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STFU (Shut the F*** UP)



  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited February 2013


    im tryin to put my old slef back.being nice instead of nasty,love everyone like im supposed to(except DIL)cant get past that one yet but im tryin.

    Did you really think i had a date Chevy?Are you kidding me....there is no man alive i want except one of my spanish singers or Antonio Bandaris....Ill just always be ready just in case.ha.

    Look what you did to grammie Esther...she said the f word...shame on you chevy and your partner ducky...

    And no scottiee i didnt even get the damn book.everyday i say tomorrow it is.

    Hi Charles!did we chase you yet?I hope not.

    ill be back

    princess kantalope

  • redheadinwv
    redheadinwv Member Posts: 71
    edited February 2013

    Granny, you have great taste, Antonio Banderas is beautiful!!

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited February 2013

    Esther, please let me know how your RT appt goes - you can PM me if need be. I'm still concerned about your settings (on the CPAP, that is, the rest of your settings sound JUST FINE).

    jk6 - This is a good place to come for comfort when you need it, and even when you don't. I joined a month or two ago and so far this is my favorite spot. Warning: there are a bunch of wacky, and I mean off the wall wacky women here, and now we even have a man, and he seems pretty cool.  If you have a weak bladder you should empty it before you log on because you might pee your pants like I did once. I just love this place and we are here for you sweet pea. Later on when you are feeling better they are probably going to send you trashy stuff like FM shoes and lingerie with holes in atypical locations, but it is out of love. If you are ever a fresh post-op checking in here might hurt your laugh muscles but it's a good kind of hurt.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited February 2013

    Okay.... I'm first!   (Get your bi-focals on to read this....)

    Ha, ha!  I think we scared him away....Undecided

    Granny, what do you mean..."I'm tryin to put my old slef back being nice instead of nasty"... and so on!  What the f*** is SLEF??    God knows you don't have any sort of spell-check!  I don't want you to be your old SLEF.... what would we do?    We love you more this way.... always one tad short of a tantrum!  

    And I DIDn't do that to Grammie!  YOU did it!  You made her come here.... ha, ha! 

    Yes, Antonio, or George, or even Bruce...!     Go get that other book little K.... The forty shades of whatever.... Ask any younger woman!  I didn't read the other two she wrote.... I couldn't take it....Wink  I wanted "her" to beat the shit out of him, but she never did.... and what's even worse, I heard she went back with him!   So then I was thinking of beating the shit out of her....

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited February 2013

    OK ladies, some of you need to send Charles some sexy underwear. Those lawyerly ones from Chevy are not acceptable.

  • jk6
    jk6 Member Posts: 4
    edited February 2013

    I'm back from the oncologist.  I really like him. He's been with the hospital 30 years and he founded the cancer wing 20 years ago. 

    I hate to admit it but I'm somewhat naive when it comes to this. I had cancer 18 years ago and honestly maybe it was just me but I think times were different then. I liked my doctors, they told me what they were doing and I did it.  I never thought to ask what type or stage cancer I had. I was told that I could have a mastectomy or a lumpectomy with chemo/radiation. Having the mastectomy did not give me a greater guarantee that the cancer was not going to come back.  I went the less invasive route and had option 2. I made it 18 years without it coming back.

    So now it's back and I'm having the double mastectomy with reconstructive surgery. Don't ask me what type mastectomy (who knew there were different kinds..again naive) but that's my route and plastic & oncology surgeon both said it was up to the medical oncologist about chemo.

    He's thinking I may not need chemotherapy this time around.

    I was told that I have invasive ductal carcenoma. I wrote it down this time.  It's in 2 places. I know I'm estrogen positive (couldn't do the tomoxifen route, legs swelled, nothing else available at time) which is good  and according to him my HER2 is negative which is also good. My nuclear range is 7-9 which is not so good. Tumor I found is 2.5 cm & one they found is 1 cm. My MRI showed that there was nothing in the left breast only the right. The right only showed the 2 tumors and nothing else. He is having them do tests on the tissue to determine if I need chemo or not. I should find out by the 15th which is a week after my surgery. He will also get a better idea as to what stage. At this point he feels I'm stage 1 but he needs to make sure.

