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  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited March 2013

    My two grandsons play with their uncle (my son) - anyone else remember those blocks when you were kids.. DH found them on clearance and said the boys HAD to have them for their birthdays. LOL This is why I try not to give up... I would hate to break their hearts.

    boys blocks

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2013

    Oh GMA they are adorable and they're having fun with those old blocks and I understand what makes us happy;

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited March 2013

    Oh Wow!  Princess K!  You are back!!!  So could you come help me work in the garden this week-end?  I just made a little raised round flower-bed, and dumped compost and garden soil in it, and was having a hard time, trying to not fall over the bags I was lifting.  So any help would be greatly appreciated!  

    You are WHAT?  You say you are busy?  Damn!    No kidding now little Princess.... I'm soooooooo glad you are up and 1/2 about now.  If you can at least get a shower with a little help, it would make you feel better!  I would do that for you, after we work in the garden.  I'll even fix you spaghetti for dinner if you like. 

    Grammy.... I am still so close to my grown grand-sons....  I know how that love just takes over your life when you see them, or talk to them! 

    Have a fun day girls!  xoxoxo

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited March 2013

    Trying to get my back garden going again..... this was last year with the shell hangings I made.

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited March 2013

    Oh yeah I'm Chevy I will not lift a finger cause I can't.the pt killed me.

    BUT that friggin hospital called a d I told her everything including havin anyone's mother sleep on those beds for a wheel.the person was here to give me a shower chair.ok then a sponge bath.fine.then she stripped my bed and was gonna wash my hair in the sink but the nurse came and time was up.

    Everything will be goin on again on Monday.she will even do the wash and for 20bucks wash all the floors.

    I'm so glad to be back home with all my wonderful sistas.

    Thanks even you bitch Chevy.i missed you like crazy....

    Ill be back.

  • Scottiee1
    Scottiee1 Member Posts: 1,790
    edited March 2013

    Oh Granny....does my heart good to hear you "fired up" again.....we missed you like crazy here.

    GmaFoley.....the boys are adorable!!!!!

    Everyone else ....hope you are all ok.....having visitors for dinner so have to take my

    very tired ass into the kitchen and drum up something magnificent..😜

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited March 2013

    I am NOT a bitch!  Ha, ha!  Remember when Goldie Hawn was looking in the mirror, in that movie "Overboard".... and told the mirror, "I am not a bitch!"  That means you love me..... I know you do!  Wink  I made asparagus soup tonight.... just for me.... You want some?

    I would wash your hair.... but not give you a shower!  Ha!  I would stand you outdoors, and call the Fire Department out with their fire-hose, and do it that way!  You could hang a bar of soap around your neck...  even wear galoshes if your feet get cold...    But I would have a towel ready, and then wrap it around you and hug you, and tell you I missed you so much...   and give your clean little face kisses.  ...... xoxoxoxoxo

  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726
    edited March 2013

    WOW Granny can you tell how much you were glad you checked in.....

    You made it home and the hospital is still standing...

    hope everybody is ok....

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2013

    Blondie so far it's still standong, Granny's not done with them yet LOL

    Nice to hear u'r attitude Granny, u must feel better I hope.

    Cheve u'r garden will be beautiful--but don't u still have snow.? We might get more snow. but it's still cold.

  • torigirl
    torigirl Member Posts: 748
    edited March 2013

    Granny is hitting every thread to let them know she is BAAAAACK!  Yay!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited March 2013

    Yes Camille!  I worked outdoors for a couple hourse yesterday, and it was sunny and nice.... But the snow came in later, and we have about 10 inches where I was working, Ha!  Out front where a lot of trees are, it's only about 5 inches...  It's a heavy WET snow, so our gardens will love it!  Still snowing right now. 

    Blondie... that was funny..... "The hospital is still standing.... Ha, ha! 

    Princess K.... Did they tell you exactly what they did?  How long is your incision....?  Can you take a picture?  Wink  Are you normal yet?  I mean as close to normal as you can get?    Love you sweet beans! xoxoxoxo

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited March 2013

  • Charles_Pelkey
    Charles_Pelkey Member Posts: 99
    edited March 2013

    Blondie writes: "the Illegial stuff works, immediately, omg is Charles on this site, will he turn me in!!"

    Blondie, I'm a lawyer, not a cop. Indeed, my firm does a lot of marijuana defense, because we're in Wyoming and Colorado is just to the south of us. Check out one of our websites: Http://

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited March 2013

    OMG Charles!  Can you beLIEVE the laws in this STATE?  And there is a "shop" on almost every corner?  I mean I don't mean to be square or anything, but it just seems so bizzARE!  

    At least they had to shut down the ones that were within 1000 feet of a school!  I really don't understand why the laws are the way they are... I mean any kid, or person can BUY it on the street anywhere?  They don't need a "card"... wink-wink.  

    I just don't understand the difference between illegal drugs and pot!  Is marajuana supposed to be "safer" than oxycontin?  Or smoking a crack-pipe?  I mean why the big push to legalize  pot? 

