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Time for hospice and Im really scared



  • macyhen111
    macyhen111 Member Posts: 402
    edited June 2014

    Good Morning Teri, woke up to a Beautiful blue sky. I can't believe there is not a cloud to be found, yet. Hope you have a nice day, pain and worry free. As always Gentle Hugs and Love to You, Cynthia

  • 20130502
    20130502 Member Posts: 162
    edited June 2014

    Hi Teri,

    Beautiful day here too.  I am so glad that school is over and there is no homework or final exams for awhile!  Brought my son home from college this week (he has left again already for his summer job).  Lots and lots of driving. OY.  But now that is done and I can just relax this weekend.  Just finished vacuuming -- puppies are fun but they sure do like to share their hair!  Hope you are resting easily and getting some sunshine.


  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Member Posts: 5,254
    edited June 2014

    Teri, thinking of you today and everyday.


  • kjones13
    kjones13 Member Posts: 662
    edited June 2014

    hey Teri--I have a heavy heart tonight and I thought you would understand...I am trying to decide on putting my 15 yr old dog to sleep. She is still eating and going to the bathroom fine. She started breathing heavier a couple years ago. She stays close to the house, just goes to three spots in the yard. Her back legs are a little wobbly, but when we get the other dog out on the leash for a walk, she prances and wags her tail and thinks that is great. She has always hated the vets office so I don't want to take her in. She is the smartest dog I have ever been around. Part border collie, part lab. I love her so much and I'm so sad. You know what it is like to do what's best for the animal. I wish I was brave like you. For now, I will just cry.

  • macyhen111
    macyhen111 Member Posts: 402
    edited June 2014

    Good Morning Teri, I hope you have a calm and peaceful Sunday. Hugs and Love, Cynthia

    Kjones sorry you are going through this. It's hard when your pets get sick.

  • steelrose
    steelrose Member Posts: 318
    edited June 2014

    Hi Teri!

    I hope you're able to read all of the lovely messages being sent to you. Or at least have someone read them to you. You are ALWAYS in my thoughts. I was at the Portland airport just yesterday, searching for that adventurous Deuce-goat out the window;) Sending you lots of love, and a wish for peace and comfort...


  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited June 2014

    hi Terri. Hope you are resting comfortably and celebrating what a good mom AND dad you are to all your babies. I was out weeding the garden yesterday wishing I had a goat lol. Enjoy the day however you want and know I'm always thinking about you 

  • 20130502
    20130502 Member Posts: 162
    edited June 2014

    @Kjones -- I have had to make this decision too many times.  I suck at it although I am getting better at not waiting too long it is still so so so hard.  I wish I were with you so I could give you a hug.  It is OK to cry.  I hope you have a great vet who will let you spend as much time together as you need beforehand.  I am lucky because my vet is my best friend and she comes to the house and takes care of my pets here.  Follow your heart and know that we are thinking of you both ... if she is not responding or is in pain - you know it is time - but if she is happy at times and you can keep her comfortable then you don't have to rush.  


    @Teri -- Lovely day here today.  Went to my daughter's cello lesson, then to lunch, then to the park with a friend.  We picked flowers and they smell lovely (that might be illegal? but they were just on a bush near the water - not planted on purpose).  Hope you are comfy today.

  • Louva
    Louva Member Posts: 1
    edited June 2014

    it's so hard! My onco told me the other day lets get you through Christmas . It hit me like a ton of bricks. I guess we go on day by day seeking some joy in each day. Today I made some cutting from a rose bush. I wonder if they'll grow. I think of my children my youngest 21,28, &39.  Would love to see my grandchildren, my daughterinlaws . I'll miss a lot but I'm thankful for all I have. I cry a lot  but I still have some smiles & laughter too. I don't have any advice just be and do the best you can each day.

