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January 2017 Surgery Group



  • PugsMama
    PugsMama Member Posts: 337

    Maya, so good to hear from you! We were wondering how you were faring...So glad you're happy with your new boobs! Are you done with all phases of your reconstruction? Bet you can't wait to see them on Tuesday! Xox

  • vargadoll
    vargadoll Member Posts: 1,942

    Thanks PugsMama! I will try to find the lounge. It will help ease my anxiety about the after abilities!

  • BeachBabyK
    BeachBabyK Member Posts: 148

    I'm home! A bit sore, but so happy the cancer is gone and the LYMPH NODES ARE CLEAR! Whoop whoop! Best news ever!

    For those of you heading into surgery next week, the wire and dye were just like a regular needle prick and were no big deal (for me anyway, considering the area)! The pain isn't too bad, but I was advised to stay ahead of the pain, so I took a pill (Norco) when I got home. I am using an ice pack and that helps quite a bit. I am trying to eat something but took a Zophran first as I was feeling a little nauseous (from not eating, anesthesia, or the combo). I don't have any dressing but have dermabond and can tell that I am pretty swollen.

    Vargadoll - now that I've done the wire, I think you'll be fine driving from the office. They place it and then tape it down. Once it is secured, you can move around with not much problem, just take care on that side (Maybe drive primarily with your other hand). I went from one building to the other with it in. FYI, once it was placed, they did another mammogram to make sure it was placed properly. They let me keep the films and I brought them home to show my kids. Oh,I see you had a couple of questions so here is my experience - They cut along the sides to minimize the scarring, the cut around the clip (well that's what they were supposed to do) only enough to cut out the left over cell remnants along with a little extra to make sure they've gotten it all. They dye lets them know what lymph nodes to take (I wasn't told yet how many they took, but I should find out next week) Then they stitch you up. I don't have drains, I don't think we need them as we do not have the same amount of trauma as a Mastectomy. I am swollen, but not too much. Reconstruction depends on the amount of tissue taken out, They didn't do that for me today, but I'll be interested to see the end results in the next week or so. As of right now, NO lifting! I think the recovery for that has a lot to do with the number of lymph nodes they take out as it would be more invasive. They didn't give me a date for lifting things, but I would imagine you would want to wait a couple of weeks so as not to open up your incision. I was told to be careful stretching and reaching with that arm for the next few days. Feel free to PM me with any questions! I'll give you the honest answers!

    Hope all is well Fellow Warriors! Have a healing weekend!

  • PugsMama
    PugsMama Member Posts: 337

    BeachBabyK: great are cancer free! Rest up & enjoy the peace of mind!

  • Fightingirl
    Fightingirl Member Posts: 328

    hi ladies!! Trying to read and catch up but I'm still a bit sleepy but please know how my heart is smiling knowing how well everyone is doing and the support we have for one another. My surgery went well! It was a breeaze in the fact that the only thing I was awake for was IV placement. They did my wire loc and dyes after I went to my bungalow over the waters!! My hubby has been a great nurse and maybe even a little too protective but I love it. My mom, son and sister were all in my pre-op room and it was great to see their faces. I could tell my son was a bit off (he's 25) And tonight when we spoke he told me he was trying not to show it but it was hard for him to see me in that hospital bed. Hubby and I each shed a couple tears when they told me he had to go so they could take me to the OR. I had an amazing amazing medical team and now I'm home with minimal pain. I did forget how much I need my left arm for since I can't use it right now! 😊 Sorry no individual posts to reply to above posts but so sleepy. Thinking of you al and I'll be back soon

  • Maya15
    Maya15 Member Posts: 112

    PugsMama, yes it will be interesting to see the nipples etc on Tuesday, though my PS says it will take a few months for everything to settle down. There is one more thing left, getting the tattoos for the nipples and areolas (in 3 months).

    BeachBabyK, GREAT news about the lymph nodes!!!

