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Time for hospice and Im really scared



  • Nel
    Nel Member Posts: 597
    edited March 2014


    Glad to hear you are having pain free days. Thinking of you often



  • 20130502
    20130502 Member Posts: 162
    edited March 2014

    Hi Teri,

    Stopping by to say hi.  It got cold again here today - grrr.  I was just getting used to spring weather.  Still breathing with you! 


  • Hortense
    Hortense Member Posts: 718
    edited March 2014

    Greetings from the East coast! It's been very cold again here - in the teens at night, but no new snow, thankfully. The big pile of old snow near my door has turned into solid ice. I poke it and it's hard as stone. On the other hand I spotted some purple crocus coming up today and snow drops are everywhere. It seems as if spring is holding off a bit longer, but it will be so nice when it decides to finally get here.

    I stand outside sometimes and take deep breaths and think of you Teri. I wish I could send you some of our clean fresh sea air. I hope you get the chance to get outside and that spring is farther along where you are so that you can see and hear (as someone mentioned above) the changes it brings. I can hear the Red Winged black birds trilling their spring territorial song with all the energy they can pour into them and I am beginning to hear other spring bird songs, although I am not sure which kinds of birds are singing them. Spring is my favorite season. 

  • kjones13
    kjones13 Member Posts: 662
    edited March 2014

    hey Teri! I am tired today. My brain hurts. We are having the main bathroom remodeled in our house. I am an hgtv junkie. I know what looks good and what doesn't look good as a finished product. Having to pick out stuff with little samples of flooring, tile, and vanity top is hard! For me, at least. Our house was built in the early 70's so I wanted my kids to have a nice clean bathroom to use. I'll post pictures when it is done. I hope the weather is nice and you are able to enjoy any nice weather that may come along! Breathe easy my friend.

  • GatorGal
    GatorGal Member Posts: 750
    edited March 2014

    Teri, good to hear from you.  Understand your frustration about losing long posts. It's happened to me before, too!  Hoping for easier breathing ... And happy you are having pain free days.  I think of you often!!  Glenna

  • AmyJM
    AmyJM Member Posts: 134
    edited March 2014

    Teri - thinking of you and sending white light and warm thoughts, love and prayers and hopes for easy breathing.

    Love, Amy

    I was going to send a kitty pic, but can't get it to work - maybe another time : )

  • sunny210
    sunny210 Member Posts: 31
    edited March 2014

    Teri, I haven't checked in for a long while, but think of you often.  I hope you're feeling pretty  well, all things considered. Is spring coming your way? As you may remember, we moved from Boulder (temporarily, I hope) to a small town on the western slope. Here, while everyone else enjoys spring, we have mud season. We might see daffodils and lilacs in June. 

    When we did live in Boulder, the borders of some of the main roads were mowed by goats. Someone sat with them and watched out the whole time they were there. Some of the roads were fairly busy, and I would worry about the goats running into the road, but I never heard about any problems. They were so cute. 

    I am still struggling with breathing and O2. The cord is the worst, isn't it. When I go from one part of the house to the other, it invariably gets caught on something - anything. It just looks for something to grab onto, I'm sure.

    I hope you have a happy Sunday tomorrow. 


  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited March 2014

    Hi ya Teri!!  Sorry I haven't popped in for a couple of days.  I went over to my SILs house for a visit and a wonderful night out to dinner at a local restaurant.  They put on a four course dinner and a twenty piece swing band..........I just love swing music and this band was good.......oh and the dinner was delicious!  Then yesterday before returning home last night, we went shopping as she doesn't drive so getting to some of the bigger stores is difficult for her. So, after a full on weekend I am now home and putting the feet up to recouperate.

    Hope you are breathing easier and pain free.

    Love n hugs.    Chrissy

  • Mompsych
    Mompsych Member Posts: 88
    edited March 2014

    hi Terri-

    I was able to escape the cold for a few days and finally saw the Grand Canyon! It is so much more than a big hole in the ground (as my son says). I though of you and everyone posting here as I stared at the beauty of it all. ...

