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STFU (Shut the F*** UP)



  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited March 2013

    Have a PCP appt. this afternoon - hopefully, doc doesn't argue with me - I know it is time for labwork and being both arms are compromised with LE possibilties, I need an order for labwork on the feet or somewhere other than the arms - So far all my docs are not doing labwork - that isn't good either.  Not sure what to do Undecided - I'm tired of our stalemates - They just avoid it until I give in... Hop in my pocket, I need backup!!!

  • kathindc
    kathindc Member Posts: 1,667
    edited March 2013

    In your pocket Gma.  Hope your appointment goes well.

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited March 2013

    You're just precious, Ducky.

    And you too, Cami - isn't the PP the belief that at work one rises to the limit of their incompetence? well - I wouldn't worry about that - you are great - and what's so great about being competent all the time, anyway..... sounds boring.

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited March 2013

    2 pages and damnit i dont remember anything except that chevy said that lill girl might need me one day....that will not happen.She talks about goin to her country every go.

    Charles--you are just fine...a keeper along with your wife.soo happy you came back.Good luck with your new venture.

    sorry dont remember anything els except someone needed a pocket on the broom.

    ill be havin a nervous kinda day.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2013

    OMG Shellsine u knew what PP is. not one uses that term anymore but me. LOL

    Ducky I'll be here in Apr. I'l wait/

    GM why aren't u getting bloodpanels done---I hope u get that straihtened out with u'r Doc. And I just tell them they can't use either arm--I've neer had to show anybody--u can't even have b/p on u'r arms so u always have to make that clear when u'r Dr. tells u u can't use either arm--and no one doubts me--that's one of the reasons I kept my port cuz of so much bloodwork all th time and other tests. It helps alot.

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited March 2013

    Another one for the"kids say the darndest things". My daughter watches Joel Osteen every Sunday, and the kids are there listening and watching too......(he is very inspiring, and at home I was watching also)....,,,,

    The sermon was about not thinking bad things, because if you do you can be sure your negative thoughts can help to cause whatever you fear to happen.......

    Well this morning I got a text from my daughter.......this is the conversation.......

    DD,,,,,Mom..did you watch Joel last night....

    ME.....yes I did


    ME.....yes, so with positive thoughts I can "dance and sing while boarding the plane....

    DD.....Yup......your Grandson said...."Mom with Nannie's mindset about this flight......her plane will crash. ........


    I nearly peed my pants laughing...........when he came in from school I said...."I heard you watched Joel last night........he said........yea Nan........we're all going

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited March 2013

    Another one for the"kids say the darndest things". My daughter watches Joel Osteen every Sunday, and the kids are there listening and watching too......(he is very inspiring, and at home I was watching also)....,,,,

    The sermon was about not thinking bad things, because if you do you can be sure your negative thoughts can help to cause whatever you fear to happen.......

    Well this morning I got a text from my daughter.......this is the conversation.......

    DD,,,,,Mom..did you watch Joel last night....

    ME.....yes I did

    DD....And!!!!!!! with positive thoughts I can "dance and sing while boarding the plane....

    DD.....Yup......your Grandson said...."Mom with Nannie's mindset about this flight......her plane will crash. ........


    I nearly peed my pants laughing...........when he came in from school I said...."I heard you watched Joel last night........he said........yea Nan........we're all going there was no way I could tell him to

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited March 2013

    Waiting at the hospital for a lower extremity blood draw. :-O

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited March 2013

    Ducky, still laughing!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2013

    Ducky that's is hysterical. LOL to to funny.

    OK GM explain what the test is from u'r lower extremeties==where are they taking it from.?

