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STFU (Shut the F*** UP)



  • kathindc
    kathindc Member Posts: 1,667
    edited February 2013

    Oh man, don't get Granny going on pink, you should hear her on the Pinktober Revolution thread.  Ok, I'll STFU.

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited February 2013

    Hi hard to keep up with you - fell asleep last night reading back...but keep on postin' !
    Hope everyone's doing OK - Scottiee, you feeling better? 
    Gotta get up in 6 hours...

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2013

    Like, Tag, Share @[116989095077656:274:LaughOutLoud ~ Funny Status Updates/Quotes]~ for more funnies visit

    Ducky will these do.?

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited February 2013

  • M360
    M360 Member Posts: 164
    edited February 2013

    ShaneOak just found this site and in my sleepless night of  pain and anger it was the only thing that brought on laughter and relief!

    Here's my STFU to doctors who say to patients Faslodex and Chemo is not our protocol.  Then change your protocol!

    Then tonight a friend who sends me every snake oil from any country in the World says I have a new oil Hemp it cures Stage IV cancer in weeks...STFU

    Then I say okay you buy it and supply me with such I'll try immediately made her STFU

    Or the friend who says my cancer is from unresolved issues from past lives.... STFU

  • ShaneOak
    ShaneOak Member Posts: 84
    edited February 2013

    Well hi there and welcome M360, so glad you've found this helpful.  I had no idea my post that was done in complete anger and frustration would take off like it has.  I hope it makes you feel normal in all of this.  My STFU moments have decreased some, but I still have them. Mainly at my MIL.  She sounds a lot like your snake oil friend.  She told me when I was first diagnosed that if I "just ate more green vegetables I wouldn't have this problem".  STFU!! I told her that I was amazed she was sitting on this cutting edge cure for BC and no one knew it.  I think of words much worse than STFU when I think of the things she's said and done. Shortly after my BMX, she told my 6 year old that the doctors had to "cut Mommy's boobs off".  He was petrified and I'm sure visualized doctor's hurting me.  I swear I think she does stuff like that on purpose. When my dad  had a heart attack a few years ago, she said...IN FRONT OF MY DAD "I just knew it, I knew you'd have a heart attack some day".  WTF??   How my husband turned out so loving is beyond me.

    Wheew, I feel a bit better now and will STFU.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited February 2013
    Morning gals!  Getting ready to snow here again!  You KNOW what I would like to tell the weather man every time I hear him on TV.


    Yes, I KNOW we need the moisture, but I would really like a nice rain storm, instead of always snow....


    Karen, did you say you are thinking of writing  a guidebook for chemo gals?  I was wondering if that would cause any problems with any of the gals here, because maybe they wouldn't like to see in print what they have said here?   


    I mean we really pour our hearts out here sometimes, and I don't think I would want just anyone reading what I have said.....   


    And my friends.... we just think of each other as sisters here.... and best friends....   I also know that what-ever we write, could probably be found on the Internet.... but the mods at BC.ORG  really look after us, and don't let anyone sell, or get too out of line with us members here.


    Little Granny K!  I KNOW!  This thread is so fun!  You and your damn pink obsession!  Just for that I'm going to crochet you a pink scarf AND a pink hat!!!  And what's even worse, a pink purse for you to carry all your trampy things in!  I'll fix you! 


    Is all you wear is black?  Probably.  Black seamed stockings and those cfm shoes!   And for sure Scottiee.... DON'T let Granny any where near a library!  She'll just get thrown out... and we'd have to go drag her ass home....  Little K, it's called a "PAPER-BACK".....    Not a soft-cover.... you little kiddle!!! 


    Ducky, are you a little better now?  My hair really thinned out with Tamoxifen also, but it is sort of hanging on for dear life, since I quit taking it. 


    Shellshine.... that was cute.... your poem about pink!  I'm with you!  I'll buy you a pink little nightie just for that....Ha, ha!  My girls gave me a pink rose-bush after I lost my Mom....  And it's so nice to see it blooming in my garden every year.... So stfu you gals that hate pink... Ha!


    Shane, good to see you!  Yes, I know....  I've heard about all the cures too.... even the coffee enema's and other off the wall quick cures!   We lost a good friend last year, because she believed in this "John the God" somewhere in Brazil I think.... He is supposed to pray for you, and his followers....  She came back, was then diagnosed with stage 4, and even chemo couldn't help her by this time.  She refused it the first, but a year later, she was gone.... So I'll stick with the medical profession. 


