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My Husband, My Life, My Love, My Family, My Cancer



  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,449

    Mel, glad to hear your mom is settling in nice, less stress for her and you. I am sorry for all the problems your sister is having, hopefully they find something that will work for her. In your pockets for those.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,449

    Mel, glad to hear your mom is settling in nice, less stress for her and you. I am sorry for all the problems your sister is having, hopefully they find something that will work for her. In your pockets for those.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,050

    thanks so much Mara….

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,050

    thanks so much Mara….

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,449

    You are welcome my friend.

    I am waiting for Amazon today. Got a crossbody bag that is close to the body, should keep phone, music player, a mask or two as well as some hand sanitizer. I don't enjoy my purse anymore, feel like it pulls me but with cross body, easier to get to what I need.

    Planning to walk as well, earlier vs later so I can be home. Just doing laundry for now. Planning a use for the dryer that has no heat. Going to toss blankets in there once in a while after a steam cleaning. The filter can still catch lint and cat hair. Will test it later. It can still be a night table as well or soften clothes after drying on a rack without heat to damage. I currently use it as a night table, would like to give it another use.

    Breakfast will incude beans, ground pepperoni, tomato sauce, garlic and of course cheese in there. Pizza without the crust is what I think I want. Planning to buy some popcorn as well. Want to institute a movie day for myself to break up boredom, gets the butter used up as well and would be enjoyable I think.

  • kittykat9876
    kittykat9876 Member Posts: 420

    Well, tomorrow is the day I find out the results of my mri and finally work on what to do about these brain mets and Thursday I see the surgeon to see if I'm healed enough to start iv chemo, fingers crossed, I think 🤔. Mel, I'm glad your mum is settling in well and sending your sister all the best in the world that she can finally get some relief and a treatment that works for her.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,449

    Kitty, you have great brain mets sisters here and in the brain mets sisters thread as well should you have any questions about treatments you may be given and SE and such. I am sorry you are dealing with these but there are a lot of us doing quite well for a long time. In your pocket for everything.

    Well my goodness, got some strength training lifting my air conditioner off the old dryer, put a lint filter back on. Though it has no heat, I don't want anything clogging it up to where it could not turn. It would be nice to be able to toss blankets and clothes in there. I may also toss some washer lint filters in the dryer and keep checking to see if it collects. If it does not work for that, it can at least soften clothes hung on a rack by tumbling around and no danger since there is no heat. Now I need to set everything back as it was.

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723

    mara, here's my movie-watching popcorn story. I like the lime and sea salt variety. I think it's made by Orville Redenbacher (or however it's spelled) and it's called Skinny Girl. My son (who will gladly watch Hallmark movies with me) thought it was called "Skinny Bitch Popcorn!" We still laugh about that, and I'm well stocked up for his next visit.

    mel, thinking of you and your sister. It was the febrile neutropenia that put me in the hospital right after Thanksgiving. At least, now that we've all had VOCID, we should have a good Christmas. The lingering, but thankfully low-grade, fevers are frustrating.

    I forgot everything else I was going to say.

    Love to all,


  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,449

    One nice thing, I was able to use a couple pieces of wood to sit the AC straight on the old dryer. Filter is put back in but tossing one of my lint filters in as well to see if they collect stuff as well. I am satisfied if it just spins things soft but would be happier if took cat fur off stuff. Also amazed at upper body strength considering taking the AC off bed and positioning it straight. Started the AC clean up wiping down with towel first, still have to take apart bit at a time so it is ready for spring.

  • 50sgirl
    50sgirl Member Posts: 2,071

    I am home from the hospital after numerous rounds of red cell and platelets transfusions. I am feeling much better. Platelet and hemoglobin counts are slowly increasing. White counts have fallen but should increase soon. My post-WBR brain MRI has been postponed to January. I will meet with MO next week to discuss next treatment since latest chemo was not viable for me. Now I am trying to catch up on all my Christmas plans. I see gift cards in my grandchildren’s future.

    Mara, you continue to amaze me with your activity level and creativity.

    Mae, I love your pictures. I look forward to seeing your beach shed when it’s done.

    Kitty, as Mara has said you will receive lots of support for whatever treatment you have for the brain Mets. People here are so willing to provide answers you need.

    Mel, You and your family are in my prayers. I was happy to hear that your mom is settling in.

    I am way behind on the news of this thread. I do try to keep up, and I think of all of you.


  • lw422
    lw422 Member Posts: 1,414

    Mae--I'm in the Houston area. Where on earth did you find those adorable pups?? (Please send one to me, thanks.)

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,449

    50's, I am so glad to hear you are out of hospital and get a bit of a treatment respite. In your pocket for good MRI results post WBR. Enjoy your Christmas and gift cards used to be looked down on but I think they are great because they can be used wherever the kid likes to shop.

