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STFU (Shut the F*** UP)



  • mostlymom
    mostlymom Member Posts: 378
    edited February 2013

    I must tell you this story....  When we were living in Anchorage in the early 1980's, my DH took a job on the North Slope - he worked 3 weeks on with 2 weeks off.  The water at Barter Island was very hard and discolored his whites.  He solved that by dying all his whites a deep rose.  Unfortunately, his briefs came out pink.  I was so tickled with his "tighty pinkies", I sewed 3 rows of pink lace on the back of one pair.  So there he was, in the Barter Island living/work quarters, coming back to his room after a shower and noticed his shorts were a little tight in the back.  Sure wish I could've been there.  We just celebrated our 50th wedding anniversary, so I did survive my "the devil made me do it"....

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited February 2013

    Mostlymom - you are a woman after my own heart.

    GmaFoley, I got your PM but am wasted from studying and writing my paper - will answer you tomorrow after I turn them in.

    Granny - where are you? What do you have to say about this pink stuff? Did you think my post about Charles' sexy underwear was too much? Should I be banished from this forum because of my inappropriateness? (I know, that was a stupid question, just should STFU).

    I want to fly all the way from Hawaii to Grand Central Station just to hang out with you guys.

    ShaneOak God bless you.

    Camille and Ducky - you guys rock.

    Charles - are you hiding from us - sorry if I embarassed you, but I sent the thong for your wife's pleasure.


  • Scottiee1
    Scottiee1 Member Posts: 1,790
    edited February 2013

    Hi all, just checking in briefly....been sick for a few days so ended up at my doc yesterday because I couldn't take it anymore.....turns out I had a temp of almost 39!!!!!

    and I have a chest and trachea infection....the nurse asked me how I was still standing...

    I said when you've been through C....anything else you get just seems doable....Bottom line....home from work with antibiotics......we had a bit of a snowstorm here in TO last night so home is a good place.

    PS....WTH is Granny???? We sent her out into the big wide world yesterday to get a book or two!!!!!! you think she's still out there looking????....

    Hope everybody is well...I'm just reading and getting my daily medicine from you lot just now, will try and catch up when I start to feel human you all ❤❤❤

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited February 2013

    Morning gals...... This link was on the Fuzzy's Romp Room, and I thought it was hysterical! A lot of fun blogs on there!

    Geez Scottiee, what did you DO???  Can't leave you alone for a second...  Glad you at least have some antibiotics! 

    I can't find Granny..... she does this every once in awhile you know.  She takes off with some ne'r do well, and tramps off into the woods and stays for WEEKS with him.  She eventually comes back, with hay hanging out of her T-shirt and smudges of what-ever all over her face.

    A book?  Nah, she never made it to the book-store.

    Shellshine... I LOVED your little picture... but it was so LITTLE!  Could hardly even see it, Ha, ha!   He probably wears boxers anyway.  Attorneys are pretty laid back you know...

    Mostlymom.... that was so funny!  I can just see your DH with those pinkies on him!    Great idea!   One time when my DH was hunting with his brothers for about 5 days, I completely re-did the bedroom.  I painted the walls, white, bought a pink and white lace bedspread, made pink and chiffon curtains, made a lamp shade cover of lace and satin, and my SIL gave me a pink shag furry rug.  It was most beaUTIFUL!

    He came home and just stood in the bedroom doorway...Didn't say a word.... so I said "I fixed the bedroom"  with concern in my voice.... and he just said.... "yeah, looks nice."  Guess that was good....about as good as I was going to get.

    And you live in Hawaii??  Dang girl, that is awesome!  I have not been to your beautiful State... Only to Florida and Wyoming...

    Gma...  just thinking of you...  hope your team can get you going again.  NGU.... this is for you. 

    Shady, do you have one of those million dollar juicers?  Man those things can whip a couch into juice!  I KNOW it is good for you, but I sometimes drink Aloe Vera, in a smoothie, when I have stomach problems...  I just know I would keep up with the juicing... enough to warrant me selling an arm and a leg for a juicer.  I DO have a blender, with a glass top...and it works great.

    Aw geez....  I see shellshine has one too!  Do those concoctions really taste good?  Do you have to add sugar?  Or Vodka or Amaretto?  Or SOMEthing?  I add cream when I make an Aloe smoothie... but I just use orange juice, and fresh berries and bananas... but I have never added a VEGetable to them.. 

    And you are getting new boobs?  Honeydew melons?  Good for you!  You and Kantalope would make a good pair!   So we will call you Honeydew! 

    I'm sorry Ducky...  Your mother-in-law was just in denial.... she didn't want to think she was losing her son.  But she made it sound like YOU didn't have faith... that was wrong...   But yes, you could have accidentally pushed her down the stairs. 

    I don't know what I would do if I didn't have my husband.  We get snarky with each other sometimes, but it's funny how those times don't stay with us...  We just carry on, every day, loving each other a little bit more. 

