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My Husband, My Life, My Love, My Family, My Cancer



  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,747

    Micmel, it's a traffic operations conference and this year we go back to Fort Worth. My friend of 12 years and coworker will be there and we always have fun on trips. I always gain a few lbs on these out of town events, it's worth it for a day or two but after a week, I just want salads.

    I'm planning on doing a 5k in late October, my husband will be home for a few weeks and my best friend is coming from Wisconsin for a visit. Then my one year post treatment scans in late Nov. I'm optimistic but causious :)

  • keetmom
    keetmom Member Posts: 299

    M- I cant even watch the  It commercials..not sure what we will do this weekend, see how I am feeling after chemo today..I have some really tired girls on my hands we will see what the weekend brings..No alarms that is for sure..

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,060

    Keetmom~I never realized how many people just didn't like clowns. Lol a lot of people !! I am really just looking forward to getting out and being with my family outside of the house. This will be the first thing I have done as a family outside of family dinners and etc. out of the home. That is a Big deal to me. That AC chemo and Abraxane did a number on my feet. I am still healing from that! Not an easy task. Sometimes my feet would feel hard boiled and the nerve pain was awful. Slowly it's improving but still. Maybe just relaxing is a good thing for everyone, especially with your girls just getting back to school this first week. They must be still adjusting to going back. I always hated the beginning of the new school year! Waking up earlier, tons of homework, projects, lunch money! If I am honest I don't miss any of it! Hard years they were! Another cloudy ☁️ ☁️ day here. Everyone happy Friday!

    Mae~ 😲😲😲😲what happened to Jon Snow???? ❄️ ❄️. Omfg he was my favorite. Cried!! Like a baby. Had to finish the last episode again last night for season five. Missed the ending because my kids came in. So I watched the last ten mins Again. I can't believe Ollie turned on him. Ugh!! I can't watch it without him. oh and what they did to Cerasi. Wow. Her hair. Holy crap. All that beautiful hair. Those people are fanatics. Ewwwww!

    I am saddened by that for sure. I'm going finally start season 6 today. But. I can't handle no Jon Snow. I'm praying somehow he can survive what six stab wounds ? He is the conmander of the watch. They need to be punished!! Badly!! Sounds like the conference will be a good thing for you, if you get to be with friends. How many days will you be gone?. I can hear George Strait singing about Forth worth in his wonderful songs. My very favorite country singer, also saddened by Troy Gentry suddenly dieing. In the helicopter accident. Only 50 years old!! So sad!!

    Have a good day ladies.

    Claudia~ hope your ok. Hope things are looking better and you're not too tired. We all know how that can happen quickly

    Nan~thinking of you! Always. Today Is the wedding! May you make such beautiful memories, that your heart is filled with joy! Gotta see that dress 👗 👗 Lovely lady. Missing you. But think of you often. Many hugs.

    Much love all~M~

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,060

    imageThis the basement 22 bags later Of trash that I have removed this past week and why I napped for two days as a result!! Here is my starting point downstairs to try again to finish some more, again heading down to keep the progress up! Are we suppose to work on Fridays? Oh well. Before I started you couldn't even see the floor! I'm not giving up! Much love ~M~

  • chicagoan
    chicagoan Member Posts: 1,112

    Good job Micmel! What a lot of work. Such a good feeling to get rid of things you no longer need in your life.

    I found an indoor swimming pool and went for a swim last night. I have lived in my house for over 30 years and never realized that the pool in the high school that is a 5 minute walk away is open to the public during certain hours. I used to drive 45 minutes and pay $500/year just to swim. So I swam last night at 9 pm with two other women who were also not in the greatest shape. There was a poster: "No matter how slowly you swim, you are lapping those who are on the couch." I think I have found a good place to swim!

    It was kind of amazing to realize that there are undiscovered treasures in this neighborhood where I've lived so long.

    Hope everyone has a good day.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,747

    Micmel, keep watching, that was not the end of Jon Snow's story :) you are in for many more surprises!

