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STFU (Shut the F*** UP)



  • Scottiee1
    Scottiee1 Member Posts: 1,790
    edited February 2013

    Charles....was just teasing these British sense of humour!!!!! .....besides

    As Chevyboy said, it's not an I can't wait for you to meet our Granny, her mouth is mighty big but her heart is even bigger. ❤

  • ShaneOak
    ShaneOak Member Posts: 84
    edited February 2013

    So Charles, if I tell my boss to STFU and then claim it's due to the stress of BC can they still fire me? Ha!

    Seriously though, welcome aboard and good for you spreading the word about your journey. 

    What a great friend you have!

    Granny's going to flip out.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited February 2013

    Oh Granny (Kantalope) and Ducky will be all over this guy!    How fun! 

  • julz4
    julz4 Member Posts: 1,373
    edited February 2013

    Chevyboy.....BWAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!   I just read here from time to time but had to thank you for that laugh!!!!  With a topic like this anything is fair game in the STFU moments!  It brings to mind the story somewhere here in the US of the Grandmother Lady who was put on the stand who knew the Lawyer that was asking her ?'s & she started spewing about his past!!!! EmbarassedEmbarassedEmbarassed!!!!  Carry ON!!!! 

    PS....No we don't like what brings us to these STFU moments....but it's so nice to get it out of our systems!!!  One less thing on board to bring us troubles!!!

  • jk6
    jk6 Member Posts: 4
    edited February 2013

    I'm new to this site but not new to breast cancer.  I had it 18 years ago and found out on 1/31 that it's back. 

    I've spent the past hour reading this post.  I've heard a lot the same comments from people I thought were friends.  

    I find that people feel the need to tell me stories of people who have it worse than me so I'll feel better.  Seriously. 

    Some people are concerned, other ignorant and some just plain stupid. I surround myself with those who are truly concerned, I feel sorry for the ignorant and I totally ignore the plain stupid people.

    When I went through cancer the first time my mother who went to every single doctor appointment with me  would also take me out on days I didn't feel sick.  Usually some place for lunch or a local small town to visit. She told me that if I felt the need to vent all I needed to do was vent and she would listen but when we were together the only C words we were going to speak about were cookies, cake or candy.  I loved her for that.

    So glad I found you all.

  • ShaneOak
    ShaneOak Member Posts: 84
    edited February 2013

    jk6~ We are glad to have you, but sorry you have to be here :(

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited February 2013

    Oh how fun!  Good morning jk6 and julz4!!!   Well we don't know anything about our new Lawyer guy, but he MUST be okay!  We'll sure find out...  He has to rock with us... if he can keep up! 

    jk6...  Is it a new cancer that started up?  Or is it in the same breast?  Damn!   Yes, some people just don't have a clue as what to say to us...  Sometimes I don't have a clue....Wink  Your Mom sounds beautiful jk6....  No.... only certain words are allowed here.... We kind of push the limits, but everyone knows we are just having fun..... I would hope we never offend anyone....   I'm glad you found us too!  Stay safe....

  • skimommi
    skimommi Member Posts: 14
    edited February 2013

    You gals crack me up!! I've posted here in months past, and just trying to get caught back up.

    Does anyone else find themselves listening to other's whine about their "problems" and think Shut the F!!! Up?? You don't know sh!t until you have the big C? Okay, so maybe I am just not sypathetic and a harsh b!tch. There is someone in my life that gripes and complains about every single little problem and makes the biggest effin' deal about it like it is the end of the world. Seriously, every single day it is something else and we hear about it allllll . . . day . . . looonggggg. . . . I keep my trap closed though because some people just need to make mountains out of molehills. I mean seriously, this person will stop anyone walking past them to explain in great detail and cry on their shoulder because they stubbed their pinky toe (okay, not the real issue but pretty damn close).

    Now I'm curious about this book you all are clamoring about. I'm not much of a reader, and also like it slow at at my own pace, but very interested to hear more.

  • Scottiee1
    Scottiee1 Member Posts: 1,790
    edited February 2013

    Skimommi.....everyday of life I'm confronted with colleagues and/or friends who are always griping about "mundane" things.....I listen, but in my head. yup, you guessed it,

    I just want to tell them all to STFU. Don t get me wrong, I used to gripe also, still do,

    but at least I have the sensitivity not to do it in front of people who are battling C or any other life threatening disease......Ok Scottiee...STFU now, not everyone can be as perfect as you ......