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited March 2013

    Camilegal, i have lymphedema in both upper arms and trunk. I can't do BP & needles in either arm so draws need to be foot or other lowere body part

    Here comes the good, bad and weird. I think in that order:

    Went to PCP for a long chat & check-up. He ordered bloodwork & ordered it to be drawn out of a "lower extremity" :-)

    Had to go to hospital - a nurse had to do the draw. Very little room & this male nurse comes in -

    Now for the weird: he was fine with the draw, sat on the floor, nicely took my foot and placed it on his leg. Asked the tech for a piece of tape because he couldn't see on that side. I laughed and he said," no, really, I only have one eye, I was shot in the eye when I was 3." I looked at him and he said, I've drawn blood for years, it'll be fine, But you know this is really going to hurt like you never felt before." It did. Then told me I should not walk on it or it would bruise really bad. After I told him I drove myself and have a clutch.. Why couldn't he tell me BEFORE he did the draw? Made it home and off my foot.

    Was it worth it? Better than having swollen arms :-/ I know I should have thought this through earlier, but now that this ordeal is over, is there anything I need to be concerned about?

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2013

    GM I also have LE so no B/P or arm draws for me either--but I have a port and that's why I kept it/ I still get  a lot of blood panels (every couple of weeks) so my port is a Godsend--When I get tests the techs can't use the port but they try to get a nurse in for it, but a couple of time they didn't and used my foot I just said do it I wanted the test over And I have to say the first one hrt like hell, but the next time I asked dor a bay needle and a baby nurse--didn't feel a thing. I still need IV's so again my port that is really all that used now.

    But I'll tell u one thing if that was me and he tole me he had one eye I'm so ignorant I would have stated laughing cuz this is so hard to find the right vein with 2 eyes let alone one eye.-So good thing I wasn't with u. LOL But my foot never hurt after.  Do u hve a port???

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited March 2013

    Gma,,,,I also LE right arm......I think we spoke a few times on the Lymphedema thread. It is tough......concerned with flying..... Bonney says, just make sure you wrap, or wear your sleeve....ugh

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2013

    Ducky hmm another reason not to fly --ya think?  But yea do use u'r sleeve and glove and u might want to wear those nylon sock things with some compression too--that's up to u.

  • redheadinwv
    redheadinwv Member Posts: 71
    edited March 2013

    Dropping by to check in, having outpatient procedure this morning to remove another lump and then to neurosurgeon tomorrow for spine mets. Hope everyone is doing ok today.

    I'll stop by later today

    Love to you all!

    STFU now,


  • ShaneOak
    ShaneOak Member Posts: 84
    edited March 2013

    Hee...hee....Charles said dick. 

    Thank god someone gets it. 


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited March 2013

    I KNOW!  He must be one of "us."  I laughed too!  It seems so "tame" though..... we'll change that. xoxoxo

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited March 2013

    Gma--Once the IV puncture site is sealed, apply a warm slightly moist compress. A clean washcloth slightly moist with a heating pad on med low to medium heat. Try to tent the cloth over the entrance point. Check veinpuncture site to make sure it's not becoming emacerated. Shouldn't with the above directions, but a watchful eye is important. Keeping leg elevated will also help. S/S's to watch for-- pain at site, reddness surrounding site, swelling, increasing pain with walking. You should do fine, but if you become concerned see PCP asap for what I call a security check. Security check---giving the responsibility of determining if something is happening to someone with higher training.

    Chevy hello, yes hands better, thank you. Not only was the manicure stuff a factor, eating tomatoes were a culprit too. My list of food allergies/sensitivities is ridiculously long. Are yours better?

    Gma only one in two times, of doing a lower extremity stick, the experience was an absolute hoot. It was on an IV drug addict. No one could get a site. I (new nurse in about my 3rd month)say to him "I understand all IV drug users have one vein they keep for emergencies, so where's yours". He looks at me, studying me intently, then points to a vein. I got the stick. He then profusely complimented me. Never knew how to think of that compliment LOL Yeah that falls into the STFP category. LOL

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2013

    Sas u'r another one who knows what their talking about and I'm glad u came here--u are a very soothing person and make everyone fee better about what's going to happen.  These ladies are so nice and fun too and we all need some fun. No STFU from me today---yet.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited March 2013

    Cami, you are always so sweet thank you :) sassy

  • Scottiee1
    Scottiee1 Member Posts: 1,790
    edited March 2013

    Hi everybody....sorry I've been MIA.....almost recovered now but a lot of energy needed

    for my very large class....I have 40 on my register!!!! them but they keep me on my toes..💃

    I've been reading but not enough energy to post still all crack me up 😋

    Has anyone seen Granny????.