  • vargadoll
    vargadoll Member Posts: 1,942

    BeachBabyK, I got on here just to check on you sexy sixers! I wasn't expecting a full report! You are a blessing to me! How cool you got to keep the prints to show your kids! I am so glad you are doing well. I might message you tomorrow after you have had some rest. I have a pretty different living situation than most!

    Rest relax and rejuvenate!

  • vargadoll
    vargadoll Member Posts: 1,942

    Your rocked it to Fightgirl! All you sexy sixers have a restful night! I hope to dream of tbe beautiful beach bungalows with us all there with our fancy umbrella drinks and healthy boobs!

    You guys are keeping me strong! You are leaving some big bras for me to fill! I only hope I can bring peace to other ladies as you have me


  • Elem
    Elem Member Posts: 246

    just wanted to say that all the great inspiring stories coming out of surgery today make my heart swell . This group is amazing and I could not imagine how it would have been for me without you all as my rock of encouragement and inspiration. So many difficult cases , but yet you all care enough to share and help others facing this dreaded disease . My faith in humanity comes from people like you . I am so grateful for you all . Sleep well warriors, you did it. Take care of yourselves and we'll meet at the beach with our fruity drinks and have some snacks . Then we' ll do our happy dance!

  • Momy4ever
    Momy4ever Member Posts: 21

    I had my surgery on Thursday, I'm still in the hospital . I still have pain when I move otherwise I feel ok . Yesterday the PS came to check on me, I had a look and it wasn't bad at all, I too have a very small teenager boob :)

    I can't wait to return home, I miss my kids a lot.

    Good luck ladies, you will feel relieved when you're done with your surgery.

  • annoyingboob
    annoyingboob Member Posts: 459

    I love to see our over water bungalows filling up and drinks being sucked down! I'm reading the book 'joy' about the Dalai Lama and Desmond tutu - I recommend it no matter what your religion. In times of stress like we are all going through, it's important to focus on the positive and this book does just that! So may all you January survivors find the joy in your life, happy new year!!

  • docmama
    docmama Member Posts: 126

    hi guys! In surgical intensive care right now, but I have a lovely in dwelling epidural catheter that is keeping the pain at bay. My surgery didn't start until about 330 this afternoon and lasted about 3 1/2 hours. The wonderful news is that my lymph nodes and my breast tissue at first examination by the pathologist is clear of cancer!!!! It's 3am and I'm up, can't sleep because I'm not getting any narcotics. I'll try to doze in a few minutes. Just wanted to check my iPhone to make sure all the Sixers werewell! Hugs (gentle ones) and kisses!!

  • docmama
    docmama Member Posts: 126

    well crap, just read that Fort Lauderdale airport will be closed until tomorrow morning and that flights will be delayed all weekend. My sister was supposed to fly in to help me on Sunday morning to help me with my recovery. I hope she makes it in! 😢

  • 3bears
    3bears Member Posts: 161

    Thank you all for taking the time to check in, let us know how you're doing, and how it all went. Even my husband said to me last night " I think it's been really helpful for you to have that group on line". You got that right! Rest well this weekend sisters. Docmama-- I pray your sister makes it in to help you!


  • vargadoll
    vargadoll Member Posts: 1,942

    All you sixers were on my mind thank you all for checking in! DocMama, hope your sister makes it as scheduled. Thank goodness shooting didn't happen while she was there. Prayers for all the families who suffered from this random act of insanity!

    For all you who kicked cancers ass yesterday. ...REST TODAY!

  • jinmo
    jinmo Member Posts: 55

    Hi all,

    Saw my surgeon yesterday, got blood sent out for genetic testing before making final surgical decision between UMX and BMX. So I am looking at probably the third or fourth week of the month.

    Kudos to all of you who have already gone thru your surgery, so glad to hear your good reports. I think of the 4th and 5th date women, we are only missing win-chimed. So win-chimed, hope you're doing well.

    And to anyone else, we're still all thinking of you whether you've had the energy to report in or not. Be well.