    Sending you warm thoughts!.  

  • Vadre
    Vadre Member Posts: 159
    edited March 2014


    Hi Terri!

    I'm glad to hear that your pain control is working. I'm following Hortense's lead and breathing fresh air for you!  We've slid back into winter here in Virginia with freezing rain & snow. Pretty grey and very, very cold!  I worry that we're going to go straight to summer and skip Spring, which is my favorite season. 

    I'm including a pic from one of my bird feeders. There was a huge gathering of Titmouse, Chickadees and Cardinals. I thought this big Woodpecker was especially pretty against the Spring backdrop of icicles!  They've eating so much this winter that I may have to take out a loan to keep up. 😉

    Take care, Terri. We're all thinking of you. 

  • Hortense
    Hortense Member Posts: 718
    edited March 2014

    Ooooh, so pretty! I can't usually get good pictures of the visitors to my feeders, but I admire the skill of those who are able to do so.  I did get this last year though. It's not a bird, but I thought it was cute:


    Teri, I hope you have been breathing reasonably clearly lately. I'm going out to refill my feeders shortly and will be taking deep breaths and mentally sending them to you. Feel well my friend.

  • Linda-n3
    Linda-n3 Member Posts: 1,713
    edited March 2014

    Teri, thinking of you today, breathing with you. 

    Enjoying the photos of the wildlife that your fan club is posting. 

  • susan_02143
    susan_02143 Member Posts: 2,394
    edited March 2014

    Nothing to do with goats. Not even a little bit, but I thought that you might enjoy the moose eating apples outside my mother's office window. We are down in the teens once again, but they promise that the temps will go up before the end of the week.


    Hope that you are breathing well and that you are having pain-free days.


  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited March 2014

    Hi ya Teri!

    I don't know about you but I'm loving all the wildlife pics!  No wildlife here, just was a time when I was considered a little wild but that was such a long time ago I can barely remember it......hahahahaha!

    Got my appointment with the ortho in a couple of hours so the knee will get the official go ahead for replacement and soon there after an official date.   It's all a little scary but needs to be done as it is definitely effecting my quality of life.

    Hoping your days are filled with easy breathing and no pain.

    Love n hugs.    Chrissy

  • Hortense
    Hortense Member Posts: 718
    edited March 2014

    Hi Teri, I stood outside in the dark last night looking at the moon and the stars, taking deep breaths and thinking about you. I'd spent the day in NYC checking out the latest worrisome health problem. Apparently it is not much to fret about, which is a good thing. 

    I saw a young guy walking around busy Union Square in the bitter cold with a large hand lettered cardboard sign saying "Free Hugs" which made me smile, and there were musicians playing in the subway station down below - the city allows entertainment down there. A group of young Black guys were setting up a dance space in the station near the stairs to the platforms but I couldn't wait around to see them perform. They looked so happy and hopeful as they set out some orange cones to delineate their space. A few would break into dance steps or do a cartwheel. It was fun to see their energy. Then on the platform next to my train an older man from the Islands, with his greying hair in long dreadlocks, set up a steel drum and was playing Pharell's song "Happiness". It sounded lovely.

  • Linda-n3
    Linda-n3 Member Posts: 1,713
    edited March 2014


    I still can't figure out how to re-size these, but I thought you might enjoy this rainbow that I was fortunate enough to see in June, 2012 in Vermont. I love hiking in the hills of VT, and this had been one of those rainy days, and the sun came out late in the afternoon and this was so brilliant, such a gift from nature. 

    Thinking of you, Teri, thanking you for your gift to all of us here - you brought together a group of women who love animals, nature, and each other. 

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited March 2014

    Hi ya Teri!

