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Time for hospice and Im really scared



  • barsco1963
    barsco1963 Member Posts: 879
    edited November 2013

    How wonderful that you are kept updated on Forrest. Looks like his new digs are pretty swanky with lots of new friends to meet.

  • Romansma
    Romansma Member Posts: 650
    edited November 2013

    Forrest is a beauty! Hope you are enjoying the sunshine today, Teri.

  • 208sandy
    208sandy Member Posts: 582
    edited November 2013

    Teri - thanks for updating us on Forest - hope you're feeling better about his new circumstances - you did the right thing.  Sending love and hugs, S.

  • iwillwinthisbattle
    iwillwinthisbattle Member Posts: 42
    edited November 2013

    So positive that your beloved furry family is being taken care of.

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited November 2013

    Evening Teri! Oh that pic of Forrest in his new home bought tears to my eyes! He looks so happy chatting with the girl next door! I'm so glad he is settling well and will be well cared for and I know you will be as well.

    Hope you are enjoying the crisp cool air as Autumn rolls into winter and are able to get outside for a little while to feel the cool on your skin.

    Love n hugs. Chrissy

  • Australia
    Australia Member Posts: 128
    edited November 2013

    Teri, I feel for you, having to say goodbye to your babies, but know it was the most thoughtful thing you could do. You are surrounded by so many loving and wonderful women here, it's just wonderful. Love the fairy lights in the sheer fabric, that would be my fancy. However I got my son to string up solar white and blue fairy lights on my deck for Christmas and it's so pretty he said well buy some more and put them up down the entrance to the front door. I love the idea but wondering if I will get to sleep as I have moved into the study downstairs and my blind is quite sheer so they may keep me awake lol. Keep comfortable, I'm sure you'll love that bed! Love Gail

  • teacher911
    teacher911 Member Posts: 152
    edited November 2013

    Hello Teri,

    Love the picture of Forest!! Thank you for sharing with us. I can only imagine how much you are missing your animals, but finding them wonderful homes is the best thing you could have done for them. Hoping the sunshine and change of seasons is comforting you. We've been having snow here on and off. Nothing that is sticking, but I know it is right around the corner. I like to see snow for about the first month, then I'm ready for it to be over.

  • steelrose
    steelrose Member Posts: 318
    edited November 2013

    Hi Teri!

    I loved seeing the photo of Forrest! I think I've started making up stories about him and his new life now too. My imaginary worlds of Forrest and Deuce are quite elaborate! 

    Thinking of you!


  • steelrose
    steelrose Member Posts: 318
    edited November 2013

    Hi Teri!

    I loved seeing the photo of Forrest! I think I've started making up stories about him and his new life now too. My imaginary worlds of Forrest and Deuce are quite elaborate! 

    Thinking of you!


  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited November 2013

    Afternoon Teri! How are you doing today? Sure hope you are resting easy now your fur babies are settled elsewhere even though I know it broke your heart to see them leave.

    Have you decided how you are going to dress your bed yet? I would love to hear what your ideas are when you are up to posting.

    Love n hugs. Chrissy

  • sarahsmom
    sarahsmom Member Posts: 276
    edited November 2013

    Hi Teri! I've been following your Deuce story for months and feel like I know him and you. Such a lovely lady and I hope today is a good one for you and that you are comfortable.

    I live in Southwest Asia and took this picture yesterday - in the forefront, these are Arabian Oryx, and in the back, leaping through the picture, is a pair of dik-dik antelope. Not much out there in the desert (surface of the moon!!) for them to eat or drink, so the locals put out water. I thought you might enjoy seeing this picture from the other side of the planet! I was mesmerized by these animals!


  • Capriness
    Capriness Member Posts: 111
    edited November 2013

    Carpediem1965, are these out your window or were you driving somewhere? They're beautiful!

    My friend Richard says he sees Deuce every so often over in the neighbor's junk yard so I know he's having trouble keeping that old truck running. Since he has no money, sooner or later he'll have to go home to his herd, right? I never made it out there last week to visit. I was going to see if I could get him to come in since he (hopefully still) loves me.

    I so appreciate all your help with the search, though. Who would have ever thought one little goat could hide from thousands of women all over the planet?!?

    I just had a thought: How about I take that little chihuahua over to Richard's neighbor's junk yard and see if he can flush him out. I bet he could. Hmmmm.

    I hope you all are doing well and your pain is controlled today. They say laughter helps control pain so if you're having trouble just sit back, close your eyes, and imagine a chihuahua herding a 200-pound goat!