  • Fightingirl
    Fightingirl Member Posts: 328

    good morning! I slept so much yesterday and I'm finally feeling more like myself! Like Elem, I am so thankful for this group and it really has helped pull me through. All the love and support from friends and family is touching but to actually have all you ladies facing the exact same fears and questions and everything else that never leaves our minds is just amazing. To see how brave and positive you all are... like docmama, I want to give you a gentle hug! It would be so cool if we kept in touch here and were someday able to meet up cancer free!

    Do mama, I really hope your sister makes it in. I guess I will have to read the news as I was so out and have no idea there was some tragedy there yesterday. Too many of those... it's disgusting. I see all you beautiful brace ladies fighting for our lives and making tough decisions about our bodies and some jerk off is running around with no respect for life at all.

    Momy4ever, I'm glad you're well. You'll be home before you know it.

    BeachBabyK, we are very similar! I have the dermabond too and vargadoll, you'll do great. I have minimal pain and the area that hurts most is where the cut lymph nodes. Like BeachBabyK said, you can't lifetime or reach with that arm or you will feel it! It's not that bad just a bit uncomfortable. I'm swollen quite a lot too and have just been keeping cold pack on it which really helps. I offer the same feel free to ask any questions...more than happy to share!

    Well, keep resting and recovering for those that have completed surgery and you can bet many of us will be right here checking in and offering encouragement for all those yet to go. I got this. You got this. We've got this!!!!!

  • Did-not-see-this-coming

    So glad to hear that everyone is doing well so far! My best bit of news since my diagnosis was getting a good MRI report - no visualization of cancer in my right breast or nodes, so hoping my left mastectomy is one and done!!!! Healing thoughts to last week's surgery sisters and good luck to this week's sisters!

  • PugsMama
    PugsMama Member Posts: 337

    Wow - I woke up to all this great news!!! Love it!!!

    Docmama: Talk about VIP treatment in the hospital! Good for you!! Hope your sister makes it in OK.

    Momy4ever: You'll be home soon with your kids & you'll finally be able to get some sleep!!

    jnmo: more waiting for results....ugh! I hope you don't have a cancer gene but speaking as someone who does, it does make the decision on what to do much easier (if that's any consolation....)

    Fightingirl: You certainly sound more like yourself this morning! Love your spirit!!

    Gentle hugs to all of you! Hope win-chimed & the rest of the sexy sixers are doing well.

    Day 2 of the drain gang for me. Two of them much less drainage, other two the same. All my bloating & swelling are gone so this surgical bra is a lot more comfortable today. I actually weighed myself this morning, down 6 pounds. Fastest 6 pounds I ever lost LOL!

    My two pugs (Enzo & Cella) are coming home today - they were at a friend's house for a few days. I can't wait to see them!! I'm going to wrap the huge ace bandage I had from one of my many breast biopsies around my middle so they can't accidentally knock against any of this drain apparatus. I give my husband updates on you guys every day!

    Bye for now...back to the bungalow...xoxo Liz

  • PugsMama
    PugsMama Member Posts: 337

    Did-not-see: great news! Hoping you're one and done!

  • Fightingirl
    Fightingirl Member Posts: 328

    one more thing to add in case there is anyone unaware as I will pee a bright smurf blue (or pugsmama, as blue as the waters under our bungalows!) the dyes for lymph mapping come out that way! I stood there for a bit with my anesthesia head staring at the toilet bowl! I called my husband in to make sure I was really seeing blue. 😁 It looked really pretty and so strange to think that about urine!!

  • BeachBabyK
    BeachBabyK Member Posts: 148

    I was going to post about that this morning Fightingirl! No one mentioned to me that I would be peeing blue for a couple of days. I also have a blue boob (started out only as a ring around the nipple) due to the dye working it's way through. I still have quite a bit of swelling and bruising at the lowest part of my breast on the side where fluid has collected. I took a shower this morning and am feeling good. Wearing a bra (no wires) and button up shirts just so that I don't have to lift the arm up too much. Didn't sleep great, but don't think I'll need any more pain meds, unless I overdo it. Thinking of seeing a movie today as it's rainy here in So. CA and I figured I'll be sitting on my butt anyway, might as well seem something new.

