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STFU (Shut the F*** UP)



  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,856
    edited November 2013

    Well Cam.....where are you. It is not going to get above freezing here today at my house. Had to pour ice out of the dogs drinking container and will have to go out later and buy one with a heater ( only heats enough to keep the water from freezing ) so they can keep drinking when needed. They do have a heated doghouse and dude to much cooler nights I turned the heater on about three weeks ago at least.

    Anyway......I'm just teasin' you know. I know where you are and it is likely colder there this a.m. too.

    Glad the Dh's are home.....even if being a pain in the petard. Just something us to keep the home-makers on their toes.

    Chevy....I love the cat.



  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited November 2013 can do this...when my husbands had pancreatic cancer and he was cut from the top of his chest to way below his navel I thought, how will I ever chance this was bad.....the in incision was bad because they needed the room to explore......check for additional tumors, and remove 1/3rd of his stomach, gallbladder, 3/4 of his pancreas, the duodenum, and part of his small intestine, and immediately re-connect everything......imagine the size of that was called Whipple surgery, and few surgeons were skilled enough to do this procedure.........

    I did it, and you can to..........I know what you mean about him wanting to do things.......You can't keep a good man down.... he was at work, won' this be considered a Workman's Comp case......if so, I think that gives you 80% of your weekly salary.......

    After my husband went back to. Work, instead of letting his partner get his tool box out of the "gang box" one day, he lifted it........caused a hernia near his incision, and 2 months later had it repaired.....he was covered by WC.his paycheck, and the surgery..check it out.......hugs

  • ChickaD
    ChickaD Member Posts: 971
    edited November 2013

    Hi Miss Duck.....Yes this should be workers comp, but I know nothing about that....good to know they help with paycheck! Happy

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited November 2013

    chick.....yes anything that happens on the job regarding injury is covered under that is as long as an employer pays into it, which is a law....they usually have to send their payment for all employees every 1/4, which is 4 times a year.......admitted some try to get away with not sending it in, but they will get caught when someone gets hurt......most pay it, at least a good employer will......

    Now your husband has to report the accident to his superior, then a form is completed..........when ever you get hurt on a job, you should report it right after it happens.........well within reason......even if you think your ok, because, if you don't they can say it happened after you left may never go to a Dr or hospital, but you always report it......,,

    My husband got 80% of his weekly, pay bi-weekly......not like full pay....but 80% is very good.....sometimes the paperwork takes a little time! but you still get paid retro from when you left work.......

    Make sure you check this out........make sure he reports it.......make sure he fills out the injury report papers.....good luck.....

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited November 2013

    littlegoats, how ya doing? Glad some of those things helped. There's so many other ideas from all sources. I tend to pop off with the ones where people tell stories about what they forgot or went wrong. Like powers out , lots of canned goods and no can opener.........or like lots of wood , but it's wet.......Me thinking my  bath garden tub was a hurricane reservoir----water leaked out.

    The fires of 1998 were so bad all summer long, I did the laundry basket trick. Wrapped up precious things in socks and clothing. Those baskets stayed ready to go for a couple of months.

    Weather stuff is so fatiguing. I've gotten to a point with hurricanes that there's a basic laying in of supplies at the beginning of summer. Upgraded house protection after Floyd in the late 90's. So, my list is short to get ready. Spookie might agree with this, the news channels keep the story going 24/7, so, learned to check only every few hours. Otherwise it feels like we're heading towards Armeggedon. it just saps energy. Hope your fairing well.

    Chevy, and Di, and Foley????????

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited November 2013 Ohio WC.....good explanation.......

    I hope I am not coming off as a "know it all"..........I rarely give advice to anyone considering myself not an expert.........but when you said "no pay" for me that sent up a red flag......just know what we do here in Pa, when my husband had gotten hurt in work.....

    Now with his surgery for PC, it was entirely covered, but under his health insurance with work.........not WC because that was a disease that happened.....

    But the hernia surgery was covered by WC because it happened as a result of picking up his took box, which was heavy, and caused the injury which was the hernia......

    Hopefully I have not confused you.....just google Ohio WC...

  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484
    edited November 2013

    Sassy - I know about the bathtub. I need to get one of those flat rubber stoppers because my tub does not hold water. I am not a tub person so haven't used it in years. I do bathe the dog in DH's LOL. The design of these is horrid - indents in the center. Talk about hard to get in and out and that was 10 years ago pre-Femara.

