STFU (Shut the F*** UP)



  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited September 2013

    blondie!!! So good to see you!  I hate that they haven't fixed things for you yet.  What's their phone number? 


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2013

    Blondie I feel so bad for u going thru this, I don't understand why they don't know, I could write a letter for u if u want me too.

    Oh girls TY but I really can write if I take my time and by now they know exactly what I'm talking about, what caught their  attention was I named names of people on the payroll that should not be because they are convicted criminals. They didn't like that. And I said this is one state that is well known for political corruption, after all 2 Governors went to jail That's what got them all upset. Its all true--Then I said u'r mothers would be ashamed of u if she knew how u were denying a senior citizen dealing with cancer and all the side effects. So that was really the worst thing I said. But I have been writing for almost 2 years and have been around the block with them--Oh I'm not giving up just letting it rest for a while.

    Veggy don't u know by now> Someone should have called u.

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited September 2013

    Blonde thinking of you..hugs and prayers...

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited September 2013

    Why the hell have I been up since 3am......

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited September 2013

    In bed at 12,up at 3.....this this rate lunchtime will be 7am........watching it become dawn.......this sucks........

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2013

    Ducky u'r whole day will be a mess. That sucks. I hope u get some rest.

    I'm trying to wake up and my eyes won't open so I think I have to go back to sleep.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2013

    ►► Checkout ►► @[278202905628997:274:Laugh Til Your Hearts Content with Jonnae] for lots of Laughter

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited September 2013

    image alt="" width="225" height="225" />

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited September 2013

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited September 2013

    Oh Blondie!  We WONDered where you were!  Wish they could get you figured out!  Maybe we all should call THEM!!! Ha!

    Just don't let let Cammi anywhere NEAR a Pen and Paper!  Sheesh!  We would be in worlds of trouble...Wink 

    Cammi, I LOVE what you more or less TOLD them!  I SWEAR they are going to make a movie out of you!  Something like Erin Brokovich...!!! Ha, ha! You are toooooooo cool!  And when you mention their Mothers, refrain from telling them what you KNOW about their Mothers, also!

    Those little rat-finks!  Guess they know who THEY are dealing with!   They are probably shaking in their boots...their DIRTY boots, I might add!

    Wait!  WHAT???? You've been around the BLOCK with them?  See, that's where this gets sticky.... Have you been hanging around Ducky? 

    NEXT time you send a letter, we will ALL give you input.... That way you will remain out of the big-house!  Just follow procedures and protocol and rules and tell them to all GGF'd!    That should do it. 

    And  DUCKY!  WHAT are YOU doing up?  You want to come over for Coffee?  I have enough made for both of us!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited September 2013

    Hey, good one Grammie!  Ha!   I just now see that we woke up Miss Cammibeenaroundtheblock and YOU Grammie!   Wouldn't it be fun to all meet over coffee?

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited September 2013

  • cmbernardi
    cmbernardi Member Posts: 853
    edited September 2013

    Hello All,

    I too went to bed at Midnight, could not sleep until after almost 3AM despite taking a mild sleeper.  Up at 6AM with my pudgy Pug, Broadway Rudy Giuliani so he can get his meds (with turkey) and go to and do his "business" then get a few treats and his breakfast.  Since then I have taken out trash, watered all flowers, filled the pool, did a load of laundry and then got the second one in, folded the dry clothes and got a package ready to go out in the mail today.  I'd love to join you all for coffee but I must try to go back to sleep for a while or my errand-filled day will surely be crap!  This surely does SUCK!  And I certainly agree with our friend Bugs Bunny!  Who could avoid saying crazy stuff and who could avoid being nuts while living on 3 hours of sleep a night with the sweating and tossing and turning?  I need a good knock-out drug to BREAK THIS CYCLE!!!!  Suggestions are welcome........

    Hope you are all safe and well and comfortable and have no pesky SEs or a lot of pain.  I still stiff as a board with this raging insomnia from this wonderful Letrozole (Femara) and now taking Celebrex daily and Dilaudid (sp?) only when needed.  Other than that, all is peachy in my world. I finally got my own apartment and will move in with 1-2 weeks.  I have my third (and hopefully last) job interview for a great position as a Registered Dietitian on Monday at 10AM so please y'all, send all of your good Karma and prayers my way so I can finally get back to work and get my cancer-shattered life back on the upswing.  Many thanks in advance!

    Peace, Luv, Hugs, Prayers and Blessings to all you Hooligan Warriors out there.  Oh, and TGIF & Happy Weekend to ALL as well.



  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited September 2013

    Okay you fart faces, it's freakin 3:14 am in Hawaii and I've been up for an hour. WTH have you started, Ducky? DAGNABIT you guys, settle down, you're keeping me awake!

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited September 2013

    Hey Flowers - you'll nail that interview!

  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484
    edited September 2013

    Well after an hour or so BCO withdrawal when it was down

    Gosh do we have mass insomnia here or what? My best sleep comes after about 5 am. I'm becoming too much of a night owl and DH gets up at 6:30. I do get up and help him feed goats. I used to do it all myself but he took over when I went back to work. Now we share the job.