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,060

    Chicago~I love to swim. That's really awesome that you have found a place to swim. Hopefully no one else will find your quiet place and it will continue to be a relaxing atmosphere for you to swim your little heart out. It's been so long since I've been able to swim. I am envious! I don't think it's odd at all that you didn't know it was there. I have lived here 18 years and my DH who I have been with 14 years, knows the area and all around way better than I do and he is from another state. So I would have been the same way. We used to belong to the local community pool, and that would Be our vacation a lot of times for the summer, it costs so much for a family of 5. I think it's awesome that you have found another way to be active. I am so waiting for the crisp 65degree or less days coming, I can go get out everymorning and start my walking again. I used to hike with DH all the time, now he could leave me in the dust! I miss everything I was able to do bc (before cancer) take a few laps for me !!

    DH is on his way home for the weekend I cannot wait. Although my DS shouldn't be happy. We are having the you're an adult now and this is the deal! You're responsible for these things and if you don't do them. You'll be receiving a time table until we are putting the house up for sale! I've sacrificed 14 years living in another state from my DH, and they are 21 and 22 now. When I left my house I was 21. So they are coming down the pike. If they can't do the things that adults do. Then do it someplace else. I love them, deeply. But I don't know how long I have! And I want to spend every second with him. ~M~

  • chicagoan
    chicagoan Member Posts: 1,112

    Micmel-Hope that your conversation goes well.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,060

    Mae~I am so relieved!!🤤 I couldn't imagine this show without him. I'm also a little freaked out about what happened to Auria (spelling) her eyes are a little scary. What is that dudes story!!? No face? Weird!! I want Ramses gone. Stanis dead. The little princess burned, her mother, hung herself in the woods! What a season finale! Wow! I'm still like wtf!! Thanks for the heads up! I feel better. Have a great day. Hope rads goes quickly #25 history ! Here's to you Mae! 🍹Hugs. Did I read you were planning a 5k? In October? That's something else. Where is it ?

    Much love ~M~

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,060

    Chicago~ thank you so very much. I am going to need it. I don't want to have them leave Tomorrow, but i want them to understand and appreciate the things that have been given to them, only to make them better adults. Arghhhg! If I don't check in soon I've fallen and I can't get up!! Hugs to all ~M~ or maybe I'll just hide In the basement. No. That won't work, because I just cleaned it, they would find me for sure now! Lol. Have a great Friday ladies !

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,060

    imagehere is my hound dog. Every evening he Iikes to climb up on mommys bed and rest with me. He does weigh 87 lbs and takes up space in my bed. My legs feel like a pretzel. I took this last night. He is like a cat, he wants to cuddle when he's in the mood. When he's not. You can't even get a pet in edgewise! Gotta love the pets! He soothes me and keeps me company. But they have to go outside and if it's raining the prince doesn't want to get his paws wet!!


  • keetmom
    keetmom Member Posts: 299

    Mic- I don't dislike clowns, just really don't like the commercials for that movie...I really avoid horror movies all around anyway..Hope the discussion with your DS goes ok, I cant imagine having to live apart from my DH, he is my rock and many times the only person I want around me, he went to chemo with me yesterday and I said I wish you could everytime, we are just having him come after scans or other big appointment, him and I have been through so many surgeries with Emma we have our way of doing it. We don't make small talk...that and it is good to have that extra set of ears..

    Hope you all have a wonderful weekend..not sure what we are going to do here this has warmed up again and not at all fall weather

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,747

    Micmel, it's a day of the dead themed 5k in Houston along Buffalo Bayou and through a cemetery (face painting, costume contest, etc) and a cold beer at the end. I think I'll talk DH into doing it with me since my friends are lazy :(

    Keetmom, I love horror movies, October is prime movie watching time for me, can't wait :)

    I finish rads next Friday and have a retirement party after, so I'll be celebrating with some yummy appetizers and an adult beverage!

  • Lynnwood1960
    Lynnwood1960 Member Posts: 1,107

    Micmel, great job on your basement...that's alot of work! Love your doggie, so cute!

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,060

    Hi Ladies~ thank you for the encouragement on my basement. I know that it's a small thing. But for me it's huge. That had been bothering me for a long time now. Maybe one more day and I'll have gotten all the trash out of it. Then I'll move into the organizing and shelving.