    Yes, wood is very wet but very old and seasoned. Have fire starter log and those baby ones that are kindling. Lots of long Bic lighters. Newspapers galore. I think we are OK, talk that freezing rain is less likely more sleet/snow which is better. Made it to SS/worship service but DH does not want me to return for Missions dinner tonight. We'll see.

    Our first home burst a pipe while we were at work (1978). DH knew it was frozen, came home at lunch which was 30-40 min. drive to find water running out front door. We stayed with DM for 2 nights while water was off, then a week or so with bare concrete floors while Steamatic dried out the carpets in a big warehouse. Worst "ice" storm I recall. Now snow we get pretty regular, of course everyone remembers the SuperBowl 2011 with ice falling from Cowboy Stadium.

  • ChickaD
    ChickaD Member Posts: 971
    edited November 2013

    Thanks Miss Duck  ANY AND ALL info is appreciated ALWAYS!  His boss is aware of accident and they provided the hospital with all their info.

    Miss Sassypants...thank you also for your good info on care!

  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484
    edited November 2013

    Chickie - Hog tie that man to the recliner. NoNo chop wood. I hope you have someone that can do that for you - son, BIL, uncle, best male friend.

    I did not know the paycheck help with WC. Good to know.

    Julianna - hope your DH is doing good and his checkup up tomorrow is Mahvelous.

    Teka - sorry for the family illness. Prayers from here. Come back soonest.

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited November 2013

    Chick......great, just make sure he also notifies Ohio State WC board that there was an accident on his job, because any and all bills, and pay checks will be paid by the will do nothing but get a check......everything else they payment to Dr's, Hospitals, etc......

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited November 2013

    I’m reading four pages of posts with a word document side by side so I can read and respond right away. Super cool.

    Illy – love your pocket flowers!! Di, LMAO at “jowls are now by the sides of my mouth!” Quarter – just love love love the literary coffee, precious.

    Dagnabit, Cammi needed me in her pocket, and now Blondette does, I was WORKING so hard and missed it.

    Dwilly – at least I can be in YOUR pocket. The reconstruction surgery is much easier than the previous one, especially since you know what to expect and can be a little better prepared. You will heal much faster physically. Emotional healing may take a bit longer, .... I'm 6 months out from mine, doing really well, and so will you. Then there's nipple tattoos to think about....

    GG, where was it 86 degrees, girl? It’s 72 right now!!! We are COLD. Shut up Chevy…. But oh, Chevygirl, just love your neighbor profile: “about them being brainless, air-head animal keepers, who couldn't take care of a flea! Nor did I call her a raggedy little twit who only cared about running around.” Priceless.

    I just love this side by side writing!!! Here’s a picture:


    Oh shitshitshit Dana, I gotta quit reading everyone’s posts and go straight to Chicky’s last post. Crap, Julia, DVT’s, and he’s in Wisconsin. I just PM’d you and didn’t know. Ok, first need to get through this eye surgery….they saved his eye, thank you God. Oh Chicky and Juliette, you must be soooo worried…..and Teka.

    Julia, so hopeful that DH can possibly make it home on Weds. How long is the flight? Very good to be on anticoagulants, you can rest easier. When he gets home make sure he gets checked for coagulopathies: protein S, protien C, lupus anticoagulant, Factor V Leiden, anti-thrombin 3 deficiency (my dx),anticardiolipin antibodies, etc. I know you are worried.

    Chickster: you are one tough cooookie and there is NO DOUBT that you can do this. One day at a time. I'm praying for both of you.

    My DH fell again and rebroke his arm. Needs to have another surgery and hospital admission next week. We qualify for free health aide services from the VA so I am going to get them in place beforehand. My work is going well, long hours but rewarding. DS comes home in 4 weeks, really miss him.

    It's a sunny cool day - the first sunny day I have been off work in ages, so enjoying the peace and happiness that brings. Love to all, you are deeply in my heart and thoughts



  • ChickaD
    ChickaD Member Posts: 971
    edited November 2013

    Its AMAZING what love can do......I put the drops in John's eye for the first time because he keeps missing with his depth perception being off.....then....

    I threw !

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2013

    I thought I was HERE! Nope, guess I wasn't....Winking

    Just trying to stay warm! Yes Shells.... Neighbors.... aka twiddle dee-dee and twiddle dee- dum are still home as far as I can tell...They are supposed to go for a week.... I mean like yesterday, but one of the little people was sick.... so they are supposed to be going soon???? Don't know if they even know..... So I will see if any lights are on tonight, if not, I will go over first thing in the morning.... I don't know how they survive over there! They are both college graduates, but the "she" talks so slooooooow, that I sometimes finish her sentences.... Ha!