    Flowers - good luck on the interview. I know you will nail it. That and new apartment. Sounds like things are on the up and up. I'm ready for this heat to break, how about you? There's the channel 4 forecast on - yeah only lower 90s after today. It was 100 out here yesterday. I have to go "camping" in Okla. in 2 weeks. I say it that way because it is a cabin/AC/kitchen. But it is no fun in the heat. That and the lake has no water where our cabin is. This is big group so we need specific big cabin. Have 2/year reservations. PTL Accuweather is showing nicer temps.

    Blondie - Glad you checked in. What else do they have planned for you? Were you going to new pulmo. doc?

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,303
    edited September 2013

    Saying hi to gorgeous people.


  • Beatmon
    Beatmon Member Posts: 617
    edited September 2013

    Marywh: we can all shower your insurance with letters if they deny you the chemo you need......thousands of us on these boards. Be

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited September 2013

    LMAO..........thought I was the only freak up so early.........normally I am not like this, but I think I know what it was......

    My Grandson who golfs for his HS......has a fat f--k, ignorant piece of shit for a coach.......before his match the other day he said to my Grandson......."YOU KNOW YOU SCREWED UP.....LAST YEAR YOU DID BETTER THEN THIS YEAR....THE OTHER SOPHOMORES HAVE GOTTEN BETTER! YOU HAVEN'T.........this was before the f/n match, and last match he did great, and won...........well of course what the asshole coach said prayed on his mind, so he did not do well in his match that day.....when he came home he was extremely upset, and went right upstairs for a daughter had no idea this happened until finally he told her.............well she told me, and I can't get this bastard out of my head, and want to rip his F/N head off, and stuff it down the hole in his neck...

    My daughter is livid, but my Grandson has to approach the coach, and tell him "NO ONE PUTS ME DOWN", AND NEVER AGAIN TELL ME I SCREWED UP"...........he is 15, and needs to del with this asshole....but he is not an aggressive type, unlike me and his mother......

    No one ever talks to my kids like that, or my grandkids.....and this kid is an excellent golfer......the Pro who teaches him was told about this by my SIL, and he said......this guy needs to be don't talk to a kid like that.....,..

    Hopefully this does not affect him from here on...........he has another match Wednesday......

    So After getting back in bed after going to the bathroom, I was thinking about my grandson.........and how this freak, and excuse for a human being could be handled, short of punching in his fat face...........AMEN....

    , .


  • juliaanna
    juliaanna Member Posts: 575
    edited September 2013

    Hoping all you folks in Colorado are sitting high and dry, safely out of the path of the flood waters.

  • gardengumby
    gardengumby Member Posts: 4,860
    edited September 2013

    A feral cat was living under our new house.  We got a Have-a-heart trap and baited it with cat food.  What does it mean when you catch a black cat on Friday the 13th?  There's not a spot of white on it (that can be seen anyway).

    A friend is taking the cat to her house and hoping it will stay with care and feeding - if not, at least it's a long way from our home.  We didn't want to take it to the humane society, because they'd just put it down.  In the meantime, we're fixing the spot where he/she? got in. 

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited September 2013

    Julianna - YAY - I've been missing you!  And Blondie - DOUBLE YAY. PM headed your way.

    Ducks: I'm with you - you don't F- - - with kids, EVER. Your daughter is smart to guide him to respectfully stand up to idiothead that way. I'm impressed. I'm so passionate I would have ripped him a new a - - hole by now. Actually, when my son was trashed by a teacher's aide when he was 8, I handled the situation like a sedated attorney. Waited a day before I met with the principal, questioned her with "yes" or "no" answers,and when I had her where I wanted her I said, "We forgive you." She blinked. Then I told her how I wanted her to handle things and she complied, so ripping a new AH is probably not the best advice. Four months later he was in a new school for kids with learning differences. He tested at the 7th percentile for self esteem. Now he's in a private college with a very healthy self-esteem. Don't lose any more sleep on your sweet boy - it sounds like your daughter is on it.

    So.... I finally fell asleep at dawn for 2 and a half hours, so I can run on 5 hours. Need to get back into a better bedtime for upcoming job if I pass the urine test.

    So here's my latest past-time: Started studying for my Family NP certification next January. Killer test, all the content of my recent schooling PLUS women's health. Memorized all of the cranial nerves and their function, yesterday. Always had a written reference, previously, now it's in my head.

    Also made reservations for 40th high school reunion in Oakland next month, and started a SERIOUS DIET. Need to go from 162 to 150 by 10/12! Lost 2 pounds in 3 days, eating a really healthy plant based diet with some egg white, fish, non-fat dairy and a little organic chicken. LOTS of fruits and veggies, some beans, and one small serving of whole grains per day. Vanity gets results.

    Okay - need to be productive today - so will check in laters.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2013

    Oh Ducky I would be livid too. How dare a man that teaches talk to any of the kids like that and of course u'r GS would feel really bad about it. Oh I can't believe the ignorance of people to a 15 yrs old yet. That never should of happened. Ever. Damn Ahole.