    You guys, I think this thread is completely screwed up!  If it's still out of whack when I come back, maybe we could report it?   Take good care gals! xoxoxoxo
  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2013

    I think it's fixed now I won't tell u who did it --cough, cough---

    Welcom M360--this thread is hardly what u might think--it actually keeps people away so good.

    My day started with my sister calling me from the airport leaving for FL--I was screaming at her for really leaving me--but she talked very ladylike cuz there wer people around her. I called her a bitch and she quietly said thank you I'm coming home in 10 days.  10 DAYS THAT'S A LONG RIME FOR ME I talk to her everyday--she she selfishly goes on an airplane on a trip (first one in 25 yrs) but I don't care  she left me. Oh another hurdle in my way pf life.

  • ShaneOak
    ShaneOak Member Posts: 84
    edited February 2013

    Camille, what part of Illinois are you from? That is my home state :)

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2013

    Shane I live right at the end of Wheaton, Winfield and West Chicao---I grew up and lived in Villa Park before moving here last year.

  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726
    edited February 2013

    M360, welcome and takes all kinds, I think we need to just laugh in their faces....

    Shell....glad you still like it, I wear the bracelet and the shirts I get from the SGK Race for the Cure, that is

    More snow OMT Chevy....

    Well the person that my daughter married (never refer to him as SIL, can't stand him) about 8 months ago told me "you you cancer so what, get over it, nobody cares", he has tried to apologize over an over again, and I am one who holds grudges (don't talk to him, will not ever speak to him, never say "hi" anymore, and that is not the only thing he has said or done, so whatever......whatever, then one of the twins said the other day....."you have cancer, stop using it, get over it" "so sick of hearing about the " my STFU's most of the time come from so called family members..and theycan all kinda crumpy again today.....HAPPY TUESDAY, LOL

  • ShaneOak
    ShaneOak Member Posts: 84
    edited February 2013

    I used to work and live in Wheaton and I grew up in Wood Dale!  Small world.  I miss Portillo's the most!

  • kathindc
    kathindc Member Posts: 1,667
    edited February 2013

    Blondiex46, you have every right to be grumpy!  I can't believe they said that to you.  God does not like ugly behavior.  I'm a firm believer that they either get paid back here on earth or when they meet their Maker. ((((HUGS))))

  • Charles_Pelkey
    Charles_Pelkey Member Posts: 99
    edited February 2013

    I've gotten the leafy, green vegetable schtick before, too. I have a friend who is a militant vegan, which is fine and I eat a diet that is pretty close to what she eats, anyway, but she's convinced that I would have delayed or prevented my cancer, simply by - what? - being more like her, I guess. Nice lady, but a complete pain in the ass, at times.

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545
    edited February 2013

    Have posted in quite while and try to read everyday.  Work is incredibly busy and computer time is sometimes far a few between.  Okay!  I'm whining so I will STFU.

    You ladies have been busy here - what an active thread.  I will try and keep up if I can.

    Hi Charles - Welcome to the group. There are some incredible ladies.  I hope they are not scaring you off.  You really do have to watch Chevy, Ducky and Granny.  They are crazy ladies and I love each of them.  They are pretty special in my book. 

    Like is finally treating me good.  NO APPTS this month - yay!  That is a first in a very long time.  In fact, my next appt for anything is Mar 20th - the dreaded mammo!  This should in interesting this year - it will be the first since my dorsi flap recon surgery.  MO appt is not until June.  Double Yay!

    Have a great day everyone. For those who need a hug - here is one for you.


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited February 2013

    Oh Charles.... That's PITA!  Ha, ha!   And a "militant vegan?"  Aren't they all?  I think so.... I like to eat healthy once in awhile, but at my age, I figure wtf... I'll eat just about anything I want to...Wink  It's good that some people only believe in juicing and being a Vegan..... that leaves more of the other stuff for me and Kantalope & Ducky..... We are pretty stubborn women. 

    Kantalope can't eat anything anyway.... not even milk-toast.   When I was sick, that's what my Mom always made for me.  

    Hey little spoiled Princess..... You are going to the Doc's tomorrow?  Just let us know when your stomach surgery is....   What are they going to do again?  Sorry, I'd have to go back 10 pages to read what you said.   Don't forget to take your dancin' shoes and your garter-belt.... They would look good with that hospital gown. 