    She couldn't figure out why the eggs were cracked! She asked.... "do you think they froze???" Well yes, my little absentofabrainneighbor....I think they froze! Kind of like laying a warm egg on an ice block you think? Damn!

    I mentioned that WE would help them set up a tarp around their coop, and to put up their warming lamp.... so she said they are doing it.....

    Hell! Why not wait until one of them has 4 legs up in the air? Oh wait.... they only have 2.

    So I'll go stomping over there in the morning.... food for them all... even Tuna for the cat! She better be in the garage in a warm bed.... She just won't jump our 6 foot fence to come into our yard.... She and Lacee like each other, but she likes her home.... cause she doesn't know any better, I guess....

    So Shells Michelles is cold? It's WHAT? 72????? Are you kidding me? And you are cold? You don't have any blood. And DH fell again? And he won't be home for 4 weeks...? Somehow that doesn't sound right.... did you lose him again? You miss him? Are you talking about DH or who? Just kidding....Loopy

    So where is miss Camera and 44444444444444??? Off today? xoxoxoxo

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,856
    edited November 2013

    For all those taking care of Dh's now and in the future:



  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited November 2013

    I'm here lurking! Been working on laundry and general picking up. Starting to really stress the upcoming holiday because one way or the other I have to deal with my mom. Everyone will be miserable if I give in to her AGAIN and drag my family over there to sleep in the floor and then be told everything that is wrong, in detail, with every single member of my family, and if we don't go there will be hell to pay as well. Damned if I do and damned if I don't. She really has taken all the joy out of any holiday or birthday for me. Sucks because my kids pay the price. I would invite them here but don't want to hear about my house. Doesn't matter if DH is in a sling and I have had 2 surgeries, chemo and rads in under 6 months. It would be a bad reflection on HER.

    Ok, pity party over some of you have much worse stuff going on! Sounds like things are getting better for the husbands and they are holding their own. Onward and upward!!

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,963
    edited November 2013

    Would she stiff the kids at Xmas if you don't go? What if you decline and say you're not feeling well enough for ___ days of criticism? If you don't go, I suggest caller ID for your phone--or letting all calls go to voicemail and only picking up if it's someone you want to talk to. How far away is she? Would it be possible to go and not stay overnight? I can't imagine trying to sleep on the floor with an arm in a sling.

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited November 2013

    Quattro - DON'T GO THERE! Stay home and be happy with your own family. Your kids only get one childhood, let them enjoy theirs. If she makes a fuss - let her. Pls don't let her vengeance manipulate you - do what's best for your own family.

    I have a good mom who has a streak of that. Very loving and wonderful, but there was a time when I wouldn't have anything to do with her because I couldn't handle it. We've both gotten older, and she needs me more, now, so it is a lot better. In fact, I rarely experience that with her anymore. Every year one or another of us kids gets on her shit list and we just wait it out, but come to think of it, I haven't been on that list for years!!

    Yes Chevy - I meant DS is coming home in 3 weeks! DH will have surgery on 12/6, be in the hospital about 4 days, then DS will be home 3 days later on the 13th.

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited November 2013

    I tried the day trip thing. She bitches about that too. She is about 175 miles away. She doesn't care how I am feeling. She turns everything into something about her. Even my Dx. And she certainly doesn't care about DH. I don't have to worry about her calling because she has a "rule" the younger generation is supposed to call the older one, so I sit all day with my stomach in my throat until I call and get it over with. My kids keep asking why I bother. I tell them I am trying to be the bigger/better person. Yes she would stiff them. Thing is they don't care. They usually get something practical, which is fine, just not every kids dream gift! Last year she wanted to see them open their gifts because it was actually something they asked for. She would not come here spor mail so we ended up driving over Christmas eve and driving home Christmas day. A friend came to my house and put out the gifts, turned on the tree, the kids knew Santa came. Even though they are not supposed to believe in that any more according to her.

    Like I said doesn't matter what I do, it will NEVER be right. I accepted that years ago and realized I would never be more than a constant disappointment to her. My dad chooses to sail on her boat, so.... It's their loss really. These are their only grand kids except for my nephew that passed away and my Neice that lives in Japan and doesn't even speak English, so we can't talk to her. There is a huge custody issue so my brother can't bring her here so we have never even seen her.

