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STFU (Shut the F*** UP)



  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited March 2013

    Never took anything after surgery...not even a pain pill.....hate didn't need it. Had no if I wanted something for this friggin plane ride, I have to ask, which I probably won't do.....the last thing I need is another friggin pill......enough SE from the shit I take, I'm loopy enough without something to make me worse. .......what and give my daughter something else to bitch about........It's bad enough they are threatening me with recording me throughout this fiasco, and putting it on Utube.........

    I told my daughter last night when she started bitching........"you know, dealing with you makes me understand why some animals eat their young"........should have told her to STFU..., but being the "good Christian woman that I am....."LOL. LOL. LOL...SAY WHAT........

  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726
    edited March 2013

    oh Ducky you should have said it anyway, she is a spitfire just like you, gotta love her!!

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited March 2013

    Celebrating my G. Grandaughter's birthday today..(the twins), so must make another pound cake..........into the kitchen I back later.....

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited March 2013

    I remember singing to this song when I was about 17!   I still love it..... THAT and Sentimental Journey...

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2013

    Oh Chevy my sister and my cousin did a duet of Sentimental Journey all the time--all the time and they still do.

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited March 2013

    I told u i will not stay in that black hole long.i might go back tomorrow but today im out of it.Thanks for the prayers...

    chevy-I still get pap tests.yeah mom had ovarian cancer and i had 7 scrappings.yeah i am not takin any chances.should have had the entire thing takin out then.

    Camille-I do not take any tranks.probably need them...the dr told me maybe you should take a few Xanax.i refused.i use my oils,drink rose water to relax and take kava-kava natural stress reliever to sleep.Most of the time it did last nite.

    Ducky---you did give me a chuckle when you were talkin about the kids...i really needed that.How old are those twins now????

    today im relaxing..really relaxing.thats why im on here.later ill take a shower and relax some more.I do have to keep putting on heat on the back cause its still tight as a rock...

    ill try to be back later

    hugggs kantalope

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited March 2013

    And BTW its 1-2-3 cigarettes a day....but that is just the past 10 yrs.the most i ever smoked was a little over a pack and that was when i got separated.never smoked when i was pregnant either.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited March 2013

    Ah Geez!  She's just a squeaky clean role model for all of us....Wink  I smoked more than that, when I was sleeping.... Ha!  I smoked a pack a day at one time.... but just plain quit in 1964... 

    Yes, I had a hysterectomy when they tried to tie up my bladder.  Since "we are there" might as well take it out.  Well they did, and the good part is I didn't have any more periods.... But the tie-up only lasted a year.  THEN I had to have a Sacrospinus Ligament Suspension....  which means they must have made a shelf out of a ligament, and attached it to my spine?   It finally stayed up high enough where I didn't have any more problems.   

    Sorry about your Mom... Mine survived breast cancer, but then had some sort of congestive heart failure... She drove in for a check-up, but those Docs in Oakland, said she should go by ambulance to a Hospital in San Francisco...  She then had a quad-ruple bypas, plus a valve...had a stroke right after surgery... she couldn't do it....   So we lost her.   So get your heart checked.

    Ducky.... hope you had fun baking today.... Did you make enough for all of us?  Ha, ha!  Have a good day gals....!

  • shadytrake
    shadytrake Member Posts: 69
    edited March 2013

    Hi Chicklets,

    So sorry for the bad news that our dear thread friends had this week.

    For myself, CON....STI....PA...TION! OMG I feel like I passed a grapefruit and a couple of lemons. I'm in so much pain that I had to take a morphine last night. Holy Crap! Literally.

    Sorry if this is TMI, but I love my DH. He helped me spray some lanacaine to numb it. He tried to make me laugh by calling it prison butt. Okay, I'll STFU now. My problems are small compared to others here.

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited March 2013

    Gran, the little Sweeties are 2 tomorrow.......born in the same hospital where all my shit took place.

    Grayson as you remember had the problems......still not standing alone, or sad....there is hope....She is being taken care of at CHOP, has been to Boston's Children's Hospital, and 2 weeks ago to Shriners in Philly......Shiners wants her to go into a "gait walker"...that might help if her"core" is strong enough to allow her to stay upright....we are hoping and praying......she gets therapy 3 days a week, and "aqua" therapy 1 day.

    It breaks your heart to watch her sister running all around and all she can do is watch.......all because another Doctor fucked up..........All it took was a C section once her sister was out.....but this bastard played hero with a babies life.......they said, a fraction more, and she would have been paralyzed for life......or dead.......all hospitals said it was the "delivery" that caused it........oh this MF'er is paying huge for this screw the time my son takes him to the cleaner, this prick won't have "bus fare" to get home.......

