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Time for hospice and Im really scared



  • chris1959
    chris1959 Member Posts: 60
    edited March 2014


    hello terri I saw this and thought maybe this is why deuce has not came back he is just having to much fun ,hope your pain free today and thinking about you


  • Hortense
    Hortense Member Posts: 718
    edited March 2014

    1496 posts on here, and this is the 1497th. Amazing what you started Teri. I hope you are doing as well as possible and are comfortable. So many people's thoughts are with you, even if you are unable to respond to us. We can not be there by your side to help out, laugh with you, hold your hand or just keep you company, but we send you our best through these posts.

    I love the picture of the goats on a trampoline Chris1959 posted. Who on earth would have thought to have given them such a thing? I'll bet that free spirit Deuce would have loved one to bounce around on. 

  • redwolf8812
    redwolf8812 Member Posts: 580
    edited March 2014

    This one always makes me smile:




  • Rosevalley
    Rosevalley Member Posts: 1,664
    edited March 2014

    Teri-    I go to this site every day and smile. I look at the goofy and amazing animal photos, admire all the lovingkindness that pours out of the members to you. The chemistry on this thread is just incredible. It's a testament to spirit and character. Lots of love and hugs to you today. May you be warm and comfortable.


  • Brendatrue
    Brendatrue Member Posts: 487
    edited March 2014


    Hoping for uplifting light, delightful shades of color, soothing aromas, pleasant sounds, comforting touch, peace of mind, openness of heart, and ease within body. Thinking of you today.


  • stagefree
    stagefree Member Posts: 360
    edited March 2014


    This brings so much comfort to me, İ can't stop sharing it over & over again.. Virtually yet with love

    Hugs dear Terri..


  • 20130502
    20130502 Member Posts: 162
    edited March 2014

    Is that a goat hug?  I got a hug tonight from the luthier who fixes my daughter's cello.  It really is true - hugs are healing!  Hugs make me feel cared for.  Teri - you are hugged by all of us!


  • iwillwinthisbattle
    iwillwinthisbattle Member Posts: 42
    edited March 2014

    Hi Teri!!! Just checking in to see how you are doing!!! Long all of the cute animal pics!!!

  • Hortense
    Hortense Member Posts: 718
    edited March 2014

    Yes, indeed! (((HUGS))) to you Teri! I hope you are able to breathe comfortably and that your family and new nurse are taking good care of you. 

    While I have no adorable goat pictures to post, I can offer this one of the little robber who cleans out my bird feeder everyday. 


  • dmacw
    dmacw Member Posts: 64
    edited March 2014

    thinking of you Teri


  • patty7
    patty7 Member Posts: 4
    edited March 2014


    Wishing you peace, comfort and love.

    xoxox Patty

  • 20130502
    20130502 Member Posts: 162
    edited March 2014

    Stopping by Teri,

    I am wired wired wired on 4 cups of espresso coffee.  I had a video meeting where I could not be seen to be fading out - so I drank all that coffee at 3 pm right before the meeting and now I am whizzing.....wonder if I'll sleep tonight.  Hoping you will and that spring is coming to your neck of the woods.  We are getting teasers here in the way of higher temperatures.

    Wendy dog, whose picture I posted as a puppy under the chair, got the call yesterday.  She is heading back to The Seeing Eye in Morristown on March 17.  Although she is the 6th service dog I have raised and the 4th for this organization - I have a special attachment to her and am really sad to see her grow up and move out.  I'll be spending lots of quality time in the next two weeks - hope I don't spoil her.  Oops, gotta go, she is demanding her dinner by bumping my arm from the keyboard....  Take care,


  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Member Posts: 5,254
    edited March 2014


    Hope all is well and know I am thinking of you. Those animal pics are just too cute. Loved the pig in red boots.


  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited March 2014

    Hi ya Teri!  

    Sending hugs, hugs and more hugs, good thoughts, much laughter in the hope I get  smile.....yay, got you!

    Hope you are feeling as good as possible and as pain free as possible.

    Love n hugs.   Chrissy

  • Linda-n3
    Linda-n3 Member Posts: 1,713
    edited March 2014

    Teri, thinking of you tonight, sending you much lovingkindness and many virtual hugs!

    Ebru, I love your post about hugs, and I realized that I need to make more of an effort to give more hugs so I get more of them!  Bon, the goats hugging are wonderful. Hugs to EVERYONE tonight!

  • redwolf8812
    redwolf8812 Member Posts: 580
    edited March 2014

    A close-up of "our" Deuce


  • Hortense
    Hortense Member Posts: 718
    edited March 2014

    OMG Bon! That has to be the cutest picture! I had no idea some types of kid goats could be smaller than a cat. How adorable!

    Teri, thinking of you. Hoping you are comfortable and that your new nurse is taking the best care of you. Check in with us  if you are able, but don't feel you must. We still love you. I'm going to meet someone for lunch and on the way will be looking out for signs of Deuce. 

    20130502 - so sorry you are losing Wendy dog, but what a magnificent thing you are doing for others. Hope you got some sleep, but I'll bet you did not and that you felt like this all night long -> Singing

  • pajim
    pajim Member Posts: 930
    edited March 2014

    Hi Teri, thinking of you and hoping everything is OK.

  • AmyJM
    AmyJM Member Posts: 134
    edited March 2014

    Hi Teri,

    Sending love and hugs and prayers.  I hope you are having peaceful, restful days and that you can stop in here some to see all the cute animal pics.  We love you!  ((Hugs))

    Love and light, Amy

  • sarahsmom
    sarahsmom Member Posts: 276
    edited March 2014

    Hi Teri! Sending hugs from the sandbox, getting really hot over here already! I have to water my plants twice a day, crazy!