    Thinking about you all ❤

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited March 2013

    No Scottiee, she is off doing whatever again....Wink  At least I hope so....  And take it easy with your class.... and working!

    Sassy, my hands are just off and on.... Wish I could just take a lo-dose Prednisone for the rest of my life, but I know I can't.  It's Eczema, and I'll just have flare-ups forever, I think.  I have been trying Tee-Tree Salve, which, for some reason helps also.  I still cream them all the time, and found little "moisturing gloves" at the dollar store!   It is EXACTLY what I needed.  I bought a million pairs.  I even use vinyl gloves for around the house, after I put the creams on.  Yes, tomatoes makes sense.....!  I just can't pin my problems on one thing....  just life.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2013

    Scottie 40---??? that a awful lot--rest whenever u can just pop in whenever u can. U must feel exhausted.

    Chevy I don't remember about u'r hands but oooo what a goofy problem--if sas has an answer use it.

    I'm sure Granny is trying her hardest to keep herself calm, She has so much going on and all we can do is listen so I think she needs to keep herself a little busy. 

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited March 2013

    Yes, Camille, she HAS helped!  Told me about a weak bleach bath...  I just read a great web-site about Eczema...  It COULD be in our genes.... something about losing a "barrier" on our skin, to keep irritants from bothering us.... It is contact dermatitis sometimes, OR coming from inside... OR even stress, or allergies....maybe being around smoke, and a million other things.   But it comes and goes. 

    In other words I have lost my "barrier.".... Ha!  

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited March 2013

    I'm here.using my iPad finally...nothing like the puter..I'm gettin used to it.

    Today I went to the chiropractor cause my back is still not ready for those hospital beds.

    Tomorrow I'm goin in the am to get my taxes done

    And thurs I go to the cardio dr.

    And it's gonna snow both days..grrrrrr.

    And tryin to relax.impossible!!!!!!!!!

    Enuf..STFU and stop complaining.

    I'll be back...

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2013

    Oh Granny those hospital beds are awful--ask for a recliner chair and have the Dr. ok it and u can sleep and sit in that thing--I always do--it's on my orders I never use the beds. And feet are up and it's easy to get up or down in the chairs are so much easier on u'r back. U've got lots of stuff to do yet--but good for u getting it done.

  • Tpettis
    Tpettis Member Posts: 6
    edited March 2013

    I want to f'ing punch someone in the face. I hate it when people are fake with you and smile and say oh you seem to be doing well. Uh duh jack a@@ your my superior and this smile is just as fake as yours and omg my body feels like its been in s car wreck so STFU and leave me alone. Oh wait take my flippin hot flashes with you while your at it and let me know how that smile works for you. What I would really like to say is f'off you can take this job the stress and the stuck in same level for ten years because i have tits.... well not any more!!!! oh wait i still have a vagaina guess you wont promote me now. maybe you will after i rip that out too!!!! Doubt it since killing myself to prove my worth got me crap. Thanks a lot jack a@# so here is my foot up ur a@# and youll be seeing my a@@ walk out thr door!! Haaa i wish. k much better now. TY for letting me vent.