    With love,


  • 20130502
    20130502 Member Posts: 162
    edited June 2014

    hey Teri, it is after midnight and for some reason I just can't sleep.  Am thinking of you and maybe since it is three hrs earlier for you you might be reading my midnight crazy post as I write it.  Hugs! Janet

  • Vadre
    Vadre Member Posts: 159
    edited June 2014

    Louva, I am crying with you. Those thoughts, of the people we will miss and those we will never meet are devastating!  All the positive thoughts and happy memories in the world don't take that pain away. I can understand your "ton of bricks" feeling. What an impossibly hard thing to hear.  There are many people who will, with truly good intentions, tell you how to move forward from here. There are probably lots of suggestions of ways to avoid the sadness, only focusing on the positive. I hope that you find the way of 'being' that works best for you. I don't have any advice to offer just an ear to listen and a hand to hold when you need one. I will keep you in my thoughts and send wishes of pain free days and the energy to do the things you want to do. 

    Teri gathered a great group together, we're here to support her as best we can. I'm sure she won't mind sharing our support with you!  There are plenty of open hearts here.

    Teri, A turtle has laid eggs in my yard. I've found several nests torn open & emptied already this summer. I put a basket over this nest to protect it, hoping to give these eggs a chance. Sometimes I just can't help meddling in the natural order just a bit. My daughter was teasing me because we're pretty sure the mama turtle is a snapping turtle!  I finally can't stand it, meddle with nature & end up saving snappers?  Sigh. Maybe I should leave well enough alone!

    Happy, SE free days to all of Teri's Gang!


  • macyhen111
    macyhen111 Member Posts: 402
    edited June 2014

    Louva, Even though I have not experienced what you are going through I have seen many on this thread that have. A lot of them say there is no expiration date stamped on us. Many have exceeded the info given to them by their Dr's. I am in the frame of mind that only I will know when I am tired and don't want to fight anymore, and until then I will put on my gloves and fight this beast with all that I have. I wish you peace as you are going through this challenge in your life. Hugs to You.

    Good Morning Teri, I hope you have a pain free, nice and calm day. As always Gentle Hugs and Love to You, Cynthia

  • ronniekay
    ronniekay Member Posts: 657
    edited June 2014

    Hi Teri. I'm hoping your Monday afternoon is offering peace & easy breathing.  I'm sitting at my daughter's house & listening to the snoring of her two pixie bob cats.  If you haven't met one, they're dogs in cats clothing.  They follow you around and chirp, more than meow.  When my DH had his hip replaced, Biggie laid next to him when he sat in his chair. When he went to the bathroom, Biggie walked next to him.  When my daughter married her husband (she had Biggie before meeting hubby), Biggie peed on his pillow...yikes!  I wish I could bring Biggie & Moxie to sit with you...actually, they'd sit on you...and snore:).  Love to you!

  • Hortense
    Hortense Member Posts: 718
    edited June 2014

    Night, night, as I say to my children and my amazon parrot each evening. The parrot answers me with a sleepy, "Night, night."

    I hope you had a pain free, restful day, Teri.

    Best, Sarah

  • macyhen111
    macyhen111 Member Posts: 402
    edited June 2014

    Good Morning Teri, Gentle Hugs and Love to You today, Cynthia

  • Hortense
    Hortense Member Posts: 718
    edited June 2014

    Hi there Teri, It's gorgeous day here on the East coast. Our baby barn swallows are fledging today. There seem to only be two left sitting on the rim of their clay nest above a column on our front porch. How marvelous it must feel to be able to fly for the first time! Generally when the babies fledge, they return to the nest each evening for a few days, and often they sit on the porch roof during the day to beg their parents for food. They are such graceful birds. Their "packaging", as you so aptly called our exteriors, is beautiful.

    Looking at old photographs with my sister today made us realize how much our own "packaging" has altered over the years. But, you are right, it isn't what's outside that matters - there will be no face lifts or Botox for me. It's what makes us uniquely ourselves that does. In your case, you have such a generous spirit and a rare and special Twinkle which is still there within you, no matter how your packaging changes. I send you my best and hope that you are sleepily comfortable and without pain. Love, Sarah

  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Member Posts: 5,254
    edited June 2014

    hi Teri,

    Hope today has been peaceful. I hate to add even one tiny thing to your plate, but is there anyway your brother or caregiver can update us on how you"re doing, I know we'd appreciate it. The could just post here or anyone is free to pm me. Thinking of you.