  • Linda-n3
    Linda-n3 Member Posts: 1,713
    edited November 2013

    Oh, Teri, I am cracking up!!! Happy Just picturing goat and chihuahua!

    Carpe, nice to see you here, love the photos! Hope all is well in the desert and wanted to give a special thanks to your DH and family for your service.

    Teri, are you doing any artwork now? I know it takes a lot of energy to do this, and have discovered Zentangle is a small work that you can do anywhere. I took one class and have a couple of books and am a little addicted. I have done some while sitting in the clinic waiting room or in front of the TV or just with some nice music in the background. It is meant to be meditative, so doing it in front of the TV isn't the best way, but it is still fun and fills that need to be creative.

  • Australia
    Australia Member Posts: 128
    edited November 2013

    what a great idea Linda, I looked up zentangle and it's like little pictures I did when I was younger and did not realise it had a name . Love it, think I might take it up myself. Gosh carpediem it is soooo dry, the poor animals! Terri, you are sounding quite bright, I hope you are feeling not too bad. Love Gail

  • 208sandy
    208sandy Member Posts: 582
    edited November 2013

    Teri - somehow I think the chihuahua idea might work, I have a tiny bichon (11 lbs) that can herd anything and everything, seems like the smaller they are the tougher they are.  Let us know if that works.  Hope you're having a peaceful day.  Love, S.

  • steelrose
    steelrose Member Posts: 318
    edited November 2013

    i agree with Sandy... do not underestimate a chihuahua! And Deuce will always love you, Teri:) How could he not?

    Carpediem... Wow, that's a cool photo!

  • Brendatrue
    Brendatrue Member Posts: 487
    edited November 2013

    Teri, thanks for sharing your sense of humor. You are so right: laughing and visualizing are good ways of coping with pain--and other challenges. I hope each days finds you in comfort, with opportunities for laughter, and with many reminders of all the support that is here no matter what. And thanks for your ongoing support to all of us as well.

  • stagefree
    stagefree Member Posts: 360
    edited November 2013

    Teri, you ate so full of love.. The pics of you with Forest..I will never forget the image of you both ;)) always wanted to be close to horses but the best I have done so far is to have my son riding pony once a week & his love for them make me as happy.

    Deuce will most certainly be regretting the days away from you. His miss..



  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited November 2013

    Afternoon Teri!!! Oh yeah, I can just see that chihuahua racing around the junkyard, under and over and round and round.......hunting out that naughty Deuce and guiding him to where he belongs with the herd! They may be small but they are tenacious!

    I've had a busy day today, getting my photographs printed and choosing mats for them and in the morning I will drop them off to the framer for her to work her magic. Then off to the Gallery with them for the exhibition starting on the 23rd. It will be very interesting to see how they go.

    I hoe you are felling well enough to let your imagination fly.

    Love n hugs. Chrissy

  • MaraUK
    MaraUK Member Posts: 27
    edited November 2013

    Hi Terri

    Love the idea of the little dog herding up the goats. A great visual scene to start my day. Hope you manage to start some painting.

    Mara x

  • sarahsmom
    sarahsmom Member Posts: 276
    edited November 2013

    Hi Teri! I was just driving through the desert and saw these cute guys! I've been looking for them since arrival in August and was so excited! Not much wildlife here...there is the elusive desert fox (still no sightings) and of course camels. I live in a walled compound that thankfully has some trees and flowers, so we do have birds. I don't even mind cleaning up their mess on my patios, just miss seeing the living creatures we have in the states, took the squirrels, bunnies, et al for granted. Well I do have my doggy here with me, a sweet aging Lab.

    Big hugs to you, and hi/hugs to Linda (thank you for the V Day wishes :-) and thanks to steelrose for liking my picture, too :-)

    The Arabic phrase the chihuahua would use to round up goats is "Yalla"! I hear the men saying this to their wives in the mall sometimes, Yalla, I'mraa! Move it, woman! :-)

  • barsco1963
    barsco1963 Member Posts: 879
    edited November 2013

    Good morning Teri - hope that today brings you happiness, joy and energy to do some painting or whatever it is you choose to do. We received quite a blanket of snow here overnight - seems that old man winter is moving in. Our dog (lab) just loves it - she likes to try to catch the snow as you brush it from the car. You would think that she is 2 yrs old instead of 9 yrs. She is full of spunk.