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited March 2013

    I'm so sorry Ducky..... I remember you telling this story before, but I had forgotten....  I know all the money in the world, will not help her, but that bastard should have to pay with his life...    I can't imagine what I would do....  I know it just breaks your heart.... And her parents...  Her "big" sister will always take care of her also....   Let us know ... okay? 

    Shady, can you drink Prune Juice?  Or take Milk of Magnesia?  But not both together.  I did that after my surgery, and I promised myself I would never try THAT one again.   Maybe eat about 4 prunes a day?   And you can also get that Docusate Sodium, (stool softeners) and take them regularly until you are okay to be on your own.   They have a generic kind, that is cheaper.  Or else even a stick of dynamite if all else fails.  Wink

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited March 2013

    awwwww sorry that i brought it up about the babies birthday....kickin up all that stuff and makin you all seems like these white coats are big on screwing up....playin GOD....I hope your son gets him real good....real real good.I always say there is a special place in hell reserved for them....i know it...i feel so sure of take care now and keep baking....and give Grayson a big kiss for me...she is special .....

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited March 2013's fine, no problem....don't be sorry...I appreciate you asking about them....she will make it, I know how will...she is a real trooper, it was just so avoidable, that is the sad part.....a 10 minute procedure......that is all it would have been........thanks for the prayers.

    Thanks Chevy.......and her big sister does take care of her....grabs all her shit, and runs like real character...probably wonders how she gets away with it....too little to know right now.......guess she thinks Grayson doesn't give a shit.....which takes the fun out of

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited March 2013

    Oh Wow!  I would be her Grammy with you....  There is just something about little girls....  I love hearing about the two of them! xooxxoxo

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited March 2013

    chevy---now you just step out of the way cause im her gg stands for great grandmother in case you dont know it.And for your information i too have a Greyson...spelled differently but he is our Halloween baby.Duckys twins are a little older then my baby.soooo that makes us related...step away unless you want to be #3 gg.Does Ducky share??????????

  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726
    edited March 2013

    you guys just make me smile....ducky sorry about the babies still.....and granny.....

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited March 2013

    nice to make someone smile...especially here.and especially see ducky will always bring a smile to my face.Altho Chevy belongs here too but  we fight alot.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2013

    Ducky I never knew that and I am truly sorry--but there's loads of love and faith there and good things do happen.

    Granny 1-3 cigs a day---o geeze why do u even say u smoke --that's like practicing it not acrually doing it. I like that all the natural things work on u , it's really good. I just take drugs and that's it. Hope u sleep well tonite.too.

    Chevy dynamite ---ammm a little overkill I'd say.

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited March 2013

    Camille-i was down to 1 a day...for 3 2-3 im feelin it.even my dr.asked you smokin more right.she was listening to my lungs.bc and smokin dont agree.1 was ok tho but 3 long ones are really not good...and now the heart dr.....the more i try the more i gotta smoke.

    I was gonna stay in the house tomorrow and do thing to get ready for the hospital but ya know what frigg it.i betta get out cause i dont take them with me soooo maybe ill get slowly back to 1-2.


  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited March 2013

    Back home...the twins say Hi to their GG's and tell you they love you for making GG Duck so happy......

    Your all what keeps me going. I could never have made it this far without all of you...what a blesses day, when Ii accidentally came across this was God's hand at work...for this I will always be you my sisters.....hugs and prayers.

    My son said something funny tonight........he said " know what Mom..your gonna do fine on the flight". I said....really and how are you so sure of that......his answer..."Daddy will see to that, cause if that plane goes down, your coming up, and he is not ready to deal with your ass again....he got a standing ovation for that comment.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2013

    Granny if u feel it then keep busy, cuz u don't need to feel more crap. Thant's for sure.

    Ducky u'r kids are a riot and see no fears right? Yea.

  • Charles_Pelkey
    Charles_Pelkey Member Posts: 99
    edited March 2013

    No, no. No one scared me away, I promise. The thongs and hooker shoes just add to the dialogue here. No worries. I just don't stop in very often. I do appreciate the welcome you have all offered me, given that I am a male dealing with what most regard as a "women's disease."

