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STFU (Shut the F*** UP)



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2013

    Tpettis I'm glad u came hear to vent--it helps just getting it out. Sometimes people just aren't nice no matter what and we see it more when we're having a problem--which BC is a BIG problem--it bad enough going thru any of this let alone on the outside being treated like chit. As old as zi am I'll never figure out why people are not nice to one another--it's our life andit should be natural.

    Mostlymom u'r going thru thst now? OMG Oh we all wish u had a video tape of this one.  Now when u go back--we'll se how they are with u. 

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited March 2013

    Tpettis - you go girl! Get that $hit out of your system and this is right place to do it. That boss is an _ss, and you are completely justified in feeling the way you do..... and you had chemo, on top of it. Document when and what she says so you have a record .....and  take good care of yourself. We are here for you.

    Mostlymom - too bad you didn't get a kick in. The whole time I was reading your post I'm thinking "I hope the speculum was out when she was shimmying off that table!" Happy Birthday.

    Chevyboy - you are just too wonderful for words.

    You all are the best therapy!!

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited March 2013

    Tetris......that is a uterine biopsy......still had not gone through menopause when I was gyn was concerned, so he wanted a uterine rule out uterine cancer since the uterus was thickening.....I said ....fine, but I have to make arrangements for my grandchildren (watched them) and which hospital are we using...........he said "no hospital"............I said..."ok, then where"................answer. "Here, it's quick"..............right in his to see I'm a coward, and requested panthanol to get my dental implants done, while clutching a set of rosary beads........anyway......we did it,..........the one thing I remember saying ( this was 22 years ago).........Jesus Christ......and slid 3/4 of the way up the table........that is not a pleasent test.....although, neither was the breast all sucks.....

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited March 2013

    So is that a lot like having "cryo-surgery" you guys?  I mean where they stick some sort of rod with dry-ice up there and want you to hold still?  I did that once....  I was in tears!    What the hell?  We should try it on THEM!  And tell THEM it might hurt for a second.... 

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited March 2013

    No Chevy.....a uterine biopsy is similar to a Pap smear except they go into the uterus, and actually cut away a piece of the uterus..........with a Pap smear they scrape a tiny bit of tissue off the cervix....uterine biopsy is way different, and hurts a lot......

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited March 2013

    Okay.... thanks....  Wow.... I haven't had that one.  I had to have a "conization" one time, due to so much damage from yeast infections.... That was putting you under, then taking part of your cervix out... Like "coring an apple.

    Another time they had to "freeze" areas in my uterus... which I though you were talking about.  And THAT one really hurt also.   Ducky, do you still have Pap smears?  I haven't had one in 5 years...  I ask, but she thinks since I am not having problems, I don't get one.   I don't have a uterus, nor a cervix... So maybe that's why.   I still have ovaries...  but they took out the "baby carriage".... I just have the "play pen".... Okay.... I'll STFU... Wink

  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726
    edited March 2013

    TP welcome....

    me checking the results of the CT scan....some stable some bigger, have to talk to the dr....waiting for him to call.....

  • mostlymom
    mostlymom Member Posts: 378
    edited March 2013

    Continuing - Today I had the ultrasound plus a camera up the wahoo (how am I allowed to have such fun) and now I wait for the results so furthur invasive treatments may be planned.  I must say today was a piece of cake compared to yesterday.  I did send my PCP a message about how unimpressed I was with the GYN and asked him to get me copies of the test results - when I asked them how to get copies, they all gave different answers....  I realize all this isn't BC but it's related and I thank God you are here to listen to me moan and groan.  I haven't missed cramps!!!!

    Yell  Martha

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2013

    Confusion here--Blondie what do u mean aout u'r scan.

    Martha at least u'r done with that barbaric test.

    I figured all this out by myself--when I Dr. says this won't hurt, it usually doesn't--when they say u might feel this it starts ro hurt, now when they say this might hurt a little put u'r hands by their crouch and tell them he will be the judge of how much it hurts. Now women Drs. are different so u'r aim has to change.. When my Surgeon did my biopsy it was fine didn't reall bother me, but then he had to go thru the nopple and said this is going to hurt, I was good and kept my hands to myself cuz he was at my nipple, so when he pulled that needle out all I could say was I've had better foreplay--it hurt LOL

  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726
    edited March 2013

    yep CAM I am, and really pissed......have to call the dr. tomorrow.....see below

    Test(s) Performed: Radiology study. Imp:

    1. Slight interval increase in size of right axillary lymph node. THIS IS THE LYMPH NODES UNDER MY ARM THAT HAS CANCER - INCREASED

    2. Mediastinal and hilar lumph nodes without interval increase in size. THE LYMPH NODES IN MY CHEST - SEEMS STABLE

    3. Small left pleural effusion. - REALLY!!

    4. Small amount of perisplenic fluid with interval improvement. THAT IS THE ABCESS, THERE IS STILL FLUID IN THERE....

    5. Coronary artery calcification.

    6. Stable scarring and/or atelectasis both lower lobes and lingula. SEEMS LIKE CANCER IN LUNGS STABLE

    7. Stable appearance of osseous metastasis. AS WELL AS THE CANCER IN MY BONES



  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited March 2013

    I lost you all - I deleted you from my favorites list!!! got lots of reading to do :(

