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My Husband, My Life, My Love, My Family, My Cancer



  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,050

    Dutchiris ~ I hope you are on the road to healing. That must have been painful. I’ll be adding you to my pocket. Hugs.

  • booboo1
    booboo1 Member Posts: 1,196


    I had the same surgery in my right femur almost 2 years ago (so did Emac877 who was a tremendous help to me!), and I would like to say it was easy, but once the block from the surgery wears off, be sure you have enough pain meds to help you get through. You will also need a chair to shower, and it’s a real pain, but just keep thinking that time will heal. Emac877 May have more to add.

    Reach out with any questions. Take care.

  • gigil
    gigil Member Posts: 916

    I just had a PET scan today. I went from bone Mets to now spread to liver and thyroid and much more bone Mets after 2 1/2 years of therapy on Letrozole. Can anyone offer me any idea what might be next for me? I don’t have a follow up appointment for 6 days and I am pretty rattled. I would appreciate any hope anyone can offer me. Thanks, GiG

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708

    gigil, I don’t have mets in the same locations but I’d presume that you’d be looking at radiation if the tumors are minimal or chemo, if they are more widespread. Either option would probably result in a change in maintenance medication afterwards. Hopefully someone has more specific experience they can share.

  • gigil
    gigil Member Posts: 916

    Illimae thanks for the positive words. I am still in shock today. I don’t know where to turn to feel better or have any peace of mind

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723

    dutchiris, I'm glad the surgery is behind you. I hope your recovery is as uneventful as possible.

    gigil, I'm sorry about your progression. I hope you can get answers and a treatment plan very soon.

    Love and hugs to all,


  • gigil
    gigil Member Posts: 916

    thank you, Carol

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,050

    gigli~I am thinking of you. If they have to change medication I hope it’s a low side effect one! Sending you a hug , I had it on my liver and they went in and got it out. Mention ablation as well. Welcome to the living room. Hopefully someone else will chime in as well.

  • gigil
    gigil Member Posts: 916

    Thanks micmel. Did you have more than one nodule? Any difffuse spots? Just curious

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,050

    it was a very small tumor the size of a pencil head.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708

    Caught a shooting star while taking some night sky pics from the deck. Enjoy 😃


  • denny10
    denny10 Member Posts: 421

    gigil, Your team will asses the where and what of your cancer ,so you get the most approprite treatment for you. Cancer takes it's own path and we are all different. I went from letrozole to Faslodex shots, then added Ibrance,[ I think , it was over 6 years ago]. Please don't panic, there are lots of options ahead for you.

  • goldensrbest
    goldensrbest Member Posts: 722

    Sending comforting thoughts to those who are dealing with physical and mental issues as well as family issues (our Mel. The holidays sure make it more difficult to cope.

    I’ve been dealing with health issues of my own. Yesterday was 5 weeks post left knee replacement. Recovery is coming along as expected. However for the past 3 weeks I have been experiencing severe fatigue and shortness of breath, which has progressively worsened. I can’t empty a dishwasher without resting multiple times. Walking from one room to another leaves me gasping for air (no problems when at rest). I thought it might be a result of restarting my Ibrance after a 6 week break for surgery. Oncologist didn’t think so and referred me to my primary. So I went to see my internist on Monday afternoon. My oxygen level was at 83% and he immediately sent me to the hospital. While there, my oxygen levels were normal, between 95-99%; EKG was normal and CT was negative for blood clot in the lung (which can happen after joint replacement). Lab work was less than normal, ANC was 0.7, making me moderately neutropenic. I was discharged to see my internist which I had planned to do after the weekend. Except my doc called yesterday afternoon and apologized for not rechecking the oxygen level himself. He then asked me to come back to the office to work on reasons for my problems. When I got there, he made me walk around the clinic with him so he could see the severity of my issues. Sure enough, after just a few steps, I’m breathing heavily. Ironically, oxygen levels were fine, but I developed tachycardia while walking. So he reached out to the cardiologist he works with and this morning I’m having a thoracic esophageal ultrasound to rule out possible endocarditis. If that’s negative then next week I will have a stress test to rule out angina. I’m so miserable as I can’t do anything. I’m trying to put away my fall decor but that’s going so slowly. At this rate I don’t think I’ll be able to decorate for Christmas.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,449