  • Hortense
    Hortense Member Posts: 718
    edited June 2014

    Hi Teri! It's late again as I post, but I wanted to let you know that I have been thinking of you. I saw an HGTV show with baby goats being born earlier today and it reminded me of your goats. They sure were adorable when they were old enough to start playing. Very early this morning, just after first light, I saw the twin fawns that live around here frolicking in the orchard out back. They worked their way around the house and I spotted them on my front walk looking at my flower pots. They are still tiny with bright white spots. And, just now, I heard what I believe are young foxes outside the window. They make such strange noises.  Funny how some things are just starting out their lives while others are winding theirs up. I wonder how long I have? 

    Hope you have been comfortable today. Best to you always, Love Sarah

  • macyhen111
    macyhen111 Member Posts: 402
    edited June 2014

    Hi Teri, I hope you are comfortable and surrounded by Love! Hugs and Love to You Dear Lady, Cynthia

  • Hortense
    Hortense Member Posts: 718
    edited June 2014

    Checking in earlier today, Teri. Hoping you have been keeping comfortable and are able to have some nice talks with those around you when you are awake. Sending you cyber (((hugs))) and wishing you easy breathing. 

    Love to you, Sarah

  • Rosevalley
    Rosevalley Member Posts: 1,664
    edited June 2014

    Kjones - I am so sorry about your dog. I feel your pain. Our little westie-corgi-chihuahua mix is nearly 17 years old. She can't hold her poo or bladder and we clean up a pile every morning near the front door. She can't hear and she can barely see, she is so thin and wobbly. My daughter named her "Flower" when she was 3 years old. Such a sweet little dog. 

     I too wring my hands about what to do. She has good days and sleepy days. She can't even make it walking around the block, without being out of breath and we have to carry her. She doesn't seem to be in pain, just pleasantly confused! All my animals are getting old.. breaks my heart. I thought they would all out live me, but maybe not. These decisions are so tough. It's easy when they are sick but what do you do when they are just crazy old? Buy lots of paper towels and be thankful for wood floors! 

    Teri wish you could do a consult. I know all your animals are safe and sound. I hope your days and nights are peaceful and pain free. I send you lots of lovingkindness daily. 

    Hugs! Cindi

  • macyhen111
    macyhen111 Member Posts: 402
    edited June 2014

    God Morning Teri, I'm thinking about having a low key day. Still in bed with two of my babies (dogs).. I'm wishing you a day filled with sweet dreams and memories of your inspirational life. Gentle Hugs and Love, Cynthia

  • Safetyyfirst
    Safetyyfirst Member Posts: 31
    edited June 2014

    Hi Teri,  I don't post often but, I have followed you since you

    Began finding homes for your animals. The stories and comments

    About Deuce are still very funny. 

    I wish you peace and comfort and without breathing difficulty.

    Your strengh, bravery, and warm compassion is a true inspiration

    For me and all of the ladies here.  I feel the love that is on

    This  forum for you.  I too embrace you ((((hugs)))).:-) 

    Have a Blessed day.


  • 20130502
    20130502 Member Posts: 162
    edited June 2014

    Hi Teri,

    I just wanted to check in - sending you one of those soft cyber hugs!  ((((((((((Teri))))))))))


  • Hortense
    Hortense Member Posts: 718
    edited June 2014

    Goodness it's late again, 3:30 am here. 

    I hope you had a peaceful day Teri. I went to the Metropolitan Museum this morning and saw an ancient bas-relief of a goat like creature, and thought of you. There must have been 20 big food trailers parked on the sidewalk in front of the museum. I've never seen that before. Hot dog vendors, organic juice people, falafel guys, exotic ice cream carts. Quite amazing and great smelling. I didn't try any as I am afraid of getting something I don't want along with the food. Like most of us here, my immune system is not what it used to be. It was gorgeous in NYC, though, and packed full of tourists speaking every language under the sun. 