    I hope that your sister makes it there soon DocMama and that anyone in the area that will be hit by the storms coming through are safe and sound. I know we are supposed to get a huge rainstorm (not just the regular So. CA freakout, but supposedly the biggest rainstorm in 10 years). I'm sure as it moves east it will wreak havoc too.

    For those of you that missed out on the Costco shirts like me, if you have time, check out I found a few that I had shipped to my local store for around $6-$6.50. They are pretty thin material, but many of you will have additional layers on if you are going out anyway. The will also ship them for a fee.

    3bears - I find myself doing the same thing (giving hubby updates) and I'm not sure if he thinks I'm crazy that one can care about people so much that one has never met, but he is happy that I have friends that understand things he may not be able to quite get.

    Please everyone in the snow and crazy weather, be safe!

  • vargadoll
    vargadoll Member Posts: 1,942

    Glad to see all the positive check ins. Hope to hear from Marimuch and dlh17 soon.

    Mom4ever, hope you are home soon with your perKY new boobs. Until then just keep visualizing that blue waters and tropical drinks!

    Annoyingboob, I must find that book! I bet my BFF has it. That sounds like something she would read. I'm not much on reading. I can't sit still. The last book I actually read was the 50 Shades of Grey. Lol

    Docmama, Yay for the results and for such good care!

    3bears, my husband agrees, you girls are great for me!

    Jinmo, waiting for gest results SUCKS! Its like watching a pot of wager long will it take?!?!

    Did-not-see-this -coming, 3 cheers for a good MRI report!

    PugsMama, right. ..not the best way to lose 6 pounds! When I thought I was going to have to have a mastectomy and was so upset my husband have been wanting perking boobs...ouch! Careful what you wish for! Then I immediately thought about chemo and losing my long stick straight hair! I have always wanted curly hair....lord the places my mind take me! Xanax is my friend at night sometimes. (Only half a dose)

    Fightgirl, well, that blue water had to show up somewhere! Lol...I guess it's safe to assume I will have that to. I don't remember being told that but I was still in a state of OMG when we met with the surgeon. I almost wish I had recorded the visit. My husband was with me so I will have to ask him of he remembers.

    It's pajama day everywhere today. Fresh blanket of snow covers many towns. Perfect day to recharge

  • Dennyj
    Dennyj Member Posts: 84

    You ladies are incredible. I am thinking of all of you.

  • Maya15
    Maya15 Member Posts: 112

    Definitely pajama and thick dump of snow day here...perfect for recovery.

  • vargadoll
    vargadoll Member Posts: 1,942

    We got 8 inches of snow last night. Temps in the teens all day. Hope all you post surgery ladies are recovering nicely. I realized today in month by this time I should be home and cancer free. Why does everything I do make me think of this stupid cancer???? I'm only 5'2" and I have to reach for EVERYTHING! I realized that while cooking dinner...I wont be able to even get dishes out of the cabinets. SMDH!

    Thank you ladies for allowing me to randomly vent.

  • Fightingirl
    Fightingirl Member Posts: 328

    vargadoll, I'm with you on the reaching! I'm also 5'2. I can't say I'm with you on the snow part being from Phoenix but I hope your staying toasty! It's okay, I think cancer totally takes over our thoughts even when we are trying to be positive. There are just so many unknowns and so much waiting from step to step! We just do our best and when needed, come here for a quick vent! Stay strong my friend. Xox

  • BeachBabyK
    BeachBabyK Member Posts: 148

    ount me into the 5' 2" lumpectomy club! Haha!

  • Fightingirl
    Fightingirl Member Posts: 328

    that's awesome BeachBabyK! Short girl problems... the struggle is real!

  • Elem
    Elem Member Posts: 246

    warm hugs and continuing well wishes for all the ladies going through recovery this weekend. Also , thinking about those getting prepared for next week . Sorry you have to go through this , but so glad we have found each other . This support is the best thing to have happened for me.

    Enjoy your Sunsay.