    Jk6.....welcome....your mother sounds like a doll. I'm assuming she is no longer with must miss her a lot!!!!!

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited February 2013

    Welcome Charles, I'm new to this page too and they just go on like I'm one of the family.. I think it might throw some of us off guard, but I think it is great to have a man in this topic.  You have emotions too! 

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited February 2013

    Shellshine -  I think every number I need is on this - I was looking for how many minutes would be for each stage - can't find a sight that tells me - I just copied this from one of my other posts on the sleep apnea board. here are the basics.:

    The Primary doc sent me a message that my CPAP should be set at 7cm H2O. That is all he said. They sent me the report, thank goodness! 8-[ 

    What that actual report said:

    "This patient had a severely disturbed sleep secondary to OSA and Hypopneas associated with oxygen desaturations...."
    Hey - I don't see anything that puts me mild or severe - does this statement above put me as severe? 8-[ 

    AHI was severely increased at 53.5 events/hr
    AHI during Stage R sleep was 66.0/hr
    AHI supine was 84.7/hr
    Minimum oxygen saturations during sleep - 79% - mean was 92%

    Once CPAP therapy was initiated AHI was decreased to 7.1 events/hr with most respiratory events being central apneas occurring sporadically. Oxygen saturations remained above 90% once therapeutic pressures were reached... There were central apneas on the high CPAP pressures."

    There was also a note that my pressure should be set a the 7cm H2O but if increase is needed, I should be closely supervised to confirm that central apneas do not disturb sleep.

    I have found the APAP when I wake up has been above 7 at 11-15. Is that why I feel so rotten in the morning. :-k 
    At least I know now I know..

    Some more info - 
    Stages for diagnostic part:
    N1 19 minutes - 13.2%
    N2 54.5 minutes -38.0%
    N3 50 minutes - 34.8%
    R 20.0 minutes - 13.9%

    Total sleep time - 143.5
    Sleep Efficiency - 67%

    Sleep Latency in minutes - 14.4
    Total Stage Changes ( After sleep onset ) - 84
    Awakenings (after sleep onset) - 21
    WASO - 56.1

    REM Periods - 1
    REM Latency in minutes - 165.5
    REM Latency less wake time in minutes - 117.5

  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726
    edited February 2013

    Well a man on the site, how interesting a lawyer at that, we should be nice to him and especially Granny with the salt thing you know....welcome Charles...we love new people coming and we are not acting this is how we are......

    Ducky, (and ladies just know we live 20 minutes from each other and have never met, met on here) I have been feeling that way for the past couple of son drives past my house and doesn't stop, although my daughter did call him cause one of twins, well was being an azz.....she stops in and then wants one of my pain pills (twice).....friends are freakin cause I need them, and unfortunately I can't say no, they are sitting there for my convenience....we really need to meet, I need to Ducky hug...oh and the red ones are awesome and love the shoes....

    Chevy...keep making me laugh, need that these days, wonder what is going on, just think that people have no idea what we go through and it just keeps coming and coming and they just go on with their lives and we have to do whatever it is we do forwhatever reason, don't want pity just want people to STFU about themselves and be nice, not just to me but to everybody......(again hate when the page changes)

    Can't wait for the race, saw the crash and Danica wasn't in Daytona, want my ashes spread on the beach like I was sitting on the beach, in the Will and they better friggin do it......ok moving on to another page and then I will write more....

    BACK...GMA I have no idea what that all means....

    to the newbies (see I forgot your names already, friggin chemo brain, which by the way people don't think is real), my recurrence was after 14 years...they had me believe that I was "cured" guess not, glad you came but sorry you have to be here....WELCOME...we love new you can see we say what we think which is what I do normally, but now i have a place where it is ok and people don't make fun my ADD......

    Oh can't wait til Granny finds out about Charles...need to get memory where it doesn't take so long....patiently waiting for the income tax refund...HAPPY SUNDAY!!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2013

    Welcome Jk6 and Charles and I know nothing would offend u or u wouldn't be on here--but sorry that u are.

    Chevy u stole my picture of me and my pasties before my surgury, where in the world was it hidden--I thought  put t away. Oh BTW all the newbies I'm the worst typist and I did it for so much of my life---but I worked for the state of IL so u know right there the level of knowing much is pretty nil. That's my story and I'm stickin to it.

