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STFU (Shut the F*** UP)



  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited March 2013

    Lynn, I'm ALWAYS dazed and confused, Ha, ha!  And I have no excuse.... which makes it even worse.  You are still young also!  You are going into surgery on the 4th!  Damn girl!  I thought you already did that....  Sorry.... Where are you going?  Are you in Denver?

    They will find out more after your surgery...  Ask for copies of EVERYthing.... Get the final path report, and THEN they will tell you exactly what is going on.   This will tell if there is any lymph node involvement, what grade and stage it is, and if you would ever need any further treatment.

    Blondie.... doesn't it drive you nuts?  I mean my DH does it to me too!  I just hold up my hand, and stomp in the other room.  It is hard enough to hear anyone on  the phone, with my hearing aids, and then to have him trying to join in my conversation...  Damn!  

    Sorry about the chemo.....  take care little one...

    Shell....  I might have a past..... I'll try and find it....Wink  Actually growing up was no fun.... neither were my school years...I can't even remember much of that anyway, because I was taking acrobat lessons, doing adagio...( you know, where they throw you around up in the air) And one missed, and I fell on my head...  Amnesia, severe brain concussion, and I lost any memory of my school years, and it was hard to retain day to day memories.....   THAT and this "abuse" from a live in service-man when I was 8-9.  Bastard.   So I just somehow blocked out everything I didn't want to know about.....  Didn't remember it again until Marilyn Van-Durber came out with the abuse from her Father.  And one day, it just HIT me and I sobbed.... for hours.  I just cried for that little girl that I was.  They call that SOMEthing, when you block out things that have hurt you.

    But now I am WAY past that...  I didn't create my own past,  it was given to me.....Ha!    God, I am so lucky, when you think about it....

    To be normal and raising billy-hell on this thread.... Wink  Or at least having fun!

    Have a wonderful Easter my friends! xoxoxoxo

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited March 2013

    Good night, sweet pea, sleep tight.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited March 2013

    Okay, is it night?  It's suPPOSED to be  "Sweet Dreams, sleep tight, Good night,  don't let the bed-bugs bite, I love you!"

    (My Dad used to always say this to me)

    You forgot to say I love you. Cry

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited March 2013

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited March 2013

    I love you - now go to sleep dammit! Sheesh!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited March 2013


  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited March 2013

    Sas, I just PM'd you back. You totally misunderstood what I said in my comment. I said "I can't believe some of the insensitive things said to all of YOU, not that anything any of you said was insensitive. I love this thread. I think it is funny and poignant at the same time. No intent to say anyone here is insensitive. I must have worded it funny and if so am so sorry. I meant PEOPLE can be insensitive to cancer patients, not you guys! Hope that clears it up! xoxo

    Oh and Happy Easter...don't eat too much chocolate cause sugar will give you breast cancerWink

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited March 2013

    Hi gals!  April, I don't think you can be called "April" yet, because it isn't April.... Ha! 

    Sometimes we read something, and get it all mis-conscrewed....  I got what you were talking about, so don't worry about it...  I'm also posting on OMG they found a cure for stupid.... and I'm ALWAYS trying to figure out what they/we are talking about.... usually it is just plain silly and fun...Ha!

    And yes, people ARE generally in-sensitive to their friends with cancer.... they are really uncomfortable talking about it.... I mean even family.

    That's why I like just hanging around on BC.ORG....We can usually say ANYthing, or even help someone else out... or just be silly.  Of course I am NEVER silly.....Wink

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited March 2013

    So what did I DO?  I tried something I've never done before.... like a pineapple upside down cake... (chocolate and Angel Food)  But the damn thing never cooked!  It ran all over the pan, onto the oven try, bubbling all over the place...!!  Had to take racks out, scrape them, throw the whole mess away!  Scrape off oven floor.... put ham back in! 

    Was it the fresh pineapple I put on the bottom?  What the heck happened?  I won't try THAT one again.   I hate to think it was my fault.... Oh, I used orange marmelade as the only other ingredient, plus a little oil.  But you would have to eat that thing with a spoon....  but it was soooooo sweet it made my ears hurt.

  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited March 2013

    Sorry about your cake Chevy...I have made pineapple upside down cake and that never happened so not sure how yours didn't cook or ran over the side? I did put a cookie sheet under mine but it was not necessary in the end. Sucks that you had to clean the oven in the middle of cooking dinner too Frown

    As for it not being April yet, my real name is Joyce. My birthday is April 8th so I used that to remain "anonymous" from those that would use cancer against me such as insurance

    Have a great rest of the day ladies.