    Well, I'm heading to the city again in a few minutes for my hearing aide fitting......yay!  It's good that the ball is finally rolling on that score as only having hearing in one ear is a right pain and very disconcerting particularly as it went literally over night, no warning, woke up and it was gone.

    The knee replacement is a go so I'm just waiting for his nurse scheduler to call me with a date.........this guy is so busy it won't be for at least three months.  At least it gives me a chance to work on getting rid of a few more pounds to help with the rehab.

    I'm sitting in my lounge looking out through the open door.........the sky is that deep blue that takes your breath away and the is not a cloud to be seen.  I have a grape vine that grown up a dead tree near my outdoor laundry and this time of year when the grapes are past their best I leave the rest for the birds and right now I can hear and see at least half a dozen wattle birds eating their fill.  Because we had such good rain to break the heat, my roses are now putting on a beautiful autumn show and the buds and flowers just keep coming.  I have a large deep blue ceramic pot near the roses that two days ago I mass planted with ranuclas so I can't wait for them to start poking their heads through the dirt and then putting on a show of colour for me.  When that happens I will take a PC and share.

    Hoping your day is filled with lovely things to look at and your breathing is a little easier.

    Love n hugs.    Chrissy

  • GatorGal
    GatorGal Member Posts: 750
    edited March 2014

    adding to the wildlife photos ... Saw this snowy owl at chincoteague, va in January.  A first for me.  It just sat there for hours letting all the bird watchers photograph away.  They don't come south often but I have a friend who even photographed one at jacksonville beach, Florida this winter.  Hope you are having a decent day, Teri.  I keep you in my thoughts always!  Hugs, glenna


  • Linda-n3
    Linda-n3 Member Posts: 1,713
    edited March 2014

    Thinking of you this afternoon, Teri. I hope you have enough energy to at least read through here to see that we are all still with you on this journey, offering our loving arms to support you each step of the way.

  • kjones13
    kjones13 Member Posts: 662
    edited March 2014

    ok I am airing my clean laundry...I hope that gives you, Teri, and others a good laugh! This is what happens when I get sick for 2 days! :) I could have folded clothes today, but it was too pretty outside. Maybe another time! Loves!


  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited March 2014

    Hi ya Teri!

    Well, Autumn has definitely arrived!  Last night we were so chilled we ended up wearing our warm dressing quite cold enough to light the fire but certainly cold enough that for the first time in months, the front door was firmly shut!

    Did the trip to the city and the hearing aid is being made as we speak and I will have it in about two weeks......yipeee!.....I can't wait for an improvement in that department.  I got the phone call from the nurse scheduler and I'm now booked for 6/6 for the knee replacement unless there is a cancellation.  That gives me a little time to try and lose a little more weight.

    I am assuming that as we drop into cool your days are beginning to warm.........spring is soooo beautiful as the leaves burst from their buds and the bulbs push their way up to greet the warming sun.  I sure hope you are breathing well enough that allows you to get outside, at least to your deck so you can enjoy.

    Love n hugs.    Chrissy

  • Hortense
    Hortense Member Posts: 718
    edited March 2014

    Hi Teri, still mentally sending deep breaths of clear, clean nighttime air to you as I look at the stars in the evening. I hope you are able to breathe easily and that you are relaxed and content.

    Went to NYC again yesterday, this time for DH's doctors, not mine, and I have never seen so many people thronging the sidewalks and crossing the streets. There were great hordes of them, so if any of you are missing people from your home towns, I know where they are. 

  • 20130502
    20130502 Member Posts: 162
    edited March 2014

    With Deuce settled we have not had any really cute goat pics in awhile - but I couldn't resist this one.  Teri - sending you many healing hugs and hoping you are breathing easily.  (((Teri))) 


  • Linda-n3
    Linda-n3 Member Posts: 1,713
    edited March 2014

    kjones, I was a bit suspicious that you took that picture in my bedroom - must be something in the air about putting away laundry this week! You are right, though, when it is nice outside, that is where we belong, not inside putting clothes away - they will still be there when we get around to them. Or else we can dig through the stack to find clean underwear if it becomes a necessity!

