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STFU (Shut the F*** UP)



  • redheadinwv
    redheadinwv Member Posts: 71
    edited March 2013

    Thanks Cam and Chevy, I will be ok just trying to adjust... Again.... Talk to you soon.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2013

    Chevy u'r DH sounds like most men nail it, duct tape it, or screw it,  and not tht type of screw. hahaha

    Red id this icky feeling stays with u, tell u'r Dr. I would,

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922
    edited March 2013

    Chevy, If the rug is still a problem, I read about velcro strips with that Command removable adhesive. You put one on the floor and one on the rug. It should just uncurl by itself after a while. Maybe put books on it at night to weight it down.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited March 2013

    Camille!  That was so funny!  "nail it, duct tape it, or screw it!"   Yes, "screw it" usually comes first, and I look at him as if he were from outer space!   See I KNOW what the solution will be, so I try and take care of things like a normal person would, before I give up and turn it over to him. 

    Like our plumbing problems!  I mean it really was serious!  He said, "let's just move."....  STFU...!!!  AGAIN, STFU!!!   So after living here in THIS house since 1964, just F****** MOVE???   Oh I swear to God, sometimes you just have to high-tail it into the next room, so you won't throw the nearest iron-clad skillet at them! 

    Since he found out I would NOT budge on THIS problem, he worked on temporarily diverting the tub and sink water out through a plastic flexible hose like thing.  This was AFTER he had to knock out part of the outside wall, beside and under our tub... So fine, it worked temporarily....

    (Because the tub & sink would not drain!  We took pipes from under sink apart, put our hose down there, and literally BLEW the block out!  Damn thing was, it also blew all the pipes, (drum trap included) OFF!!!!   We looked out back, opened the side gate, and YES, water was coming out from UNDER THE DAMN HOUSE!  DOWN THE LITTLE CEMENT WALK WAY!  JUST HAPPY AS COULD BE!!!)  This was not good! 

    5 estimates, and two months later, we finally got it repaired!  He put the insulation, wall, sealant, boards and what-ever the hell else he did and painted it!  It looks beautiful!  Ha, ha!  We COULD not have done this in the Winter!  Oh, but he DID use Duct tape, screws and nails...  Wink

    Stanley... I mean Charles!  Did you get snow last night?  This one came from the North, so I thought you sent it our way...Wink  They didn't CALL for this one... but my Daughter and I just KNEW the dark sky meant something was coming!  It's STILL snowing! 

    And rug is behaving, and just laying there...  Yes, miracles do happen... Ha!   And miss Lacee face  with the furry butt is laying right beside me... On our new rug.  I sure LIKE the rug... It's from Better Homes and Gardens... From Walmart..."Indoor- Outdoor" carpeting... And the roller chairs work great over it! 

    Okay, now I'm happy....  have a fun day gals...

    Wishing Princess Kantalope all my love and thinking of you Babe!  xxoxo

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited March 2013


  • ShaneOak
    ShaneOak Member Posts: 84
    edited March 2013

    Morning vent before work:

    I'm sick and tired of the m'effing expanders and the constant, dull, throbbing pain everyday.  This is Bullsh*t and I am officially sick of it.  Haven't been able to sleep on my side for three months, which is also Bullsh*t.  This sucks ass big time.  My clients and coworkers better steer clear of me today.  It's not even 8am and I've needed pain meds already this morning.  Watch out world!!!

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited March 2013

    ShaneOak - This seems to be the week for crappy moods including me.  I didn't wear my LE sleeves and truncal compression for two day and now I feel I'm back to square 1 -  I tried with the compression on to do some stretching and my half-breast is full size - what's that all about!!! crying..... I am just so tired of it all - and last night I go to a BC "support" group meetiing and all it did was make me more depressed - found out one of our speakers a couple of months ago (who was in remission) found out she has brain mets and doesn't have much longer to live... BC SUCKS !!!! Ok I will STFU but I won't stop crying.

    Edit: And God please forgive me for saying STFU! Amen....

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited March 2013

    You guys..... I'm so sorry you are having really rough days...  !  You probably wonder if it will EVER get better....  I just wish I could do something to help you.... 

    Shane so sorry you have to work... but would you feel better if you stayed home?   Do your Docs know the hard time you are having?  Call them once more...  or better yet, take them your post....  Sorry hon....

    And Grammie... I know how you feel, when we lose someone we know....  I'm sorry.   You can say STFU whenever you want.... I forgive you..Wink  But that's what this thread is for...  We can't yell how we feel out the door, can we?    See how long it takes for the Police to stop by! 

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited March 2013

    Chevy - I get to scream from my mountain top and I don't think anyone would here me... I think God can though LOL.

