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STFU (Shut the F*** UP)



  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited February 2013

    Granny I'm here careful with the teeth the way...what type of surgery are they doing....not sure you ever said..or tell me STFU, and mind my own business........ great grandmother, and great grandfather were born in Edinborough, Scotland.....loved that woman...she lived to be 93' and was still traveling by bus from NJ to Pa. To stay the weekend at 90.

    By the way........whoever stole my shoes had better send them back......I'm not laughing.....I am friggin serious. I have a hot date tomorrow night, and I need them to wear with my black thong, and garter belt..........and you know who you black oxfords will not work........

  • kathindc
    kathindc Member Posts: 1,667
    edited February 2013

    LOL I hope you get the shoes back for your hot date.  You're right the oxfords just won't work!  OMG, the visual I have, I'll have to wash my eyes.  ok, ok I'll STFU

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2013

    Ducky i u'r wearing a thong and garter no one will look at u'r shoes. LOL

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited February 2013

    im back.and i wrote everything down cause im oldfashioned.

    Camille-if i swallow 1 drop of the peroxide i can get real sick with my stomach.just a dentist told me a while ago to never do that...just the salt with very hot water.

    Kath---I know,I know all about goin for surgery with something thats not right but im willing to take my chances cause this thing just might bust.either the stomach or the mouth.Right after surgery ill be on antibiotics anyway.

    Ducky----the surgery im havin is diverticular disease.bad.last step before they have to put the bag on to thank you.ill do it now!!!!I do not have your clothes but i do know who is really the closet tramp.see im out in the open but CHEVY is the one who does it on the sly...she took all of now you have to wear something long so no one will see those oxfords.long and seethrou....your gonna look like a million bucks and Chevy will never give you your stuff back.You betta go get some new one...Black see throu thongs...yes with matching bra.sweet.take a picture!!!!!!

  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726
    edited February 2013

    Granny, my diverticulitis is getting to that point after being in the hospital a couple of months ago and not friggin eating or drinking for 4 days and now trying to friggin figure out that i can eat and not, I mean really, right now the damn pain is there and they tell me that if I am not good and eat the right damn things then I will have to have a resection and have the bag for 6 ever I have cancer you can't scare everyday it is can I eat this and that....kill me now....ok so that is enough of that rant....Got chemo on wednesday and today it the "sick" day after chemo, 2 days after is when I fade and am nauseous more than ever and here I go again ranting....sorry......I want those shoes and Ducky I would love to see a pix of you in a thong and garter belt....what hot date with who, share please a new man or woman for that matter.....

    Now why do people have to one "up" us with the cancer thing, are they not getting enough attention or are we getting all the stupid is that....I have no family except for my kids so I am not sure if I am lucky or not......watching Brian Williams on Rock Center, they are talking about men with breast cancer I think, find that facinating and I am an advocate collector of pandas and go to washington dc at least once a year to see them, they are doing a story on that also, so I am in my glory, WOW I will STFU!!!

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited February 2013

    I have another serious medical diagnosis:  addiction to this website conversation. Is there a cure?

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2013

    Blondie no saying sorry on this thread say what u want and feel--Sorry that's u'r having a bad day--3rd day is pretty usual.

    Shellshine--no cur for that addiction--alot of us have it too. and no intervention either.

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited February 2013

    Miss a few days here and it takes an hour to read quickly they forget ya if ya don't show up.....
    Glad y'all didn't start the book club yet...(K, you know it was my idea)....actually this thread would make the greatest book ever.  Real people sayin' what nobody wants to hear...and tellin' off the people who remain verbally offensive and ignorant.

    GrannyK, as much as I'd love to see you get your mouth fixed (you know what I mean---not the poddy mouth, the tooth problem)...I had an infected tooth before BC surgery and BS was not the least bit concerned.  I did have it taken care of after surgery and before rads.  Hope you are not in pain!

    Sandy, it just sux that you are having a not-so-good week after tx...(sigh)

  • Scottiee1
    Scottiee1 Member Posts: 1,790
    edited February 2013

    Ok Granny et al........just finished the book and thoroughly enjoyed every page. Can't

    wait to share some opinions....Granny, wish I could send you my iBook copy 😥

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited February 2013

    Got to work at fabric store all morning so I will STFU for now -even though I never say anything... I just try to read the page I'm on...