  • redheadinwv
    redheadinwv Member Posts: 71
    edited March 2013

    Oh no! Don't lose me! I feel lost enough! :)

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2013

    FMA I've done that too, and I think no one is posting--then I realize I scred up. Hmmm it is very quiet here--I've been at the hospital most of the day, just tests that's all--but no one has been here much or did I miss something? Now I have to check. LOL

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2013

    Blondie OMG u've got lots going on. But us asked aout the mass and nothing was told to u???? WTF is right--I don't get it--do they know what it is or acknowledge what they think. I think I would be more vigilant in getting to the facts. Oh wow to much going on. (HUGS)

  • Scottiee1
    Scottiee1 Member Posts: 1,790
    edited March 2013

    Hi all, just popping in to let you knowI'm not lost and feeling much better now. It's March Break for me and I'm going to a cottage for a few days with a wonderful women I met here and who lives not too far from me in Toronto. I have been reading all your posts

    and laughing and feeling sad for those going through a hard time just now....this

    C. Is such a rolller coaster....ok.....Christine...STFU....

    BTW....Chevy and Camillegal....where's my Granny??????? I leave you guys for five minutes and you lose her!!!!!!!WTH ...I know she is going through a lot of "stuff" too right now, I hope she's ok????

    I'm leaving you two with homework while I'm gone , the homework being....FIND GRANNY!!!!!!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited March 2013

    Hi my girls!  I've BEEN here, just reading and not doin' nothin'....Ha!  I see Miss Ducky around, but WTH did Princess K go?   I just hope she is alright.  She just makes us worry about her...that brat!  Maybe she is just getting ready for her whatever it is they are going to do with her.  And I don't remember when... do you guys? 

    It's damn snowing here.... yet again!  But then supposed to warm up after this new foot of snow leaves.... 

    Blondi!!!  What is WRONG with you?  Do I have to come out there (Oh my God you are in Philadelphia!!)  that's okay... I'll stay in THIS snowstorm, Ha!    We all have to "fix" you somehow....  I KNOW!  I'll send some of my chicken and dumplings over for you!  THAT will cure anything!  Seems as though "some" of your problems are stable???  Let's go for the rest! 

    Or let's just all go on a trip somewhere.... like somewhere warm... with men..... lots of men and margarita's... and oh hell... don't tell my DH...  Even if this IS only imaginary, it's fun thinking about it.... Ha!   I will think of a nice warm place like near a beach.... to hell with the mountains, and snow and  skiiing and hot chocolate and all THAT. 

    Okay.... I need something to perk up this cup of coffee...Wink

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited March 2013

    image alt="" name="V5fApLVOLjINTM:" />

    Oh wait... wrong one...

    Well THIS won't work.....

    Okay, never mind.... I'll just hang out here with hubby...Wink

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited March 2013

    I was TRYING to post some pics of hot guys on a beach.... and I gave up!  Sorry about that....  I'll research this project later...Wink

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2013

    Scottie I'm glad u've got some time to relax and get away for a while anyway. :)

    And WTH is Granny?? Chevy u usually find her--is she cheating on us and only posting on other threads hahaha--She does make us worry tho--she has alot happening and maybe this is how she handles it.

    Mor snow Chevy? we have quite a bit on the ground, but it's kind of raining today and today they have the big St. Patricks day parade--yes today--Chicago has it next week and didn't want suburbs to have it next week--I uess it thinks it's the capital of the Stat of IL. seems like it is anyway. Well needless to say I'm not going, but I don't know about the kids they're still deciding--I was gone all day yesterday (hospital) so I'm in today--just a couple of tests yesterday. No big deal--But I don't know why it tires me so they should pump oxygen thruout like they do in casinos so u don't feel so draged out. Oh frget it it would cost a ton more for everything.

    I see u guys are getting all springy on me, well I really like winter, I like cold and snow and having a good reason not to go out. When I retired, I really took it litterally.

    OK Granny at least check in and tell us u'r doin' OK--U'd better be. 

  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726
    edited March 2013

    chevy how is the coffee?  and I agree vacation, warm...water and beach....they are my preferences, ru other than that?

    Cam I am without reading the damn thing myself...

    Scottie have a wonderful homework for me, yayayay and no tests, I fail them, obviously...

    Ok peeps, waiting for the hard copy of the report to come in the mail, my family dr. just cut and pasted the report...and he said that he was going to talk to a radiologist about it and look at the scans....also the place that i went, is where  I went last time and they didn't comment, problem is there are 5 places (hospitals) that you can go get treatment and all but the 1 that I go to charge for parking, so I pay at least 21.00 a month to park.....the place I went, you don't have to pay for I might have to break down and pay for parking if I am going to get a good reading, but I shouldn't have to, I want to complain but to who.....I still want a PET scan, lol...

    Happy No Snow Saturday.....BBL

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited March 2013

    Chevy I think Granny's surgery was the 12th? But never heard about her heart. Been praying for her...