    Sorry, just having bummer day. Doesn't happen to me much! The Holidays used to be my favorite time of year but that got spoiled years ago. Need to buck up for the kids though. We have a lot to be thankful for and celebrate this year!

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited November 2013

    Thanks Shells!

    I don't know why I keep going back to beat my head against that same wall! There have been many times she has quit speaking to me. She didn't even see my daughter until she was 2 months old because she was pissed at me. She can hold a grudge like nobody else I know. Her mom died and they were barely speaking over stupid shit. She is happy being miserable and happier if she can take everyone there with her!

    Sorry abou DH's arm. Ughhh one more thing! Great news your DH will be there though. Sure you miss him lots!

  • di2012
    di2012 Member Posts: 871
    edited November 2013 I am Cheetos Cheese PUFF or a banana flavored/colored marshmallow......I am yellow bruises everywhere, almost down to the foobs....

    I do have a little of my favorite color...purple....on my neck & face ....rather wear it with my clothing choices...than my faceShocked

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited November 2013

    I think they make gingerbread flavored marshmallows this time of year that are about they color you describe!

    The color will fade in no time and you will be even more beautiful! And no matter what colors you are on the outside, you are still the same wonderful spirit on the inside!

    I'm so jealous too. Need serious wrinkle cream and something for crows feet here!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2013

    44444444444444444 You will learn, maybe when you get older, that people, no matter who they are, aren't worth all the stress they cause you! I would NOT go around, or even better, have them come over! You can meet who you LIKE to meet.

    I grew up hating Holidays.... for maybe different reasons.... but the men got drunk.... the women cried, and the kids were just....... there! It is no fun. You don't have to do it! YOU don't "owe" them anything..... think about it.....

    We don't have to compensate, and make ourselves miserable, to "take care" of others feelings!

    Your family deserves to be happy. I would go out.... or stay home alone, and the hell with everyone else. Things won't change..... like you can't change her..... You just can't.

    I used to get a sick stomach thinking of my drunk Dad coming over.... or even going out with him..... I even talked to a counselor where I worked..... HE said, "Have you ever told him how you feel?" I couldn't.... I couldn't do it when he was sober.... because I loved him and I was chicken.... But when he was drunk, I hated him.

    That's okay too! If they act like a$$es, you are not required to be in their company! I don't care if it IS your Mother....! Sometimes relations are not worth the breath you use to tell them how much they hurt you.

    Spend all the rest of your Holidays without those who make you miserable..... I'm sorry...... But I know how you feel....... It just plain hurts, and makes you mad.

    But it's up to you..... Take care of your family..... no-one else.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2013

    Oh wait! Di! It's you....! So what's this about being yellow? Okay, then it fades to ..... well...... skin color....Ha!

    I don't have crow's feet.... just a turkey neck...Ha! I mean a chicken neck.....Loopy

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited November 2013

    Thanks Chevy!

    You are right it does hurt and does make you mad! Funny thing is I was taught to respect your elders and others and to the treat people the way you want to be treated. Too bad they don't practice what they preached!

    I have done pretty good at staying away all year and offering little through my treatment. Just didn't need the stress! I know that sick to the stomach feeling well!

    I have tod her how I feel. One Christmas we called and she picked another fight about how nobody cared about her. It ended with FU and I hung up on her. I have a really high tolerance for almost anything, but I can reach my limit Shocked

    My dad sure knows how we feel and he used to hide out here! Don't know what happened there? But he picked being miserable over relationships with his grand kids.

    She monitors his phone, email, etc. when I'm on phone it is speaker so she can hear, so dad and I can't talk anymore. She said he didn't need two wives and made him choose. So we don't talk any more. I can't help but blame him for that. He told me he is sure she is bipolar and tried to talk to her doc about it. Surprised she didn't kill him when Dr. said "your DH told me .....". Everyone else has the problems, couldnt be her!

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited November 2013

    4 .......stay home, that is all I will say...think of your family........stop trying to please people...learned a lot in 78 years, and one thing was .....some people you can't please.....they don't know how to be happy........if you have done your guilt necessary...........

    I hate xmas, but that is another happy, kids remember the bad times more then the good, trust me.....I am right about that......

    Stay your sanity..."hugs".........

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,856
    edited November 2013

    4.....I too feel SO for you. It has been a long time ago fact, my Mom, Dad and sister are all passed on now......though my sister went at a younger age from not taking very good care of herself after getting Type 2 diabetes.

