Thin Slices of Joy



  • scotbird
    scotbird Member Posts: 592
    edited May 2021

    Wow Betrayal that is a very fat slice of joy, not a thin one. It must be super exciting - please keep us posted on any news! We have set up some nesting boxes around the garden where we can see them from the house, for wild birds to find. So far there’s no sign of any: it sometimes takes a few years so them to find I think. The weather here is bad today and I’ve been doing some cleaning in my house. I’m not a naturally clean or tidy person and my husband is worse. My teenaged daughters clean their own rooms really well, and bathrooms - but they show no interest in doing anything in the rest of the house. so this makes me feel very virtuous. Thin slice.

  • yesiamadragon
    yesiamadragon Member Posts: 343
    edited May 2021

    My DH still has the Claude Bolling/Jean Pierre Rampal album -- he got it when he was in college and a flute player.

    Hot and humid here, but no sign of desperately needed rain.

    My slice of joy is hot and hairy -- for some reason in this weather all of my cats have been affectionate (and shedding loads!)

  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 3,713
    edited May 2021

    Before I went to bed last night I saw a second egg had hatched and heard increased chirping from under mom. She has not left the cat food dish so I am not sure of the status of egg 3 or the two hatchlings (?). Dad is busy feeding her so I will keep a watch today in hopes of getting a glimpse under mom. Day of surprises.

  • yesiamadragon
    yesiamadragon Member Posts: 343
    edited May 2021

    That is so cool, Betrayal!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,993
    edited May 2021

    Betrayal - we had parakeets growing up. Eggs but never a chic. Share pics soon ❤️

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,993
    edited May 2021

    slice of joy - surprise gift from a friend who visited from TX this weekend


  • SerenitySTAT
    SerenitySTAT Member Posts: 3,534
    edited May 2021

    I don't recall hearing of Bolling/Rampal before but I enjoyed the video. Thanks!

    Betrayal - I like your parakeet updates. Please share pics!

    Great posts, everyone! My rash got worse after a week on Ibrance. I've been diagnosed with a rare skin reaction to medication (AGEP). I've stopped Ibrance/Exemestane until the rash heals completely. I want this rash gone soon so I can enjoy the med break. Spending lots of time taking baths and applying cool compresses/ointments/creams.

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited May 2021

    Serenity, sorry about the worsening skin rash. I googled AGEP and it is rare. Sometimes it is not good to be extraordinary.

    Love the parakeet stories!

    Watched a 2019 documentary about Linda Ronstadt last night titled The Sound of My Voice. Brought back so many memories. I have many of her albums including the early folk & pop and standards with Nelson Riddle. May have to add a CD of her Spanish-language album Canciones de Mi Padre. Here's a tour-de-force called La Charreada. Wow what a voice! Sadly, she has Parkinson's and no longer sings.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,403
    edited May 2021

    Oh no Badger. Another person with Parkinsons. I've already had two friend die with the complications - and it's not nice. I've followed Linda Rhonstadt since the Stone Poneys and Different Drum.

    Serenity - I too looked up AGEP. Looks really nasty. Hoping for a quick resolution.

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited May 2021

    The performance footage knocks my socks off and reminds me why I love her so. Here's the trailer for the documentary. See it if you can!

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,403
    edited May 2021

    Thanks Badger. GREAT!!

    I got an ear worm yesterday from the back of beyond. "Lady of Spain". Composed in 1931. I guess I remember it from the the late 50's? Maybe Bing Crosby? But more likely Paul Anka. (Put Your Head on my Shoulder; Diana).

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited May 2021

    Today's slice is a letter from mom's long-term care facility. They had been on another lock-down because of a recent positive COVID test. I had been doing window visits but resident & staff have all tested negative for the past two weeks so in-person visits can start again tomorrow.

    RE: Lady of Spain, according to wikipedia, the earliest recordings of this song are sung by Al Bowlly, recorded in 1931 (the year the song was written).

