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Time for hospice and Im really scared



  • AmyQ
    AmyQ Member Posts: 821
    edited April 2014

    Dear Teri, 

    Thinking of you this morning. I hope spring has arrived in Oregon because its illusive here in Minnesota.  More snow today which is just plain torture since we had a couple 71 degree days a week ago or so.  I hope you are pain free and comfortable and I also hope that little dickens, Deuce shows up to do a happy spring dance in your yard. 

    Happy thoughts for a great day.


  • Romansma
    Romansma Member Posts: 650
    edited April 2014

    Hi Teri, thinking of you!  

  • Mompsych
    Mompsych Member Posts: 88
    edited April 2014

    Hi Teri,

    Snow on the ground this morning in New York...enough already!! However, the crocuses are out and the forsythia is beginning to bloom. Hope it is sunny and warm where you are.  

    Linda -what a great day (yes, it makes me tired just to read about it)!

  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Member Posts: 5,254
    edited April 2014

    Hi Teri,

    Spring has definitely arrived in Northern CA. Hope that you're enjoying some of it in Oregon too!


  • Leah_S
    Leah_S Member Posts: 1,929
    edited April 2014

    Teri, I hope you are having a lovely spring day.


  • GatorGal
    GatorGal Member Posts: 750
    edited April 2014

    Hi Teri, 

    Maryland is fickle, just like the rest of the country.  Went to an orioles game Monday night.  Beautiful spring weather.  Didn't even need a coat.  Then Tuesday, snowflakes!!  Jeez!  Can winter just get the heck out of here. Hope you're feeling the warmth in Oregon!  Think of you often and hope you are enjoying pain free times on your comfy couch!  Hugs, glenna

  • chris1959
    chris1959 Member Posts: 60
    edited April 2014

    just dropping in to say I hope your days are pain free and spring in Oregon is being good to you .I grew up in Oregon but the weather has changed a lot everywhere .

                                                                                         love chris

  • Linda-n3
    Linda-n3 Member Posts: 1,713
    edited April 2014

    Good morning, Teri and crew. Today I missed the dawn as it gets light so much earlier these days - in fact, have had a slow start yesterday and today both - paying dearly for that great day a few days ago, and wouldn't trade it for anything in the world, even these couple of worn-out days.

    My mother is coming to visit for a few days, should arrive tomorrow or the next day. She is nearly 80, driving cross country, and generally I don't worry about her except she tends to forget little things, like a credit card here, a wallet there, phone charger left plugged into hotel room, etc. And of course she NEVER brings enough medicine with her - I think it is some subconscious thing to make sure she doesn't overstay her welcome. But she is a hoot and a half, and I am looking forward to seeing her, and am so glad she still feels capable of doing her solo road trips. That is the thing I grew up with, and the thing I am missing most: the ability to throw a bag in the car and hit the road by myself, without worrying about getting tired, having GI issues due to meds, etc. Oops, look at me, whining here on such a beautiful day! Reality check: Today I am well, I am loved, I send my love out to everyone everywhere! Even without the car .... LOL! And DH vacuumed all the floors in preparation for her visit, so at least the house is sort of clean!

    Teri, you haven't said much about your mother, I am assuming she is still around, and I am hoping she is helping you more than hindering you.

  • Hortense
    Hortense Member Posts: 718
    edited April 2014

    Morning Teri! I hope you have been comfortable, that your couch is treating you right and that you have been able to check in here occasionally to see the pictures and read the stories everyone posts. They are wonderfully interesting and nice in the way they connect us, but most of all they are lovely and warm in the caring people send to you.

    I'll add mine. I headed outside to my car early yesterday, on my way to a bus to NYC for check ups, only to find about an inch and a half of little tiny ice balls all frozen hard to each other on my car, which looked a lot like a large Christmas ornament. I had an awful time chipping off enough to be able to see to drive, darn them!, and almost missed my bus. After several days of really nice weather I truly didn't expect to have that happen. Humph!