    Kath....  you and Ducky must have the same sort of families!   It just takes the wind out of you, when some supposedly intelligent relative says something so idiotic to you!  At a time like that!  Just don't pay any attention to them all...

    And Camille... Your other SIL should just be hung....  He doesn't deserve to be around nice people.   But these girls, must just have them growing in their hearts!  See, your head, your heart, and your crotch just don't go together....  They work entirely separate.  Sure your head is supposed to manage your heart, and everything else, but your heart is more powerful....  Not to MENtion your desires and urges.  They just run wild.  They take precedence over everything!

    So they love them no matter what they do.... until they reach a breaking point... and can leave them.  And those of us looking on, can't say a word... not until it's done.   I've been there too.

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited February 2013

    Well my admin site (work site) is broken this morning - that is NOT good.. On top of it, today I can't work late because I have my volunteer stuff to do this afternoon..and they switched my pressure on my CPAP yesterday and this morning i feel like SH*#***#*#*****.  I think the pressure is too low, but supposed to try it for 2 weeks to see what the SD card report says... GRRRRRRRRR

  • kathindc
    kathindc Member Posts: 1,667
    edited February 2013

    OMG, I read the bloggess' book - humorous, yet disturbing.  You actually think WTH!  

    Yeah, I decided not to talk to my aunt anymore after my mom passed.  Not like we were close.  She always had snarky comments for me.  Like one time when my mom was having surgery and we were talking and out of no where she says to me that I needed to lose weight (yes, I could have stood to lose some) and I just looked at her and she realized she needed to lose weight as well.  How I never told her to STFU is beyond me!  Thank God my parents taught me respect for others.

  • skimommi
    skimommi Member Posts: 14
    edited February 2013

    Chevyboy thanks for the link. I literally have been laughing out loud. Victor reminds me of my DH when it comes to buying things for the house. So now I have to buy one of her damn chickens. LOL  Ihave a feeling Moslymom would appreciate this story.

    What area of Denver do you live in? I'm up north. We got much more snow than they predicted on Sunday, but of course that did us no good. Still had to go to work and school, and not even a delay on Monday for us.

    Ugh, don't even mention juicer. I wanted to start juicing when I started treatment so bad. I bought a Nutri-bullet, bought a bunch of veggies and mixed away. Well, call it bad timing or whatever, but with the dead skunk taste that I suffer from after chemo now I can't split the association of that awful vegetable mess and treatment. Makes me almost gag anytime I think of it. There are some smoothies I like to make with avocado and spinach (in fact spinach is pretty good in almost any smoothie, can't taste it it just changes the color of your smoothie), but I won't mix one of those until I'm done with chemo. Don't want another food/treatment association to foul that up.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited February 2013

    My Daughter just sent me this!  OMG!!!  It is the most beautiful story!!! xoxoox

  • Scottiee1
    Scottiee1 Member Posts: 1,790
    edited February 2013

    Chevyboy....just watched it and it made me cry!!!! This is the true meaning of sportsmanship. Thank you for sharing. ❤

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2013

    Chevy u'r dgtr is sweet.

    And Scottie I'm glad u went to the Dr. Now u can stat feeling better and stay rested.

    Funny story about underwear--I think it's priceless. Mostly mom u'r DH must really love u.

    Gm and the cpap--I know my cousin had a horrible time at first, but now it's going better--I don't know much about it but it does look so uncortable, I'm sorry u have to go thru all of this.

    I'm sorry if I forgot anyone, but my memory is not so good anymore.

    Oh the briefs I thought were so cute, I liked them and

    Granny is probably reading the book there so she doesn't have to pay for it. BTW doesn't she see a Dr. today? or am I confused as usual.

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited February 2013

    CamiLegal - No worries about memory, I think all of us understand that one!  *****CyberHUGS*****

    I'm back online putting out my press releases - was off for 2 hours - got to get back to it.   LOVES 

  • Scottiee1
    Scottiee1 Member Posts: 1,790
    edited February 2013

    I think you're right Camillegal.....or could be that we are both just confused and she is still reading the book in the store telling everyone to STFU and leave her

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2013

    Shane Oak I don't remember if I answered u or not---I rememver when Portillos was this small little wagon type of place in Villa park then it moved to St. Chrles rd and my GF  worked there for a while--Now it's all over the place and the the beef sandwiches are stil great but so expensive. And they have Now they have party sizes of everything--and their chopped salad is so so good. Now I want all of it. LOL

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited February 2013

    Just couldn't help myself 

    dust fairs

    Glad I have a waterbed LOL

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2013

    I can't see that---WHY?????

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited February 2013

    You can't see my picture?  Its says RIP Cleaning Fairy : Just found my cleaning fairy dead under my bed. She was strangled to death by the dust bunnies.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2013

    No but it mite be my puter it acts stupid sometimes.

