wednesday, I have another new lump in mastectomy scar, biopsy scheduled.... Crap! He did say that he thinks the vertebrae is slowly starting to heal. Yay!

    Bloodwork was all good though. :) I pulled my head out of my a$$ and am online shopping lol my husband will be thrilled he can STFU though. Ha!

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited February 2013

    Reds......that's the spirit.....let's pray the new lump is scar tissue....I found a lump across from my initial cancer, and it was nothing after doing an ultrasound. Stay positive........oops sorry, that's a "STFU" comment.........anyway, I'll say a few Hail Mary's for you.......

    Shop on girlfriend....hugs

  • redheadinwv
    redheadinwv Member Posts: 71
    edited February 2013

    Lol Ducky, this is the second recurrence in that spot it may be scar tissue this time, I sure hope! The chest wall though I am fairly sure is a recurrence. Blah!

    Loving my shopping day though!

  • shadytrake
    shadytrake Member Posts: 69
    edited February 2013

    Alright, I'll bite...I'm gonna whine that everything tastes bad!  Luckily my nice barn friend made me some home-made frozen fruit cups and that got my appetite going.  Now I'm munching on a Philly Cheesesteak with lots of you can all tell me to STFU!

    Tongue Out

  • Scottiee1
    Scottiee1 Member Posts: 1,790
    edited February 2013 lot have verbal diarrhea today....what's going on ???? Well, bummer my son's appt with the cardiologist was cancelled an hour before his appt!!!!! We went to the hospital anyway as I wanted to pick up my script for Letrozole that I forgot yesterday and

    to give them hell for canceling the kid's appt, plus, I took the day off for this WTH ...

    I was ready to speak my mind but as it turned out the Doc had an emergency and the receptionist was from Glasgow where I'm from so we had a good laugh together ....told her she spoiled my STFU

    Redhead....sorry I have not said welcome to you yet. I'm so praying that it's scar tissue

    and nothing else.

    Granny, I'm only 65.....what's a tape You better ask for a private ward

    when you go in because there will be lots of us there with a bit squished in a private or semi we need the space for all the partying that will be going on...💃💃💃

    Everybody else ....try to behave 😇

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited February 2013

    WinkOh Scottiee, what for?  Why in hell do we have to behave?  Ha, ha!  I think we are a LOT of fun.... us gals here!  We are more fun than some of the other threads....I'm just sayin'....

    Shady.... what is a "barn-friend"....???  You guys hanging around in a barn?  Somewhere?   I LOVE Philly Cheesesteak sandwiches...!  My favorite.   Sorry about your Son's cancellation.....  Don't they know how we worry?  My Grandson had some sort of growth in his nose, and I was on his butt for a week, until he got it removed! 

    Redhead.... don't even THINK about anything else.... doesn't do any good to worry....Wait until you find out, then we will all worry with you...Wink   Yes.... I knew the Hail Mary's, and I wasn't even Catholic.  I almost finished the catechism, but we decided we would just to a justice of the peace, because we had NO money.....  But I can do the Hail Mary's... if one NEEDS one.

    Where did SHE go?  Probably tramping around somewhere.... either dancing, or playing poker with the "ne'r do wells" in the neighborhood.  Gotta put a leash on her.... damn kid! 

    I'm baking a sweet-potato the size of my head!  It is huge!  Got it at the flea-market.... We HAD one, with butter, suger and cinnamon on it.  That's why I'm so sweet.

  • Scottiee1
    Scottiee1 Member Posts: 1,790
    edited February 2013

    Chevy....too you remember the episode with Mr. Bean and the turkey?

    well, I'm thinking of you with that sweet potato over your head and Mr. Bean could get together for Thanksgiving 🍗🍠

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited February 2013

    Enuf!!!!!!thats enuf from Chevy and Ducky...a fine pair the 2 of you....ganging up on me like that about the tape recorder...well listen up.....when i first came on these threads the wonderful sistas told me after havingplenty of bullshit to bring a tape recorder to all the drs.No one can remember everything that they say....and who can write that fast and then read it.That was the best advice i was ever given.when i get home i play it over again just to make sure i know there.maybe you all should try it....serious!!!!

    Ducky is very famous for those red solo cups.I know her very well and she loves to drink!!!!!sh when she says red solo cups look out....she is drunk!

    And you Chevy....tread carefully my sista....breakin my balls and hookin up with that other one....

    I love you all so dearly.This is by far the best thread goin....just keep it movin...and play nice...


  • shadytrake
    shadytrake Member Posts: 69
    edited February 2013

    Chevy, I board my horse at a local barn and my friends there I call barn-friends...I also have orchid society friends, and my friends...I categorize.  It's part of my OCD.  Smile

  • redheadinwv
    redheadinwv Member Posts: 71
    edited February 2013

    Lol, Philly cheesesteaks sound great, think I am having takeout cause I am too lazy to cook. Red solo cups are our drinking glasses, especially lately. Margaritas anyone?

    I couldn't remember half a Hail Mary, glad someone can on my behalf! Not gonna be good though!

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited February 2013

    HEY... the tramp knows the Hail Mary...anyone want it?...cannot hurt u know.

    when everything fails( dont listen to those 2 troublemakers ) there is always GOD.

    Eventho i have a bad mouth and temper GOD plays a very big role in my life.

  • redheadinwv
    redheadinwv Member Posts: 71
    edited February 2013

    Granny, I agree, I too have at best a "sailors" mouth but GOD is still there and a part of my life too.

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited February 2013

    you couldnt even say shit in my house.My mom would say where did u hear that.ha.

    awww mom today you would have to get with the program....STFU is not a curse.

    why?????because i said so.

    xoxoxo grannydukes

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited February 2013

    Oooooookkkkkkkay..........first if you want a real cheesesteak, then you better get your ass on a plane, and come to Philly......ever heard of Pat,s......or Gino,s........I

    I have a feeling that Granny knows what I'm talkin about.........

    Oh, by the way, I don't curse......I am a lady through and through......LOL....LOL....LOL...

    My husband said to me one day, why don't you just tattoo your arm, take my truck, and drive down I95, and curse at everyone on the highway................know what I told him

  • kathindc
    kathindc Member Posts: 1,667
    edited February 2013

    Hi ladies.  I've been lurking here since I read about this thread on another one.  You ladies are crazy as hoot owls.  I hope you don't mind my joining in.

     I love Gino's cheesesteaks.  They are soooo good.  Next trip to Philly will have to include a stop.

  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600
    edited February 2013

    Although I've never gotten used to HEARING the kind of  language used by so many of you this is one of my favorite topics.  This is trully a place where we can all say whatever we want or need to say, however we need to say it.

    I can only remember one time that I ever heard either of my parents use a word they considered "vulgar" much less an obsene word. My Father cut off the tip of his index finger, including a bit of bone, on the table saw. All he said was "Darn, that hurts!"  I was only about 10 at the time but I can still see the blood and the look on his face.

    When DH and I were first married his language often made me uncomfortable but I never said anything to him about it, not even when he said f***. As time went by he used less and less of that language. After almost 47 years he hardly ever uses profanity and I can't remember the last time, years and years ago, that he said f***