    He feels since I had cancer in my late 30's early 40's most likely it's genetic and is recommending BRCA1 & BRCA2 be done. I was going to ask. I'm concerned for my daughter and my son. My daughter's insurance does not cover it unless you're diagnosed. I offered to pay for it but it's over $3000 which I just don't have.  I wanted it to find out if I'm a carrier or not. If I am my daughter can let her doctor know and they can pay close attention to her health. I will also let my son's physician know so he can keep an eye on his health also. I'm also having a CT scan of abdomen & pelvis along with a bone scan. Both to be done this week.

    I really like him, my daughter has done research and he's really good but why do I not feel good about the possibility of not having chemo.  I've been there and it was terrible. I know there are folks going through it who would kill not to have it. Are my iffy feelings wrong?  Honestly, and I'm sure others may think I'm foolish but I don't want a 2nd opinion and will trust what he is recommending. There is no guarantee that it won't come back a third time. I'd be foolish if I believed it wouldn't. 

    Has anyone been through breast cancer a 2nd time and not had chemo? I guess I expected it was a definate and to hear maybe no is not what I expected. I should be overjoyed and now I feel a bit numb.

    Thank you ladies and Charles for letting me get this out there.

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited February 2013

    Hey chevy---i gotta start being nice...just until this surgery is over.damn it....ill never get this thing right if i still hate that DIL of workin on it.Have a little compassion.spell check what is that? i dont use it.if you go back to your last post you havnt been using your spell check either,

    Anyway Scottiee-yes im goin tomorrow.rain or friend just told me to get this book called Tower of theives.All about AIG...mentioning names of bosses i know and had.all about the greed that made me broke.

    Where is Charles?I saw him on another thread....maybe Chevy,Ducky and I should send him a pm....what do you think>

    enuf...STFU...ill be back.

    huggggs to all

    princess kantalope

    damn on ever thread i have a different name..

  • Scottiee1
    Scottiee1 Member Posts: 1,790
    edited February 2013

    Hi everyone.....too tired to respond to everybody tonight....spent the weekend in bed with some crappy chest infection....a lot of "stuff" going around.....doesn't help that I work in a school.

    Granny....WTH ......I'm confused.....Tower of Thieves or The Death of Bees....I'm old Granny so it's not nice to play with my mind..... 😋 lot continue to crack me up..😜

    Love you all of course....will try to respond more when I start to feel better..😪

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited February 2013

    Scottie---im goin tomorrow to buy both books.And yes i will read both book....i used to read 3 books at one time...not anymore...ill read 1 at a time....Death of bees first.

    Are we clear on that?see i sound like a snotty bitch to me STFU.

    Feel betta Scottie....

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited February 2013
    Hi gals...  jk6.... I'm so sorry that you are facing this again.  No, you are not naive, you just want to know what is going on!    I don't blame you at all!    You know, maybe "it didn't come back"!  Maybe they took great care and precautions with you, and it not "coming back".  It also happens when  our cells just go crazy, and new cancers develop. 


    I don't know if anything could come back, if you have a double mastectomy....  Ask your surgeon about this.  I know you had chemo, and are wondering if you SHOULD have it again.... Ask for an Onco-type test, after your surgery when they get the final path report.  My score was 19, but the surgeon and radiologist didn't think I would NEED  it, and left it up to me...  Maybe my age had something to do with their decision, plus my grade and stage.  All of those things will be considered, after your surgery.... plus them analyzing your nodes.


    My SIL has the BRCA gene, and so does her sister.... BUT they were just told to wait, and get routine mammograms.   That because they have that gene, doesn't mean that they WILL get it even if you DO  have that gene.  Make sure they do test you for that.   My Mom had breast cancer too, but I don't have that gene, to pass on to both of my Daughter's....   My oldest Daughter DID say, that if she does get breast cancer, she is having them both off...  But that is easy for her to say now, but don't know if she will feel like that if it really happens to her.... 


    And yes, your Son also.... but only if you have that gene... I don't know anything about breast cancer in men...  or if they can carry that gene?

    Charles.... do you know?  Where did you go, damnit! 


    Glad you are having those other scans...  Don't worry about whether you need chemo, if your onco score is low.   I know you are afraid of everything, at this time.... that's just natural...  

    I don't know how you could get it again, if you have them both removed.  Ask your surgeon...  Your final path report will tell them a lot more.

    I wish I could help you... 


    Shellshine, I was GOING to do that, but I googled what you said, and even I got embarrassed...  Ha, ha! 
  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited February 2013

    Aw GEEZ Princess K.... we were posting at the same time!  Love you little Darlin.... even if you don't know what you are talking about...Wink

    No, don't go bothering Mr. Charles.... I think we scared him anyway... 

