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Time for hospice and Im really scared



  • Hortense
    Hortense Member Posts: 718
    edited June 2014

    I think it's funny. I bet Teri would too. Teri, if you come by here, all the best to you!

    I just ran across an article about a new reality program on TV in England that all of us might be interested in. It's about five terminally ill people and how they are dealing with their lives during what almost certainly is their last summer. They are pictured together smiling and looking happy, but the show is full of frank talk about death and dying, palliative care and many other things. I hope it will eventually be shown over here.

  • cookiegal
    cookiegal Member Posts: 527
    edited June 2014

    For what it's worth....Terri's Trail. Sort of as in goat trail but also as in trailblazer since she is such a teacher? She flunked hospice and got resurrected .

  • macyhen111
    macyhen111 Member Posts: 402
    edited June 2014

    Hi Teri, hugs and Love to You Special Lady!!!

  • ronniekay
    ronniekay Member Posts: 657
    edited June 2014

    Hugs from 1-5 North!!!!!  XOXO Ronnnie

  • Hortense
    Hortense Member Posts: 718
    edited June 2014

    I was washing my daughter's pet hedgehog and thinking of you, Teri, because you had thought the picture I had posted here of it was so cute. (It really is a ridiculously cute creature, though a dirty little fellow.) 

    I hope you have been kept comfortable, aside from your breathing issue. As you can see, we had a good scare concerning you, but have laughed at ourselves since then as we should have known that you are the special snowflake that defies all the odds. 

    Best wishes! Sarah

  • kjones13
    kjones13 Member Posts: 662
    edited June 2014

    hey Teri--just thought I would stop in to say goodnight. Hope you are breathing easy. Loves!

    Sarah--I just finished laughing my butt off at some new damn you auto corrects...and the beginning of your post made me giggle..I know it's not a typo, but an unusual statement...much more "g" rated than the auto correct's :)

  • 20130502
    20130502 Member Posts: 162
    edited June 2014

    Off to PT and giggling at the hedgehog washing.  I guess you can only go one direction?  My daughter keeps showing me pictures of hedgehogs and how cute they are but I have not succumbed yet ... not while we are working on the new seeing eye puppy for sure -- my is she a mini handful and growing like a weed.  Hoping she learns the house rules soon.  Best wishes for a joyful and peaceful day.


  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited June 2014


    morning Terri. Was reading the paper, saw this article and immediately thought of deuce. Just like his momma he decided to help people. Hope you have a gentle day 

  • Hortense
    Hortense Member Posts: 718
    edited June 2014

    They are also using goats here on Long Island, NY to eat Russian Olive bushes which have taken over a state park. It was in a news clip so I don't have pictures. The goats looked very happy as they munched and the park personal looked pleased as they watched the goats eating. 

    Hope you are able to enjoy your awake time Teri, and that your breathing isn't troubling you too much.

  • springwatch
    springwatch Member Posts: 243
    edited June 2014

    Good morning Teri,

    I hope you are feeling comfortable today.

    I thought you might like this picture of a statue of a goat, called iGoat, which is here in Spitalfields, London. It puzzles the tourists and some of the locals, too!


    Gentle hugs,


  • Vadre
    Vadre Member Posts: 159
    edited June 2014

    I haven't been in school for years but there is still something so wonderful & exciting about the last week of school!!  My son is a Sophomore and only has one exam this coming week - the thrill is palpable!! Last summer we did a cookout and used notebook was a huge success and there has been a request for a repeat. Watch the skies on Thursday evening coming from Virginia (USA).  There are lots of notebooks these kids would like never to see again!

    Happy weekend and happy summer memories to you all!  I hope that you can hear the sound of happy children playing while you rest, Teri!

  • macyhen111
    macyhen111 Member Posts: 402
    edited June 2014

    Hi Teri, I hope you are having a relaxing calm Saturday. Hugs and Love to You.

  • 20130502
    20130502 Member Posts: 162
    edited June 2014

    Dear Teri,

    Just got home from a long day with my daughter and a second cousin that I have not seen since the late 1970s!!  It was so exciting to start to get to know eachother again and to rediscover all the things that made us connect in the first place.  I hope you are having an easy evening and enjoying your comfy couch.  I feel most comfortable sharing with you here rather than the new thread so I will be sticking on this one :).  Sleep tight my friend.


  • Hortense
    Hortense Member Posts: 718
    edited June 2014

    The moon is out in the Western sky this evening. I probably should go out for a walk in its light, but I am too lazy and it's too late. It was warm and beautiful today, so very different from the long cold winter we went through, and the ocean was flat calm. Perfect sword fishing weather, my husband said.  He says that when the sea is calm their fins can be seen cutting through the water. The trees here are all looking their best, in full new leaf. The softer greens of earlier spring have matured into richer greens. Everything looks so verdant - there's a  word I do not usually use, verdant, but it seems to apply right now. If I still had horses, this would be a great time for long trail rides. 

    Teri, I hope as you rest on your couch that you sometimes recall happy memories of trail rides or special times with  Forrest. A friend of mine, who I used to ride with many years ago, had a goat and a dog that would follow her on trail rides. It was amusing to see her on her buckskin, followed by her grey goat, trailed by her much smaller black dog. I'd almost forgotten about that. Did you ever have a goat that would follow you?

    Hope you are being kept comfortable. 