    Goldens, I am so sorry to hear about your latest news. I will be in your pocket for the tests and sending my love your way. It sucks when you have to do things a little at a time but that makes sense for now. Hopefully some family and friends will assist you with decorating for the holidays.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,449

    Going to be doing some walking today, have to reinstall the screen to bedroom window. Could not figure out getting it in the track until I learned how to open my window inward, have never been shown how to do that. That should be helpful to do. I am such a noob at most household things. Will also be starting some walking laundry as well as it is nice and sunny, my cane is calling. Short on sleep so still extra tired. Thinking will need to take a walk, indoor or out door post supper to avoid the inevitable nap.

  • gigil
    gigil Member Posts: 916

    Denny10, thank you for your words of encouragement and good sense. I did a lot of reading last night. I am hypothyroid,and I read that a thyroid with dysfunction will light up on pet scan and so will a fatty liver, which my CT scan picked up in July as an incidental finding. My doctor must have suspected that when she assured me that the PET scan will be a good baseline to monitor future treatment. My bones are indeed heavily affected, however, there is no denying that.

    Goldens I hope you get to the bottom of your shortness of breath and fatigue. Holiday decorating is exhausting, even in the best of cases. I sometimes have days that I can only work a few minutes and rest. You didn't encounter Covid anywhere along the way, did you? That seems to affect people and their stamina as well. Just a thought. My husband is an MD and he sees that lack of stamina and shortness of breath so much lately in regard to post-Covid.

    Mara those screens can be so tricky. I am always taking one off to take pictures of the deer that walk through myback yard at times. I have a devil of a time getting them back on.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,449

    Gigli, yes you are right. Tried it with the window pane turned down but that was not working, one of the screen tabs did get broken off, not sure if those little springs go on the bottom or top, I know where they need to slide into and that need to push down on clamps til it is in the track but cannot seem to get, going to keep trying but will ask DB to help put it in. I only try for a few minutes at a time as I am highly frustrated when something isn't doing what I think it should be doing. A small dose of trying keeps me from getting overly irritated so many breaks are taken. Plus side, I can now clean my windows, had not realized how they fold inside for cleaning.

  • chicagoan
    chicagoan Member Posts: 1,039

    Goldens-That sounds quite scary. Do not stress yourself this week changing decorations! It's still fall and Thanksgiving season. Hope you will get the answers and treatment you need soon. Maybe just sit and read a good book, watch some shows or listen to music. Wishing you a happy Thanksgiving in the midst of this challenge.

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723

    Good morning, lovelies!

    I'm having a cup of coffee, listening to my DH and my dad talking about flying model airplanes. They compete in acrobatic model airplane event. They're very serious about their flying.

    Hoping for a good day for everyone. Mel, you continue to be in my thoughts and prayers. I don't even know what word to choose when I wish you a ______ Thanksgiving. Happy? Peaceful? Calm? I don't know. I just want it to be not miserable, if that makes sense.

    I'm thinking about my next blog post. Maybe something about the holidays. Any ideas?

    (((hugs))) to all,


  • goldensrbest
    goldensrbest Member Posts: 722

    Thankfully test was negative so we will leave tomorrow to celebrate thanksgiving in Michigan. I expect more tests next week to try and find an answer. A very Happy Thanksgiving to those who celebrate.

    Mae - cool picture of shooting star!

  • emac877
    emac877 Member Posts: 688

    Just wanted to post to say I am praying for and here to support Mel, KittyKat, SF-Cakes, Goldens and all of you who are going through such a rough time right now. I have no words of wisdom, my heart just breaks for you all and I wish for you something to bring you a smile and a glimmer of joy in all of it.

    I'm okay. I'm still on the Dexamethasone 1/2 mg in the morning and it has made a night and day difference in my pain. I feel really good. Some pain in my ribs, back and hip but it's tolerable. I'm working a lot and today making frosted orange sweet rolls to take to my folks tomorrow for Thanksgiving morning. I have a chest/abd/pelvis CT on Dec 12 and a follow up with my MO on the 15th for my quarterly check in. I have been feeling really good on the steroids so my MO is keeping me on those until January when I see the endocrinologist. I'm just trying to get as much out of it in the meantime as I can. Dec 6th is my 3 year MBC anniversary and I'm just feeling really thankful this year to still be as stable as I am and have a reasonably functional life right now. That is my wish for all of us.