    A recording by Eddie Fisher with Hugo Winterhalter and his orchestra was made at Manhattan Center, New York City, on July 18, 1952. It was a hit in the US, reaching the No. 6 position in the Billboard charts. Les Paul's guitar instrumental on Capitol Records also reached the Billboard charts with a peak position of No. 8. The song was also covered by Bing Crosby and Mario Lanza on their radio shows.

    The song is often played on the accordion. This was the theme song of Myron Floren, the accordionist on The Lawrence Welk Show. [My parents loved this show and I did not but (shhhh don't tell) I watch the reruns now and appreciate it.]

    (Edited to remove extraneous wiki content.)

  • kayak2
    kayak2 Member Posts: 9,028
    edited May 2021
  • kayak2
    kayak2 Member Posts: 9,028
    edited May 2021
  • SerenitySTAT
    SerenitySTAT Member Posts: 3,534
    edited May 2021

    Rash is improving, but I have spots where it's fighting to stick around. Definitely dislike being an interesting case.

    badger - Glad the restrictions on your visit didn't last too long.

    I love Linda Ronstadt! CBS Sunday Morning did a segment on her a few years ago when she was already diagnosed.

    Will have extra joy this week when our local ice cream shop delivers. Coconut ice cream is the special. It's a hardship to support our local businesses. 😉

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited May 2021

    Yesterday was a gorgeous day - sunny and warm. Would have been OK for a window visit but glad I could go inside. It's a joy to hug my 90-YO mom.

    I have two Linda Ronstadt CDs and brought them both for the drive: Heart Like a Wheel and Hasten Down the Wind. It's been a long time since I heard the albums. Remembered how much I like her music. Now listening to them on my PC and reading the credits. Can't do that while driving!

  • SerenitySTAT
    SerenitySTAT Member Posts: 3,534
    edited May 2021

    Rash is improving. A bath helps to soothe the itchiness. I've been taking so many baths that I've completed the first season of Elementary! It's about 1.5 episodes per bath (start of water to lotioning up after). Other than my rashy areas, my skin is nice and soft. 😒

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,403
    edited May 2021

    Serenity - glad to hear that the rash IS improving.

    Questionable slice of joy today is that the contractor dropped off a worker to paint my linen closet. Progress on the work that's left. Pain of the day - I wasn't expecting them today so the linen closet was not empty and I had a totally different day planned. So I'm clapping my hands and sighing at the same time.

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited May 2021

    Serenity, glad the rash is improving! Baths are a good thing.

    Minus, fun with contractors (eyes rolling). Maybe you're provoking enlightenment by doing the Zen thought exercise about the sound of one hand clapping?

    Yesterday's slice was a letter from the VA approving Aid & Attendance benefits for mom as the surviving spouse of an honorably-discharged wartime veteran. Dad served in the Navy during WWII. The application was submitted back in March and it *only* took two months for them to review and approve the claim. Yay for my ability to navigate government paperwork. The payment is $1,244 a month which will help a LOT since her care is so expensive and she doesn't have much money.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,993
    edited May 2021

    Slice of Joy- getting on a plane tonight for the first time in a couple years to go visit a friend in a neighboring state I have not seen in a couple years for the holiday weekend. Funny story about travel, in 2019, I was pushing to pay off my house so I did not do any big trips that year and my last trip was to San Diego in Jan of 2019. I did some smaller/less expensive in state trips that year and also had cataract surgery end of that year, but told myself I would do all kinds of fun travel in 2020, including a trip to Ireland for my 60th birthday.

    Along comes the pandemic and by last spring, none of us have been going anywhere. I did take a couple smaller in state trips over the past year as things were better last summer, and then as things were getting better this spring. A step out in my process to test the waters. Tonight will be my first time flying since the pandemic, and also since that January 2019 junket. It is hard to believe I have not been in an airport in 2.5 years!

    We had a death in the family last weekend too, and I will be going to CA for the services in late June. Ironically enough, I feel this trip to see my friend as also a good trial run before I do my next long weekend and with some flight changes along the way. The next trip will bring it's own stressors, but everything always seems to have a purpose.