  • redheadinwv
    redheadinwv Member Posts: 71
    edited March 2013

    Shane, so sorry you are feeling bad, I have stupid coworkers who are all going to get told to STFU today for one or another reason, mainly incompetence but.... hang in there (HUGS!!)

    Gma Foley, so sorry for you as well, it sucks to be miserable, it sucks to lose people to this damn dumb disease, yes it just SUCKS!!
    I forgive you too!

    Off to call to see if the morons have ever found my pathology report from last weeks surgery.... damn dumb people!!

    OK, I'm gonna STFU now.



  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited March 2013

    Skipping my screams off the fog....

    foggy mountain

  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726
    edited March 2013

    Chevy, let it alll out!!!!

    Shane, I have nothing, cept to say I am sorry...

    GMA you are right and again I am sorry..pix is so beautiful!! did the phone call go, and I really hate stupid people and I am sick and tired of doing everybodys job.....can they just do their job and let me be the sick one, how about the people that can't do both jobs, like the elderly or people that do not have anybody, watching their backs...

    Happy rainy Tuesday from outside of Philadelphia, it is about 57 here....

  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600
    edited March 2013

    Esther, STFU is certainly rude and crude but it is not profanity and I really doubt God minds.  He knows there are times we need to vent our emotions.

  • redheadinwv
    redheadinwv Member Posts: 71
    edited March 2013

    Blondie, can you believe they LOST my pathology, not just the report the sample too. OMG incompetence drives me nuts! I agree people who don't have someone to help them or anyone to eat h their backs it is terrible. Ugh! Going to oncologist tomorrow, can't wait to hear what he has to say, six failed chemos in eight months, hope he's got something else in his bag of tricks....

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited March 2013

    tree fog sunset

    Have a great night - I am a balloon boob, but its my own fault - MLD and compression from now on..

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited March 2013

    Chevy A feather bed? Antique?

    Blondie agree with Chevy--paying for parking is outrageous--why--what type of facility. WRONG somehow-or under any circumstances. If it's a city/ municipal/county owned facilty---they might be getting away with it .. Shouldn't be , shouldn't be. Private for profit facility --same way. Fuck them __(fuck has been in the vernacular for greater than 30 years i.e means it's in Websters). Any hospital facility that charges for parking ought to be turned into the state to be investigated for CAUSE. The only reason that I can think of that would cause a charge is that the facility doesn't own the parking area. Privately owned they have a right to charge. But if enough people make waves the city/county/municipal fathers/mothers should make a deal or threaten to take the property by emminent domain. I'm usually a property rights advocate, but when someone avariciously takes from those that have no other choice under dier circumstances, fuck them. Get the law to lean on them.

    Granny--your surgery was today by all accounts. Your eval by the cardiologist with leaky valves and murmur. Leaky valves cause the sound of the murmur. They are one in the same, but are eval'd differently. The echocardiogram shows the activity of the chambers of the heart. If the valves between the two lower chambers of the heart and the two upper chambers of the heart aren't workining right , back flow can occur and regurgitation of blood in the heart chambers make a sound ---a murmer. The murmur is the sound heard when listening with a stethoscope. So, either no one was listening well over all these years. OR your problem isn't significant enough for some doc to JUMP up and say there 's a problem. BUTTTTTTTTTT now you have a diagnosis. Murmurs can come and go depending on the fluid dynamicas----excess fluids in the system may cause a valve weakness to be identified with murmur, when there's not an excess of volume, the valves may function well, therfore, no murmur. Overall Granny your valve problem shouldn't be significant unless all the people listening to your heart over the last few years were clueless.

    What should have been done: Cardiovascular status by EKG, Echocardiogram, Stress testing should have been done before radiation

    Why: if a known treatment i.e.radiation of the breast that can affect the underlying structures, can cause adverse damage to the underlying organs or tissue, other than the intended site. Then a baseline needs to be established. Minimum for chest radiation EKG, Echocardiogram, Stress test. It's the same concept that before anyone goes through Chemo/Ai's/ Tamox/prednisone--all known to cause osteopenia/osteoporosis- a bone density test is required.

    God bles you this day and let nothing harm you. L&H&P's sheila

  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726
    edited March 2013

    SAS you are right and I have no idea, I spoke with the person at the hospital and they told me it was a business, and to buy discounted parking vouchers...

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited March 2013

    Just saying hi...not enough time to keep up with all here, but when I need to LMAO I come back Laughing
    Gma, love love love your photo.  Am really feeling it for my first BC sister in Atlanta who I never have met but she reached out to me from afar...she relapsed with treatment now.  I hate BC and all ca.

    I totally agree that it is BS for a patient to have to pay for parking.  It's bad enough when family has to pay to visit, or parents have to pay to stay with their kids...with all the money being donated, you'd think somebody'd take care of the parking. 