    Happy Thanksgiving to all of you celebrating tomorrow! I will admit I have caved and gave in to the Christmas season early this year. I've been playing Christmas carols and have been savoring little moments of joy where I find them as the holiday season amps up. Sending those happy vibes out to all who need them right now. -- Elizabeth

  • sf-cakes
    sf-cakes Member Posts: 608

    Happy Thanksgiving to all my friends here, celebrating in the US. I'm testing out the pumpkin pie right now to make sure it's good, lol. Thank you everyone for your lovely words of support, and please know I send love and prayers out to this group every day.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,050

    Hello Ladies. Happy Thanksgiving to everyone . Not really celebrating this year. Kids are with their father and the youngest is traveling this year. So just DH and I. I for see a lot of tv watching in my future. Had a nice day today. Beautiful weather. May your day be filled with family and thanks tomorrow.

  • livingivlife
    livingivlife Member Posts: 454

    To all our American sisters I wish a Thanksgiving day without struggle and stress. Enjoy all that wonderful food!

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,449

    Happy Thanksgiving to all those celebrating in the US. If you are on your own, I hope you can treat yourself to something good anyway, whether it is TV and movies, movie snacks or whatever may make you feel good.

    Nothing going on here, walking once warmer, I did play with the screen, managed to get it stuck in the window so there it will stay until I can get it out. Walking inside and out and normal money making and household chores as well.

  • denny10
    denny10 Member Posts: 421

    To all those sitting in Mels' lounge from the USA, I wish you your best Thanksgiving : )

  • booboo1
    booboo1 Member Posts: 1,196

    Goldens, Wow. Nothing is easy anymore. You have been through quite enough. Many prayers of healing and comfort as you navigate the next couple of weeks. Take care.

    Gigil, as others have said, welcome to Mel’s living room. She has opened her digital door to us, and how wonderful it is to be able to support each other like no one else can. We understand. We are walking right beside you. Ask anything you want, and someone will respond. We have all been through the early days of diagnosis and how scary it is. But as you settle into your oncology routine, I hope you will feel much less anxiety.

    Happy Thanksgiving to those who celebrate!

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,050

    BooBoo ~ you’re so sweet.

  • 50sgirl
    50sgirl Member Posts: 2,071

    Happy Thanksgiving to all here who celebrate. I am thankful to everyone on these boards who are so generous with their love, support, advice, and shared experiences. We have all been through some difficult times, and the safety net here is always comforting. For those who are alone or away from family today, weare stepping in to surround you with arms full of love. Happy Thanksgiving.

    Hugs and prayers from, Lynne

  • Rosie24
    Rosie24 Member Posts: 1,026

    Wishing a peaceful and happy day to all who will celebrate Thanksgiving today.The day will have many forms. DH and I are hosting a group of 7 (including ourselves) but my sister arranged for no cooking! She's bringing all the side dishes made by a market in her area, andDH picked up a precooked turkey breast. There will be warming needed but we can handle that. I'm feeling pretty decent but still have this walking issue that hasn't gotten any better. Next week I have a procedure called sacroplasty. It's outpatient and hopefully will help with my lower back pain. Tanya had something similar. Tanya, was it helpful for you?

    Goldens, I'm glad you can get awayfor your Thanksgiving gathering. And I hope your team can get to the bottom of your shortness of breath.

    Mel, You sound pretty good today. I'm glad you had a good day yesterday. I think of you a lot.

    Mara, I admire you for getting your window/screen situation figured out. I had a little chuckle when I read you were doing “laundry walking”. I tried to think of what that could be, then realized it was laundry AND walkin. Please don't fret over my reading difficulty, it was a funny picture in my mind!

    SF, thinking of you and your dear husband. Glad you're sounding well today.

    Mae, Awesome night sky pic ! What a treat to see it with your own eyes.

    Hello to others posting here and just reading along. 😊. I enjoy reading what you're doing and thinking about.