    Aren't drugs prescribed to patients for pain?  I don't understand either, how so MANY pills get in the hands of users, legally or not!   And I can understand marajuana being prescribed for "pain".... but how did it ever become so "acceptable" in the first place? 

    We all see and hear the stories of meth use, and labs, and what it does to the idiots that use it, and we all know of people that have OD'd on these drugs... Is it because I am older that I just can't wrap my head around what people are doing to themselves?

    So what's the solution my friend?  Okay, I'll check out your website... 

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited March 2013

    Okay, this is a funny "smoking pot"  photo!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited March 2013

    Okay, I fell off my soap-box there for a minute.... and I researched what benefits smoking pot has... and I found this..

     "Marijuana helps many illness symptoms. Like with cancer chemotherapy it causes the symptoms nausea and vomiting. Using marijuana the active ingredient THC  reduces the vomiting and nausea. For the patients that are infected with AID/HIV’s have the symptoms of low appetite, and loss of lean muscle mass. With marijuana it makes the patient have the craving to eat. Which reduces the loss of muscles. There is much more. With pain and muscles spasms witch is related to epilepsy marijuana reduces the muscle spasms, and relieves depression for this patient. Lastly with glaucoma (this is an illness that causes blindness due to increase pressure inside the eyeball) marijuana when smoked reduces the pressure in the eyeball. Marijuana also might reduce the blood flow to the optic nerve, exacerbating the loss of vision. "

    So I guess there are benefits for patients in pain, and like it says, relieves symptoms from chemo, etc.  I guess I'm just old....Undecided

  • Charles_Pelkey
    Charles_Pelkey Member Posts: 99
    edited March 2013

    I think Colorado's approach is much, much better than what they do up here in Wyoming. I can tell you tons of stories about young people whose lives were sent off the rails because of marijuana LAWS, not the marijuana itself.

    I guess my standard, Chevy, is whether a law trying to prevent a harm does more damage than the alleged "harm" itself. That is certainly the case with marijuana laws in Wyoming and most other states in the union. I actually admire the good people of Colorado for taking a sensible approach to the issue.

    By the way, here's my favorite medical marijuana story:

    I tried to maintain the illusion that everything was okay while I was going through chemo. Toward that end, I took my son to Denver, to see Les Claypool and Primus (very hard rock-n-roll) at the Ogden, down on Colfax.

    On the drive down, my son kept suggesting that I take advantage of the Colorado law and get a medical marijuana permit.

    "Dad, you're getting your chemo in Colorado," he said. "You own a house in Colorado. You even have a Colorado driver's license. Come on."

    I declined, pointing out that I hadn't smoked dope in more than 30 years and had no plans to resume.

    We parked the car and walked toward the theater. Along the way, we passed three medical marijuana outlets. He nudged me each time we passed one.

    We went into the theater, got our seats and waited for the music to start.

    Soon the lights went down. The band came on stage and the entire room FILLED with marijuana smoke.

    My son leaned over, and sniffed. "Dad," he said, "it smells like everyone in here has glaucoma or acid reflux disease."

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited March 2013

    Oh WOW!  That is priceless!  Ha, ha!  Leave it to the kids! 

    I know... I just read the differences in marijuana, Oxycontin, and methamphetamine uses, side effects, etc.  Seems as though smoking weed is a lot different, that the hard drugs.

    I can understand how being arrested, can really trip up a kid, when he just "wanted to have fun."... But my whole thing is .... It just screws with your brain... It hurts your whole thinking process, when you use it just for the "fun" of it....  I was always so afraid to even try it.

    I know my Brother did, and probably still does.... AND my Husband says he did... It was pretty new in he 50's I think....  I mean I smoked cigarettes and didn't want anyone to see me, Ha!  

    My oldest Daughter got in the back seat with her friend one time years ago....  I said "What smells like catnip in here?".... I KNEW those girls had been "smoking".... and I wanted them to know I didn't like it!   It just scared me. 

    And THEN the birth-control pills fell out of my youngest Daughter's purse....  I was mortified!  That is until I called Planned Parenthood, the school, and asked them WTH were they DOING to my Daughter?....  I was gently told the fact, that "preventing pregnancy was much better than an abortion if a child is active in sex".... And I learned, and calmed down.  I just always wanted to protect my kids...and still do, Ha!  Now the Grand-sons are a different story...Wink  I KNOW they wouldn't ever say anything to me.....

    I was just always "afraid" of those things when I was growing up....  And being raised with an alcoholic father, and grand-father, probably didn't help.