    Now about Granny is it a dry socket or absessed in there. Thwy have to clear it up more it can affect lots of stuff we know that--Now Granny ha to know that. U tell her Chevy--I don't have the guts. (figureitively) well u never know onthese threads who has what left inside of them.

    And Charles I love u friend nalready--so spcial and so funny too. That u are lucky about. Oh and I'm not watching my language or thought because of u being here so relax and u do the same.

    I'll be back just having my coffee (yea right)

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2013

    Happy sunday morning <img class=" width="320" height="320" />THIS IS MORE LIKE IT.  GOOD SUNDAY MORNING START.

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited February 2013

    No worries for the ones that don't know what I just said - that is for the people that might have an idea and can help me form the questions I need to ask the doc..

  • redheadinwv
    redheadinwv Member Posts: 71
    edited February 2013

    I like your Sunday choices camillegal!

    Welcome Charles!

    Chevy et al, hope all are having a great day today. I have to go be nice to the inlaws today, don't be jealous guys. I may have to tell people to STFU!

  • skimommi
    skimommi Member Posts: 14
    edited February 2013

    Scottiee I get the gripping thing. But good gried. Some people go on, and on, and on, and on about stubbing their toe. And then they smash a finger the next day and go on, and on, and on . . . . STFU!!!  End rant!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2013

    It's so true about the toe--I've had someone show me the toe and asked if I thought they should go to the ER-
    Wait let me smash my foot down on it--then go to the ER.

  • iatigger
    iatigger Member Posts: 269
    edited February 2013

    Camillegal, gotta luv mimosas, now I'm thirsty!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2013

    iatigger some drinks go down so smooth and this is one of them.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922
    edited February 2013

    GmaFoley, I don't know what the numbers mean, but it looks like you're not getting good sleep. No wonder you're in so much pain and feeling down. Sleep is pretty necessary to feel good. Hope they're able to correct it enough for you to get some restorative sleep. ((((HUGS))))

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited February 2013
    Hi kids!  "She" is probably still sleeping.... You know, she parties all night, then can't drag it out of bed in the mornings.  She's such a tramp!    But I love her anyway.... just like a pet fish.


    It is a damn BLIZZARD here!  God knows that  Charles is probably in the MIDDLE of it!  It's coming from the North... so that means Wyoming!  Thanks Charles.  Hope you aren't snowed in...


    You know skimommi, my DH does that too!  When I say like my shoulder and neck really hurt, he ALways comes up, "yes, mine does too!  I have so many aches and pains!!!"  So I go get some Aleve and my little shoulder/neck thing I made, and heat it up in the microwave, and whine to myself...  I sit on the couch and snivvle. 


    Oh that damn book!  It's called "That Damn Book".... It is a collaborative effort by Granny, Scottiee, and someone else.... 


    GMA... I don't really know a thing about your numbers... but make sure you keep them handy somewhere, to take to someone that knows a lot more than we do!  I mean I only know how to sleep....  It's easy when you are as deaf as a bag of rocks.    I think I'm pretty healthy, other than that....


    Hi Blondie...  Yes.... a man!  Can you imagine how we must scare him, Ha!   Yes, I love the races too!  I went to see a race in Phoenix about 11 years ago.... didn't know anything about what was going on.... But I just became addicted and it's a lot easier to watch them on TV, and see the instant replays, and hear the strategy the announcers talk about.


    Camille!  You Kantalope and Ducky!  You are loose women, Ha, ha!  Oh God, I just remember some of my last posts.... about ahem.... things I used to wear, and there is a guy on board.... Ssshhhhhh! 

    Oh her and her teeth!  I HAD several dry-sockets, and they never swelled up....  just hurt like a bast***!  Oh man, those hurt worse than any pain I have ever had.  And all I could take was 2 Exedrin at a time....  every 10 minutes....  (just kidding.)  And oh, drinks!!!  Yes, thank you!  I LOVE champagne!  But just the $5 a bottle kind.... 


    Sorry Redhead.... I would rather go out in a blizzard and drive a truck across a frozen lake,  than have to listen to my in-laws, when they were around. 


    Charles, I hope we don't scare you away....  Granny might, but then you know about her anyway.   She carries salt in her pockets, and she is not afraid to use it!


