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STFU (Shut the F*** UP)



  • Scottiee1
    Scottiee1 Member Posts: 1,790
    edited February 2013

    Wren....It is a page turner and a quick read as well.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited February 2013

    Shellshine, I love that! a genius card!

    I come here too, to this thread every day, to catch up, and to have a good laugh. I love the banter, and how much these women care for one another. They let all of us in and accept us into their group.

    It sometimes feels like we're sitting having a coffee together, even though we are scattered all over the world.

    Thanks to all for a great source of entertainment, and I hope you'll never STFU.........From Guttergums in Australia!

  • thefuzzylemon
    thefuzzylemon Member Posts: 631
    edited February 2013

    Oh I will return to this thread to unload my STFU's...somedays I can't load the chamber fast enough to the Remmington .36 to fire off the STFU's onto targets that have very familiar faces on STFU's are regularly highly explosive and aimed at specific targets. I'm a great shot, too: )

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2013

    Ariom I like the way u signed that one.

    I've had no recent STFU's lately, but tomorrow is Dr. time so we'll just see how that oes--just rhe word Dr. makes me think like that so I'll let u ladies know how I handle it.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited February 2013

    Thanks Camillegal!

    That's what my husband calls me.

    People say they don't expect me to let fly the way I do, don't think I look like I'd speak that way, but I am a Scot, from Glasgow, can't help it!LOL

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2013

    hahaha I love it. People don't think like that from me cuz I'm older and wow are they mistaken.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited February 2013
    WHOA Hoss!  You gals are just toooooo fun!  A bunch of fiesty little brats, eh? 


    So okay... I'm into my "write mail" and typing this... with this screen on my left, and the postings that YOU gals write on my right side of my screen!!!  Ha, ha!  I am WOMAN!  Now I can see you all at once, you little dickens-es!  THIS way I can't lose my post, until I post it!  Do any of you know what I am talking about?


    Morning blondie!  (See this is where I left off)...  Glad to make you smile... About those Philly sandwiches, and ordering them.... I DID this once for San Francisco Sourdough bread!  It cost me more for shipping than the damn bread did!  But I knew it, and it was worth it... for one time only, Ha!  But you can't buy any bread that tastes like that "sourdough" from the Bay area.    I even tried Panera's...  Nope!  I even tried making my own "starter" and going that way... Nope again.


    And there's little Granny pants!  Honey, the only reason you go to the emergency room, is to see those cute guys!  No kidding, ONE time we had to take DH in for his what-ever, and this GUY, I mean this DOCTOR was the most GEORGEOUS man I had ever seen...!  Our two Daughters stood there with their tongues on the floor, and he made our visit quite nice!  Ha, ha!   So don't give me that crap about going to the emergency room JUST to have your stomach pumped... silly girl!


    You are "modern"  ???  How may I ask?  Because you WHAT?  Because you wear knee-hi stockings now instead of panty-hose?  Do you roll them down to your ankles too? 

    About the router... Are you sure you NEED one?   I had ordered one, but finally went to B&N with my Nook, and my "new" books just showed up in my Nook because of the WI-FI connection there.  


    But there IS a way to download an e-reader AP to your computer, or your "IPad" (I think) and then connect your reader to your computer, and with Adobe Reader, it will transfer your purchased e-books to your reader.   But I had problems with my Nook, once.... and my neighbor was here, and I told her about it, and she used HER wireless code, on MY Nook, to sign in, and she DID it.  I now have a wireless connection on my Nook, and I can download my books from B&N not ONLY to my computer, but to my NOOK!  Yowsers, YOWsers!  I am woman!  So see if you have a neighbor that is still speaking to you, and ask them if they can help.


    Okay, moving on....Redhead, you actually told your co-worker to STFU?  Dang girl...  we trained you well...AND you embarrassed your 17 year old?  THAT'S what we are for!  I love when I can make my Grand-sons laugh!   But I don't say that word...  in front of them....  I would embarrass mySELF!  Ha, ha! 


    Shady, are you better now?  I LOVE Hot and Sour soup!  Don't tell little miss fancy pants, because she gags a lot!  I love to make "Congee"...