    Mae~ that sounds like a lot of fun. I love the festive bazaars and craft shows and my daughter has her birthday close to Halloween, it was always a big holiday around our house. I also love the horror films. I am trying to figure out when I can wrangle everyone to go see IT with me. If I can't have everyone go. I'll take my DD. She's funny to see the looks on her face when she's scared lol. So nice that hubby would do the 5k with you. He's a keeper! My sweet DH and I watched a movie western tonight. He loves them. He doesn't really watch too much tv. So it's special when we get to sit together and watch alone. I feel like a kid again missing him all week. I adore him!

    Lynn~ I did work my rear end off In The basement. But it felt so good to be able to even do that. I was feeling so badly this time last year, I honestly didn't know if I'd ever be able to do something like that again. I am very thankful. My hound dog Deeohgee. Is such a little hunter. You can hide something anywhere in the house and he will find it. He howls and bellows when he talks to us. And he loves to fetch. He is turning nine. I can't believe it. I am thankful he still plays and runs around the house still has a lot of spunkyness in him !

    Keetmom, some people just don't like horror films. My DH is kinda one of them. Lol. I know a lot of people who just don't like it. I'd rather be good and scared. Then all of the gore sometimes. But nothing is better then the old Halloween and Friday the thirteen films. They were awesome. Freddy Krueger was scary also. Back when I was young they pretty much scared the pants off me. Lol. But I don't blame you, I like all kinds of movies. Driving miss daisy has to be one of my favorite movies. My cousin vinny. Shawshank redemption, forest gump. All good movies. I am a tv and movie junkie. I enjoy it very much. Have a good night sleep ladies. Much love ~M~

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,060

    Claudia~ didn't see your shining face here today. Hope the clean up is going well. Hope you're ok and DH is ok also. Don't over do it. I know things need to get done. I just know what it's like to do too much. Big hugs. Thinking of you! Tonight was the wedding and I am thinking about Nan!! Hope she's having a total blast. Hugs ~M~

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,060

    Good morning Ladies~ hope everyone has a great Saturday! Not too sure what I am going to do. Maybe more basement work. Lawn got down last night. DH arrived safely. Thank goodness. Love it when he is here! Not too much planned. Trying to get the troops to get out to the movies. But my DD has her second job with her catering small side business. So she will Be working a double today. Did not get the chance to talk to DS. His ears must have been burning or he is better than I thought. He had his bF wait for him after work so when my DH was ready to talk, he had someone else with him to divert the talk. I think he knew it was coming and he was prepared. But that's ok. Today is another day. Hope everyone is resting up this weekend. Another too warm day on tap here, maybe DH will ride his bike. Maybe I will nap. I didn't fall asleep until after midnight. I guess that is what happens when you crash at 3:00 in the afternoon. Didn't mean for it to happen I just fell asleep and next thing I knew it was after 5;00. I hate that!!!! Ugh!! So we sat up and watched a western. Then it got late so fast. Why is it that time goes so slow, during the week, but goe lightening fast when he arrives. True love. Time flys when you're having fun. Much love ~M~

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,747

    Mornin' all, just checking in, no big plans this weekend. Today will be catching up on DVR shows/movies, laundry and trying out a new recipe (like chocolate chip cookies but using chickpeas instead of the flour mix). Tomorrow will be slow cooker pot roast and American Horror Story with friends.

  • nkb
    nkb Member Posts: 1,561

    Illmae- I don't eat chickpeas anymore due to their high estrogen content. A nutritionist told me about it years ago- I miss them, - has anyone else heard this? I did see a comparison to other foods and it was off the chart for garbanzos!

    No horror movies for me- comedy all the way.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,060

    NKB~ comedy's are ok for me as well. I just have a history of reading Stephen King stories and this one I really enjoyed. Anxious to see the movie. Want to take my whole family. First time out and feeling pretty good since diagnosis and heavy chemo etc... I did talk to my onc about soy, he told me that's a no no. I have never heard of chick peas. Am certainly going to be asking next time. Because I Iove them!! I eat them on my salads. All the time.

