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Time for hospice and Im really scared



  • Fitztwins
    Fitztwins Member Posts: 144
    edited March 2014

    . I don't think we are ever ready to go and will have 'everything' done.

    I wish you peaceful and pain free days. Thinking of you!

  • 208sandy
    208sandy Member Posts: 582
    edited March 2014

    Teri - it's been a wonderful experience knowing you and my wish for you is pain free days and nights and paperwork (if that's what you want) - sending hugs and warm thoughts. S.

  • susan_02143
    susan_02143 Member Posts: 2,394
    edited March 2014


    I am first going to be angry at that nurse for speaking to your mother instead of you. Don't these people get training on these things? Next, I am going to remind posters that you have asked them to keep their religious beliefs out of this thread. You have asked twice already... and I don't like to see your direct, and warmly asked for, wishes being disrespected.

    And finally... if indeed, Nurse Chatter is right, then my wish for you is calm, peace and no pain. None of us have known you for long, but I feel that your essence has found ways to live in harmony with the world around you. Thank you for sharing this with us. And if Nurse Chatter is wrong, tell him there is a posse of breast-challenged women ready to teach him some ethics.


  • Leah_S
    Leah_S Member Posts: 1,929
    edited March 2014

    Teri, all I can wish for you is that you be pain-free, have calm all around you, and that you are at peace.

    Sending love.


  • tina2
    tina2 Member Posts: 758
    edited March 2014


    Thank you for your stories, your pictures of your animals and the inspiring example of your indomitable approach to just about everything---except perhaps paperwork. And, as someone else has posted, what does that matter? 

    Thinking of you with love, wishing you comfort and hoping "Nurse Chatter," as Susan so aptly dubbed him, is wrong as wrong can be.


  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Member Posts: 5,254
    edited March 2014


    I've been thinking all day about what to write and find myself at a loss for words. May you have peaceful and   pain free days as well as restful nights. Thinking of you.


  • steelrose
    steelrose Member Posts: 318
    edited March 2014


    You have always struck me as the coolest, most independent soul. I know that you know what is best for you at this time. So if getting that paperwork in order is important, do it! Trust your instincts, they won't fail you!

    Of course, we're never ready for this news. And I'd like to give Nurse Chatter a few choice words for handling it in such a horribly sloppy manner. No excuse for that. But you're in charge, clearly acting in your own best interest, and this is what I wish for you. Comfort, peace, and love to you, special lady...


  • Danishgirl66
    Danishgirl66 Member Posts: 80
    edited March 2014

    Dear Teri, I was just diagnosed stage IV in November, so I know I will be in your situation sooner or later.  Your posts are sort of like a text book.  So you are doing a great service for me and probably many others.

    I'm so sorry for all your fears and pain.  I earnestly wish I could take it all away and give you peace.

    My sister from SE Portland who was just visiting me here in Florida said the weather there is not too bad and a lot of flowers are in bloom.  I hope they are cheering you.  I was born if Portland and grew up in a small community between Gresham and Sandy.  Hugs from MaryAnne

  • Joysley
    Joysley Member Posts: 25
    edited March 2014

    I have read your posts from the very beginning and have found laughter, sadness and most of all admiration. You have made all the preparations for your loved ones and now you are the one in need. I truly wish you pain free days. We all know our days are numbered. I just hope I can leave this world with the bravery you have shown us.  Thank you Teri for sharing with us. 

  • 20130502
    20130502 Member Posts: 162
    edited March 2014

    morning hugs for you ((((((((((Teri)))))))))).i will be thinking of you today.


  • dmacw
    dmacw Member Posts: 64
    edited March 2014

    Did nurse chatter deliberately not tell you or did you not ask?  I only say this as the hospice nurse kept us advised of such info with my dad, however, we had to ask..  She didn't tell dad either.  However, had dad asked he would have been told.  They do not hide anything.  But you have to ask.  That kind of info is not volunteered by hospice.  Some patients do not want to know. 

    Teri gentle hugs and peaceful days and nights.  