    Thinking of you all and waiting to hear from GrannyK.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited March 2013

    Blondie...  Yes, what Sassy says!  I would call or go to the hospital administrator, or yes, even call the city.  Who is getting all of that money?  That just isn't right!  You know what they do here?  When someone is getting ripped-off, they tell a TV station, and THEY send someone to check it out.

    Just happened, with a mechanics shop...  You KNOW how they charge for things that aren't done!  

     Is there a way to park off the premises?  Or have someone drop you off?  I would raise hell with everyone I could find.

    Sas, no it's a feather bed mattress topper.  It's really nice!  I think we got it at Penney's.  You just have to fluff it up every week or so.  And THAT  is on top of one of those sponge mattress pads... Ha, ha!

    BTW....  damn hands are itching like crazy this morning!   I swear this comes in cycles.  I wrote it down this time.  So I think I know what is coming next... the bumps, then drying, cracking and peeling.  This lasts about 2 weeks before they get back to normal.   If it is anything like years ago, all my skin problems were tied to "hormone imbalance"...  That's when I went back on the pill, and it stopped.  I know I can't do it again.. but I'd sure like to.    I know what to do when this comes, just would like to know how to stop it before it happens.  Oh well...   How are YOUR hands?

    Interesting hearing you explain the heart.  DH's diagnosis was "heart block"  The lower chamber just "quit"....  So he had the pacemaker implanted about 12 years ago...  Now on his second one, and is doing great!  

    He WAS told years ago, that he also had a slight heart murmur... but that was not a problem.... until he started losing all his energy... could not walk up stairs without  feeling so fatigued... or mow the lawn.  When he finally got sick enough, after 2 weeks, he went to the Docs...  Nurse listened, could not hear anything wrong.... I went out in the hall, TOLD them to take his PULSE!  She came back in, did that,  (It read 32!)   left to get the machine for the cardiogram, took that test, and called the Doc in...  He said to get to the Hospital... as fast as we could.    We still didn't see anything to rush about...  he had been this way for two damn weeks!  

    They were waiting for us... Mad, because the Doc didn't send him over in an ambulance.  Pacemaker next morning, and  thank God he is doing good.   It all happened so fast!   But he drug his feet, not wanting to go to the Doc's....   Guess we were lucky, could have been so much worse, if it involved a valve, etc!  

    Yes, hope we hear from Princess Granny K today....I would tease her, but maybe she isn't up to it?   Love you little brat!   Wink  xoxoxo


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited March 2013

    I just saw this on the news!  I've taken this for Bronchitis, etc...  Says if you already have heart problems, don't take this.....  but STILL!  I guess if we listened to ALL the warnings, or paid attention to the ones we read, we wouldn't want to take ANYthing....Wink

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited March 2013

    Great - Just what I needed to hear LOL or not??? Undecided

    Granny - Hope you are doing ok - Gentle CyberHUGS coming your way!

  • ShaneOak
    ShaneOak Member Posts: 84
    edited March 2013

    Thanks, ladies for the pep talk.  Thankfully, the vicodin helps in the morning but then I'm dragging my behind all day.  A STFU to my doctor for telling me that he'd rather not fill my prescription for Vicodin because I'll need more pain meds after my exchange and he doesn't want my tolerance to be too high.  Well you can go F... Yourself.  I'm not a pain med seeking patient.  I need one in the morning then I'm fine until the next morning.  Perhaps if your balls were removed and replaced with concrete, spiky marbles you might understand. That really pissed off my DH who wanted to call him.  I did have an old script for Hydrocodone so all is good.   Really I shouldn't post in teh morning, too much anger and pissed-offness.  Yesterday morning was not good with my clients.  Several left with their heads removed.  Very low tolerance for stupidity this morning.  Okay, I'm STFU and no more AM posts for me.  Chow!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2013

    OMG I had to get caught up, I didn't realize I was so far behind---I'm sorry for all the unrest that's going on and pain ick what can I say. And don't ever think u shouldn't say what u want on here, that's why we're here and as I said Sas knows her stuff and so so helpful with questions.

    And I hate it when Drs. decide about pain pills or anxiety pills--like we might enjoy all of this. It's crap. One time my mom was at the Drs. and she asked for xanax--she was alread diagnosed with her disease and her GP said he didn't think she should take it, cuz it can be addictive. My mom was over 85 at the time given so mucht time to live--she got up and left and never went back. How stupid could that Dr. be? So some are oblivious to what is tolerable for us and if u have to work it's worse for u (I think) So far I've been lucky with Drs. I've been given stronger pain pills and xanax whenevever I need it--I don't overuse it either just when I feel strange and I know why.

    I truly pray hat Granny has an uneventful surgery and she get things taken care of--I hope she contacts someone so we'll know what;s going on. Today is Wed. so it's the day.