    It is this rice soup that you cook about 4 hours... until it is very creamy.  I add a piece of grated fresh ginger, scallions, shredded carrots,  and just  cook the dickens out of it...  You can add chicken, or broth, or bouillon, but I love it just plain like that.


    Shane, I would love a Margarita!  But I have never been "drunk".... Nope, not never, ever.  Have you guys?  I mean it's just that I was raised around drunks, and it scared me to death...  They get so MEAN!  So I was afraid to drink.  And I was afraid that if I got drunk when I DID drink, that I couldn't take care of my little girls... Believe me, DH has no such feelings of diplomacy when it comes to his drinking.   But I STILL will have a screw-driver or a White-Russian, Ha!


    Scottiee... I should know you.... after all I am Irish...  And I don't drink much... how could I possibly be Irish if I don't drink?   When you watch everyone you know act like fools, it tends to diminish your capacity for tolerance... Who is Christine?  Did I miss something here?


    Okay little K... I'm to where you STILL cannot find that damn book!  You couldn't find your butt with both hands!    Just DO it!   Find it online, like from Amazon... like Katindc said, AND  all the REST of New Jersey, and BUY it! 


    (I'm still on the page where Granny is going nuts about that book! Would someone please help her?   Scottiee..  you sound like you could do it!


    Okay, now I see Ducky!!  The troops have arrived.  That was so funny...  Man, if you don't get us all kicked off, it won't be because you didn't TRY!!!   I ain't even ordering that damn book!  I have 39 books on my Nook right now... and 4 on my computer that I can't transfer... and about 150  books here on my shelves.   But I love looking at them.  Ducky, are you kidding?  You told Princess K to use WIFI from either comcast or "FIOS"  ???  Now you KNOW damn well she will ask you what "Fios" is....  I mean ....I  have never heard of that! 


    Oh Pietra!  .... (I spelled it right.)  Glad to see you!   You know,it takes all kinds...!  Sorry about your stupid team of Doctor's an nurses!  They taped your nipple!?????  I would have come out of that bed so fast that I would have slapped them all for sure!   My God, that must have hurt!  And you couldn't move?  They should have all been shot....  Oh wait...

    Don't let Granny anywhere around them.... she carries "salt" you know.  She frightens even the toughest of men.  I'm just sorry for what you went through.


    Camille!  Dang girl!  I thought you were Granny K with all the bold print!  Don't go getting mad at your Doctor!  Is it Dr. Jeckyl?  Or someone like that?


    Oh, we have "Shellshine".... I love that name!   I love that card!  That's way funny!   Yes, we haven't been shut down yet, but it's still early in the day, Ha,ha! 


    Ducky... you caved!  You ordered that book...Ha, ha!  Just DON'T let your kids read that book.... you are a goner.


    Sheila888.... You got the dreaded "red x".... what did you do?  What did you almost say? 


    And Wren...  You caved too... And Ariom, with the pretty hair!   Yes, we care for each other...  It's like we all ditch school, and smoke and tell dirty jokes... and are just hanging on by a thread, until the teacher catches us. 


    And Fuzzyface!  Yes, come back and see us...  I forgot to say any STFU's lately...


    I/we...(my daughter and I) went for breakfast yesterday, and had our taxes done.... Now THAT is like one of the worst things to have to do after a nice breakfast!  But with AARP it doesn't cost anything.  Maybe that's a plus...  NOW to figure out who to get our home-owners and auto insurance with.  It went up so high with Hartford! 


    Okay.... I'm done... now I'll hear all the rest of you yell at me because this was long... but I had to answer all of you!  Because I love you... honest I do... I think that's a song.......xoxoxo



  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited February 2013

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited February 2013

    Thought I'd show you my new pair of shoes...  I usually wear Crocs.....

  • redheadinwv
    redheadinwv Member Posts: 71
    edited February 2013

    damn Chevy! I LOVE the shoes!! 

    Yes, I told my coworker to STFU, he deserved it, he's male, he has a Y chromosome and he dared question whether or not I did something.  I do purchasing for the IT department at a State University.  He picked a day when I had not had enough coffee to question me SO.... STFU was better than actually hitting him although that would have been satisfying too.  Maybe I'll get some salt like Granny! LOL!!
    As for mortifying my 17 year old, yes I did, and I'll probably do it again.  What are mothers for otherwise!