    When I came out of the Breast Center about noon, I was surprised and amused to see the longest private limo in the world pull up in front. It was an older model, painted chocolate brown with gold bling shining all over it, which I had never seen before. Its many door handles were gold and it had a flashy hood ornament that looked like one from a Rolls Royce that had been dipped in bright shiny gold - a lady with raised wings, though the car itself was American. The thing was easily as long as a bus. Its driver had to walk a long distance down to where its passenger sat in order to open the door for her. When she got out I saw that she was perhaps in her late 70's, very tall and thin, with dramatically long, curling white blonde hair and that what she was wearing had been carefully choosen to match her car in color perfectly. She had on a well tailored brown pant suit and the most enormously outsized, brown derby-style hat. The top part of the brown hat was way out of proportion to its brim, as if it had been inflated like a balloon. It looked comical. Everyone stopped to stare at her. You never know what you will see in NYC.

    Hope4Best - I am so very sorry for your loss. Thank you for the information. Take care of yourself.

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited April 2014

    Hi Teri!  How's your day? I am imagining the sun shining through the budding trees and blossoms beginning to break and show their color.   Bulbs pushing their way up through the dark cool earth to display their long tendril leaves before bursting into flower........birds beginning to return, finding partners and build their nests.  Lambs being born as well as kids.........I can see them jumping and running and exploring their world always with one eye on their dams........oh what fun!

    Hoping you are sitting on your porch watching all of this and feeling the warmth of the sun as it touches your lovely face, breathing easier and pain free.

    Love n hugs.   Chrissy

  • Rosevalley
    Rosevalley Member Posts: 1,664
    edited April 2014

    It' a gorgeous sunny day here in Oregon. I hope you can spend some moments basking in the sun shine, breathing better and pain free. 

  • Linda-n3
    Linda-n3 Member Posts: 1,713
    edited April 2014

    Teri, I am thinking of you today, and will keep you in my heart this weekend. I will be MIA for a few days as my mom is coming for a visit and it's difficult to get onto BCO when she is here. So I will send you some of my beautiful columbines to enjoy until I get back. Hope your weekend is comfortable.

    Sending special lovingkindness.


    And my little bird feeder in behind the columbines attracts small birds when there is a little water in it:


  • redwolf8812
    redwolf8812 Member Posts: 580
    edited April 2014


    :-) Penny

  • Rosevalley
    Rosevalley Member Posts: 1,664
    edited April 2014

    Oh my I just love that! That's hilarious.. just wonderful and true. Where are the fish indeed.

  • Hortense
    Hortense Member Posts: 718
    edited April 2014

    OMG, the bear in the pool picture is wonderful! I think I'd have heart attack if I saw that. I had deer standing on my pool cover to drink from the puddle in the middle, but luckily we have no bears here. 

    Linda, your columbines are beautiful. They are among my favorite flowers and your's are such an extraordinary color.

    Teri, I hope you have been comfortable enough to be able to enjoy some of the spring weather and to see the birds that have come back and the flowers and shrubs starting to bloom. 

    I stepped out of the house into my garden yesterday and was startled by a small brown animal darting across it which I realized was a ground hog. They are very new to our area, so new to me. I bolted after it to see whether it would head for the old fox den in the hillside on the other side of the garden hedge, and sure enough, it did. When it got to the entrance to its burrow, it stopped. Being curious, I quickly went down the hill to get a better look before it disappeared, only to find that as I got closer it sat up straight with its front paws tucked against its chest to have a better look at me! It wasn't scared of my talking to it either, and in fact seemed interested, not scared. It wasn't until I crept up to with in about 10 feet of it that it decided to dive down its hole. So, no foxes this year, but I have an interesting new neighbor.

  • jwoo
    jwoo Member Posts: 931
    edited April 2014

    Hi Teri! Hope you are feeling good, and relaxing. 

    Linda- your garden is beautiful!

    Mine has been neglected, but my roses like that:


    terrible camera phone photo, but sending flowers to you Teri!