    I have my Diarrhea back--started yesterday--still happening today so I fit in the mood of crabby too. Good thing I don't have to be around people or they would actually see the colors of words coming out of my mouth. So I can hide today. And 2 bathrooms help alot. LOL So anyone who has to work I am feeling for u--it's tough

    BTW the picture were stunning and so relaxing to look at--beautiful. I would love that scenery.

    Chevy u'r DH is hysterical, I'm sure u don't see it at the time but come on he's a character--funny stuff (to me) hahaha

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2013


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited March 2013
  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited March 2013

    I called the Pulmonary and Sleep Specialist office today to see what the hold up was - they can't get me in until August  STFU! - I'm truthfully, not sure if I should wait that long. When I was talking to them, they made me feel like I should go elsewhere..  The closest place is 1.5 hours away and have no clue which doc is a good one.  My PCP said he would give me a referral up to Eugene - The only thing good in Eugene is Olive Garden..

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2013

    GMA---August??? That's rediculous--but Olive Garden is funny.

    Chevy that was so so funny--I enjoyed it.

    Anyone hear about Granny?

  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726
    edited March 2013

    August reallly

    Chevy I did call the administrator he is the one that told me it was a business.....I will ask who owns them, when  I go next week

    Cam, diarrhea is back that sucks...

    Well I had chemo, whatever, issues with the port of course, oh and had to check in and get my file, asked to talk to the dr., cause he said he was going to talk to the radiologist and look at the films about the mass in my chest they forgot to comment on, and he is ON VACATION, which he failed to tell me when I spoke to him on Thursday, OMG...I freaked the f out, and bitched for the rest of the day told all the nurses in chemo, they were laughing at me cause I was so pissed a copy of the report and it doesn't say anything about, appt. with dumb azz dr. on Wednesday....he better have answers.....

    Came home from chemo, now mind you I was there at 11....issues with the port til 1148 couldn't get it to flush or get blood, finallly did and left at 410.....came home was asleep by 630 as per usual, up at 10pm, took a benedryl and pain meds and still friggin didn't work OMG, so annoyed, will try to laid down soon, thank goodness don't have anything to do today...but will be speeding with these friggin steroids....ok now I wil STFU!!! Oh and it is 554am as I write this.

    thanks for listening

  • redheadinwv
    redheadinwv Member Posts: 71
    edited March 2013

    Oh Blondie, I am so sorry for you. Yesterday was chemo day for me as well, I got to listen to the oncologist rant because there's no pathology report (still) and now the pathologist who supposedly did it is in Spain. STFU! He is furious now so I'm letting him deal with it lol. Told him Monday it was lost... Oh well

    Gma Foley I don't know what to say but August is too long to wait!

    Everyone else hang in there and have as good as a day as possible


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited March 2013

    Little Red.... when they finally get that pathology report, GET A COPY!  If you are there, make them copy it then.  They always sent me the reports when they came in, and I kept everything together in a note-book.  Seems my life was consumed by it all at one time, but I'm over 3 years out, and that "note-book" is just for reference if I need it again someday.  But get a copy from that air-head team of yours!   Damn people!  Wink

    See, you can always take that information to another "team" if you have to .... Like if you ever want to tell them ALL to STFU you incompetant air-heads, and take your business elsewhere! 

    Grammie and Blondie!  WTH IS this?  You guys all have the same team?  No-one can get any information they NEED!  Seems like you gals have to reconoiter and see what it takes to get someone to listen.  Just listening to what some of you gals are going through makes even ME almost mad!

    It's like we are at the mercy of these lack-luster farm-hands that can't find their azz with both hands.... They need their own "team" to help them figure out WHAT they are doing, why, and to WHOM!.... so they can go away on vacation somewhere!

    I read where Princess Kantalope was having like 6 or 8? inches of her colon taken out?  I THINK that's what she posted on another thread.  This was damage from her diverticulitis she has? 

    My Sister in Law had all but a foot of her colon removed.  But they stretched the rest, (somehow) and connected it to her butt end..... and attached it there...  She didn't have to wear a bag....  We went to see her in the hospital, and considering what she had done, she was doing pretty good!  This was 1 1/2 years ago.  And she is doing great.  So hopefully this will take care of her problems.  My SIL had to change her rotten eating habits. She was ALWAYS constipated, and LIVED on metamucil, and every other un-plugger upper.  All her life, whe was dependant on those things.  So her intestines just gave up the ship, and quit working.  But I'm amazed at the advances that type of surgery has gone through!

    Okay... it's going to be nice here!  A little rain Saturday, but almost 70 tomorrow!  Little Lacee will be depressed.... her snow piles are almost gone...  she has eaten HALF of it, and laid in the rest...  She just loves to stand there and eat mouth-fuls of snow and ice.  And she sticks her face in the new snow, and comes up looking like a "snow-dog"...Wink