    Sorry Scottiee... I wish you to feel better....   Love you all!   Oh wait.... I can't say that to what's-his-name, can I? 

  • Scottiee1
    Scottiee1 Member Posts: 1,790
    edited February 2013

    Ok snotty bitch's have become quite uppity since Charles came on the trying to impress him ?......😇

  • karenjrinehart
    karenjrinehart Member Posts: 1
    edited February 2013

    SO glad I found this thread--and not just because I'd love to tell more than a few people to STFU! well, I kinda do sometimes, but with milder language. Today I ranted at Charlize Theron who said every woman should consider shaving their head b/c it's so freeing. grrrrrrr (You can read it here: or on

    That said, here's my caveat: I do not have bc. I am "SickofPink"'s bf who is journeying with her through chemo, etc. We are actually collaborating on a little guidebook for bc chemo chicks and those that love them (aka say stupid stuff, don't know what to say or do etc). There's a section called, What NOT To Say! I saw my doctor recently -- she finished chemo last year--and we spent 9/10th of the appointment ranting about how idiotic, no matter how well meaning--people can be. "Oh, you have breast cancer? My aunt died from that."

    And how many PINK RUBBER BRACELETS do you need or want? Like you need a fucking reminder that you have cancer? That will go in the section, What NOT to Give!

    So thanks for letting me rant alongside you and on your behalf. <3

  • skimommi
    skimommi Member Posts: 14
    edited February 2013

    Oh, my dear karenjrinehart you just nailed it for me! Every time someone gives me a damn gift it is pink and/or has pink ribbons. Seriously people!! I hated pink before all of this shit and now you just want to jam it down my throat? A co-worker made me a notebook, which the thought was incredible. But the cover had a buzzilion sparkly pink ribbons all over it - big-uns, little-uns. It just screamed BC to me. When I ripped the cover off so I could still use the notebook she wondered why.

  • Scottiee1
    Scottiee1 Member Posts: 1,790
    edited February 2013

    Hated pink before BC.....hate it even more now, if that's possible..😝

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited February 2013

    Hi Karen!  Yes, it's fun to talk to you.... I briefly look at your web-site...  The gals on here really "get it."  We are sort of a loose bunch, but still like to have fun, and just say it like it is...

    You know, I THOUGHT that was what Charlize said, and I thought to myself, "well, that wasn't very nice!"... But I just let it go.  Anyone that has had their hair fall out, or shaved it all off, is just in my heart....   They didn't do it because they WANTED to.... Damn her.... Okay, now I'm mad!    See?  You thought of it differently than I did.... but I see it from your eyes now. 

    The gals on this thread....(pages back) REALLY have some stories!  I think we should just smack everyone that is stupid!   Yes, I have a few pink rubber bracelets, even some with pink stones.... but honestly, I like them!  It just reminds me of "then".... and of how far I have come!  So it's okay. 

    It's just that my Mom's favorite color was pink....  So I don't connect "pink" with cancer.... just my Mom.... I know.... I'm wierd....  Wink

    Feel free to come back...!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2013

    I like that Esther---

    And Jk No wonder u can't sleep it's a tough time right now til everything gets all set up---and how wonderful u'r dgtr will be helping u, she'll know exactly how so u relax and let eceryone else do the work and u just heal and u will. (((HUGS)))

    Now for u chevy --wow lotsa snow we're supposed to get some tomorrow (lots) but I don't believe til I see it--they've been wrong all winter. And yes I know plenty of lawyer jokes but I will keep myself in control--I'm sure iz told u guys 1/2 of my family are lawyers judges and what nots so over the years lots of stuff has been said. But I will be nice--When my brother retired not long ago he was a Justice on the appellate court--u think he didn't hear it from me and my own Dgtr is on a legal team. So I'm loaded with them hahaha But Charles I will be kind to u. and Chevy is right it must be very different for u with Tamox.... how it works on u.  Any side effects? I'm not on that but alot are.

    My Onc called today to make sure I get my MRI next week LOL--Now my down the throat and up the ass has been delayed cuz of this new find. To bad it's not gold,

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2013

    Scottie I'm surprised u don't catch more being with so many kids all the time--stay in bed and relax and if it stays in u'r chest call the Dr/ U know that.

    Granny ha mellowed or just tying to impress Bwhahahaha

    Welcom Karen, u've got some good ideas going there keep them up--those never run out.

