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STFU (Shut the F*** UP)



  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited February 2013

    Welcome Charles, What a great story about your friend at your surgery!

    I love this thread, and now a male with a sense of humor too.

  • kathindc
    kathindc Member Posts: 1,667
    edited February 2013

    Jk6 and Charles, welcome to the club.  Sorry you had to become members.  It sucks.  Charles, wonderful article.  Serious but with a touch of humor in the right place.  The ladies here are fantastic if not "certifiable" (said with love and affection).  I have learned sooooo much from the threads here on  

  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726
    edited February 2013

    jk6 welcome, you will fit in nicely

    wonder what happens if someone comes and doesn't fit....we will scare them I assume, lol

    Ducky, you and those damn shoes, can't you share anything....

    Charles, I admit I didn't read it and if you respresent her get the money up front who knows whether she will come back or not with the hooker shoes and red things, she could end of anywhere.

    Blizzard, omg, so sick of snow....can you send us a pix....

    inlaws don't have them anymore, cause don't have a husband, been there done that...

    getting read to watch the oscars, Ducky and I are proud to say that Silver Linings Playbook was made in our neighborhood....(so was Lovely Bones) they make alot in Philly but not so many in Delaware County

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited February 2013

    Dear Esther, 

    The report says that without CPAP you have severely disturbed sleep (from obstructive sleep apnea and hypo-apnea) because the breathing pauses make your blood oxygen level drop too low. Your breathing stopped 53.5 times per hour without CPAP. Your blood oxygen level dropped as low as 79% and averaged about 92% (normal is at least  95%).

    With CPAP your breathing pauses improved to mild sleep apnea. Your pauses were “central apnea” which means you stopped breathing completely for at least 10 seconds.

    As I mentioned in my PM to u, I am not a OSA expert, but can usually piece together a picture from medical reports. I just sent you a PM with details about some of your specific scores, but still need to research a few (I have a pediatric hematology paper due for grad school this Weds).

    I really really think you need to speak to the physician or RT about your settings. Ask them about your central apnea and how that affects your settings.

    Some other suggestions: Keep your head elevated with a few pillows, keep your room as dark as possible and be an absolute Nazi about making sure people, pets, outside noises, ringing phones and any other annoying sleep disturbers leave you TF alone. You need a really peaceful place to get your rest.

    ~ Michelle

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2013

    Michelle I'm so happy u could answer all those questions.--It amazes me how much knowledge is in one place of so many thins not just cancer.

    Welcome JK--sorry to welcome u here, but u found a great group of nice women and now a gentleman (ahem)

    Oh blondie if someone doesn't fit in they'll steal Ducky's shoes and run, those damn shoes.

    I'm so tired today (again) that's all I say lately. So I just thought I'd pop in.

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited February 2013 up girlfriend....

    Sandy.....I'll never tell where those shoes have been, and never where my "red" things have gone.......lolololololol......don't I wish......

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited February 2013

    Watch the red carpet tonight for my shoes..........that Chevy and Princess K, might have sold them to one of those Hollywood "hoes"........she's been gone a long time........

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited February 2013

    No, I've got them, and they are mine!  Ha, ha!  Get your own shoes Ducky....  And your own thongs!  

    And yes Michelle.... I'm just glad you have that information!  Very good!   I'll bet every one of us has some special talent, or done something that makes us stand out, and very special....  Never mind Princess Kantalope....What we don't know won't hurt us.... Ha, ha!   Esther, I hope the suggestions really help you.... 

    Blondie.... I'm sick of snow too.... about 12 inches here now, and still snowing!    I watched the races, and now the Red Carpet show...  I'm looking for any shoes I can copy....Wink

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited February 2013

    STFU----I was gone 1 day.Is it possible that just maybe i had a date?????

    first of all Chevy when you look at those large kantalopes do you think of me?damn you know that the left one is MINE.

    now that thing in my mouth only hurts if i eat something hard on that side.I watchin it very carefully...No i dont know what it is but its not a boil.If you press down on it then it turns white.Its it hasnt bothered me at all.maybe the potatoe worked and ill be lucky enuf to wait till after surgery.Wed is my preop and im gonna tell them all about it.I just might call the NP tomorrow.

    Soooooooooo we got a lawyer on this board huh...and he must have read how i tried to kill my X...that was yrs ago and i havnt done anything like that since...why?cause he lives 12 hundred miles away and is scared shit of me.thats why...and yes i did carry a knife when i lived in brooklyn...any other confessions before he calls the cops on me.Serious Welcome Charles,Charlie or Chuck.In Italian it got a lot of nerve comin on her with all the nuts.

    ill be right back.