    Mr. C.... It was a pleasure talking to you.....  Okay, I'll behave....  Stay warm, and out of this snow.... Ha!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2013

    Oh I have to throw my 2 pennies in. I think if it was legalized in all states it would provide a tax income that would take us out of our deficit (LOL) and the side effects are really less than drinking and u have no hangover. OK I'm not advocating everyone smoking pot, but let's face it more people do than we know and it's big trouble for the law--It would put some dealers out of business and some crime would dissapate because of this--now the other users crack, cocaine ets--those are powerful horrible drugs so the the dealers would still be around but the crime rate would go down because u don't have to buy on the street illegaly for pot. So legally it would not put a blot on peoples' records for a drug that has some useful meaning.And then I thought if we all send Charles &1.00 (LOL) we would be his clients and he's bound not to ever say a word of whatever we say. I told u guys from day 1 I think weird.

    BTW how are u doind Charles? I hope u'r doing well and u'r getting all set up in u'r practice hoping with much success.

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited March 2013

    Boy i missed a good one.First Chevy you will never ever give me a on it...ill give you one

    next--about the MMJ as we call it all bullshit to one ever died from an overdose of MMJ but think of all the pills our wonderful white coats push that are way more dangerous then the MMJ.Come on get with the program....It helps with pain.thats a give...but the damn white coats would rather give you morphene or vicodin then even think of going on the list for the despensary...your a dr.for God sake and you know it works.They admit to that....once agin its all about the big bucks.Its Legal in NJ and i am the perfect candadate for it(all my drs said so) but they wont go on the list.... gettin pissed and i cannot sit that long yet...ill be back.puff,puff,pass...

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited March 2013

    Granny & Charles are back! Oh Happy Day!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited March 2013

    Ha, ha!  Princess, yes, you DID miss a good one!  Okay, let's all send Mr. Charles a dollar....  What's it for again Camille?  Is he sending us some cigs?  I know MaryJaneWanna helps with the pain....  I would smoke it too, probably, maybe, (not on your life).  But I have so much trouble with Asthma, and my chest anyway.... Besides I'm too chicken....Wink  Granny, you could get it here easy.... I think.  Go on Ebay, or Amazon..... Maybe even Craig's list?  Would it mellow you out?  Don't smoke it.... What would we do without your fiestyness? 

    Or can't you just go out on the street?  Seems like everyone HERE can do that!  Actually I have never seen or been around anyone smoking it... I mean other than the cat-nip caper.

    I KNOW those other drugs that ARE prescribed are worse than pot... WHAT is it called, anyway?  Pot, grass, weed?  WHAT?  I will have to ask Willy.

    Maybe that is why they have changed the laws here... to legalize it?  To get tax dollars?  What the hell do I know....  What is it Charles? 

    And don't stay away so long.....

  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726
    edited March 2013

    I know that Charles but you are a man of the court, or something like that, oh that is man of the aren't that....checking out the website!!

    Chevy love it...and it is fine.... Gotta love kids!!!

    Granny you are so right!!!

    don't know about pain but it immediately takes away nausa...and as far as brain cells, my brain is already screwed up from chemo...

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922
    edited March 2013

    Chevy, With asthma, I wouldn't advise smoking anything!

    We just voted to legalize it here. We already had medical MJ. FYI: it comes in other forms, such as brownies, tea, candy, etc. There's some thought that pot use can trigger schizophrenia in people who were previously symptomless. They don't think it causes it, but possibly speeds up the process.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2013

    Blondie i think it's called officer of the court.

    Chevy the 1.00 isn't for pot it's to keep his mouth shut about what we say cuz we took him on as our attorney hahahaha, another words he can't tell on us. LOL and no u should never smoke it Chevy not with u'r condition, but u could et it hahahalots of goodies made with it so since it might make u hungry u'r killing 2 birdts with one pot.

    Seems some of us know alot about it hmmmmm Oh wait Chrles u can do it per bono (sp) so now u can't tell on us.

    Well Granny can take it in any form if u can get it. The brownies and candy (usually in lollipop form) sound good to me.

    Oh wow this is a lot of subject today. LOL

  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726
    edited March 2013

    yea Cam that is it.....thanks and that works for me!! love the subjects we talk about!!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited March 2013

    So what is "per-bono"..... Is that what I think it is?  Isn't that called a boner?  Or something similar?  What are you guys talking about?

    Yes Wren, they talk about that here too!  Even been found in schools, when someone takes those "Brownies" to the classroom.

    You know I had never looked it up before, but there is a lot of info on the Internet about what it does, the side effects, etc.  Same with Oxycontin, and Methamfetamine....  I WONdered why anyone would mess with those obvious mind-bogglers....  I mean isn't drinking vodka about the same? Wink

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited March 2013

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited March 2013 back.I just saw for about the 4th time a video of one of OUR girls fighting Nj and all the bullshit.She was dx in her late 30s with aggressive BC.I met her at the Nj reunion.she sent me the link but of course i could not get the damn thing in an email sooo i put it on facebook.If anyone knows how i can transfer that over here or maybe figure something its a must see.She is sooo beautiful inside and out.Chevy you can go look at it on facebook and see what you can do in the mean time im gonna try to remember the name of the article.

    im goin back to the article to get the name

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited March 2013

    the name of the link is GovChristie can suck it