    Mae~. I knew we were a lot alike lol I am watching the newest episode of American horror cult. So far it's pretty out there with the clowns. Mmmmmm think they are competing with IT perhaps?? That's odd if I think about it. Save me some of those cookies please!! Normal time? Enjoy yourself.

    We are now out looking for pumpkins. My DH likes to strip them for pies and custard, made from scratch. My mouth is watering. I can't believe all the fall items are out already like wow!! Next they'll be jamming the Christmas decorations down your throat. Did you all know tat October 13 is MBC awareness day!? I just heard that. I thought. Yeah. The only thing we all need and want is to hear that they have a cure. Until that day..... I'll take being stable right next to my sisters.

    Much love ~M~

  • nkb
    nkb Member Posts: 1,561

    Heading to the farmer's market this morning. DH is taking a long hike in Tamalpais with his BF-they couldn't go backpacking as planned because we have too many fires and smoke in California and Oregon.

    We are planning a trip to see DS in Montreal and then onto Paris for 10 days. I am not sure how I will arrange the Meds since it depends on how my blood tests go, but, MO says we will figure it out-just go. It is fun to plan, this is the first time we will stay in one place for so long-usually just a night or two and off we go to another city-the thought of that was exhausting. We will just explore Paris- we haven't been there in 35 years. Even though I feel more "fragile" than in the past-weird health things are happening to a startling number of my friends young and old and I want to try to normalize and live life as much as I can. I feel like I am living from scan to scan, infusion to infusion, shot to shot, blood test to blood test, and then I try to say- everyone lives from scan to scan metaphorically.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,747

    Nkb, I had not heard this about chickpeas, it was actually at my intergrative medicine consult last week that the doc kept talking about chickpea this, chickpea that, I finally said, I guess you want me to eat some chickpeas, right? Lol. They told me no supplements, except maybe vitamin D, to get everything I need from food and eat beans everyday, if possible.

    I'll have to do some research and have her explain the conflicting info. Thanks for the heads up :)

  • nkb
    nkb Member Posts: 1,561

    The food stuff seems really confusing-when first diagnosed I heard no flax, soy or chickpeas (if other stuff I either forgot or didn't like it anyway so dismissed it) My cereal had a lot of flax so I stopped it for years. Then restarted it and now have mets-so stopped it again. I think a small amounts of any of this stuff (besides soy) is probably ok.

    The only supplements I take are calcium and Vit D- I try to get most of the calcium in food and then supplement-my MO was very adamant about calcium if on Zometa. Gotta build up a lot of bone once I send the cancer away!

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,060

    Good evening Ladies~ I am wicked tired and in a bad need of a shower! I was in the basement finishing up the cleaning effort and the only thing left is to remove what trash is left. I did another 9 bags of trash and some boxes to go out to the curb this week, and sweep the floor of the little things that are too small to pick up. DH was pleased with the progress!! DH couldn't believe all the progress I made this week. He was shocked and said he was impressed. That's says a lot coming from him. He is amazing. I just wanted to contribute and not have him doing any of it.

    Got the pumpkins. He's making custard now. Delicious!!

    Mae, how did your cookies come out? I have no idea what we are going to have for dinner. I don't even know if I'm hungry. My tongue hurts!! Last day of number 10 on ibrance. My week off this week. Hoping to walk!!!

    Nkb~I agree with the soy. It kinda scares me. They even say it notto use any lube products because it could contain hormones. Give us a break please? . Lol Paris wow!!! 😳 you go!! That's amazing. I'm impressed. I really would love to travel. I think I'm a home Body!! Did you find what you needed at the farmers market?? Ours was crazy packed. The calendar changes one month and it seems like everyone emerges for that one pumpkin!!!! Lol.

    Have a good night. I'll probably be asleep before nine. I am beat!!

    Claudia?? Thinking of you. !

    Chicago~hope all is well!

    Keetmom~hope you're having some good family time!

    Nan~ hope it was a great time !! Much love ~M~

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,060


  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,060

    imageThis was the other wall from earlier this week!! Nothing left. Yay!! Hugs ~M~. Nothing like decluttering!!