    Sas, I really hope you now realize I did not mean any of you. Reading my post fast, I understand now why you thought that. It was worded kind of funny and if you read it quickly it did kind of sound like I mean the thread was insensitive which was most definitely not what I meant! The thread is great. It is people that can be jerks!

    Hope you are all having a great Easter!

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited March 2013

    Happy Easter everyone

    Chevy----you are so lucky you live far away from me cause if you lived nearby i would really kick your know i cannot laugh cause it hurts soooo bad and as soon as i saw the very beg.of that post i knew i was gonna crack still laughing and i hope i didnt bust a stomach is really sore.thaky you darlin.Wish i was a fly on the wall!!!!!!

  • LibraryLynn
    LibraryLynn Member Posts: 33
    edited March 2013

    You people are out of control here! I love it! I've been feeling terribly down today, and this has cheered me up some. It would have probably cheered me up more, but I'm determined to wallow today, I guess. 

    Anyway, my STFU comment to start the ball rolling was a woman that I work with who told me that I had the good kind of cancer. And then, for several days afterwards, she reminded me that I had good cancer. I finally told her that I was of the opinion that there was no "good" cancer, and if that was all she had to say to me, she should take a long walk on a short pier. She averts her eyes now when she sees me coming. I'm sure I'm the bitchy woman who has the good cancer and a bad attitude.

    Sometimes I feel like if I just had an air horn to blast their words while they're talking, sort of like the bleep button on television. I would take great delight in seeing their lips move but not hearing one single solitary stupid thing they had to say to me. 

    Lynn, of the good cancer.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited March 2013

    Oh Library!  Go tell her to pee up a rope!  WTH is she THINKing?  What a ding-bat!   A "good" cancer?  I'd like to hit her over the head with a frying-pan..... knock some sense into her.... bitch.

    Hold your little hand up when you walk by.... Tell her to "tell it to the hand".  What an insensitive thing to say... that bitch!  Me and the rest of the gals here will come smack her around if you want us to.

    "A GOOD cancer???????"  you guys, did you hear that? 

    Princess Kantalope....  If you were here with me, I would take care of you sweet pea.... I would make you a ham sandwich with Sweet potatoes and marshmallow cream and caramel syrup on top, and a little slice of egg-bread......  (sorry, no pineapple FU'd cake).... Ha, ha!

    So an early Happy Birthday April!  I have to say it now, because I will probably forget on the 8th... Wink

    So what?  Is everybody else asleep around here?  Talk to y'all later....  bye little bees! xoxoxoox

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited March 2013

    Good going, Lynn. We're with you 1000%.

  • LibraryLynn
    LibraryLynn Member Posts: 33
    edited March 2013

    Just to rile you up further, Chevy, she is also the person who told me she understood what I was going through because she had been called back for more mammograms once. 

    I try to have patience...I do. My father died of pancreatic cancer at 49, and I clearly recall many of the insensitive things that were said to him and to us as a family by well-meaning people. Well, you know what? Screw them! If you feel stupid rolling out of your mouth, STFU! I'm going to make a poster of that to put behind my desk in the high school library where I work. I'm sure the kids would appreciate it. :)


  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited March 2013

    Well Lynn you sure do fit in....Chevy,Ducky and I.....the 3 stooges of this thread.i was in a really pissed off mode till i read Chevys post.Thats what this is all about....even tho that laugh was killin me it felt good.

    your gonna make me what?????i cannot chew with this infection in my mouth.just send me that messed up cake ok? it has all good bad could it be?

    I didnt know there was a good cancer either.

    most of them had no clue.When i frst came on these boards 2010 the frist eyeopener was when you hear your name and cancer in the same senence your life just changed....

  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited March 2013

    "when you hear your name and cancer in the same senence your life just changed...."

    Amen to that Granny! And, when you hear your voice mail and the person on the other end says "This is the Medical Oncology department calling to confirm your appointment at the Smilow Cancer Center " and oncologist appts??? WTF?

    Ladies, thanks for cheering me up! xo

    Chevy, thanks for the early Birthday wishes. Prior to January, I would have been "ugh, another birthday" and now...well, you all know how GREAT it is to have them now!