    Luv I hope it really cools down for u, well it should--it's finally cooled down here, But u'r state is always hotter, I don't know about OK but I hope it'll be comfortable.

    And all the floods I hope everyone is safe. I've been watching the news and it looks terrible.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,303
    edited September 2013 cats are just black cats.  They do get a bad rap.  If the person who you took it do provides food.....the cat will stay.   Just don't know why she or he had made a refuge out of your house.....other than it felt safe.  Thanks for being kind and giving this cat a chance.


  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484
    edited September 2013

    Gosh I'm living under a rock. Did not even realize it was Friday the 13th.

    I would say for the cat a very lucky day. Great home and no shelter.

    Gosh Shells I can remember the ditty for the cranial nerves but sure as s**t could not identify the right one for the mnemonic or their functions. I still have my comparative anatomy book from 1973 (fond memories) with it written in it. I was a pre-med major. As I remember I used "on old Olympus topmost top a fat old German vaulted a hedge". See all those o's which is which I do not know. Remember glossopharyngeal and vagus. Wow - so that will make you double certified (or is it more). Love the diet. Bet you can get loads of fish. UMMM mahi-mahi.

    Productive - hah. Need to get dishes done from cooking yest. and DH prob. home early. I think he's worked near his 40 hours.

    Ducky - I'm kinda with Shells. Lay more of a trap for coachie #1 a-hole. Livid is good but plan is so much better. In meantime surround GS with love and confidence which I know you will do. I think there was a video not too long ago about basketball coach chewing out a kid. Maybe time for cellphone video?

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2013

    Shell u'r a wonder--U wil do great whatever u study. Oh u'll look beautiful at u'r reunion. Chit my 50th is the end of the month I'm sure not going. LOL

    GG actually black cats are lucky and they are beautiful so no worries. 

  • gardengumby
    gardengumby Member Posts: 4,860
    edited September 2013

    Jackie and Cami - I'm actually not even a little superstitious, it just seemed so funny (the trap had been out for days and days) that we caught him/her on Friday the 13th.  :)  When I was young I always had cats, and my favorites were my black cats.  They were 1/2 siamese and I had two of them.  They were gorgeous.  One used to come out and meet me when I was coming home from school.  She'd jump on my shoulder and ride the last block.  Unfortunately, with age came more allergies - and cats are my very worst allergy now - otherwise, I'd be wanting one!!!  In fact, it's because of my allergies that we had to trap and remove the cat - otherwise, I'd simply have fed her outside and she would have been our defense from rats and mice.

    Luv - you're right - it was a lucky day for the cat.  That's good.

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited September 2013

    Doc wants me to head to urgent care  Tongue Out  DH just got home to take me..

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited September 2013

    You is funny, Beatmon!

    Okay, I fell back asleep after writing that last note to y'all, woke up at 11:00 - so much for getting back on cycle. Driving over to my mom's to help her fix her cell phone - got her and dad phones several years ago when dad got lost driving home, luckily he doesn't drive anymore. They're both in their 80's, gotta love em up as much as possible while we still have them. My younger brothers are worse - over there every 5 minutes to fix this or that. It's funny how kids are so protective of their parents when they get older, so Cammi you gotta just put up with it, even though you're still quite young.

    As you can see, it looks like I got my mojo back after 2 months of laying on the couch with no energy. 

    DH has been great, back to feeding his feral cat colony down the road. Several people help out, catching them and having them spayed, feeding them, etc. We've been nursing a real cutie teenager he brought home - she's fattended up quite a bit, so buying a neuter certificate today and getting her shots so we can find her a home. Runs us about $100 - we do it once or twice a year, our community service. It feels good, but I need to get her outta here before we fall too deeply in love. It's hard - both of us treat our adoptees differently than our own pets - don't let them in the house and limit snuggle time so we don't fall too much in love. Funny thing is we never forget them, and think about them and how they are doing.

    Okay -are you guys sick of hearing from me, yet? I've been socially withdrawn from my regular support system, lately, so "blogging" here is therapeutic. 

    Lately I've been having second thoughts about having had double mastectomy for Stage 3 DCIS. Any thoughts?

    GMA  - didn't catch your post cause we were writing at the same time, hope everything is okay.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited September 2013

    Shells this will be hard but i'll give it a try. :) this will make me crazy until I get it right.

    mnenonic   nerve                       m=motor/s=sensory/ b=both

    On             1. olafactory                    some        sensory

    old             2. optic                           say           sensory

    olympus     3. oculomotor                  marry        motor

    towering     4. tochelear                     money       motor

    tops           5.trigeminal                      but           both

    a                6.abducens                      my            motor

    finn             7. facial                           brother      both

    and             8.auditory-vestibular        says           sensory

    german        9.glossopharnygeal          bad            both

    viewed         10.vagus                         business     both

    some           11.spinal acessory            marry         motor

    hops            12.hypoglossal                money         motor