  • Lynnwood1960
    Lynnwood1960 Member Posts: 1,107

    WOW!! Your basement looks great! You can come and do mine next, lol! That's alot of work, we did ours this year and it took forever. Of course it's junked up again already. Our house is small so easy to throw everything down there. Busy day yesterday, went to a few yard sales with my son and his girlfriend. They are looking to move in together within a year or so and looking for things. Does anybody get married anymore??? Lol. Then I took my 80 year old mom to a local festival, it was SO hot and humid we could hardly walk around. Then went to Boscovs, they we're having a HUGE sale. Got some great bargains for Xmas. Came home and was in bed by 6pm. I had my Xgeva shot on Thursday and it always makes me feel a little "off" and tired for a few days. Resting some today. Going to work with my kitties tomorrow, physical therapy on Tuesday and Thursday, doctor appoint on Wednesday. Hope you all have a great day! I love this thread, read every day even if in dont post much

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,060

    Lynn~ Good morning! Although the basment look awesome. I am feeling a few twinges today. It wore me out. That I'll admit. I took a shower and I was hoping to fall asleep quickly but no such luck!! I just woke up!! DH is in the shower. He took the hounds up for me so I could sleep late. He's always doing that for me on the weekends. He is the only one that gives me a break with them. I have them all week long, unfortunately he will have to leave today.

    He had the Talk with DS, I am hoping the diaper has been removed and we will now see a new young man, stepping out. Sometimes they just need to feel the heat. It went well. But he understands the options in front of him. Don't know what I would do without this beautiful man by myside. I adore him beyond words. Pet the kitties for me!! I hope you have a good Sunday! Whatever I do today I'm keeping it light. Long weeks without my DH. I miss him terribly.

    Mae~ Jon Snow and Sansa are together.!!!! I love that. Two of my favorites together again finally. 😍😍. So good. Khalisse has been taken by Drogos's people again!! This show is nuts. Pretty neat to see her with the IMP. They are almost the same size love them both too. So far season 6 is awesome !!! American horror tonight my girl. Have fun with your friends and your pork roast!!Auto correct went to porn toast but we all know that isn't what it was supposed to be. Lol auto correct is funny sometimes. Lmao.

    Claudia 😞Hope you're ok. My dear.

    Everyone have a great Sunday. You too Keetmom! Hugs and much love ~M~

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,747

    Lynnwood, I think people still get married these days, some are just more cautious. DH and I lived together during our 1 year engagement and fortunately we didn't have too many annoying habits between us. I've let friends live with me before that drove me up the wall within a week, it's good to know those things before committing.

    Micmel, I am excited for tonight episode but also two weeks from now, so many shows coming back! NCIS, Criminal Minds, Designated Survivor, Hells Kitchen. Dinner will be in the crockpot, so my only chores for today are dishes and giving my boy biggie a bath.


  • bigbhome
    bigbhome Member Posts: 721

    Hi all! We are finally done with storm cleanup! Yahoo! Were finished around 7pm last night. We were going to go ride today, but a friend called last night and they needed help with their cleanup today. So dh went there. He wouldn't let me because its a slippery, muddy mess there and C slipped and fell yesterday and hurt her ribs. Unfortunately, my fall Wed night is still fresh on his mind and it wasn't open to discussion.

    I feel so terrible for them, the water came up to the eaves in there house. They decided to move to a different area and already purchase another home. I hope they don't regret it later! I don't know how a decision made in that state of mind, can be a good one. But we support whatever they decide. I could tell you so many stories of our friends and how we have been affected, but let's move on to happier stuff.

    Micmel - You are my new hero! That basement looks awesome! You have inspired me to de-clutter! I am going to start with my pantry, it is a mess! We made our final plans for our trip in October, I can hardly wait! We will be horseback riding for 2 whole weeks!

    There is a huge horsey tack sale in. Ocala at the end of September that I want to go to. We need bell boots, ours have disappeared. I love these sales! Its like a huge flea market, but only horse items. I want to take my saddle to be cleaned!

    I have to scoot now, dh just called and he sounds sad. He wants me to meet him for lunch in a little while.

    Hugs and prayers
