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My Husband, My Life, My Love, My Family, My Cancer



  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,389

    I finally made a meal out of a frozen fettucine alfredo and added precooked egg with bacon. Put the egg, some black beans, shredded cheeseand croutons to get the texture I desire. Helps hide flavours or eggs for me so I can still eat them. Spooned the chopped mix on top of the fettuncine, cooked 5 mins, put on plate, mixed together, just added some salt and dry sour cream seasoning, mixed up. Ate 60 percent but got full, so rest is in a container. We will see what I make tonight. DB is coming and we are probably mall walk and get a couple things off walmart.

  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,319

    Cookie, congrats on being stable. We love all wins!

    Mel, we all feel your pain and I am so sorry to read about your friend. It just hurts… Shanagirl was right that even though we don't feel HIm, God is still beside us. I have to look for small blessings to make it through. Sometimes they are even big! It was five years ago yesterday that I found my "new" half siblings, and they have been a total blessing. I have wondered why now? but then something happens and in our advanced age we help each other. Perhaps God sent me them at this time in my life because He knew I needed them. My sister just found out she has a 2 cm lesion on one of her ovaries. Knowing my situation, she has reached out and I have already been able to help her. God knew she needed me for such a time as this.

    Mara, I love your little world. Enjoy your time with family today.

    Cold weather is moving in to the Rockies this weekend…it will only reach 50° as a high on Sunday, so here it comes! It will warm up a bit after, but that is how it rolls here.

    Take care all.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,389

    I just had a pizza and am waiting for the pants I want to wear to come out of the wash. I had to unexpectedly put my blanket in so will wash that up while gone. Have to be careful to be mindful of fridge freezer and diet as well, I keep forgetting the frozen pepper slices, could have put them on the mini pizza. Still got breakfast meal to eat up for tomorrow and had a package of Reese peanut butter cups.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,689

    Hi everyone, I’ll try to make a long story short as I am completely exhausted.

    We made the long drive to Houston for scans nearly 2 weeks ago and only got home last night! All good below the neck but 2 new spots were found I’m my brain. They scheduled me for a spine MRI to rule out Lepto again and changed virtual appointment with my Neuro onc to “in person”, along with a brain radiation procedure, adding a week to my trip. The spine MRI was good and the tumor board met to review MRI’s going back to 2021. I found out on Monday from my neuro, that the spots might just be previously treated mets, not new ones and I was free to go home without radiation or changing my chemo. I will go back in a month for an advanced brain MRI and hopefully a clearer picture of what’s going on or not.

    I haven’t caught up but hope all is well.

  • malleemiss251
    malleemiss251 Member Posts: 545

    @micmel, I am so sorry for the pain you are feeling about your friend. This disease is a malevolent, poisonous thing - doing its best to destroy all around it. While I cannot change things for your friend, I can say I understand how bereft you are feeling. Know that you have a huge wave of support here and everybody who has visited your porch values the comfort they find here. I can only hope we can repay the enormous gift you have given us with love and hugs and support.❤️