    Like most people who have a decent heart and every place in their home stuffed full of hopes.....I dreamed of having a beautiful sister relationship. Became even a bit more important when my sister moved about 150 miles away......and bought enough land for my parents to put a home on it too. They paid for their house and all land improvement including power to the site, a water system, and fruit trees a plenty. They made a very pretty yard and home site.

    Turns out when all said and done, my sister refused to give them the deed for the half of the land they had paid for and improved. I tell you this only so you will see that my sister was an equal opportunity artist when it came to trouncing on people. As to my part, Dh and I visited Mom and Dad as often as we could. Every time we came back from the Sierra's I would usually cry for two or three weeks. It was just my sister's whole attitude....nothing was ever quite right and nothing I ever did changed our un-sisterly situation.

    Eventually at last.....I kissed Mom and Dad good-bye and Dh and I began the long drive we could both be back to work on Monday. That was one of the best drives home I ever had. I wasn't talking much, but my head was a blaze nearly with thoughts and feelings and revelations. Where did they come from ??? Later I decided my spirit guide and guardian angel must have had enough 'for' me.

    I realized that day that if my sister were just an acquaintance, or even someone I had been lightly calling friend, and they did even a couple of things like my sister had done --- been the sour note 24/7 the whole time of our visit, that whatever the good Lord required of me.....I had already done in spades. There were no further changes I could make, no declarations of love, no bowing and scraping -- nothing. I had done all in my power for years to encourage the loving relationship that only I wanted. I was there for her use and abuse and I also thought something else that day. I am here glorifying my soul for my Creator. Allowing any person, even one who was family, to do things that hurt me and abused me and therefore mocked what I needed to accomplish was in no way all right any longer. The only reason that it was all right beforehand......was that I had not had all of this big epiphany until that day. After that day.....I became responsible for the things I so clearly saw.

    I don't know what will work or not for you and I'm not pitching any one answer --- just saying that at that time I realized that my Creator didn't make me,and give me the breath of life for anyone, and just as much so a family member to always be destructive to my very being. It wasn't glorifying my soul to allow her or anyone to treat me like a punching bag as it were, or a rug for foot wiping. I was not made for those reasons.

    So, I wrote a letter to my Mom and Dad. Told them I'd be just as faithful in visiting them as I ever had, but that from that day forward, I was not speaking to my sister unless it was absolutely necessary for some reason. And, from that moment on....that is exactly how I behaved. I told them I wished her well, but that she had no wish to contribute in any way to the relationship I had always wanted so I was saying Uncle and she could embrace herself, by herself from then on.

    When my Mom died, I did un-thaw to a slight amount however; I had too. True to sister rather than dividing everything ( though at the time I wanted my Mother, not her things ) told me her intention was to fly back to California, rent a U-Haul, and come back and empty my Mom's house. Too distraught to care at the time I said fine.

    My sister went back home after 9 days here and a day and a half later ( likely from the diabetes ) died in her car driving home from the Indian casino where she had been gambling all night. Ran off the road ( not one skid mark ) and ended up after the car struck a huge boulder, wedged between two trees. Took 3 hours to get her out of the car.

    I think about her now and then but I never cried for this woman,that never cared one whit for me, even though we were sisters because that fact never meant a thing to her. My Dad knew she was not right and as my Dad passed first, my Mother ended up afraid of her. I guess in my are the people who love you and will go out of their way to try and bring joy and peace and comfort to your life. Who will do their best to pick you up and hold you up. It is not necessary for them to have grown up with you or shared your last name. I came to realize through the grace of a long drive home that the person I always wanted as a sister never, ever wanted me and that I was no longer under any obligation to treat her in any way, but in kind. I willingly still stand by the choice I made to divorce my sister that day long ago. For me it was the only choice I had left.

    I'm sorry this is so long, but you just awakened so much in me..............and really I hadn't thought about it for a long, long time. My Mom passed away in 1998.


  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited November 2013

    See Quattro - I was right! Cammi and Ducky agree.

    You had a challenging year, and you did Great. You deserve a nice holiday with your family. Ignore her for awhile and Be Happy!! Better yet, have your DH tell her that your doctor said you are suffering from breast cancer treatment PTSD, and that under doctor's advisement s/he wants you to not have any additional stress over the holidays, so yu are staying home instead of traveling. In fact, he can ask her to take the kids for a week after Christmas!