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited February 2013

    Gonna tell you ladies something and if you dare laugh I'm coming after each one of you individually.......along with the "Bees book I bought the book.......Life Application Study Bible.....ever heard of it......saw it at my daughter's house and began to read is the actual Bible, but written in such a revised way, it makes it so easy to understand....complete explanations ...........amazing when you read about Adam and I know why men blame us for all their short all started with friggin Adam.....guess Eve didn't know how to say to him........ADAM......STFU.....then said, please cover that "thing" with this "fig leaf".......and of course Eve being a woman, and knowing how to wiggle her way out of things...(oh yea, we were even good at that way back then)...blamed the snake.....

    So I decided to buy my own copy.........this way if my kids find my Bees book, and decide to bury me behind my house, and I do get to least I will have a good argument about WHY WE TOOK THE FALL FOR ADAM......the horny bastard.......will keep you all I will the way the friggin book cost....$50.00.........I needed to spend $9.09 more to get free shipping...............WTF was I thinking.............I spent $50.00 to save $ lol.....

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited February 2013

    I have to use the bathroom before I read this thread so I don't pee my pants

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited February 2013

    Ok Ducky and Granny I'm here - I don't want anyone dragging me anywhere, especially you two.  

    I don't have the energy to read up on what is going on here, but I'm here..... my hip hurts from the injection I got for the bursitis and I'm real cranky... got up for my computer work late and didn't get my shower.. you all might to put on nose plugs.  D and G you can catch the ladies up on my situtation if you like.  I'm here and that is about it at the moment.

  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726
    edited February 2013

    OMG you bought the friggin book, or rather both of them, Ducky.....have you heard of the library they have 3 of them where you live, that is where I am going.......but as I said I am reading 3 others....are there rules to this "book club" when is it due, do I have to do a book report, please say no cause I sucked at it when I was in school about 100 years ago, and I am not standing up in front of the "class" and reading it.....are we reading chapter to chapter and discussing it, Chevy was it you that decided we do this?  WTF......Pietra, those people need to be shot so you should watch people in here have guns and others like to slap people, we can be a dangerous bunch.....especially when we are cranky and I still am.....good for you redhead I mean he probably deserved it, they just should back the F off....Chevy OMG love those shoes, wish I could wear them, but where would I wear them, chemo, I take my shoes off there and walk barefoot and the nurses yell at me all the time, but I never wear shoes in the summer, leave the flip flops in my car.....omg how I degressed......anyway....forget what or who wrote on page 34.....sorry.....HAPPY FRIDAY!!!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited February 2013

    Oh no Blondie!  It wasn't me about that damn book!  I think it was the little trouble-maker.... Miss Princess K...  It was SHE who got this wild hair for us all to somehow READ!!!   Like I don't have enough ELSE to do....   I hate book reports also....  It just tests my endurance.  That's like asking me to do those questionable math problems!   It's like asking me if I have 64 bottles of rum, and I need to shop for shoes, how long will it take the snow to reach Nome Alaska when it is Winter!   They never made sense...

    Hi GMFoley!  Are you the spy?  The one that Granny sent?  Are we in trouble over here?  All we are doing here, is making cup-cakes and egg sandwiches to take to the poor!    You have Bursitis?  Oh man, that hurts!  I have it intermitently  in my left knee! 

    Ducky....  I was just wondering what trouble you were sniffing out today....  Are you with Miss K?  If SO, I know you are up to no good!  Love you girls! xoxoxoxo

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited February 2013

    THAT means what the hell does that mean?

  • shadytrake
    shadytrake Member Posts: 69
    edited February 2013

    Hi Ladies,

    I'm back among the living today.  Wow! Day 3 post Chemo SUCKED! 

    So today I get a call from my sister and she tells me they found some stuff on her mammo but it is probably nothing but she wanted to biopsy anyway.  She had it done yesterday and she's like "I'll be happy to forward the results to your BS just in case they need it for information on your treatment and I'm not sure if I'll get a full Mx after I get the results or not."  And, she's kind of laughing as she says it!!