  • kathindc
    kathindc Member Posts: 1,667
    edited February 2013

    Love, love, love it Gma!  One spring after opening the windows for the first time, I had a rather large dust bunny come rolling out from under our bed that made our cat jump!  I took someone's advice way to seriously one time when she asked what I was going to do that afternoon (I worked in a grade school at the time that every Friday was a half day).  I told her I was going to go home to do housework.  She asked me if I would rather do something fun with the children and I said of course, always.  So she told me if I went home and got the dust bunny waiting in the corner for me it would just come back the following week and if I didn't that it would always be there waiting.  Wonderful advice!  Ok, enough out of me.  I will STFU!!!

  • momof2doxies
    momof2doxies Member Posts: 58
    edited February 2013

    I have been wondering what this thread was about for a while. So today i read the beginning threads. I am familiar with the dust bunnies, big time! However, I would like to share what my pain in the A$$ SIL said to me about BC. I appears to others that I recovered to quickly from surgery and did not have enough SE from radiation, so I must be in the clear. She responded to my hormonal therapy as no big deal because she has been on "those pills" for years.'s hormonal not HORMONE (estrogen) pills. Then my BIL compared it to being like prostate cancer; he has practically forgotten that he had PC. Well, STFU, do they squish your ba$$$ every 6 months to check for recurrance? Now I will get back to cleaning the hardwood floors...seriously, that is what I was doing before I read this. Laughing

  • Scottiee1
    Scottiee1 Member Posts: 1,790
    edited February 2013

    Granny WTH.......get your nose out of that book long enough to post, even if it's just to tell us to STFU....😘

  • ShaneOak
    ShaneOak Member Posts: 84
    edited February 2013

    Momof2, glad you joined us and welcome! Loved your response to your BIL. so very true.

  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726
    edited February 2013

    welcome mom of 2....just stopping by, chemo today, back hurts and am tired but didn't for the first time come home and sleep, actually doing my nails.....getting scanned next week, haven't been since july but got sick twice after that...toldthe dr. that the radiologist never comments on the mass in my chest, he actually said everything was resolved, so pissed so dr. said something about it on the script....

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited February 2013

    Im back

    went to buy the book yesterday.ha.

    went for my pre op today..

    have a splitting headache all day so i just wanted to let all of you know im alive.

    ill be back

  • Scottiee1
    Scottiee1 Member Posts: 1,790
    edited February 2013

    Granny.....try and get a good night's sleep.....💤

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2013

    Welcome mom of 200the name sounds worse that it is--we try to enjoy a little going thru all this crap and for sme reason it lasts longer than anyone thinks. Had another quiet day Good for me---hahaha But I have a fever now (not hight) so not feeling great just tonite--I'll be fine tomorrow. Sleep tight.

  • mostlymom
    mostlymom Member Posts: 378
    edited February 2013

    I am so easily amused!  Go to your Google Search and type in do a barrel roll

  • M360
    M360 Member Posts: 164
    edited February 2013

    Thank you all for the warm welcome!

    Blondie, Hope you starting to feeling better.  I feel so sad that you have family like that, you need more than salt you need some sulfur sprinkled around to make sure they are not some shape-shifters from Hell!

    Juicers, don't bother.  I did juicing and the green stuff for years and years, cut myself off of sugar, creams, cheese, gluten, etc., and I still got cancer.  Now that I'm stage IV, I'm enjoying the good things in life.  I gained weight on chemo and meds.  So not one pound from enjoyment.  Now when Oncologist say you need to loose weight, STFU, I weighed 125 when I started chemo, and after chemo, steroids I gained 60 pounds all the while eating green, total vegan and juicing.  Last night I had crab cakes and red pepper aioli.  My daughter has a peach pie in the over and I said how about some whip cream with that, if you could of seen her face, me asking for whip cream but she's whipping up a batch now.  

    P.S. Can't remember who posted about aloe vera, I do drink aloe vera juice and even use it cold with a nettie pot for sinuses , really helps.  It's the one thing that helps with pain in the sternum and stomach.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited February 2013

    Loved that Mostlymom!

    M360, love the sound of those crabcakes and aioli.

    Could you expand on the Aloe Vera in the Nettie Pot. Is it just the Aloe juice neat?

    I have aloe plants in the garden, and use the gel for cuts and burns. I am sure this isn't what you are using, but I am really interested to hear how you're doing it.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2013

    M360 I really believe u get cancer from cancer that's it. People who never take care of themselves  don't get it, people who are so vigilant do get it. It's a crap shoot so it is what it is. There are no reasons it goes where and when it wants. I'm not saying don't take care of u'rself but what can u do now? OK I'll STFU LOL

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited February 2013

    Camillegal, sorry you're not feeling great, hope you aren't coming down with something. Take care!