  • Hortense
    Hortense Member Posts: 718
    edited March 2014

    Morning Teri! I hope you has a restful night and will have a peaceful, pain-free day. Or, if it will help your mind feel more at ease, I will hope that the assistant you requested for today shows up to help you get the paperwork that is bothering you done, so you can put it behind you. You are such a responsible person to be concerned about such things right now. It would definitely not be on my mind, but then again, I probably was a sloth in a former life :)

    Most of all, I hope that when you are awake that you are able to enjoy the comfort of your family and friends. I believe that just having them near can be reassuring, and that speaking is not always necessary. I would sit and read or watch TV next to my mother day and night as she grew weaker and drifted in and out of sleep. I was spelled by a dear friend of her's and my sister. I think she knew one of us was always there, even when she didn't open her eyes, and that the awareness that she was never alone made her feel safe and able to accept what was happening with calmness. I would gently rub lotion on her, stroke her arm or hold her hand and I believe feeling my touch was good for her even after she stopped regaining consciousness. We were not a family that usually touched, even though we loved each other very much, but it meant so much for me to have bodily contact with her at the time, and I am sure it was for her as well.

    I agree with you. I think that our bodies know more about what is happening to us than any medical professional, and our instincts tell us what our bodies know. Take your meds to ward off pain and drift with the flow. We will be here thinking of you and sending you our best wishes and our love. 


  • Mompsych
    Mompsych Member Posts: 88
    edited March 2014

    Just chiming in with everyone else..

    A. I hope that idiot xnurse did not know what he was talking about

    B.that you are comfortable and surrounded by those you love

    C. We all thank you you for bringing us together and for all your words of comfort and wisdom.


  • Linda-n3
    Linda-n3 Member Posts: 1,713
    edited March 2014

    Teri, just stopping by to say hello this afternoon. Wishing you peace and rest, freedom from pain and shortness of breath. Sending lovingkindness, and hoping you have loved ones sitting with you (if you wish) as Hortense did with her mother.

  • Loveforlife
    Loveforlife Member Posts: 67
    edited March 2014


    I have no words. Sending you love and light. May you be symptom free and peaceful.


  • superfoob
    superfoob Member Posts: 121
    edited March 2014

    howdy Teri!

    Thank you for being you and sharing with us.

  • Vadre
    Vadre Member Posts: 159
    edited March 2014


    You are such a neat person. You amaze me with your willingness to reach out and accept the love and support of a group of women you don't know except that we share this one, life changing thing. I hav so enjoyed getting to know you a bit and like to think that we might have liked spending time together if we actually knew each other! 

    I am so sad that your prognosis was discussed in a way which was both unfair and unkind to you. I understand that your family is also concerned and seeking answers to answer-less questions BUT information about your care and condition belongs to you. It is yours to know or nor know and yours to share or not as you wish. I'm sure that you have no desire to add stress to this time but you should feel completely justified in asking your care team leader to have a conversation about how your personal information is handled. You do not loose the right to privacy because you are dependent on others for your care!

    I continue to think of you often. I take deep breaths for you, enjoy watching animals with you in my heart and my sincere hope is that your days are symptom free. 

    I passed the putting green of a golf course yesterday and watched a young father teaching his two-year ours how to putt. It was the sweetest site. The little boy was so thrilled with his success that I laughed out loud at his antics. I though of you as I watches this scene of youth and silliness. 


  • MusicLover
    MusicLover Member Posts: 777
    edited March 2014

    Goat Pictures, Images 

    I hope they are crying wolf too!  There are no wolves here, only goats! 

  • Marple
    Marple Member Posts: 10,154
    edited March 2014

    Teri, I think you have given us all a renewed appreciation of animals.  Even I, who have always been an animal 'person' have learned from you.  Compassion is doing the right thing, even if it breaks our hearts.

    Easy breaths and comfort are my wishes for you.

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited March 2014

    Afternoon Teri!  Have you managed with help to get some of your paperwork done?  I sure hope so particularly if it is playing on your mind.

    I hope you can see through your window at the beauty beyond.  Your inner person needs to feast on of the gifts of Mother Nature as she heralds in spring.  The soft warming sunlight that creates dust and pollen eddies between the trees, the new leaves that are bursting from bare limbs and wild flowers that are fighting to reach for the warmth.  The soft hum of the bees as they begin their work of pollination and making honey both for them and us.  The birds as they build their nest and find their mates for the season and for all animals to give birth to their young so they have the warmer seasons to grow and get strong before the winter takes hold again.

    These are the things of renewal and of making memories and you with your art and loving heart have, without knowing it, given such loving memories to us all while your art has given renewal to the spirit of those who appreciate it.