    Ummm...WTF?! It's like some warped twisted it's now all about her...geesh.  Why can't I just have a normal family?  I'm living this crap and it scares the hell out of me.

    Anyway, I told her that I hope her biopsy came back negative.

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited February 2013

    Shady, my older sister told me she had cancer on my birthday. I had just finished radiation a couple of weeks before.  She didn't want to bug me, but.......I tell you - families are so strange.. I don't think it is just yours.

  • sandcastle
    sandcastle Member Posts: 289
    edited February 2013

    NOBODY....has a normal family.....most people just want you to think one of my friends likes to say, No one has The  HallMark true...Liz

  • ShaneOak
    ShaneOak Member Posts: 84
    edited February 2013

    I think the family "one uping" syndrome is extremely common.  For some reason the spotlight needs to be on them?  When I talk to my cousin (whom is like a sister to me) about my reconstruction and how that's going she always has to talk to me about how they have no money, their car is going to be repossessed, her husband is an alcoholic, etc.  You don't need that Shady.  But glad to hear that you're feeling a bit better. win.

    Some earlier posts got me thinking..has anyone been part of a thread that's been shut down?? Does someone warn you first or will I just log on one day and this will all be history?

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited February 2013

    Shady, can't you kindly inform your sister that her results will NOT be like yours anyway?  No two women have the exact thing....  And that her results won't help you one way or another?   I'm sure if YOU don't tell her, your surgeon will...  I mean STFU!  She "might" have a mastectomy?  And she is sort of laughing?   What's WITH that girl?  Just don't listen, and don't pay any attention to her.  Just start talking about the moon or something!  And don't tell her to come to this thread...  Or we'll get Ducky, and Little K with the salt... And SHE will be soundly spanked!   That brat!

    GMA... so was that supposed to mean something?  That wasn't nice either.... It just hurts you, but you can't let them know this.   Maybe we can get your sister when we get Shady's? 

    And Shane... No, no-one just gets shut-down without warning first....  We are angels compared to some others...Ha!   The mods know everything we are doing....   and saying....  We just have fun here...  We would never hurt each other, and that's when it steps over the line.  We don't even talk about Politics, or Religion...  or anything else that anyone could understand...Wink

    SandCastle.... We are the Hallmark Family right here...Wink  We would never hurt each other.... 

  • shadytrake
    shadytrake Member Posts: 69
    edited February 2013


    I feel bad that my sis is having to have a biopsy, but it would be nice if she just called to ask how I was doing instead of the whole "woe is me, mine is worse than yours crap."  I don't get it.  I don't want to one up anyone with cancer...that is for sure!

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited February 2013

    before i tell everyone how much i love those come Fme shoes i want to know what thread was shut down and why?????coemon someone  knows something...was it because of me?the salt.ha.My daughter and i were just talkin about it today.she told me how she thought i was just so insane at the time that anything was possible.yeah i did want to kill the bastard.

    the friggin was scottiee who started this...she was just tellin me about it and how much one sista reminded her of did you all get pulled into this.Im gonna read that damn book...not on a nook cause i dont have 1.not on anything but in a book form....all youputer literate sistas make me ashamed...once again those 2(everyone knows who im talkin about) both older then me are makin me look like an ass.Ok now STFU.and you miss chevy im gonna get you...i swear one of these days you will open your door and find this tramp with the come Fme shoes and you are gonna fall over.

    So GmaF--you found us...i have this feeling you dont use this language like we especially...every damn day at least 3-4-5-6-7x a day.The F word is not a curse anymore....know it.use it like all of us do.

    Dont even mention family-----everyday someone else is on my shit list.The only ones that are not are the 3 great grands.

    today i alsmost peed my pants laughing from just this page.....damn we are good.

    i have the old fashioned lap top (not like chevy with all her new equip) so i have to keep scrolling up and down and right now No one laugh or ill kill you with the salt) im sitting here with a big p uss pocket over my caps.not funny.My genius GD #1 i have 3 told me to put a piece of potatoe raw on top of it to bring it to a head.head place to go under gonna have to have all my top teeth pulled after surgery #1 next bottom line is i cannot talk but i can type.

    listen i gotta go eat now....ill be back.