    Everyone notice I can't tpe well so that's the way it is--I've typed for over 50 yrs. and it never got better so it's not going to get better now. So bear with me (sp) Spelling is another thins that has escaped me too. Going to Catholic school that was a must, now it's a I can't remember thing. so patience--my mom used to say to me (in Italian) patience little one, now I have loads of it, cancer taught me that.

  • Scottiee1
    Scottiee1 Member Posts: 1,790
    edited February 2013

    Camillegal......luckily for the kids, I teach'd have a hard time telling the little ones to

    Will give it a couple of days and then see my GP if well as hating pink, I hate white coats now too...😜

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2013

    Scottie that's called the white coat syndrome--and I have it too. LOL

  • Scottiee1
    Scottiee1 Member Posts: 1,790
    edited February 2013

    Yeah....tell me about seems every time I turn around, I'm seeing a white coat....

    I want them to wear yellow or orange or even a cool purple...💃

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited February 2013

    Please lets not start with the pink shit now...please....there are threads here that are active on it...Dont even get me started...and if ducky sees this she is goin to get nuts too.Its a stinks.etc.etc.

    Damn i was just tryin to be nice and cool all you wonderful sistas please dont push the buttons...especially with the pink..

    Scottiee I hope you feel betta tomorrow.What will I do without your torture.ha.

    Where is Ducky?

    remember ill be out tomorrow getting that book.. not tramping around....

    Not too many STFUs lately....

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited February 2013

    Almost 2000 posts in around 2 months...i think some kinda record if you ask me.

    This thread is always busy.

    nice goin everyone...congrats to us...

    we are famous.

    ok now ill STFU

  • Scottiee1
    Scottiee1 Member Posts: 1,790
    edited February 2013

    Granny, please be nice to the gals in the bookstore or library. These are bookworms, quiet people and you telling them to STFU if they don't have the book, could cause

    them health problems.....😷......❤❤❤

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited February 2013

    Hi Lovey.....I'm here......I have a couple pink oldest son who was by my side throughout, and who once said to my BS...."cancer has no idea who it picked to mess with this time"........he gave me a heart wth the cancer ribbon on it in pink swavorski crystals. It is gorgeous.......I also have a plaque that says..."..your gonna kick cancers ass". I never really was a pink person......hardly ever put it on my girls either.....

    Question the Femara is killing my hair....thin as shit.....any ideas.......hugs

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited February 2013 that what u said...damn they give you 2 weeks to read the damn book.And the soft cover doesnt come out till oct...are you kidding me?????

    no ill go to B&N and buy the book....and yes as i said before im tryin to have a la de da dear sista take your meds  and be a good girl....ill call you if i need someone to bail me out!!!!!

    and for goodness sake go to know sleep is healing.

    I love all of you....xoxoxo the tramp!!!!!!

  • Scottiee1
    Scottiee1 Member Posts: 1,790
    edited February 2013 hair is slowly growing in again.....maybe because I'm taking Biotin, which a lot of the gals here swear by. ....They take very large amounts, but my Dermatologist

    said that was a waste of money as the body can't absorb so much at one time. I take

    300mcg in the morning and the same in the evening.

  • Scottiee1
    Scottiee1 Member Posts: 1,790
    edited February 2013

    Granny, I'm first there to bail you out.....dying for trip to NY ...😎

  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726
    edited February 2013

    wow you guys were busy, wondering when granny was going to get on talking about the pink schitt....J as I said my recurrence was after 14 yearsm I got it at 42 and has the same as you have was 1cm but didn't think anything, the twins were 2 1/2 and was a single parent so had to do what it was, worked and got chemo and rad, lumpectomy tho...did get the braca test and was negative for it thought so adopted and bio mother died of a recurrence of bc after 15 years...i was negative which was good for me, bad enough this is the legacy i leave for the kids.....hang in there....Charles you didn't scare him....the book, let me know how it goesm daughters watching grandchildren they are sleeping and 1 is sick....6,3 and 1 on is sick...person she married is an idiot, can stand him, found chicken nuggets in the baby's crib, really......happy monday

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited February 2013

    Just so we can be a truly equal opportunity zone, I need you all to know that pink used to be my favorite color, and I still like it, just not as much. My favorite color is  now indigo/purple but I still like pink, just not as much. I like wearing my pink pearl earings and just love pink roses.... so...

    You can say I stink,

    because I still like pink,

    and you don't have to wink,

    cause I'll still think, 

    I love it here on this link.  

    ~ Michelle