    Blondie.... Do you want me and the girls to go get him?  We will you know!  Princess K will bring the salt, and I'll bring the duck-tape, and Ducky can bring the get-a-way car.  We've got you covered.   That was a terrible thing for him to say.... What was he...drunk?  What a moron!   Don't pay any attention to either one of them.....   They don't deserve your company.  Just come here, and talk to us, and we will make you feel better...

    ((((( blondie))))  xoxoxoxo

    Camille, was it you that talked about not spelling things right?  We don't care.... If we can understand what you are TRYING to say, that's okay.  When I "compose" something on this AOL, it automatically corrects my typing!  Damn thing!  I get everything underlined .... in red no less....when it is not spelled right!  \

    My two Daughter's are very close too!  Didn't used to be when they were growing up, but now they act like twins...  I'm so proud they are like that.  And they tell each other they love them, whenever they hang up...etc.  My oldest lives in Orlando, and she misses her little sis that lives here in Denver near us.  I'm sorry your Sister left you.... what a bitch!  (JUST kidding!)

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited February 2013

    Oh, hey HI JO!  We were posting at the same time!  Good to see you here.... Wait till miss funny face sees you here...  that will make her happy! xoxoxo

  • ShaneOak
    ShaneOak Member Posts: 84
    edited February 2013

    Charles, I think we all know someone who wants to give advice on what we should have done or should do to prevent things.  I'm fairly open minded to new things and feedback but when it comes with being offensive and consdescening (my MIL's only manner of communication) then I'm completely shut off to anything you have to say.  My SIL, like to tell me about the people in her church that are ALL in remission now.  Clearly a jab at my faith....or lack of. 

    Okay, I'm clearly rambling now.....


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited February 2013

    Shane, you NEVER ramble, Ha!  Nothing like me, anyway.  That's just stupid what your SIL says to you....  She is either mis-informed, or just wants to dig you....Whatever she says, just say, you know what!   Our cancer has nothing to do with our faith, or lack of... Our life does! xoxoxoxo

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited February 2013

    I'm on my iPod so this will be short.

    Went to RRT today and basically I have severe obstructive apnea and hypoanea. My pressure on my cpap needs to be observed because certain pressures give me central apnea. Bottom line STFU! Use the machine or die...

    So much for keeping it short. I'm done.... I know .. Never give up...STFU... :(

  • shadytrake
    shadytrake Member Posts: 69
    edited February 2013

    Hi Charles,

    I got a juicer, a bag of veggies and fruits, and a book because my friend said I wouldn't need a Dr and the cancer would go away. Also that there was a Gov conspiracy to not try to find a cure.

    The book was because she wanted to see me in heaven when she gets there. (That's another story and I won't get into it here).

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited February 2013

    Well, my friends, I must confess that I did buy a Nutri-Bullet and I reaallly like it. I chop up green leafys, whole tomatoes, carrots, grapes, apples, frozen berries and fruit chunks from Costco - basicly whatever is hanging around the fridge  - and I love love love it - drink it in the morning and sometimes in the afternoon for a boost, but I certainly don't think it will cure BC. I just figure I should give myself some good healthy jolts to make up for my bad habits (wine, too much coffee, staying up late). I went to the PS for my second fill today, I feel like I have honeydew melons.

    GmaFoley are you okay with understanding the settings? 

    Charles - yesterday I found you a cute thong but I couldn't figure out how to paste it in here so I deleted the post. I'm new to using a Mac so I'll keep working on it.

    The rest of you outrageous people - visiting here with you is the highlight of my day.  💜    Granny please note this is a purple heart - not PINK (like the one on my doggy's picture).


  • kathindc
    kathindc Member Posts: 1,667
    edited February 2013

    Shellshine, I'm on a Mac as well.  A couple of the ladies advised me to use Photobucket to upload my photos to it and go from there.  It was real easy.

  • ShaneOak
    ShaneOak Member Posts: 84
    edited February 2013

    Shellshine, that made me smile.  I had a super healthy homemade smoothie with veggies and fruit....hoping it would make up for the entire box of peanut butter patties I had this afternoon Laughing.

    You just wait Chevy, once the gates are open I will post a huge ramble and you will be sorry you encouraged me! Ha!