  • Scottiee1
    Scottiee1 Member Posts: 1,790
    edited February 2013

    Granny.....have more confessions!!!!!....we need you around here and besides I don't see you in an orange

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2013

    it's about time u showed up granny and I don't think anyone thought about u having a date---no offense cuz 1 melon  is good nuff. Acrually eveyone worries about u with all that's happening =.

    Watchin the red carpet so far I like it--they are lookin' good

  • Charles_Pelkey
    Charles_Pelkey Member Posts: 99
    edited February 2013

    MMMMmmmm .... grannydukes writes "Serious Welcome Charles,Charlie or Chuck.In Italian it Colligero..."

    I thank you, granny, for the warm welcome. I will point out that my name is "Charles," (given that my wife's name is Diana), but you can also call me "Karl," since I was born and raised in Germany. The rest of them? Nooooo... "Charlie" sounds like the suburban neighbor from whom one might borrow a lawn mower. "Chuck?" He sounds like a guy whose favorite pastime is smashing beer cans into his forehead. I'll stick with "Charles."

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited February 2013


  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited February 2013

    ok im fav.GS just called and you know i cannot do 2 things at once.

    no more confessions....why?that was a long time ago....i been good for i dont know how long but i swear i would never poison anyone again...oh maybe Lucifer the witch DIL....

    of course i dont remember all the things i read 1/2 hr ago but i do know that someone is takin care of our GmaF.Thank you.I sure hope it helps.

    BTW camille I do have both breast only one is the size of the kantalope...lets not talk about the other one...

    Blondie and Ducky live right near each other and they have not met?????are you kidding me....Miss Ducky you betta make a plan sista....i can see miss ducky now....high heels,tight skirt,those fancy undies....wo ho!!!!!

    ok now if i get up tomorrow and noboddy makes me crazy i will call the NP about this weird mouth.All depending on my mood.

    ill be back...I hope that lawyer comes back all know i love men friends...he could very well put a nice twist on this thread.

    God willing im goin tomorrow to get the book....tryin to stay out of crowds before the surgery.I think when i go for my pre-testing ill wear my mask and gloves...hospitals are the worst.Im gonna have that damn surgery if its the last thing i do.

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited February 2013

    Oh he must have been posting the same time i was.

    ok Charles it is...with wife Diana....Nah on second thought i think Karl is betta.You see i hate prince charles.piece of shit what he did to poor wanna talk about a and Ducky are good compared to her.

    I have your shoes Ducky!!!!!!yeah!!!!!Come and get em....I dare you.

  • Scottiee1
    Scottiee1 Member Posts: 1,790
    edited February 2013

    Charles, we have something in common....My mother was German. She became a war bride and married a Scot. I was born in Germany myself but moved to Scotland when I was about 9 months. My mother's family is from Cologne....where are you from????

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited February 2013

    Come on Scottiee---he comes from brooklyn....

  • Scottiee1
    Scottiee1 Member Posts: 1,790
    edited February 2013

    Granny...put the Granny specs on......he was born and raised in

    You finished that book yet ???? 👹

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2013

    OK Granny's got u'r shoes I dare u to go get them.

    And I like Charles--it's one of those names that shouldn't be shortened--it stands alone.And I don't think of Prince Charles cuz i don't care for him. So Charles it is. And an attorney ha--plenty of attorney jokes as u know but I will refrain for now. BTW how do u feel for the most part?

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited February 2013

    Shellshine, thank you for the explanation. I will be talking to my RT tomorrow. Good luck on your paper! Off to bed 4 am comes early.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited February 2013

    Morning all!  See, I changed it!  I used to say "Girls"... but now I'll include "Charles".. 

    So Charles... I wish you were a Vet!  Something we could use around here.... or maybe even an Oncologist.... Ha!    Yes, "Charles" does sound intelligent... more so than Chuck... We will show you respect.... I mean as much as we can....Wink

    And yes, how are YOU doing?  I didn't ever imagine a diagnosis of IDC in a man...  I just only thought of that in woman, because of milk-ducts for nursing...... Also the hormone therapy... Tamoxifen?.... Here I wish you were a Pharmacist...  I tried the Tamoxifen for 1 1/2 years... and for some reason, lost my hearing... just be careful with that one.  It's hard to get anyone to believe, like PC's, Oncologists, or even Otolaryngologists.... Although ONE hearing Doc did say, yes, it was possible, believing that Tamoxifen IS like a chemo drug, and it is usually hell on hair... or tiny hair follicles in your inner ear.  Whatever.... mine is gone.  

    You really are an anomoly, right?  Ha!   Geesh, we all sound like we would take care of you... but just interesting with your diagnosis. If you were a Vet, you would be asked about "hot-spots" on my little dog... Wink

    I just know that Lawyers must be super in-tuitive..  ... Do we have to watch what we say now???  Glad to have you with us...Mr. Charles. 