    On the good side, I'm not really dealing with the BC at this point, given that I am reasonably recovered and focusing mostly on getting this new law practice started.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2013

    Oh Good Charles we get goofy here sometimes but we all care what we are all going thru--just a little slant on this horrible disease. But I am interested to know how it was found with u. I mean we go for mammo and that starts the ball rolling, Did u feel this or the Dr. And now what type of meds do u take. Are there SE's for u too. Oh getting things back together for u'r practice has to be a bummer.I worked for the state (well u don't need much brain matter for that) but I did plan on going back to work and I couldn't so I'm old enought to retire and I did this last year.But I surely miss the money but it happens. So I'm sure u are very busy- I know my dgtrs always busy--she has worked for the same attorney for 15 years and now he's one of the equity partners so they barely have to talk and sometimes she works at home-they are so intuned but she's busy always and she loves him and her job. I always say if u love u job that such a blessing. So I know how hard u've worked and how hard u'r work is so I wish u clear brain thoughts, cuz I don't have them anymore. So anytime u feel like it we're here and we do know some stuff so questions we can handle and just because u'r a man don't think u can't rant or complain how u feel. Cuz we do.

  • Charles_Pelkey
    Charles_Pelkey Member Posts: 99
    edited March 2013

    CAMILLEGAL: I found a 2+cm lump on my chest because I rode my bike home one day and stopped for a bottle of wine. I pulled my courier bag to the front, dropped the bottle in there and then swung it to my back. The strap caught on something and it hurt. I went home, took off my shirt and thought "WTF!?!?!??!"

    My uncle had died of breast cancer, so I kinda already knew, but I put off going to the doctor for about a week. My wife just said that I was being an idiot and made the appointment for me (thank you, Diana). 

    As for meds, right now I am on Tamoxifen and I have had no noticeable side-effects. My oncologist says she wants me to be on the stuff for 10 years. Given that it's not a problem, I will probably go for it.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited March 2013

    He heard us.  Did we say anything inappropriate?  No, not never..... not us. Wink  I know Charles.... a lot of us don't feel like we're dealing with the big C any longer either...  We're just trying to help our friends here that still are....  Plus a few more issues, Ha! 

    A new law practice?  Really?  Such a determined guy!  We love having you pop in when ever you can.  And "hooker" shoes?  We refer to them as CFM shoes around here.  .........  I don't have any anymore.... just my Crocs....  lovely as they are... But Ducky and Granny K do.  They are real tramplets those two are....  One of them even smokes... the other drinks.... like a fish.    That's why we like them.   They are like a "work in progress."   We all fit in together around here..... even you, even if it IS only briefly.... monthly.... and one sentence..... almost.  ANYway, good luck with the new law practice....   If you need any help, just ask us....Wink  Now THERE'S a stretch!

    Ducky I just love to read when you are happy!  We just tell it like it is.... Ha,ha!  And if we can get a sniggle and a gigger out of someone, then  that's our job!  And your kids... your Son really knows you.  So do mine....  And yours have a sense of humor, just like you do. 

    Little Princess, we don't actually fight.... You are misconscrewing it again.... See, you are my little Sister, and I just want you to grow up and be perfect.... Ha, ha!   It is just so much fun teasing each other... I mostly tease you I guess...  

    Now see?  Whenever you do, or whenever you HAVE to quit smoking, you will....  Maybe you just aren't really ready yet...  And you shouldn't think about it so much...  Whenever I tried to quit before I finally did, it drove me nuts.   I wanted it more.... (the smoking)   I don't know how I did it either.  But I knew once I started again, that pain would be there.... right in my chest.  I don't think you're there yet.   So okay, go ahead and smoke.... if you must.  I still love you.... Just rinse out your mouth, and gargle with vodka and swallow.  Like Ducky does.  And how is that "thing" in your mouth?  Did all of our recommendations work?  (My spell-check isn't workins)  See? 

    Camille, that was funny!  "Practicing" to smoke... Ha, ha!    And when she gets it right, she will be be "accomplished."  Wink

  • Charles_Pelkey
    Charles_Pelkey Member Posts: 99
    edited March 2013

    CFM shoes. Mmmm... my little sister - a wearer of very sensible shoes - used to refer to them dismissively as "throw me down and f--- me shoes"

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited March 2013

    Actually I DO have some cute pairs...

    You just can't dance in them.... They stick to the floor like glue, and you can fall multiple times.

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited March 2013

    Hey, stop lying to Charles.....Those friggin shoes don't work.....I have a closet full, and haven't seen any action in 21 years .....guess that's what my kids mean when they say..."you know what you need Mom"............often wondered why they never told Lol. Lol.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2013

    Charles thank u for sharing that with us--I just had no idea about what meds y would take--And I'm glad u'r doing well on them

    OK now we know we're ot embarrassing Charles we can continue out slut--oh slang talk.

    Ducky i guess u'r kids know u best maybe u could do the mile high thing on the plane and u'r mind will be stressfree- Remember what goes on in a plany stays in the plane--litterally.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited March 2013

    Ducky....   Well you take the damn things OFF!!!  No wonder!  

    So guess that means you have never been "on" a Harley?  Quite tricky, but anything is possible....   

    Camille, don't get us started.... oh wait, you already did.... Ha, ha!