    Anyhow, just wanted to post a note in case you pass through, hope you are comfortable and that new nurse better be nice to you, or else! :-)

  • justjudie
    justjudie Member Posts: 196
    edited March 2014

    hi there Teri!  I am thinking of you as I do every day.  Is it chilly and rainy in Oregon?  I imagine it probably is.  Oh well, try to stay cuddled up and warm as best you can. I positively know that Deuce is in a warmer climate.  He seems to pop up briefly in warmer places before a quick run back to Or to check on you.  You are his mom, after all.   

    Thinking of you.  Any resolution with Hospice?  Hang in there, Teri.  

  • redwolf8812
    redwolf8812 Member Posts: 580
    edited March 2014

    Good morning Teri and everyone.  We have a neighborhood full of deer, wild turkeys, and oh yes, coyote, believe it or not.  There is also a semi-albino deer who seems to hang out with the turkeys for some reason.  I got a picture of her in our back yard - I think she's beautiful.  Thought I'd share.  Here she is with the turkeys behind her.


    - Penny

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited March 2014

    Hi ya Teri!  Just sticking my head in the door to check and see how you are doing today.  Has the sun been able to break through cloud and shine in veils to illuminate rain drops on leaves and spider webs?  Have you heard the song of a bird that reminds you that spring is approaching and brings with it memories of sunshine on your face?  Hope your day is one where you can let your imagination run free and take you to places that are pain free.

    Love n hugs.    Chrissy

  • kjones13
    kjones13 Member Posts: 662
    edited March 2014

    thinking of you Teri! Sending lots of love, sunshine, and a Carolina blue sky :)

  • Linda-n3
    Linda-n3 Member Posts: 1,713
    edited March 2014

    Hi Teri! Well, today was a beautiful day here, and I hope it was there as well. I actually got out for a walk - first time I have been able to walk a mile since last fall. Today was Round #2 of "doing taxes" with DH, tomorrow is Round #3 and I HOPE the final round! In any case, we still are taking some time to enjoy the days, and I am sending you gentle hugs and hopes that you are having a peaceful evening.

  • Capriness
    Capriness Member Posts: 111
    edited March 2014

    Hi everyone. I actually got on this darn machine yesterday and wrote a long message to you all and then something happened and the message was gone.  It made me so mad because it's getting to be so hard to type anymore. But I need to check in more so you don't think I've died.  Just so you know, my brother has strict instructions to let you guys know when that day comes.

    I can't possibly type everything I typed yesterday mainly because I don't remember it all. Lol.  I'm still hanging in there and haven't been having a lot of pain. That must mean all your good thoughts about pain free days are working.  So let's work on "Breathing Easier" days now.  Not to be selfish.  I also sent wishes for everyone in my email yesterday.  Wishes for side effect and pain free days.  You can never type that too many times, right? I haven't noticed anyone else because my computer time is eaten up by reading these posts or typing my answer.  I don't have a lot of awake time anymore to browse.  I'll try to do better.  I feel so selfish when I feel like all the love is going one way -- towards me!  (And in the end...the love you equal to the love you make.  The Beatles)

    My friend Richard said he sees Deuce once a week now and believes he's living with the neighbor.  As long as the neighbor takes good care of him I don't mind.  My job as his mommy was to find him new accommodations and whether that's with Richard or his neighbor makes no difference.

    Well I think I'll sign off now so I don't lose another giant message and so I can go browse and see what you all have been up to. Wishing you all love, peace, and side effect and pain free days!


  • hollander
    hollander Member Posts: 93
    edited March 2014

    Teri-- So good to hear from you!  And glad that Deuce has reappeared after all of his off the grid adventures.  It's warming up here a bit, finally!  We'll probably go from winter to about 2 weeks of spring, then summer heat.  Looking forward  to putting in a raised bed so I can grow some veggies this summer.  Hopefully the rabbits will not eat them all!  Wishing you easier breathing, pain free days, and sweet dreams!  (((HUGS)))

  • susan_02143
    susan_02143 Member Posts: 2,394
    edited March 2014


    So lovely to hear from you. Isn't it frustrating when you lose a post? Happens way too often in my opinion. So Deuce is selective about where he is willing to live? Somehow this doesn't surprise me even a little bit. At least you know that he is safe, exercising his options.

    Today reached 42º! I sat outside in the garden without shoes, basking in the sun. I tried to ignore the 2 feet of snow surrounding me, and I was rather successful. Hard to tell if my rosemary bushes are alive or walloped by the hard winter. Should snow again tomorrow, so am glad that I had this moment outside.

    And now I will think about deep breaths.

    With my best thoughts,


  • JillThut
    JillThut Member Posts: 97
    edited March 2014

    Just came on to check on you.   So glad to see your post and glad you're not in a lot of pain!

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited March 2014

    Hi ya Teri!!  So glad you felt up to popping in and really glad to hear that your pain level is good.  Sending many good thought to help with the breathing.

    So glad you have had news of that errant great he picky or what?  I laughed out loud to hear that he has chosen to live with the neighbour but it was sooo good to hear that he was okay and I'm sure it has put your mind at ease on that score.

    The love that is sent to you is a gift from us and we know it is reciprocated even if your can't write it.

    Sending love, hugs and good breathing thoughts.    Chrissy