  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726
    edited February 2013

    thanks guys HG is down so extra the winter, slows me down...hate the cold...have a wonderful day!!

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited February 2013

    Hi Gma, no need to say anything, just be here!  At least nobody will tell you stfu if you're quiet. 
    Scottiee, do you think we should start another thread for the book club chat (some obscure name?)  Or just let it flow through here?
    I nominate you for moderator since you started this and finished the book!
    OK, now i will stfu...

  • shadytrake
    shadytrake Member Posts: 69
    edited February 2013

    Hi chicklets,

    I'm feeling better today. The spicy foods are tempting my taste buds.

    I'm off to the Tigers game today so no STFU for me. GO TIGERS GO!

  • redheadinwv
    redheadinwv Member Posts: 71
    edited February 2013

    Glad to see you are feeling better Shady! Spicy was always the first thing I could taste after chemo, enjoy your game today!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2013

    Oh shady good news have fun today--So glad u'r feeling better.

  • Scottiee1
    Scottiee1 Member Posts: 1,790
    edited February 2013

    Joan....for me, I have to say just let it flow through here.....between my teaching job,

    my family and trying to keep up with you lot, plus squeezing in a little reading....that's it for me.....I have friends who are always trying to persuade me to join their book clubs

    but I like to read at my own pace and what I like to read....can't take the pressure..😓

    Shady....glad you're feeling better..enjoy the game!!!

    I hope everyone is well and getting ready to enjoy the weekend...❤

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2013

    Scittie u said it--I would really enjoy a book club, but if I know it has to be done then I'd rush thru it and not get it. Yrs ago when I did read alot a bunch of us would read the same book then go out for dinner and talk about it--but no pressure and it was so interesting seeing how we might have taken things differently--It was so much fun, now it wouldn't be fun cuz my memory is not what it was and even my understanding of things has altered. Now it would be a big deal figuring out the menu.

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited February 2013

    Really down today....maybe it's the weather...feel ok, (usual aches and pains "thanks cancer"), but guess I'm having my own pity party tired of always being there for everyone, and I when you need something, everyone always hopes the other kid will do it.....and honestly I ask for very little........

    You sit day in and day out wondering why no one calls, stops by, or even sends a friggin text, (which I hate)......

    How about a F/N phone that so hard.....just to are you......I called my mother each and everyday, my whole life after I was married...never missed a day......we were very close.......and I had 6 kids to take care of......and a demanding one point, at 24 years old, I had 3 under the age of 2.....they were 2, 1' and newborn........did not matter.....I made that phone call..........

    Understand, with the cancer dx, everyone was great,well almost everyone.....some more then others, but 2 years later..nada, zip, nothing........oh we'll shit happens........

    I demand nothing, and that is what you get sometimes.....I should be like those "bitch" mothers, who whine, cry , complain, and make life about them........believe me, maybe their kids basically hate them....but they fall all over each other doing for MOMMY DEAREST.....and funny is..the friggin mother does. .......shit.


    Ok, where the hell did I put the I will STFU..

  • Scottiee1
    Scottiee1 Member Posts: 1,790
    edited February 2013

    Camillegal.....I hear brain has gone to mush ....probably a combination of old age and my Letrozole.....when I'm teaching grammar at school now, I sometimes have to review beforehand....😋.....can't handle any kind of pressure anymore, but I think that's a good

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2013

    Oh Ducky u'r having a dark day and I'm sorry---Vodka and chocolate make thins so much easier. I lived alone until May of last year, Now I live with my youngest DG and SIL so I keep my door closed hahaha. I think alot of people think once u'r over the hurdle u'r fine--don't we wish--well I know some do much better than others but some don't--maybe can't sleep right, headaches, so many more body aches and just general ickyness-I don't know why but this happens. And I'm not going to say be thankful for whateer--because when u feel down--u feel down and u just go with it til it ends. But I do wish u a hppy heart that retuns soon and just plain feeling better.