    I dying to know what thread got closed down!!!!!!go ducky!!!!go chevy!!!!!GmaF is not the spy you 2 are.ha.

    love love love each and every one of you....yes each and every one....

    hugggs princess kantalope.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited February 2013

    Little K.... before you run away with some unknown rant, there was NO thread that was shut down.... I think when I asked if someone was a spy, when I was just KIDDING, and wondering if we could get shut down  for being as crazy as we ARE, we would somehow get canned!  This would never be true....  

    I'm so sorry about your caps!  I thought it was those stupid ones you wear on your HEAD!!!    Maybe do a mild salt rinse?  I'm not kidding about the salt... just be careful!  But my Grandma used to use it for everything.   And maybe use heat, like a heating pad?   You don't want that infection going into your system.  Are they giving you an anti-biotic before your surgery?  Maybe ask about one now?    For God's sake, don't swallow it....  You come up with the damndest things wrong with you... What am I going to do?    And if I EVER get to see you, I would just probably break down in tears!  We have sooooo much fun on here, and I don't know what I would do without you.... Thank you for being my crazy little sister that is 4 feet tall and wears a 12 inch shoe. xoxoxoxo

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited February 2013

    hey i really thought that they shut down a know that the mods can do that but if they didnt shut down the Cannabus(MMJ) thread i couldnt think of any other thread that was shut know there was one thread that was getting pretty hot for a while and i thought that was it but its ot.

    about the salt...i have been rinsing my mouth with sea salt 2x a day for MONTHS. yeah you read it right months...nothing,nada there is a huge white pocket on top of the caps.any other suggestions?

    I did not tell the surgeon about this...he is doin my stomach not my mouth and yes ill be on antibiotics for the afraid if i do anything drastic the entire bridge of caps will fall the hell out....I wanna cut that damn thing out of my mouth sooo im prayin it hold us till after the surgery and then all my top teeth are comin out.And it will be by a surgeon.....i sick of all this surgery not to even mention my sons failed one....

    yes chevy dear heart...i do love you sooo much....i know you remember 3 yrs ago when i was scared shitless real quiet cause i was so afraid of the unknown....if it was cancer of the stomach i would not have gone so nuts....and then the bras....remember?????I loved you from your first post to me....really you gave me my life back along with all those newbees way back when.....time to sit back and STFU.

    If i ever get out of this damn house im gonna get all the puter shit along with that damn book that im dyin to soft cover.

    Ducky--where are you....I got a betta chance of seeing you then i have with chevy....

    gonna rinse my mouth again.....oh F@&*k me!!!!!!

  • Scottiee1
    Scottiee1 Member Posts: 1,790
    edited February 2013

    OMG....I need all of you to STFU for minutes so I can catch up....ok're all in trouble now as there are two of us here from Glasgow, Scotland, and in case you didn't know, Glaswegians don't have a reputation for no reason😜

    BTW....Christine = Scottiee!!!!!

    I think I've changed my mind about meeting Granny now, she's going to come after me with the salt because of that dam book...😱

    As lot just crack me all of you...will TRY to catch up over the weekend.

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited February 2013

    Scottiee=Christine....what ever your name is i dont care i promise you No Salt....

    Sooo Christine you can still come to visit me....just remember i dont care where you come from

    i come from brooklyn!!!!damn proud of it too.


  • Scottiee1
    Scottiee1 Member Posts: 1,790
    edited February 2013


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2013

    Granny I know u know this but have u tried peroxide 3% 3 times a day? That's some good stuff. cleans things out.

    I'm too tired today to go on and on right now LOL so I just popped in.

  • kathindc
    kathindc Member Posts: 1,667
    edited February 2013

    Love the shoes but would never be able to walk in them now.  Just looking at shoes with a heel over an inch make my feet hurt.  Ouch!

    Granny, you aren't going to want to hear this BUT you may want to go to the dentist in case there is an infection.  Infections in the mouth can cross over to the brain if they aren't taken care of.  I came very close to a hospital stay because of an abscess tooth.  I can hear you now saying STFU because you have had it with doctors but we need you on this thread and all the others you are on.

    We are like a fine wine, we get better with age!