    Hi Tigger..... Will someone go wake up the 2 Diva's?  Okay, let's send Charles to get their asses out of bed!  He can be like our little Brother.  We can make him do ANYthing!  xoxoxoxo

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited February 2013

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2013

    Wren I agree with u--we sometimes forget how important good sleep is--maybe that's why our Drs. give us meds so easily to sleep at nite, kind of recharge ourselves. I notice when i don't sleep well a couple of nites I feel differnt in an odd way nd when i finally have a good nghts sleep I actually feel somewhat better.  Of course when I was very young and stayed up all nte to cram I was OK, but now no, those days are gone. So GM follow up on any and everything until u get u'r answers u understand.

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited February 2013

    Charles, just read "Tits on a Boar." I think you will fit in here Just fine!!!! .... but you might need to change your Avatar if granny doesn't show up soon. Grannydukes I miss you, where are you? 

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited February 2013

    Ok, get the hell out of my house, out of my closet, and stop stealing my effin you will be stealing my post war nylons with the seam up the leg......come to think of it my thong and garter belt are missing too.....hmmmmmm haven't heard from Princess K in that little twit is on her way back to NY....after grabbing my shit, taking pictures and sending them to Chevy to throw me off.......

    Granny you probably have an abscess, or an old fashion "gum boil"........and Chevy if you eat all that candy that granny also stole from gonna get a "gum boil" as big as Mount Rushmore...

    Welcome to hell Charles.......hahahahahahahahahahhahahaha.....your gonna love it here........

  • redheadinwv
    redheadinwv Member Posts: 71
    edited February 2013

    Ducky, since you have all those cool shoes can I come borrow some? Chevy is tormenting me posting pics...

    Charles, love the article welcome!

    Survived the inlaws. Now to the hot tub... A MUCH better thing to do on Sunday afternoon!

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited February 2013 your, love, loved it.......the way I like it.....shooting straight from the hip.........welcome good friend.....your one of us.......however. You cannot borrow my shoes........

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited February 2013

    By the way Charles.......will you represent me....I' m suing Granny for "Grand Theft Shoes", and Chevy her partner in crime.........

  • jk6
    jk6 Member Posts: 4
    edited February 2013

    I'm so glad that I found you all.  

    Actually my mother is still here.  She'll be 83 in September. My daughter is coming from Texas to stay 3 weeks with me when I have my mastectomy and my sister is going to bring my mom to stay with me 2 weeks till I get my sea legs so to speak. Figure we'll probably spend 2 weeks in bed watching Netflix movies. I need to fee comfortable by myself because I don't want my poor son to come home to find me layng in the shower like the lady on the Life Alert commercial. After 5 weeks we'll be by ourselves again.

    The cancer is in the same breast and the same spot.  Only difference this time is when I had my ultrasound they found another tumor which is also cancerous.  

    I've not come across many stupid folks yet although after telling my boss (whom I affectionately call Richie Cunningham) after I had seen the surgical oncologist that I was going to have a double mastectomy and reconstructive surgery asked how long I would be out.  I told him probably a few months but I wasn't sure.  He was quite surprised and told me that he thought it would be a few weeks.  He's in his early 30's and I just chalked it up to being young and inexperienced in people skills.

    My son is 29 and developmentally handicapped. 29 years ago folks were not as PC as they try to be now.  I remember my best friend after finding out about my son asked me what was I going to do with him.  Was I going to bring him home or put him some place.  I had another friend who came out and told me that she didn't want to buy a gift in case something happened to him. Strangers were just as worse but I learned to develop a thick skin and ignore stupidity.  29 years later my son has grown into the most wonderful kind hearted young man you would ever want to meet. He is very capable and he will truly be a blessing when it's just him and I again. I sort of made him the team captain for my recovery. While my daughter who has a medical background is taking care of my medical needs he will be able to show her where things are and help her with the general day to day things. He'll do the same when my mother comes. I'm very blessed to be his mom. Maybe that's why I tend to ignore the stupid.  Met quite a few stupids in my life.

    I wasn't feeling well Friday and stayed home and slept all day. I've not had any treatment yet but I'm really tired and not sleeping through the night. I had to work yesterday and since there were only 2 of us answering phones I went in. I've been the only person on a Saturday and it's awful. I have the appointment with the medical oncologist tomorrow so I'm off.  I also have Thursday off for working Saturday.  Today I ran out and did a few errands but I'm now back in PJ's and spending today in bed resting. I had planned on making chicken parm for dinner but I think poor Peter will have to settle for a sandwich or cereal. I'm just not up to making it.

    Hope everyone enjoys the rest of their weekend.