  • Scottiee1
    Scottiee1 Member Posts: 1,790
    edited February 2013

    Ducky.....I hear you BF of 25 yrs has mostly waited for me to call her and if I

    don't 2 or 3 weeks can go by. She was there for me during my treatments but it's back to status quo, only now I don't really care, I can just let weeks go by and not call. Ditto about my sons.....have to always ask if I want something done because I was the one who always did.....😁.....move over girl and make that two vodkas...🍸🍸

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited February 2013
    Hi Gals!  Geez Princess....  things can really get mis-conscrewed!  Ha, ha!  I think I am doing good when I can post on THIS thread and the older women's'thread!   It's too hard to post on any more.... for ME anyway.....

    Your teeth?  Just go get some Comet Cleanser, and see if that helps!  No kidding.... When I used to take care of my grandma, I would brush her denture with comet cleanser!  It really made a difference.... WHAT?  You mean I should not have?  But she used to give me and my little Brother baths, together, (so as to not waste water) and she used a scrub brush to get us clean.... Man, that hurt!  So when she was in Assisted Living, I would go over every morning, and about every few days give her a shower, and make her laugh.... I would tell her I was going to get out the scrub-brush, like she did for me and my brother...Ha, ha!  Then I would bundle her up in her robe, and do her hair....  Geez, I miss that....


    So ANYway...  Your teeth....  Little K, just ask the Doc about your damn mouth....  PLEASE!!!  Damn stubborn woman!  See, if you have an infection anywhere in you, it MIGHT make a difference with your pending surgery....!!!  Good Lord, what am I going to DO with you? 


    My top teeth are history...  Had to do it about 30 years ago...  My own teeth were so awful....My plate is beautiful...  I just love it.  He pulled the last 8, and slapped another plate right in.... It really wasn't "fun"... But it wasn't that bad!  I mashed Spaghetti that night and ate it...  I might add that my plate "floated" around a bit... until my gums quit bleeding.  But YOU can do it!  You can do ANYthing miss fancy-pants.


    Yes... your bras...  and what about your Grandson and his bike accident?  You were a mess.  Even more than you are now!  We'll do this with you funny face....


    Oh Scottiee.... that damn book!  I have so much to read, my brain couldn't handle another one....  Just let me know how it was...okay?


    Camille.... I knew a gal that used to DRINK a little Peroxide everyday!  I swore she was going to keel over any day...  Don't know if she is still alive even!  My Grandma used to believe in using Turpentine for EVERYthing!  AND bleach!  Like when she would rinse my Dad's hair when he was little!   Okay Kantalope.....  word of warning here.... don't try the previous things... 


    Kathindc.... won't do any good to tell her about her teeth...   Yes her brain....  If you have any infection in your mouth, that will drain into your system!  It happened to my DH once...  They were trying to figure out what was wrong with him....  His tooth was infected, and they had to give anti-biotics... I forget what was WRONG with him, but it was caused by his tooth! 


    Ducky...Okay, you are having a lousy day.... and with good reason...I'm sorry... damn kids anyway!  Don't they know we would JUST like a little call?  And I don't mean text, or email.... just a little phone call, so we could hear their voice?   It ain't that hard.... I want to hear from my GS's more than I do too!   Every day wouldn't be too much! 


    You ever go out on that date?  Did you find your shoes?   A black thong?  Did you ever have crotchless panties?   Black oxfords?  Aren't those for "old" women???   Just stick with the stillettos!   And did you wear those stockings with the seams in the back?  I did, WITH my garter-belt....  Now look.... all the younger gals are asking "what is a garter belt?" 


    You can get all that stuff at Victoria's Secret, Ha, ha!  No, I don't have your "stuff".... I have my own....  I used to get all dressed up for "certain occasions".... but I don't anymore... I miss that....


    Blondie, you are having LOTS of problems!  Dang girl!  You and Granny should go in together!  Be bed-mates!  I'm sorry about YOUR problems too! 

    About Panda's.... do you know about the live feed from San Diego Zoo, with their baby Panda?  I've been watching that little guy grow up since he was born!

    He is just learning how to nibble on Bamboo, like his Mama does, but he is still nursing also....   You will get addicted to watching the "baby"..

    Right now he is playing with a green basket-ball, and rolling all over with it!  ... 