    Best, Sarah

  • macyhen111
    macyhen111 Member Posts: 402
    edited June 2014

    Good Morning Teri, Its raining here in Arkansas and we are expecting more!!! It seemed to storm all winter now looks like it's going to storm most of the summer. Wishing you peace and sweet dreams, hugs and Love, Cynthia

  • Hortense
    Hortense Member Posts: 718
    edited June 2014

    Hi Teri! It rained here, too, on the East coast, but that didn't stop the private jets I keep hearing flying low overhead, bringing people to the Hamptons for the summer. We don't get them in the winter. It was a good day for reading about gardening on the internet though, and watching the hummingbirds that come to my feeders. The one outside my kitchen window seems to be used mostly by a male Ruby Throat - the only kind we get here, the female uses the one outside my sitting room. I can hear their wings whirring sometimes - when those darn jets aren't nearby.

    (((Hugs))) and wishes for your comfort and ease, Sarah

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited June 2014

    morning Terri. Gentle hugs to you. Finally started my flower beds in NY. Slow going. Just not as fast as I used to be or more weeds. I still have the male and female cardinals in my pine trees. If I get close enough for a pic I will post for your enjoyment. Love you 


  • macyhen111
    macyhen111 Member Posts: 402
    edited June 2014

    Good Morning Teri, I also have a pair of Red Cardinals that eat from my feeder hanging on my deck, and a hummingbird that drinks out  of a hummingbird feeder. I get such joy watching them. I also have a group of squirrels that try to eat the bird seed. One made a long leap to the feeder, made it then fell because he was too heavy. I ran outside to make sure he was alright and he was. I like the squirrels just wish they wouldn't poop and pee on the deck because my dogs play out there. Wishing you a peace filled day with sweet dreams and memories of all your loves, Gentle Hugs and Love to You Sweet Lady, Cynthia

  • ronniekay
    ronniekay Member Posts: 657
    edited June 2014

    Noon and Seattle skies are getting ready to water the rises. Most likely the same sky in your neighborhood.  Hope breathing is easy today...thinking of you.

  • Hortense
    Hortense Member Posts: 718
    edited June 2014

    It's midnight here again. I seem to get online so late. I just cleaned my daughter's hedgehog's cage and his running wheel. After letting him scuttle around the bathroom while I did it, he is happily curled up in a small towel in my lap. I clean him at night because he is nocturnal and it seems so mean to wake him during the day to do it. He always looks so sleepy and offended when I get him up in the daytime. I'd feel that way too, if someone woke me at 3 am to clean my bedroom, which would be about the same thing.

    I hope you have had restful day and that your breathing didn't bother you too much. I don't know if you are able to be wheeled outside to see and hear everything out there, but I hope so. Birdsongs are wonderful this time of year and after the long winter it smells so fresh and good outside.

    I send you my best and think of you each day. Fondly, Sarah

  • macyhen111
    macyhen111 Member Posts: 402
    edited June 2014

    Teri I also think about you everyday. Wishing you peace, gentle touches and lots of Love from those near you. Gentle Hugs and Love, Cynthia

  • Rosevalley
    Rosevalley Member Posts: 1,664
    edited June 2014

    Peace Teri. Sweet dreams.

    Thinking of you. cindi

  • Romansma
    Romansma Member Posts: 650
    edited June 2014

    Hi Teri, thinking bout you.  I hope you are resting comfortably this morning.

  • Hortense
    Hortense Member Posts: 718
    edited June 2014

    Hi Teri, I had to go to NYC yesterday so couldn't check in. I hope you are thinking about us occasionally as we are definitely keeping you in our minds and hearts. 

    No goats near me, but there are two young deer curled up and sleeping in our garden right now, just like big dogs. One looks up every once in a while, or licks it's foreleg, but the other looks to be sound asleep. They have small bumps on their foreheads where their first sets of antlers are starting to grow. I really am going to have to put up some deer fencing around the patch of roto-tilled ground I am planning on planting this weekend or they will eat everything.

    Best, Sarah

  • macyhen111
    macyhen111 Member Posts: 402
    edited June 2014

    Hi Teri wishing you Peace and easy breathing, Hugs and Love, Cynthia

  • Hortense
    Hortense Member Posts: 718
    edited June 2014

    Good evening Teri, I hope you have had a comfortable day and have been well taken care of, as you deserve it. A cozy bed, a soft couch and maybe a comfy throw to keep you warm.  When I am not feeling up to snuff, I like to wrap up in one my Mother gave me years ago. Some tea is nice too. I wish I could send you some, or better yet arrange for a group of us to have tea with you. As I can't, I'll send you my best along with cyber ((( hugs))). 

    Love, Sarah

  • Mompsych
    Mompsych Member Posts: 88
    edited June 2014

    hi Teri

    You are in my thoughts! Sweet dreams and rest comfortably.

  • macyhen111
    macyhen111 Member Posts: 402
    edited June 2014

    1. HI Teri, Gentle Hugs to You, Love Cynthia
  • Hortense
    Hortense Member Posts: 718
    edited June 2014

    Hi there Teri, I've been thinking of you. Hope your day has been restful.

    I went out earlier to look for deer fencing after seeing three adult deer and two adorable small fawns just out back. I love to watch them, but I don't want them to eat my veggies up. They tramp through the bed I am trying to prepare as it is. Years ago my biggest problem was a cock pheasant who would come through and pull up all my baby corn to eat the sprouting seed it was growing from. He wasn't at all afraid of me and would keep on eating as I ran at him screaming, yelling and waving my arms. He wouldn't move until I got within ten feet of him, then he'd take off running - pheasants can really run when they want to. Maybe tomorrow I can get things fenced in securely.

    Best, always, Sarah

  • kayrnic
    kayrnic Member Posts: 111
    edited June 2014

    love you Teri! Was just checking in to see how you are doing. It appears as if you were on the board just yesterday. Hoping that you are peaceful and pain free!