    May your days and weeks with us still be ones of comfort, peace and ease.

    Love n gentle hugs.    Chrissy

  • Hortense
    Hortense Member Posts: 718
    edited March 2014

    Hi Teri, I hope your helper came and you were able to get that paperwork done yesterday so you can feel you have done everything you need to do. I hope it didn't exhaust you and that you have been able to get some peace and rest and are pain free.

    It's raining here gently on the East Coast and it feels like we are waiting for something. Spring perhaps?  Early spring bulbs are coming up everywhere and the deer are beginning to shed their heavy winter coats. I haven't heard the sound of the spring peepers yet. It's been far too cold. Maybe this week, as it warms, they will get brave and start to trill.  I have heard that the ospreys are back from South America, although I haven't seen one yet and none of the swallows have shown up. We usually have lots of tree swallows in nesting boxes and barn swallows build their mud nests in our barn each summer. There's often a brood of them on our porch too. It's fascinating to watch the adults feed them. It seems to be a family affair as more than just the two parents share the job. Maybe last year's brood helps, or aunts, uncles and cousins? For such graceful birds, their young are such funny looking little munchkins hunched up on their nest waiting for their next meal to arrive.

    Thinking of you and sending cyber ((((hugs)))). 



  • Ladybug4446
    Ladybug4446 Member Posts: 4
    edited March 2014

    I am just starting this journey and I can't imagine how you are coping but as an RN who has been involved with hospice you will find love, caring, support through them. You will be glad to have them on your team. It is my belief that your walk is not in vane and am hoping you believe, as I do, that a whole new life will be beginning at some point.  I am praying for all of us on this journey.

  • GatorGal
    GatorGal Member Posts: 750
    edited March 2014

    Teri, it was so hard to read your latest post.  I've read all the responses and can see that you are loved, respected, admired, and honored by so many posters on this thread.  I, too, have followed from the beginning and have enjoyed the deuce posts and goat pictures.  The caring you showed for your beloved animals was incredible.  You have been an example I hope to follow when my time comes.  I, too, wish for you peaceful days and easy breaths, surrounded by those you love.  Hugs, glen a

  • Linda-n3
    Linda-n3 Member Posts: 1,713
    edited March 2014

    Just a short post to let you know I am with you in lovingkindness. May your day be restful and peaceful.

  • 20130502
    20130502 Member Posts: 162
    edited March 2014

    Hi Teri,

    Today is the last day of school vacation.  Took my 16 year old daughter out to a special dinner.  She had a lot of fun and for once there were smiles all around the table.  I also have an old old friend visiting this weekend which has been great.  It will all end tomorrow morning when I go back to work, my daughter to school and my friend to Pittsburgh ... but for tonight ... the magic is there.  Wishing you magical moments too.


  • Hortense
    Hortense Member Posts: 718
    edited March 2014

    Hi Teri, checking in this evening to let you know I am thinking of you. I hope you have been able to rest comfortably and been able to enjoy the times when you are awake, free of pain or discomfort. 

    I imagine since your talk with your nurse he is paying closer attention to you, as he should, giving you what meds you need, informing you about your condition and answering your questions as best he can. 

    I think at times people forget to treat an adult patient as a person who needs to know what is happening and instead speak to them as if they were a child, in very simple terms. I know when I have grumped about it doctors have been startled as they hadn't realized how they were coming across.

    If you are poking around the internet I hope you run across some funny goat pictures. I couldn't believe the crazy things people all over the world do with their goats to have fun!




  • Nel
    Nel Member Posts: 597
    edited March 2014

    You mean so much to so many

    Peace and comfort


  • AmyJM
    AmyJM Member Posts: 134
    edited March 2014


    Just wanted to let you know that I am thinking of you and hope you are having peaceful, restful days.  You are so special to all of us.

    Sending love and light,


  • dawny
    dawny Member Posts: 588
    edited March 2014

    Terri, thinking about you, hope you are feeling the love from the boards!

    Dawn. xx

  • kjones13
    kjones13 Member Posts: 662
    edited March 2014

    Teri--thinking about you today.  At treatment right now...looking out the window at a beautiful Carolina blue sky!  Finally spring is here!  I'm watching the squirrels trying to get into the bird feeders.  It's hilarious.  Those buggers are determined!  Sending love and thoughts of pain free days and easy breathing.