    Teri, I hop you are breathing easier, I can just feel the fresh night air that Hortense is sending you each day. Today is clear and warm and breezy - I can hear my wind chimes in the distance, gentle breeze through the sunporch, birds sitting on my feeders. My herb garden is pretty brown right now, but little green things are showing up near the ground. I hope to get out for a bit just to get my fingers dirty and pull a couple of weeds before I run out of energy today.

    Hugs to you Teri, and lovingkindness to all.

  • steelrose
    steelrose Member Posts: 318
    edited March 2014

    Happy Saturday, Teri! Always thinking of you, and wishing you peace and comfort.

    That baby goat picture is beautiful! It says "Spring" to me!

    Love to everyone...


  • Capriness
    Capriness Member Posts: 111
    edited March 2014

    Oh, my, KJones13! Run! Run from the laundry as fast as you can!

    20130152  That baby goat looks like the spittin' image of Duece and his mama, Casey. I was never very good at genetics but look back at some pictures that show them both and you'll see what I mean.

    I started having severe liver pain a couple days ago and so they're pumpimg me up on drugs to help me breathe, walk, sleep, eat, etc. Wish me luck. As I always wish for you.

    I love you guys. Pain free, Side-effect free.  Those are my mightiest wishes for us all.


  • dawny
    dawny Member Posts: 588
    edited March 2014

    Hi Teri, good to hear they have some good drugs to help you feel better.  Thanks for checking in with us.  We all love you too!  Dawn. Xxxxx

  • kjones13
    kjones13 Member Posts: 662
    edited March 2014

    Teri!!! Thanks for stopping by to check in! Sorry about the liver pain. I hope the meds get you comfortable and pain free! Our weather around here has been crazy...70's some days then calling for "snow" the next. We hardly ever get a good snow, just cold and wet and yucky. So that's what today was like and while my 3 year old took a nap, I decided the laundry wasn't going to fold itself :( 

    Continued good thoughts for pain free, easy breathing days for you! You made me smile today. Thank you.

  • Hortense
    Hortense Member Posts: 718
    edited March 2014

    Damn, Teri, I am so sorry to hear that your liver is hurting so badly. I am glad that they are giving you something to help you handle it. I had to take my daughter to an early bus this morning and as we stood on the porch a moment to take in the extraordinary beauty of the predawn, with the morning star glowing brightly in the south and a half moon hanging midway up the sky, I thought of you and took some quiet deep breaths as I sent wishes for clearer breathing to you. Now, you might not have been so happy to get those breaths as the temperature was only 19º, but it was a thought :)

    I wish I could have seen Deuce when he was little. These pictures of baby goats are adorable.

    kjones - Sad to admit, but I have a similar pile of laundry downstairs in my basement. Only mine is half clean and half things that need washing.

    Best to all, Sarah

  • JimmieBell
    JimmieBell Member Posts: 59
    edited March 2014

    Good to hear from you, Teri. Here's to a restful day with comfort from pain and smooth breathing.

    We just finished 3 days in the recording studio and are preparing our woods for our yearly music festival. Spring has arrived in south Texas! Brand new leaves on all the elms and the live oaks are dropping thiers, preparing to bloom and grow all new clothes for the year. We got new tires for our old tractor and will start mowing soon. I'm going to hand clip all the young mesquites that have sprouted in the parking area since last year. The thorns are so big they flatten tires, even in a tractor!

    This festival, the Woodzie, is the highlight of the year for us and our friends. I'm grateful to be feeling good now. Last year I was still recovering from my mastectomy. We've been amazed how many folk stepped up to help and keep this thing going. This is the 11th year. I love sharing our home with so many peaceful souls. We stream on the internet, so I will let you know the details if you want to wach.