    That Deuce might be wise to mosey on back to the herd before the cool weather really settles in. There is warmth in numbers.

    smiles and (hugs) to you for a pain free day.

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited November 2013

    Afternoon Teri!!! Oh what a busy day and it's not over yet! We are heading for the city to go out for dinner to celebrate our eldest GS turning 18!.....where have those years gone?! We need to drive back tonight as DH has an early appointment in the shop in the morning so it's a must do thing.

    We have bought GS a lovely watch as his coming of age gift......hopefully he will like my choice. He is such a fine built boy (young man) so the one I chose is slim line and sits very neatly on the wrist rather than chunky or bulky.

    Hoping you are resting easy with your pain well under control.

    Love n hugs. Chrissy

  • GrammyR
    GrammyR Member Posts: 297
    edited November 2013

    Teri - I am sure that little dog could find that mischevious Deuce..ha. Glad to see you posting. Hope your energy level is holding on there.

    Carpediem- Wow such a great pic.Your life must be so different living way over there. These animals, plants and natural wonders thrill us more a we get older I know. My daily visit from the hummingbirds give me a lift too.

    Carpediem - 

  • JimmieBell
    JimmieBell Member Posts: 59
    edited November 2013

    I wonder if a neighbor would bring a horse to visit you sometimes. I know I would love a visiting cat if mine was gone.

    There's lots of hospice pet therapy projects with dogs, but I don't know what's closest to you.

    Here's a big list:

    There's a therapy horse thing but it sounds like they don't do house visits. They should!

  • Linda-n3
    Linda-n3 Member Posts: 1,713
    edited November 2013

    Teri, dropping by for coffee this morning, hoping you are having a bright fall day, or are you in the winter area now? Our normal temps this time of year are lows in the 40s, today was 25 when I got up, so the coffee is good, the sun is out, the multitude of birds are flocking to our feeders right outside the kitchen window. I watch for our fox that has been conspicuously absent for a bit, but I may be watching at the wrong times. And of course the squirrels are constantly running about amusing me. I am sure it is truly JUST FOR ME that they are doing this, LOL! In any case, hope you are all keeping warm, finding a bit of beauty and love today.

  • Romansma
    Romansma Member Posts: 650
    edited November 2013

    I have a very grumpy , old Jack Russell Terrier that would be great at flushing out Duece! You made me laugh, the idea of sending a little dog over to herd a goat! Wish I lived close by, because I'd come over to help you take care of your dog. But, I'm sure a resolution will present, until then, enjoy that furry heart with legs and a tail!

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited November 2013

    Hi ya Teri!!! Well I am finally home.......the time is 3.17am! yes, I said I have a feeling that I will sleep well as soon as my head hits the pillow but right now, I just need to wind down after concentrating hard for two hours while driving. DH drove down so it was my turn to drive

    I'm happy to report that GS loved his watch and after I adjusted the band it fits him perfectly. It was so funny to see him order a glass of beer with his dinner and know that he was just doesn't seem right but guess I'll get used to it soon.

    Bon these are the pics that I have chosen to put in the exhibition. All bar the rainbow were taken just outside my home town but the rainbow is taken from my backyard.




    The next three will be matted as a triptych.




    I meant to say Carpe that your photo of those antelope was fabulous! Love seeing wild animals like that but oh that area is soooo dry!

    Teri, I hope you get some pleasure from seeing my pics.........also hope that you are pain free and enjoying the crispness of the season.

    Love n hugs. Chrissy

  • Rosevalley
    Rosevalley Member Posts: 1,664
    edited November 2013

    Hi Teri hope your day is a good one. Rains come in tonight and snow in your neck of the woods for Friday! Lots of snow for Mt Hood! that will be beautiful to see. Maybe Deuce will show up for some nice dry hay. Wonderful news on Forests' new home.

    I love all the photos folks have shared, just beautiful! I wonder what the dyk dyk and antelope eat in a desert that dry? Here in Oregon everything is soggy now, kind of can't imagine dry desert conditions.

  • cristina1945
    cristina1945 Member Posts: 5
    edited November 2013

    Hi I was told the same thing in April my onc said I had 6 months to one year

    I made the mistake to put all my hope in one Onc then a decided to go to MD Anderson in Houston

    they told me I wasn't going anywhere in 6 months, they told me they had several options

    even before I would be a candidate for trial medicine.

    I know you said you had a second opinion But was it just an other Oncologist or a Cancer Clinic???

    Praying for you