    I have to work all morning at the fabric store. So no picture until later. Haven't figured out how to put one on using my iPod.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited March 2013

    I am really good!  Didn't even do my hair today.... It's a "snow" day..... damn weather.... So I took the bedroom apart.... Took everything out from under the bed... (my storage boxes) and didn't find ANY dust!  I was amazed.  I love these Laminate floors.  Then tore the bed completely apart, washed all the bedding, shook the rugs, put it all back together again, and it doesn't look any different.... Ha, ha! 

    DH helped me shake the feather bed mattress, so now it is all puffy and happy again!  Now we will be 4 feet off the ground.Wink

    Yes, it's been snowing all day.... and BLOWING!  It's not a nice warm sunny day in other words.  Oh well.... 

    Charles, I'll bet you guys got buried, right?  

    Blondie, ask at the desk!  Sometimes if you whine, and roll on the floor when you want something, maybe even sniffle......they will do it just to shut you up!  Ask for a stamp or something, for you to park there.... that is stupid.

    Camille....  You must be a Polar Bear?  I was born and raised here, and still do NOT care for winter.  I never skied either!  I just never wanted to drive on the snow and ice.  

    Hi GMA.... what does that stand for?    Is it Grandma Foley?   How is the Northwest?  I know your pictures are beautiful....  so peaceful!

    Okay gals.... talk to you later...  xoxoxoxo

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited March 2013

    In Hawaii most of us live in tiny little houses cause that's all we can afford. If I ever win Publisher's Clearing House I'm buying a big old house, then sending a private plane to pick you all up (there will be a private RN to look after those on prescription sedation if needed), and once you all get here,  hiring female security personnel to be nearby and available so that none of us gets arrested.

  • Charles_Pelkey
    Charles_Pelkey Member Posts: 99
    edited March 2013

    Actually, Chevy, I think we got less snow than you did. Most of it passed to the south of us.

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited March 2013

    Charles is back!!! Yay Charles!!!

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited March 2013

    I'm here.been in a stuper since the dr.sent me to see the cardio dr.he found 2leaky valves and a it's from those friggin rads.when I asked him he said not enuf info to.blame it on that.he said you had a lot of stress still goin on the 12th for the tummy surgery.

    I too have been lurkin but was really not posting cause I was really nervous.

    Thanks for worrying about me.tues 10am is the surgery.ill be bringing mt iPad so ill try to post depending on the outcome of this friggin surgery.

    Love to all of you.i know I'll have a pocket party.

    Xoxoxo kantalope

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited March 2013

    Oh good Charles....  The wind is really whipping up around here from the North, so I thought this storm was coming from Wyoming.... Just goes to show you I know nothing.... either that or I don't pay any attention to the weather patterns...   Just slushy now, and about 5 inches where we live...

    Okay Shellshine.... Can Charles come too?  And maybe be our chaperone, or body guard.... ?  Ha, ha!  Perhaps we would also need a male nurse?

    And a masseuse?   Ducky will bring the Vodka, and I will bring the Frito's and dip...  and margarita's.  I'm having a "purple screw" right now....

    Oh don't let your imagination run wild!  It's vodka and grape-juice!   I gave up the coffee this morning... 

      Have you ever seen Dog the Bounty Hunter?  I know sometimes he is based out of Hawaii, and Colorado Springs....  Just goes to show you what type of show I watch on TV...Wink  But I think they were taken off the air.l    Maybe the Kardashians could follow suit?  And I have never watched that show about that obnoxious little girl....what is it?  Huggy bear or something?   I like CSI, or shows like that. 

    Okay... I'm watching the Nationwide race right now.... SORT of...  but I like the Sprint Cup race tomorrow better....

    Have a warm week-end girls..... 

    Hawaii!!!  Man, some girls have all the luck.... Ha! 

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited March 2013

    Oh sorry Princess!  You must have know I was thinking about you!  Glad to see you half-way back!  Sorry about the heart issure....  And it sounds like your Doc is right, about those problems probably not caused by Rads? 

    Little honey, stress will hurt you more than anything WE have been through!  Okay, tuesday!  Let us know as soon as you can.... 

    After you are better, we can all sail away to Hawaii, and stay with  Shellshine somewhere on a beach... in the middle of no-where... maybe rent a condo, and just chill and forget everything...  It has to be in my dreams, because DH would never go for this.... Ha ha!... Especially with the masseause and man slave...Wink

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2013

    Granny it's good to see u posting--we all worry about u and I'm sure Chevy was posting at the same time. Well the surgery is still on then--these goofy leaky valves WTF--Oh they wouldn't be doing any surgery if they thought it waould be a problem--but being nerveous os so so normal to me so I think I do understand. We;ll be in ur pocket and we will be drinking thos--but we'll be very quiet so the Drs. won't be distracted. many (((HUGS))) sent along with prayers.

  • Scottiee1
    Scottiee1 Member Posts: 1,790
    edited March 2013 glad to hear from you.....Cami is right, they wouldn't be doing surgery if they

    thought your heart issues were serious. I'll be with you on Tuesday also...Luva ya.