  • mostlymom
    mostlymom Member Posts: 378
    edited March 2013

    I think I win the prize for the worst STFU day today....  I had a gyn appt for a pelvic today - only been at least 15 yrs since my last.  I am a quiet, smiling, polite, patient person - definitely a B personality.  I wish I had a video of the person I became after she tried to take a biopsy after the pap smear.  I darn near kicked her when she didn't stop after I told her to.  As it was, I did a back crawl up the table smacking my knees together so fast I felt like a mouse trap.  I was not quiet about it either.  Nor polite.  I can't tell you what I said when she said she wasn't sure she got enough for a biopsy.  We won't mention the speculum she left behind.    I've never seen a doctor and nurse leave a room so quickly -- leaving me alone in the room on a 4 ft high table....  There was no way I was going to call for help so I slid down carefully but not gracefully - kinda hard to be graceful wearing nothing.  I go back tomorrow for an ultrasound, then a D&C with more biopsy's.  All this because 20 years after menopause, I'm cramping and spotting - two days after my 70th birthday.  Who has more fun?  Embarassed

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited March 2013

    Mostly Mom!  WHAT were you doing up that early???  I would have liked to see that video, Ha!  My God that must have hurt!  A "mouse-trap"... Ha, ha!  You should have caught her head in that vice!  And THEN threw that speculum at her!  It's cold hard steel, isn't it?   Right into her forehead.  Yu want me to go get her?  I mean me and Ducky and Kantalope?  So what you're saying is, that you fell on your butt?  Naked?  Man, that's just not right.   Something wrong with that picture.

    Are you getting the same nurse?  She probably left town.   I'm sorry about your cramping and spotting... You would just THINK we were too old for this "girl" stuff.   So you still have your uterus?  Maybe it's just "nothing".... but I'm glad you are getting it checked out.  Were you with Kantalope?  Sounds like 3 kinds of hell SHE would raise, in the same situation....  Take someone with you... or maybe not. 

    If that nurse sees you again she's probably running for the duck-tape.   I'll be thinking about you.... okay?  Let us know....  ((((hugs))))

    And Tpettis!!!!!  WHAT have you been DOing????   Is it safe to say you are not feeling well???  Wink  Sorry about your mindless superior!    Some people just have no idea what we are feeling like......  Especially when this all "just happened" to you!  I'm sorry.  You don't need that kind of aggravation...    Probably not much you can DO about it, with HER anyway... or maybe just sit down with her, and tell her you are having one shit-poor day and are having a hell of a hard time getting over being hit and dragged by a freight train, on your chest! 

    Best not put your foot up her a$$.... that might really piss her off.   So just come here to rant...  and then take a deep breath and go get a drink.

    Little K.... I went with my Daughter to have our taxes done....Man, I'm glad that only comes once a year!  I'm TRYing to get my "funds" all in one place, like my Savings.... But when you close out all that crap, that means "added income"  EVEN though you already paid taxes on it!   So paying MORE into them did not make me happy!!!!!!  But it could always be worse! 

    Write this down folks... do not EVER let anyone talk you into putting any spare money of yours into a CD, a Bond, or Investment, or ANYthing they tell you!   You play hell trying to get it all, and they make you jump through hoops to do it!   I didn't want my Daughter's to go through all this after I kicked the bucket.... so I am trying to make things easier for them, and going nuts in the mean-time.  But it's DONE now anyway.  Just put your money in a savings, or somewhere where you won't forGET where it is!    That's the other thing....  Don't hide it so well that you will have no chance in hell of ever finding it....or reMEMBERING that you even HAD money.

  • ShaneOak
    ShaneOak Member Posts: 84
    edited March 2013

    Tpettis, welcome and you will always have a place here to vent and say whatever you want...even if it's not nice.  We will love and support you through it all!  You have a real jackhole of a boss that is for sure and on top of all the BC crap you certainly don't need it.  I am very familiar with the fake smile act too! Maybe one day we should just act exactly how we feel. 

    When I came back to work after my BMX my boss looked at me and said quizzically, "Huh, well you look fine".  Meaning, you had BC and needed all that time off???  Okay, d*ckwad let me show you were my breasts used to be. 

    Mostlymom, a video of you would have been entertaining indeed.  But seriously, no numbing or anything?? How barbaric!! I hope you told her to STFU! xoxoxo