    Hi Shellshine... I know.... isn't this thread fun?  No!  No cure.... Ha!

    And Hi Joan!  Oh the book again!  And Scottiee read it!  THAT was quick!  I know.... there is not a way to "share" our e-books.... I wanted to do that too...


    Gma...  No, you really ARE a quiet one?  How did you find little miss Granny pants?  Actually she and I both are very quiet and reserved. 


    Shady, glad you are around again.... Yes.... just eat Mexican food!  Or even Thai...!  Talk about SPICY!  Now Granny is going to holler at us.


    Redhead... Nice to see you too!


    Ducky.... still sorry about your day.... You know I think we women still have those times of the month when we STILL have those feelings.  Like we USED to!  I mean I think I do.... I'm either blue or bitchy for a day or two.... and I just think it is because I've "grown-up" on the outside, but I'm still a "girl" on the inside... The hormone thing.  Okay... I'll STFU....  xoxoxoxo


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited February 2013

    Just for Ducky!

    Okay!  Now I gave them back!

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited February 2013

    Ok...listen up...this friggin teeth thing....i dont know what the hell this thing in my mouth is but i do know it should not be ther AND I also know that it should be taken care of AND I have it for a few months.yes months.I am not goint to the dentist to pull out this bridge filled with caps.I will do it....but i gotta do the surgery first.Tomorrow im gonna call my stomach dr.and see what he says.I swear ill kill all of you and all my friends if i have to do this shit first.this stomach surgery is way overdue...Chevy you know that....besides all the bc crap i always complained to you about my stomach.enuf.

    enuf with putting my thongs out there...ok?

    Ducky---i sure hear you...loud and clear...i really think when you do everything in your power to be a good mom especially when you dont have a husband to back you up you start to feel like a doormat.My grands tell me i let my kids walk on me...The worst parents in the world and i have seen a few in my day get the greatest respect...what is that all about?

    Blondie---I know you have issues BUT do you want to wear the shit bag??????I dont.

    The book.damn you Scottiee look what you started with this damn book....If i had a car i would go out right now and buy it...with the potatoe in my mouth.ha.Who ever wants to read it should...then if we want to discuss it fine with deadlines just time to read whenever.

    Look what you did to my dear sista are scaring her....easy Chevy and two bring out the very ......whatever in me.Talk to her and for god sakes stop showing my thongs.I wish i could do the picture thing so i could show you the hot pink tap pants/tight like a girdle but sexy....

    one more and im gone...Chevy that girl who did drink that peroxide has to be dead now....


  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited February 2013 are so's actually sad sometimes when the young girl inside you looks in te mirror, and says "OMG, is that really he girl in the picture on the server with the skin like satin, sparkling blue eyes, a head of thick well groomed hair, and a smile that could light up a room" ........then it hits you............"she is the woman in the mirror looking back at you" think to yourself, what happened.........and then you answer your own question...."time"....... marriage, kids, bills, stress, sickness, empty nest, loss of a loved one, grief so bad you think it will never go away.......then with all that, the final blow.......the words.....It's, chemo, rads. ,pills that suck the life right out of you........but through it all, there is a bright meet by chance a group of ladies in the same boat as each at a time.......waiting and hoping that one day they will hear the words....."we found a cure", the meanwhile, they make you laugh, cry, love you, (yet they could pass you on the street, and not know you), but they love you just the same.........why, because we have walked the tough path of this disease side by side, never forgetting what binds us together as you for always being just a post away. Hugs....

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited February 2013


  • sheila888
    sheila888 Member Posts: 9,611
    edited February 2013


  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited February 2013

    Ducky, you make me cry *******hugs******** I so wish I could go give you hugs in person.

    Granny you too!!!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited February 2013

    Ah Geez Ducky..... that was so sweet..... honest.  We all love you too..  I just sent your post to the moderators.... wanted them to know how much this thread means to us....  Where else can we meet each other, and talk this way....Ha!    Love you all! xoxoxoxo

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited February 2013

    Love my new shoes.........and my see thru can you get me another thong for the other side....."THAT F/N THING WILL NEVER FIT THIS SORRY ASS" .LOL....LOL.....