    Rosevalley, I have been through what you are going through with your animals all too many times, and it's hard. I really do sympathize. Our creatures mean so much to us.

    On our way to get dinner tonight, my husband and I spotted this little guy and a sibling foraging right by the edge of a road. Concerned about their safety, we stopped and shooed them back from it and they scurried up a tree. We didn't see their mother anywhere, but assume she had to be around as they were so young. I'd raised an orphaned one on a bottle years ago, before helping it live in our barn and to eventually go off on its own. They are so cute.

    Are there Raccoons in your area Teri? Probably there are millions of them.


  • Linda-n3
    Linda-n3 Member Posts: 1,713
    edited June 2014

    Teri, I am so sorry I have been missing in action here for a bit, but had to deal with my own health issues and hospitalization, but have been thinking of you every day. And I also think of all the others here who have been posting, keeping watch for wayward goats and other animals, sharing love and support for you and others who are in similar situations. 

    I escaped from the hospital finally, and headed for Vermont with DH. This is the most healing place in the world for us - cool, crisp mountain air, beautiful scenery. It is not the type of vacation we usually have, because I have always been able to hike, but not this year. My avatar is of my hat and hiking gear to remind myself that I have been able to do this during my lifetime, and it was a gift. I have been able to do many things during my life, but no longer, but I am so grateful that I had those opportunities at all, and that I took advantage of them. Travels, activities, family times, jobs - all were gifts for which I am grateful.

    Sending you much lovingkindness across the miles, and my gratitude for  your having started this thread.

  • Rosevalley
    Rosevalley Member Posts: 1,664
    edited June 2014

    Hortense- nice of you to shoe them back up their tree. My Grandmother raised a baby raccoon that was abandoned after it's tree fell. Big storm on the 4th of July. So she named him Sparky. Once he was old enough Sparky took off on his own. When he found his lady love and had a family he would bring the whole crew to my Grandmothers back deck and she would put out food for them . He would go to the patio door scratch and my Grandmother could see the little ones' eyes in the distance! So cute. That went on for years. He was huge too! Nice ending for him. They lived way out in Canadian Lakes in upper Michigan.

    Linda-n3 Isn't being in the woods just the most wonderful place, so healing. Where Teri lives is very lush and green with Mount Hood covered in snow in the distance. It's very lovely. 

    Wishing you peaceful days and nights! 

  • macyhen111
    macyhen111 Member Posts: 402
    edited June 2014

    Hi Teri, I saw a doe and her fawn on the side of the road on the way to an event. I wanted to stop and just look at the beauty of them both, but couldn't because we would have held up traffic on the one lane road. It was so beautiful to see them. Seeing them and the other wildlife out here has made me so happy that I "let" my hubby talk me into moving out here from Los Angeles. I Love the peace and quiet, and seeing all the animals. I hope you have a peaceful serene day, surrounded by your Loved Ones. As always Gentle Hugs and Lots of Love to You! Cynthia

  • car2tenn
    car2tenn Member Posts: 132
    edited June 2014

    Caryn,  that was a really sweet and tactful comment...bless you...Carolyn

  • Hortense
    Hortense Member Posts: 718
    edited June 2014

    Good evening, Teri.  I meant to take pictures of the four fledgling swallow babies sitting side by side on the rim of their the nest earlier today, but couldn't locate my camera. I'll try to do it tomorrow. 

    I spent this evening curled up on my couch under a comfy quilt watching the horse races at Ascot which I haven't seen before. The horses are much fitter than our's, and the races are more demanding. They seem to be longer races in general and run over a grass course that rolls up and down, rather than on a flat course as our's all are. The men all wear grey top hats and dark morning coats. The women are quite dressed up in beautifully fitted dresses and wonderfully ridiculous hats. It was a lot of fun to watch.

    I hope you are still able to rest without pain and enjoy talking with those around you when you are not sleeping. I also hope that your breathing has been manageable. You have gathered quite a crew of followers who care about you. It is reassuring to know that people can come together and care about each other even though they have not met. Friendship is a lovely thing. Best to you as always, (((hugs))) Sarah