  • 20130502
    20130502 Member Posts: 162
    edited April 2014

    hi Teri,

    Thinking of you and hoping you are getting the chance to enjoy spring now that it is here.  I love all the flower pictures.  Here, the daffodils are blooming and I am impatiently waiting for my forsythia to erupt into yellow flowers.  For me forsythia is the symbol of spring.  I don't know why it just is.  Breathing deeply with /for you.  I am glad it is Saturday and the weekend is here.  Sending many hugs (((((Teri)))))


  • kayrnic
    kayrnic Member Posts: 111
    edited April 2014

    I think of you everyday Terri. I wish you peace and love. You are my inspiration! 

  • AmyJM
    AmyJM Member Posts: 134
    edited April 2014

    Love the bear in the pool, and Linda, your columbines are gorgeous! Everything here in Michigan is so far behind this year, that my columbines are barely through the ground - just a few green leaves!

    Teri, thinking of you as always - I hope Spring has come in Oregon, and that you are able to be out or at least see it some.  I hope you are able to enjoy what others are posting here too.  My thoughts and love are with you - hoping you're breathing alright these days and having peaceful days.

    Sending love and hugs, Amy

  • Hortense
    Hortense Member Posts: 718
    edited April 2014

    Teri, I hope you have been surrounded with love at home and that you have been made as comfortable as possible. I thought about you this evening as I stood outside to get some air. I hope you have been able to breathe easily. Jwoo's roses are fabulous, I have lots of daffodils, but nothing like her amazing rose tree. 

    Best, Sarah

  • Linda-n3
    Linda-n3 Member Posts: 1,713
    edited April 2014

    Quick check-in:

    The roses are BEAUTIFUL!

    Sarah, a few years ago I was staying at a B&B in upstate NY and early one morning watched a ground hog methodically work its way down the hill eating dandelions. I would see the flower disappear into its mouth and then it would move on. Absolutely brought a smile, a laugh, and many moments of gratitude and just being "in the moment" with that beautiful creature. The fact he was eating "weeds" made it even more enjoyable, LOL!

  • 20130502
    20130502 Member Posts: 162
    edited April 2014

    I shared Sarah's hedgehog story with my daughter and now she wants one for a pet!  She has a name picked out already but I am lukewarm. Not sure what our puppy will think of a hedgehog for a sibling.

  • Romansma
    Romansma Member Posts: 650
    edited April 2014

    Happy Easter, Teri.  Thinking of you.

  • dmacw
    dmacw Member Posts: 64
    edited April 2014

    Happy Easter Teri and everyone who's visits here today.


  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Member Posts: 5,254
    edited April 2014

    Hi Teri,

    I know that you don't believe in formal religion but hope that you are having a peaceful day.


  • steelrose
    steelrose Member Posts: 318
    edited April 2014

    May the Easter Bunny bring you some treats, Teri!

    Thinking of you...


  • Hortense
    Hortense Member Posts: 718
    edited April 2014

    Yes, Happy Easter Teri! I saw a bunny way out in the back yesterday, maybe it was gathering eggs for today? 

    Sending you a picture of our daffodils at the bottom of the hill just coming into bloom.


  • kjones13
    kjones13 Member Posts: 662
    edited April 2014

    hi Teri! Just wanted to check in and say hi! Thinking of you! I have treatment today at 1:30 and then at 5 I start my prep for my colonoscopy, fun! I'm already hungry and it's just the beginning! :) oh well. I hope you are resting comfortably. Sending love.

  • ronniekay
    ronniekay Member Posts: 657
    edited April 2014

    The sun's shining in western Washington...which means it's probably even nicer in our neighbor state!  We watched the Trailblazers pull out a win over Houston lady night!  Yeah Oregon!  Sending Pacific Northwest Hugs!!!

  • macyhen111
    macyhen111 Member Posts: 402
    edited April 2014

    Hi Teri, hope you are having a peaceful pain free day. Much Love to You and the Family.