    Have a good holiday weekend every and stay safe!

  • SerenitySTAT
    SerenitySTAT Member Posts: 3,534
    edited May 2021

    Minus - Progress on home renos is always good! When we had our kitchen done, I was worried that my dog liked my contractor too much. She was thrilled when he arrived and forlorn when he left.

    badger - Woohoo on getting benefits for your mom! Hope it includes retroactive $$.

    Jazzy - I'm sorry for your loss. Hope your flight is safe and uneventful.

    My daughter bought extra hydrating creams for me. ❤️

  • SerenitySTAT
    SerenitySTAT Member Posts: 3,534
    edited May 2021

    Cool and partly cloudy. My kind of day.

    Got a full second mug of Sunday coffee!

    A friend is giving me some of her monstrous aloe since I've been using up mine for my rash. Husband will pick up this afternoon. Rash is much better. Not as itchy. Mostly just reddish.

    Always a good day for Talking Heads.

  • scotbird
    scotbird Member Posts: 592
    edited May 2021

    Yay Serenity I’m glad your rash is better. Badger that is great news about your claim. My slice today was a perfect walk along the river Earn in beautiful sunshine. Lots of birds singing, butterflies and wildflowers and not a cloud in the sky

  • SerenitySTAT
    SerenitySTAT Member Posts: 3,534
    edited May 2021

    Sounds like a great walk!

    I have a pot of Italian parsley that's mainly for any swallowtail to drop some eggs. I want to watch them grow into butterflies again.

    We have little birds flying around. They like chasing each other and sometimes fly into our windows. I've gotten used to the sound, but it can be startling. Every so often I check for injured birds.

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited May 2021

    Jazzy, sorry to hear of the death in your family. It's hard enough when that happens & then you haven't been able to see loved ones in person for so long.

    LOVE Talking Heads!

    ScotBird, sounds like a lovely walk. We've had such nice weather, I was able to avoid the "dreadmill" and walk outside myself. No rivers locally, though.

    Saturday's slice was a walk to the library under a cloudless blue sky. Yesterday's was a visit with MIL. Brought her cream of potato soup and ingredients for rhubarb crisp. Cooked it in her oven and had it warm with vanilla ice cream. Today's slice is gratitude for veterans who gave their lives for our country, and appreciation for all the American flags displayed around town. We have a veterans' memorial downtown and I walked there this morning to watch the ceremony honoring them.

  • SerenitySTAT
    SerenitySTAT Member Posts: 3,534
    edited June 2021

    badger - Fresh warm pie with ice cream! 👍

    I've stopped the prescription ointments and just using fresh aloe and calendula cream. I'm having moments without itchiness! Love this feeling.

    RIP BJ Thomas

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,403
    edited June 2021

    oooohhhhh - warm pie w/ice cream. Yum.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,993
    edited June 2021

    Slice of Joy for today- another fun dance thing for you. I give kudos to the one guy in the group for doing this!

  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 3,713
    edited June 2021

    There are actually 2 brave men in that video. One on the left woth a cap as well as the one on the right in the green shirt. Makes me want to learn those steps. Took a yoga class once where there was one man and he always stayed at the back of the room not sure if it was because he was taller than most of us but the view of all those butts was probably not pretty! LOL.

  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 3,713
    edited June 2021

    Here are photos of the parakeet babies. Mom finally let me get a shot at them even if if was through the cage bars. She has been hovering and covers them with her wings so it was dicey. Now they are almost 2 weeks old and have really grown.

    image This is the proud dad of last year's baby pictured below that was hatched in July 2020. Gender determination should be able to be done this July.

    image So I am still the first born "Baby 1".

    image This is proud mom and her 2 new hatchlings. The one leaning on her is the largest and seeing her trying to tuck them under her wings now is a treat. Usually there is a butt or two sticking out.

    image Their eyes have opened just this past weekend.