    On 2nd thought scratch that - just stay home a have a lovely holiday.


  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited November 2013 sad, but God Bless a You for trying, but finally realizing it was for know I have a crude, but so true..........The sun doesn't always shine on one dogs ass..........

    I am an only child, but lived with my mother and my grandmother.......I had a cousin, first grandchild, who my grandmother adored....she also lived in my grandmother's house...I was the less desirable grandaughter, and felt it every did the right thing, and so glad no regrets...that is so important....... do not need the stress.....BC is enough......and I think Lilli said it all..........I see with 6 children things happening in my family, with me and my kids, and them with each happened with my husband and his family.......way to long and to involved to talk about, but have been down the path, and refuse to continue that journey......I will never make everyone happy, and I will not try any harder.......

    Getting to old for the bullshit.......

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited November 2013

    Thanks Lilli!

    So sorry for what you went through with your sister. I don't understand how and why people treat each other the way they do, let alone family!

    I guess what hurts so much and why I keep trying is because of the kids. I grew up with basically no family around. My dad is an only child and apopted at that. His parents moved to Florida when I was young and we didnt see them much. They were older too and passed away early in my life.

    My mom and her mom didn't get along. She doesn't get along with her sister either. We moved away when I was 12 so she could get away from her family. We didn't see them much even before we moved. I am the oldest grandchild. My cousin just turned 40 and I wasn't even invited to the party. Needless to say as a result of everything, I am not close with my cousins either.

    I never really had a relationship with my grandma either. I thought it was her fault she didn't come around. When I was old enough to figure things out we were not geographically close and it was awkward too. She used to cry on the phone to me and tell me she didn't know what was wrong with my mom or why she was treating me at way.

    My brother left 20 years ago an I don't think he is ever coming back to this country. We used to be really close but a lot has happened in both our lives. I honestly don't know when or how I will ever get to see him again.

    I can't do anything about it. She is a bitter, jealous person. I just hate that my kids have virtually no grandparents either. My MIL died before I met DH and my FIL died when our oldest was not quite a year old.

    We adopted the older couple that lives next door though! Unfortunately the lady died of cancer. The kids were devastated. Captain Jack still looks out for them though :0) much to my parents chagrin.


    There is NO way I can have my parents take the kids. My dad himself told me years ago my moms behavior towards them was abusive. Last time two of them were there she threatened to tie my 10 year old to his chair at the dinner table to teach him better table etiquette. She didn't like the way he leaned into his plate so he didn't drop food on his lap. Sad thing is she would have done it too if he hadn't leaned back and quit eating. She thinks stuff like that is cute.

    As much as its nice to get a break, I worry too much when the kids are there. The girl child is the only one I can send. She knows how to work that system and is very wise and observant for 9!

    Just sad

    Ok. Moving on! Anyone putting up Christmas trees this week? I always used to have a theme or color scheme. Now I am just lucky to find floor space!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,856
    edited November 2013

    No Christmas tree here. We have so many furry little waifs ( they don't know that though ) in the house it is all but impossible. The last year we had a tree......after the beautiful thing was toppled over three times from them attempting the magnificent feat of climbing to the picture perfectly decorated tree look like a bomb had gone off next to we anchored it to the ceiling with fishing line. Probably wouldn't have even done that but I had too much to do to take it down then. It was really ugly tree year after that and was also the last time. We have a couple of pretty wreaths somewhat large that we now hang on a wall if the mood strikes. Out here in the woods there is no one usually but us to enjoy sometimes we don't even do that.

    Basically, since I lived and in fact, ever since tx., have lived pretty well, every day is a holiday to me. I am a morning person so waking up and knowing I have another whole 24 hours to go out and try and glorify my soul still remains the biggest bonus of these my later years. I think finding out and going through cancer treatments was sort of the last lingering strands of complacency for me. I don't always to a fantastic job of living, and loving and helping myself or someone else try to make it go right.....but I'm not complacent about it. I get up wanting to and try to never forget that coasting can be done by anyone, anytime.

    I just want to do way more good than bad --- no matter what I'm it became a work in progress. So no Christmas tree....unless you count the one that is in my heart. I'll have such joy....going out and driving around to look at lights, to hear the Salvation Army bell ringers and I'll be so full of good cheer and spirit....a tree would just get in the way. I thought the stores were so early this year, but everything used to start right after Thanksgiving Day and I'm starting to anticipate all the things that make the holiday season something to enjoy.
