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Time for hospice and Im really scared



  • kjones13
    kjones13 Member Posts: 662
    edited May 2014

    what talent! Ok I'm going to have to take something to sleep...sigh.

  • Moiralf
    Moiralf Member Posts: 119
    edited May 2014

    So sad to hear this but as many of us did, I wondered if she had passed.

    Still so sad to hear.

    May she rest in glorious peace.


  • Hortense
    Hortense Member Posts: 718
    edited May 2014

    zmacw - Thank you for letting us know that Teri has died. And, thank you for all that your organization did to help Teri find a home for her horse Forrest.

    I had been occasionally checking Seattle area obituaries, but hadn't seen one for her. Based on her own posting of her artwork's website, I believe Teri's last name was Hansen. While I am sorry to hear that she has gone, the sad news is not unexpected. I am glad to know she is no longer suffering. I hope she was always kept comfortable by her caregivers, and was not afraid. We certainly enjoyed hearing from her when she checked in and all of us wished her the best as she lived her final days.

    She seemed to like knowing that so many people from around the country and around the world cared about her so much. I believe it surprised her, pleased her and brought her comfort when she needed it the most. 

    I will certainly remember her with a smile when I think of goats. I think she would like that.

    I send my best to all who came here to support a woman, who none of us ever met, after she reached out in fear and uncertainty and asked for help, and her words touched our hearts. May all of us be so lucky when our own times come.

    Take good care of yourselves.  

    Good Bye Teri. I will not forget you.

    Best, Sarah

  • Joysley
    Joysley Member Posts: 25
    edited May 2014

    Sarah, you said it all. Exactly what I was thinking. We never met, but Teri touched so many of our lives. I know she is looking down on her furry animals with peace knowing she took care of them in the end. 

  • 20130502
    20130502 Member Posts: 162
    edited May 2014

    I am at such a loss of what to say.  Teri brought so many together and such wit, humor and love.  For me, this thread and the community Teri built is a living memorial to her.  I plan to continue to visit here and post "news" as my small part in sustaining Teri's community and legacy.  Love to all of you but especially to Teri.  


  • dawny
    dawny Member Posts: 588
    edited May 2014

    so sad, love to all


  • Romansma
    Romansma Member Posts: 650
    edited May 2014

    I am in tears with sadness.  I didn't know Teri personally, but I knew the spirit that reached out when it got to be too much.  In doing so, she brought so many of us together.  This was always my favorite thread.  Thank you, Teri, you touched my heart and I will miss you.

  • Marple
    Marple Member Posts: 10,154
    edited May 2014

    May she rest easy.  Her love and compassion for her animals future care was so selfless.  It must have been one of the hardest things she had to do. 

  • Brendatrue
    Brendatrue Member Posts: 487
    edited May 2014

    I am not surprised to hear of Teri's death, and I regret that, for whatever reason, her family was unable to inform us, according to her wishes. I am saddened but also comforted by remembering all that she shared with us through BCO (and especially this topic) and all the caring support offered to her by those of us who gathered here. I think Teri would have loved this poem by the great Maya Angelou. Here's to you, Teri, and all who cared for you.

    When Great Trees Fall
    Maya Angelou
    When great trees fall,
    rocks on distant hills shudder,
    lions hunker down
    in tall grasses,
    and even elephants
    lumber after safety.When great trees fall
    in forests,
    small things recoil into silence,
    their senses
    eroded beyond fear.When great souls die,
    the air around us becomes
    light, rare, sterile.
    We breathe, briefly.
    Our eyes, briefly,
    see with
    a hurtful clarity.
    Our memory, suddenly sharpened,
    gnaws on kind words
    promised walks
    never taken.Great souls die and
    our reality, bound to
    them, takes leave of us.
    Our souls,
    dependent upon their
    now shrink, wizened.
    Our minds, formed
    and informed by their
    fall away.
    We are not so much maddened
    as reduced to the unutterable ignorance
    of dark, cold
    caves.And when great souls die,
    after a period peace blooms,
    slowly and always
    irregularly.  Spaces fill
    with a kind of
    soothing electric vibration.
    Our senses, restored, never
    to be the same, whisper to us.
    They existed.  They existed.
    We can be.  Be and be
    better.  For they existed.