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited February 2013

    Yahoooooo - it worked....thank you kathindc !!

    Here you go Charles - these are much better than those lawyerly ones - hope your wife enjoys the look!


  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited February 2013

    Here's one for you husband was in his last stages of Pancreatic cancer.....he was in the hospital for around the clock (3 days straight) of Chemo.....last hope, yet hopeless....on the final day, the Dr came in, just as we were leaving and next week for an appt. I said to him..."does this look like a man who can travel to your office next week.......then he suggested hospice, and I knew that was an nice way of saying......his days are numbered....

    Anyway why I say this.......that afternoon my mother-in-law came over to see him.....when her and my father-in-law were leaving I said quietly, what the Dr told me.....she turned and said...he looks wonderful (have no idea what she was looking at) total frustration and anger I said. "Oh for God sake he is dying.........she turned to me, looked me right in the face and said......"you need to have faith, like I do.....that's your have no faith"..........she was standing at my back door at the top of my steel plate steps.......I wanted to push her backwards down the entire flight of stairs........

    My husband died at 57'.......that bitch lived to 96, ..........and his father to 1031/2........don't one of you say....God Bless them, or I'm on the next plane to your front door, to kick your ass....


  • kathindc
    kathindc Member Posts: 1,667
    edited February 2013

    Whoa, Shellshine I hope you don't make Charles blush.  And Charles, I hope you don't rue the day you joined us here.

    Ducky, I can relate with idiotic relatives.  3 1/2 years ago I had to put my mother in a nursing home.  For two years I had to listen to her sister, my aunt, give me one excuse after another as to why she couldn't get to see her.  I had called my aunt on a Tuesday to tell her the doctor gave my mom a month to live.  She finally went to see her after two years that Saturday.  Only to call me and ask did they get the correct lab reports back on my mother because she looked sooo good.  I assured her they had.  All I could think was you're kidding me right?!  (My son had come a month earlier from Japan for a conference and brought our grandson and they both visited with my mom.)  Over the course of that month I saw a dramatic change in her.  My mother died the following Wednesday.  So many times for those two years I so wanted to tell my aunt to STFU whenever she gave me her stupid excuses.  What is it with people?  Oh, and don't get me started about my mom's neighbors.  I better STFU before my blood pressure goes through the roof.

  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600
    edited February 2013

    Ducky, That was a true demonstration of willpower!  Proud of you.

  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726
    edited February 2013

    Well that is how he is....can't stand him, don't know what daughter sees in him, neither does anybody else.....Ducky, people even MIL are sorry about mom...aunt sounds like she is in denial, did they have anything to say when she died, no not to your face....Me don't eat healthy don't think an apple here and there, the diverticulitis stops me from eating rabbit food for the most part...and I figure I have earned it, so eat what I want...

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2013

    Oh my--snowing like maf and I took a nap (not unusual) so i'm trying to cath up. Sooo I might not remember who said what but I have anidea of what was said so here goes.

    I truly believe vegan have a good idea about healthy eating, but not to cure anything expecially cancer--they all sound like they should be called for a research team for getting rid of this beast, but it funny they're not. sooooo.

    I have one SIL that's ajewel he considers everything for me and he's wonderful--his dad died of cancer that could have something to do with it?? but he is great to my dgtr too. I really love him they've been together for 15 yrs and happy. Now I have another SIL that's an idiot and he treats my dgtr like chit oooo and one of the time I said I would take care of his little girl while they went out--I ended up in the hospital for that day and got out qround 5--my other SIL and dgtr took me and we went to my dgtrs house I wanted to apologize I wasn't up for it and he said Well u just mde us loose 200.00--My dgtr looked at him cuz no one has ever spoken to me like that (her husband) she couldn't say a word and my other dgtr I held her arm I felt it go up she was going to slug him--So she just said I'm staying with Mom tonight as the Dr. said and she's going to relax and again he said well she can stay with my other SIL and she said we've all had a horrible day in the hospital we didn't bother u so now be bothered and share this day.-I'm pulling her out cuz I never saw her that mad, ever. The thought of him makes me sick--how did my dgtr do this terrible thing to herself. OOOOO That was a real STFU time too. LOL

    OOOO I like those briefs--lookin good.

    See how I ramble that's what we;re here for. I'm on the ramblin road.

    Where's Granny---I see Chevy of course---Oh and my GF in FL is going to "shun" my sister hahaha