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Thin Slices of Joy



  • PauletteK
    PauletteK Member Posts: 1,279
    edited November 2017

    Teese, I have been very lucky the past few months, my wife .... hubby has been doing all these works for me.

  • Teese
    Teese Member Posts: 355
    edited November 2017

    Paulette, I've been blessed with the same. He has totally stepped up to the plate during this mess. I thank our good Lord for him and he truly is my slice of joy. We've grown closer than I ever thought possible

  • scotbird
    scotbird Member Posts: 592
    edited November 2017

    Ah that's fantastic. I am lucky with my DH too, he is a diamond. My DD arrived home for a surprise visit tonight, it's so lovely to have her back with u for the weekend. X

  • celiac
    celiac Member Posts: 1,260
    edited November 2017

    Also lucky with my DH. He is retired, and takes good care of me. Individual pizza made using naan, pesto, fresh tomatoes, chicken & spinach sausage & cheese was already made up - he popped it in the oven and dinner was served!

  • SerenitySTAT
    SerenitySTAT Member Posts: 3,534
    edited November 2017

    Grandma - Have a great time at your workshop!

    Teese, ScotBird - Enjoy your visit with your daughters!

    Paulette - Last chemo, right? Hope you have minimal side effects that subside quickly.

    Celia - That sounds delicious! I love naan bread.

    It's so good to see so many of you getting great support at home! I feel the same way. My husband has always been the cook, but in the past year he and the kids have been helping with the cleaning and laundry. It's been so helpful given the time it took to do my rehab exercises and get back to working full time. They are all busy, but they still spoil me.

  • PauletteK
    PauletteK Member Posts: 1,279
    edited November 2017

    My last chemo done ... hard to believe ! I was nervous then I got relaxed. I still have radiation but I’m ready to get my regular life back slowly.


  • scotbird
    scotbird Member Posts: 592
    edited November 2017

    Paulette you look great, well done you did it! Do take it easy, keep drinking plenty and get outside each day for some fresh air. Chemo is horrible, but it works, it just takes a bit of time to recover. I'm sending healing cosmic hugs and lots ofloving kindness over to you from Scotland. XX

  • PauletteK
    PauletteK Member Posts: 1,279
    edited November 2017

    Thank you Scotbird,

    My joy today is I am standing at the end of the tunnel now ..... there is a rainbow waiting for me.

  • T-Sue
    T-Sue Member Posts: 207
    edited November 2017

    Congratulations Paulette! I'm so happy for you!!!

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited November 2017

    Congratulations on your last chemo, Paulette!!

    My joy is that the weather is cooler, and I'm able to get out and do some yard work. Slowly. Have to pace myself with my neck issues, but it is joyful to be able to pull weeds. (yeah, we all have that "thing" we like to do , right?)

    And one of the camellias is blooming already. The others have lots of buds!

  • PauletteK
    PauletteK Member Posts: 1,279
    edited November 2017

    Thank you ladies here is a fun picture


  • SerenitySTAT
    SerenitySTAT Member Posts: 3,534
    edited November 2017

    Paulette - Woohoo! Congratulations!

    Glennie - Camellias are beautiful!

    Happy Sunday! Got my coffee this chilly morning.


  • PauletteK
    PauletteK Member Posts: 1,279
    edited November 2017

    Lovely coffee ..... so nice!!

  • grandma3X
    grandma3X Member Posts: 297
    edited November 2017

    Paulette - so good to see you smiling through this! And congratulations on finishing chemo!!

    My workshop is finished and I can relax a bit :) It was part of a conference so now I can just listen to other people talk and catch up with old students and colleagues.

  • scotbird
    scotbird Member Posts: 592
    edited November 2017

    My DH and DD went shopping for foodand came back with a beautiful big bunch of flowers for me. Lovely. X

  • PauletteK
    PauletteK Member Posts: 1,279
    edited November 2017

    Grandma glad you finished your conference and Bird got her flowers!!!

  • SerenitySTAT
    SerenitySTAT Member Posts: 3,534
    edited November 2017

    Grandma - Glad your conference went well!

    ScotBird - Flowers are a nice surprise!

    At dinner I decided to pour myself some wine. I picked up the bottle and tilted it. My brain was in slow motion, and it took several seconds before I realized the screw cap was still there. We all laughed. A few minutes later my husband did the same thing.

    Me: Hey, Dad did it, too!

    Snarky teen: Yeah, but he figured it out faster.

    I love my family. Loopy

  • bright55
    bright55 Member Posts: 146
    edited November 2017


    Colour Greetings fromm Burma truely a slice of joy local fresh munch snack near temple sold with chille sprinkles

  • scotbird
    scotbird Member Posts: 592
    edited November 2017

    Wow Bright that looks beautiful. Wish we were all there. Very cold here today. Yesterday there was a flurry of snow, which was beautiful in a different way.

  • SerenitySTAT
    SerenitySTAT Member Posts: 3,534
    edited November 2017

    Bright - That looks scrumptious! What did you have?

    ScotBird - It's cold here, too. Had to pull out my winter coat from the closet downstairs.