  • macyhen111
    macyhen111 Member Posts: 402
    edited May 2014

    Thank You for that Brendatrue!! I will miss coming here and reading all the Love and Support that Teri had from all of us. I am sad and happy at the same time to know that Teri is no longer in pain and no longer afraid of the journey we all must take. RIP Sweet Teri, you are Loved!!!!

  • Trish03
    Trish03 Member Posts: 65
    edited May 2014

    Her website has a Contact Us section with a place to write a message. Perhaps her art/business partner would respond to an inquiry.


  • Vadre
    Vadre Member Posts: 159
    edited May 2014

    I hurt. While I celebrate Teri, the life she shared with so many, I mourn that we will miss her. Thankyou, Brenda, for that beautiful poem. Teri was a great soul. Great enough to reach out, honestly and in fear, to fellow souls. We responded because of our own fears and maybe because of some goodness in our own souls. 

    Many of us have mentioned how sad we are to loose this group which Teri brought together. I wonder if anyone else thinks it would be appropriate to stay together? Either here or in another feed?  Maybe Teri's Friends gathered in Teri's Memory (I'm no good with names...I was afraid that Teri's Goats might be offensive.). What do you think ladies. I would miss each of you and this gathering.

  • luckymother
    luckymother Member Posts: 14
    edited May 2014

    I am in tears, not hearing from her was giving me hope that she was still around. 

    Dear Terry,  I would like to think you are up there watching all your pups and Forest with a huge smile on your face. GOD be with you.

  • macyhen111
    macyhen111 Member Posts: 402
    edited May 2014

    Vadre I Love your idea!!! 

  • Hortense
    Hortense Member Posts: 718
    edited May 2014

    I just sent a donation to Lost Hearts and Souls Horse Rescue in honor of Teri Hansen and her horse Forest. I think she would have liked that more than flowers sent to a funeral or memorial service. It is hard to know that she is gone, but I am glad she is no longer having to fight for breath, worry about paperwork, argue with doctors, or plead with Hospice to get the care she needed and deserved. She really was quite funny about getting kicked out of Hospice for living too long. I admired her spirit for it.

  • Mompsych
    Mompsych Member Posts: 88
    edited May 2014

    Teri's last topic got over 2000 posts. It is a testament to her how much she was cared for by everyone in this community. I hope that her family and others who were close to her know about how much she was cared for and valued here.

    Vadre - love "Teri's goats!" It certainly fits in with Teri's twinkle and sense of humor...

  • Tilda
    Tilda Member Posts: 30
    edited May 2014

    I e-mailed Teri's art gallery and told them how much we care for here and if they could please let us know. I have been looking for her obituary in Estacada OR but have had no luck.

    Vadre -  I love your idea..   /Karin

  • dmacw
    dmacw Member Posts: 64
    edited May 2014

    I would miss you ladies also. 

  • steelrose
    steelrose Member Posts: 318
    edited May 2014

    Teri was such a special lady, unafraid to ask for support when she needed it, and there was a trust between all of us here... all of our hopes and fears entwined. It was as much about Teri as it was about every one of us. I learned so much from all of the posts... grace, grit, generosity, and lots of good humor! Who will ever forget the worldwide search for Deuce-goat? 

    Rest in peace, sweet Teri. We will miss you.



  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited May 2014

    I love the idea of keeping all of us together in honor of Terri. A true testament to her spirit and unedited emotion we will face in our lives 

  • kjones13
    kjones13 Member Posts: 662
    edited May 2014

    I love Teri's goats!

  • Rosevalley
    Rosevalley Member Posts: 1,664
    edited May 2014

    This was my favorite thread, so unlike the others. It was full of life, nature, animals, plants, people and every possible emotion. It plucked the heart strings of everyone. I am so sad. I had searched the Oregonian for postings and found none. Peace be with you on the next leg of your journey Teri. 

    This has been the saddest day. Our 14 year old cat is dying and my kids and I are a wreak. Like Teri we feel fur family is still family. Grief is the same. Love is the same. Loss is the same. Teri knew all about that. 

  • Hortense
    Hortense Member Posts: 718
    edited May 2014

    Rosevalley - I am so sorry for you and your children. My animals are like members of our family also. Losing one is just awful. The hardest part is the point you are at now, before they go. My heart aches for you all. 