    Have a wonderful evening sisters!Kiss

  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600
    edited March 2013

    I didn't even need to hear the word cancer when my Dr called.  I've been his patient ever since he saved my life when I had acute pancreatitis in 1999.  When he said my name I knew by his voice that the next words would be it's malignant.  As he started to tell me he had tell me he had asked his staff to make an appointment with my surgeon but they interupted to as if Monday morning was OK, I said yes and got on the rollercoaster!

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited April 2013

    What do you all do when you have someone on these boards that just comes in and looks around to find info on someone??? Like me??? This person lives in my town and won't leave my DH and I alone.. I found that she knew something about me that I only said on one of these discussion boards... I'm kind freaked that ANYONE can see what I say..  Edit to include: Even people you don't want to know what you are saying.

  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited March 2013

    Wow, that is kind of odd in a creepy kind of way GmaFoley! I did not use my real name or photo cause I was thinking about the fact that these discussion boards are public as well but did not think too much about anyone actually DOING that!

    I would change your screen name and put up an avatar in place of your photo and PM all of your good friends on here that you are doing this and what your new name would be. That would solve the problem of your privacy issue. Then I would have a little talk with that person and tell them that they have no right to invade your privacy and how dare they!

    Best to you on this issue.

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited March 2013

    Change your name &picture and pm your friends here only with the info.

    You should also contact the Mods.

    this is just so mean!!!!

  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600
    edited March 2013

    I agree with April and Granny.  I would also suggest you don't use one of your "room with a view" pictures for the avitar. Frown

  • Beatmon
    Beatmon Member Posts: 617
    edited March 2013

    GMA foley, I'm not a big poster, but please include me when u change! Beatmon

  • Scottiee1
    Scottiee1 Member Posts: 1,790
    edited April 2013 too!!!!

  • Beatmon
    Beatmon Member Posts: 617
    edited April 2013

    I am appalled that anyone would do such a stupid thing..of all of the nerve. As if u don't have enough on your mind 24 hours a day, then to add a busy body like that! Talk about a STFU. I think you are too nice to tell her that, but there are a bunch of us on this that would be happy to do that for you!

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited April 2013

    I am going to stay around to put my pictures up but anything else will be by another name.

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited April 2013

                         -- SNEAKY READERS BEWARE -- YOU ARE NOT WELCOME HERE --

                      This is for women and men with breast cancer and their supporters only

                                         Go hang out with your own sneaky kind

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited April 2013


    oh, and by the way STFU .....................                                                                                                 


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2013

    Hi everyone-I'm late for me.  Wow all the goings on. Now since I don't have a double screen (cuz I don't know how) I have to go by memory--oh damn I'm forgetting already.

    Cake--Chevy sorry about that I've never made that kind but my DD2 does and it comes out perfect--??? So just forget aboutit, that's what I would do, wdll actually I wouldn't even make it to bein with.

    GM do what the girls (ahem) said about rejoining--and pm us so we know it's u and maybe don't put u'r state in there. Wow how does she know u'r even on here---nosy people.

    Lynn I think we all know about the down times--it's not fun, but there are so many levels to all of this beast and I'm sorry u'r feeling down but I always feel like these boards help too

    OK Good Cancer--I think qwe all agree on this one. That's worthy of a knuckle sandwich at least.

    I actually feel my brain slowing down--I hope it's the meds hahaha Probably not it's just me.

    I forgot who said about when we heard the word cancer, but that's in my brain----except I have a weird way of looking at it so it's different. Thankfully my Dr. knew a little about me after the biopsy cuz when he stuck that needle in my nipple all I said was I've had better foreplay than this. So he knew how to handle me a little but when they tell u to bring family members with u, u know it's not a surprise party. Of corse I went alone and told him u don't want a bunch of crying Dts (2( but they act like a bunch. So when he told me he started with this is very bad--and I stupidly said does this mean I can't be a part time stripper like planned and he started to laugh. And then we talked-so anyway it's a day to remember one way or another. That was mine--I told u I'm goofy.

    April now that u've outed u'rself as Joyce--sine I like both names I might use either one.Depending on what I remember at the time.

    I hope everyone had a good day today in many ways--I did it was nice

    But Chevy I was sorry to read about u'r childhood--it's like selective memory--I used to think everyone had a childhood like mine, until I was older and realized how wonderful my parents were--I wasn't crazy about them growing up, but as adults we were so close. But u came out a winner.

  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726
    edited April 2013

    WOW GMA, that just sucks...why would people do there anyway you can find out if they are one here...