    Cool things today:

    1) I had to go to the office to meet a client. If no client, I've taken to wearing jeans now. Well, my dress pants were loose, and my belt was a bit loose at the last hole! If I lose 5 pounds, I won't be able to wear these pants that I love. Good problem to have.

    2) When my sciatica was bad, I could barely sit, and squatting was out of the question. After reading about the health benefits of the resting squat, I've decided to work on it. There's a 30/30 challenge to squat for 30 mins a day for 30 days. Minutes do not have to be done all at once. I'm able to get into a deep squat with my feet flat. So far I can hold it for 2 minutes before needing to shake my legs out. I'm thrilled to be able to squat again.


  • jojobird
    jojobird Member Posts: 99
    edited November 2017

    I love this thread. Just wanted to add some gratitude for the fact that my family and I are headed someplace warm and tropical. It's a bucket list location, and we'll be off the grid during the Thanksgiving hubbub.

    Wishing you all an abundance of slices, and the whole fruit, too.


  • PauletteK
    PauletteK Member Posts: 1,279
    edited November 2017

    Squat for 30 mins?? Hummmm..... Can I do 30 secounds??? 😜😜😜 SillyHeart

    My SIL actually teaches tai chi now she is in China, when I finished my radiation I really should take a few lessons from her. I’m searching for some wellness exercise classes from what I known I need to change my life from now. Eat healthy and exercise Smile

    Ok .... I’m going to squat ....

  • SerenitySTAT
    SerenitySTAT Member Posts: 3,534
    edited November 2017

    Jojobird - I hope you have the most amazing time! Please post some pictures when you return.

    Paulette - Definitely try Tai Chi! And yes, 30 seconds at a time will work. It gets less uncomfortable.

    I had to go to a warehouse today. I've never been in this area, but while I was there I noticed something smelled delicious. As I drove away, I saw some bakeries and cafes. It was tempting, but I drove home without eating out. Have to pace myself with the holidays and birthdays in the next few months.

  • scotbird
    scotbird Member Posts: 592
    edited November 2017

    DH is away on a businses trip so DD3, who is 12 came and slept on my bed. She’s growing up fast but she’s stil a snuggly baby to me. Joyous to see her sleeping face.

  • jojobird
    jojobird Member Posts: 99
    edited November 2017

    Oh, Scot, I am so with you. My dd is 13 now and I still look in and peek at her sleeping. There is an ache in the joy of our children, and in the sadness of time passing.

    And thank you for the kind wishes, SerenityStat.

    Love out.

  • SerenitySTAT
    SerenitySTAT Member Posts: 3,534
    edited November 2017

    They do grow up so fast. My kids are 21 and 18 and still at home. I'm in no rush to see them leave. This is likely my last year with the older one at home. She wants to go to grad school.

    I've found the younger one is a handy helper. Today she put up blinds that were taken down to paint the kitchen. The other week she helped me put the dryer back in place after it got moved as part of the kitchen reno. She's very skinny with long arms. She's a Maxi-Me.


  • scotbird
    scotbird Member Posts: 592
    edited November 2017

    I wish I could persuade my DDs to help me and DH more. I have brought them up to be a bit self-centred. Partly this is because the feminist in me thinks that girls should not feel they always need to be the helpful caring, cooking, tidying cleaning up ones. But I took it too far. Sometimes they remind me of the ugly sisters in Cinderella. Oops.

    However.... I can find some joy in this -because I do find myself now not completely sorry that my DD1 has left home to go to college as there’s a big difference in the amount of work needed around the house.

    Love to all. X

  • SerenitySTAT
    SerenitySTAT Member Posts: 3,534
    edited November 2017

    ScotBird- My kids have stepped up these past few years. We don't follow traditional roles in our household. For example, my husband is the cook, and I'm tech support. My kids don't like to cook, but they do like to bake desserts. And when my husband is away, the younger one cooks to keep me away from the stove. I'm very OK with that.

    The pup is getting extra love from the kitchen reno workers. We blocked the staircase so she can't get go all the way down, so she sits on the steps to watch them. She doesn't bark, but now she whimpers a little to get some attention when they arrive. Once that happens, they go to work and she naps. She's got a good life.

  • scotbird
    scotbird Member Posts: 592
    edited November 2017

    Kitchen reno sounds interesting. Did I miss something?

    I felt mean posting that my DDs remind me of the ugly sisters, so I asked them to help out yesterday. They hung out the washing, then made dinner and cleared it all away afterwards. Turns out I just needed to ask. Big joy.

    Happy Sunday. X

  • SerenitySTAT
    SerenitySTAT Member Posts: 3,534
    edited November 2017

    ScotBird - So happy that your kids helped out! My brother had the opposite reaction when asking his teen son. Son's response was "It's not my house." Let's just say my reaction to that would not have been posted on this thread! My kitchen reno started at the end of October. We're getting all new everything. Our old kitchen was not that old, but it was in disrepair (cheap cracked countertop, broken appliances, warped floor). We were planning to do it 2 years ago, but then BC. It's been great incentive to get back to work to pay for it!

    I came down this morning and was stunned to look outside at the snow. We had no snow at all yesterday. This picture shows rooftops have a full layer of snow. The boxes are the cabinets that were delivered on Friday. Installation begins on Tuesday. Time for more coffee.