    I have held or petted ours over the years as they died, many with the vet's help, especially our horses. While the raw, painful feeling of impending loss is enormous while they are still alive, I have found there is a profound feeling of relief afterwards, when it is final and there is nothing more that can be done and I know the animal, my dear friend, is no longer suffering. I now tell the vet ahead of time to ignore my tears because I am, in fact, very grateful for their help and caring. 

    My creatures are buried all over our farm. There are various kinds of birds, cats, dogs, a pony, three horses, a rabbit, tropical fish and at least one crayfish, my daughter's school gerbil which didn't wake up one morning while we were caring for it, and probably many more. Each enriched our lives and gave us joy. 

    To my surprise, when we were moving our antique house back from the road thirty years ago, some workmen can running up to me all freaked out and excited by something they had found which one was sure was a "dinosaur". I went back with them and looked down into one corner of the deep hole they had dug for our new foundation and realized that what they had found was the remains, the skeleton, of the bull I had heard that the farmer who used to own our farm used to love so much. I never met the man as we bought from his widow, but I had heard many stories of how much the man loved his bull.  Someone told me he had even brought it up on the front porch where it got upset and panicked, taking down most of the porch with it. 

    I know the old dairyman was not well off and I would think that most of his older dairy cattle would have been sold off for meat, but not this one. However it died, illness or old age, he loved it enough that he went way out back, about three acres from his house, dug an immense hole, big enough to lay out a full grown bull a good six feet under the ground, and then covered his beloved bull up. I respected his feelings and would not let the men disturb the bull's bones. They remain intact at the southeast corner of my foundation.

  • Leah_S
    Leah_S Member Posts: 1,929
    edited May 2014

    I, too, was looking for an obituary for Teri in Estacada. I kept telling myself if I didn't find it she was still with us, but I was trying to talk myself into it since her last post said the nurse said maybe only a week or two.

    "May flights of angels sing thee to thy rest".


  • Romansma
    Romansma Member Posts: 650
    edited May 2014

    Brought a tear to my eye and smile to my lips to think about our worldwide search for Deuce.  I am still reflecting on why this thread was so special and why, after learning of Teri's passing, I continue to come here.  She shared a piece of her soul here and it will live on in all of us.

  • springwatch
    springwatch Member Posts: 243
    edited May 2014

    I am deeply saddened to learn that Teri has gone. 

    She was a very special person that brought many of us here to read and wish her a comfortable journey. 

    RIP sweet lady. 

  • Linda-n3
    Linda-n3 Member Posts: 1,713
    edited May 2014

    We have certainly all come together because of Teri, and have shared stories with each other that have enriched our lives. I, too, would like to continue to meet up with all of you. Perhaps a thread "Teri's Friends" or "Honoring Teri" would be ok (those would be US), or maybe "Remembering Teri's Creatures" or "Remembering Teri's Goats" (those would be everyone who helped out or cares about her commitment to her animal family) .... or something else. Is anyone in a position to be able to start and monitor such a thread? I personally don't have the energy to do that right now, and I so admire Teri for actually starting this thread when she was dealing with so much - and that is true of a couple others who have been in hospice and are no longer with us. Just a few random thoughts.

  • macyhen111
    macyhen111 Member Posts: 402
    edited May 2014

    What a Beautiful Story Hortense of the old man and his bull. I Love all animals and understand the great attachment that most of us have with our beloved pets. I still tear up at the loss of my past pets. I Love the idea of us all staying together, to honor Teri. She may not be here physically but I like to believe that she is here spiritually. Reading all of our post and knowing that she has touched so many of us. Because of Teri and her incredible strength I am now not afraid of the journey I am on. I will live my life to the fullest and when it's time I too know that I will be able to say no more. I Thank You Dear Teri!!!!

  • tasha_111
    tasha_111 Member Posts: 8
    edited May 2014

    I have followed this post everyday, so sad to get this news even though I suspected this had happened, Teri was a wonderful girl, she touched many hearts and will NEVER be forgotten!  Thank you Teri xxxxx

  • chris1959
    chris1959 Member Posts: 60
    edited May 2014

    wow all of the losses we have had lately ,my heart is heavy right now ,I did have a feeling that she had passed I tried looking in the Oregonian and did not have her last name so it was to no avail . its such a sad sad time when we lose one of our sisters even though most of us have never met .I myself feel such a closeness with everyone . I too would like to keep on sharing and talking to each other I have enjoyed all the pictures and stories everyone has shared .

    rip my dear sister you will be greatly missed but never forgotten

                                                                                               love chris