    Now Granny K, You were on a date???  Bet not!  With WHO?  That's just your excuse, because you think we will all buy it!  It was a DAY date?  What the hell????  Did you go to the mall or somewhere?  Or did you go neck in some movie theatre???   I just hope you really were!   So you read that book.... 40 shades of whatever and got a date?   You go girl!   Did you look at the pics I referred you to?  It probably isn't an infection on your gum....   Just something else wierd like a cyst or some other un-godly thing....   But I'm glad you are going to ask about it... 

    Ducky.... couldn't see any shoes on those gals... just lots of long legs, and boobs....and oh that HAIR.... Man those women  must spend a fortune on extensions and falls!    If I had even HALF the hair that they do, I would be happy!  

    Camille!  You know attorney jokes?  Oh don't get us in trouble....!  Let HIM tell the first one...   And do you guys remember that movie "Over-board" with Goldie Hawn?  Remember when she was looking in the mirror, after being called a "tramp" and she said "I am NOT a tramp" with this sorrowful look on her face?    That movie just cracked me up!!!  Ha, ha!  

    We have about 12 inches of snow here....  It is so deep Lacee cannot walk through it.... So I am out there at 3:30 trying to shovel 1/2 of those 12 inches, so she can find a place to walk!  Her little legs are only about 4 inches long... (almost)...   She sleeps out in her dog-house, but comes in when she thinks it is TIME for me to wake up and take care of her... damn kid....   So I'm brushing her, taking care of her Hot Spots, and then we went out to shovel.....  I kept ASKing her, "Well where do you WANT to go?"   So she now has several places from whenst she has to "go".....  Then we come in and she gets her slice of roast beef & turkey, and 2 treats... Ha, ha!   No.... she is not spoiled....Wink

    Okay, better go do SOMEthing useful, like put my face on before DH gets up....  I just HATE to hear him scream early in the mornings!!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited February 2013

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited February 2013

    Chevy - think warm - here is a morning SUNrise, above the clouds, for you!!!

    morning sunrise

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited February 2013

    Thank you GMA... Are you "Grammie Esther"?   The sun is almost rising...  It's clear out now, I think... but just 11 degrees.  It's look beautiul in your picture!  I have heard Oregon is a gorgeous State... So is Colorado, but not especially this morning...Wink

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited February 2013

    Oregon is have to see the Pacific Northwest to believe it.....been there, loved it.

  • jk6
    jk6 Member Posts: 4
    edited February 2013

    Morning all!

    Today I see the oncologist to find out about chemo treatment.  Didn't sleep well last night, woke up early and I could honestly go back to sleep. I really so tired lately even though I've not had any treatment so to speak. 

    My friend Judy is coming with me. We're doing lunch after my appointment. Her daughter lives in London and got married on Friday. She went for the wedding.  I'm glad she's home becuase I've missed her a lot.

    Going to see if the oncologist is willing to meet with my daughter when she comes to take care of me. She used to be an EMT in the Air Force. Has worked on numerous departments @ Lakeland AFB, did a tour in Iraq and lucky for me her last assignment before she left was the cancer unit. The surgical oncologist was very nice and after he examined me and explained the treatment spent 25 minutes on speaker phone with my daughter. She'll get to meet him in person once the drains come out since she'll still be here. I'm sure she'll have questions for the oncologist.

    I don't want to post in incorect place but is here a place where you just chat? It's nice to have people who know what you're going through not to say that others are not supportive.

    I may just set my alarm and try to go back to sleep. I could really sleep 2 hours before I had to get ready.

    Have a nice day all!

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited February 2013

    Jk6 - I'm in your pocket.

    Chevy, Actually Grammie Esther is my name on Toontown - The kids game, yes - my granddaughter got me stuck on the game then x-dil wouldn't let her play anymore.. And GD does still call me Grammie Wink - She is now 12 years old. So needless to say I am Grammie Esther.

  • redheadinwv
    redheadinwv Member Posts: 71
    edited February 2013

    jk6, I'll jump in your pocket, hoping the best for you! Cool

  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726
    edited February 2013

    me too JK6 and you chat or vent or whatever you want to do here....we don't care.....good luck and glad your daughter is going to be there however it is...hope you understood what was going on and the dr. makes you feel confident and you like him...

    Chevy you are adorable.....and Ducky, well.....Charles I know a Chuck and he doesn't drink, but that is ok, you get to pick what we call you, unless something happens and we give you another name....

    Hope you all have a wonderful day, going to watch some of the grandchildren tonight for a couple of hours, feeling better, and then chemo again on wednesday but then my week off....yay


  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited February 2013

    Sorry I just had to post this - And then I will STFU!!!