    As far as my activity level, I sometimes think I get weird ideas. The second no heat dryer does work but will only be used to soften up stiff things. I just felt like bringing it back to life.

  • booboo1
    booboo1 Member Posts: 1,196


    I’m SO happy to hear that you are out of the hospital. I’ll bet your bed has never felt so good, huh? I hope your MO treats you very carefully and with TLC. You are fragile,like many of us, and I’m hoping whatever comes next works really well, with minimal issues. Love to you and your family.

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,167

    Sorry I have not posted much. I read your responses daily.

    50'sgirl- I am glad you are back home in your own bed. The best place to be. Thinking of you as you go forward with your brain mets treatment.

    Mel- You are going thru so much lately with your sister and mom. Plus your own stuff. So sorry you are struggling so much right now.

    I wish we could pause our post and could go back and read the responses. I did not make notes before starting this post and I cannot remember the ones I wanted to respond to. I will close out now and go back and reread the posts.

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,167

    I went back 4 pages.

    Kittykat- Hope you found out you can get back on IV chemo and get to zapping those brain mets.

    Tanya- How is your DH with Covid? And have you got it yet?

    I am just doing the same old same old here. Still not getting out much. Illnesses are going around like crazy here. Covid in High category again. But really how do we know the true numbers with so many doing home testing anymore. Flu cases are spiking. My sister works at an elementary school in the area and she said 40 kids and staff were out the other day with illness. My texting buddy I have mentioned on here got Covid. He was put on Paxlovid and did ok. A couple in my church got Covid, and the husband had a heart attack during it. They are in their 70's. I just stay in my house and read, watch TV, and be with my cat. Lonely, but I don't want to take the risk of getting out around people.

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723

    Lynne, I'm so glad you're back home. Hopefully you can get the rest you need, and your counts continue to improve.

    My DH still tested positive for COVID this morning, but he's feeling better. My head is still full of cotton fluff, but I'm not running much of a fever anymore.

    I'm scheduled to see my MO on Monday and get my quarterly Zometa infusion. CT scan showed some "groundglass nodular opacities" but it's probably related to COVID/pneumonia from my recent hospitalization.

    The nuc med scan shows "slightly more conspicuous metastatic disease" but no new bony mets.

    I'll take it.

    Love to all,


  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708

    LW422, we actually got them at a local shelter in west Texas (we moved here in May). Went looking at one bit to our surprise he had a run brother too, so we got both!

  • lw422
    lw422 Member Posts: 1,414

    They are just darling, Mae. I don't blame you for taking both of them! By the way, I think I saw you at Mays Clinic back in August...? I was sitting directly across from you in the waiting area and noticed your feet tatoos!! I didn't want you to think I was a creeper so I didn't say anything, haha. Plus, I got called back for my appointment just after you sat down.

    And if you weren't at Mays last August, there's another woman with feet tatoos at MDA!!

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,923

    Mae, I just love their big ears. Will they grow into them? I don't know much about them.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,449

    Had Herceptin yesterday, long wait but uneventful otherwise. Walked with cane too and from hospital, no balance issues. Little tired in morning but way home was fine. Only bit of annoyance was a man waiting next to me trying to convince me to start fasting and that sugar feeds cancer. I thanked him but told him this was my 8th year dealing with cancer counting up from 2015 to 2022. I was polite and he did not try to give unsolicited advice.

    I am doing laundry, baking up some more wash soda and am planning to go to the store to pick up some Christmas cards. I could order them but I have no need of 24 cards and then go up to get stamps. My cousin Dennis will be surprised to actually receive a card and my friend Debbie who moved to Quebec will get one too.

    I did get weighed yesterday, weight is still exactly the same even during lazy and bad eating periods. I will no longer focus specifically on weight loss and focus on keeping up mobility and energy level.

    I also got this really good over the shoulder crossbody bag that stays close to my body. It is still heavy but easier than my purse and when walking with a knapsack because I can flip it to centre of back.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,050

    Mara & Kitty. Thanks for asking about my family. It’s been a very tough time of things. Like I’m rolling down a huge hill out of control and the mound around me is growing with each tumble. Each day has become the next. Filled with cancer and fears we all know too much about. But I care about you all and I’ll say it again. This format stinks. It makes it so hard to address everyone you want to. Love to alll.

  • tanya_djamila
    tanya_djamila Member Posts: 1,535

    Good morning room

    50’s girl Lynn so happy to hear you are home.

    Mel good to read about your mom at least being home. Still praying for you and your family.

    Candy I did not get covid. My DH took the pills and is finished with the treatment. I may go and get my flu shot today.

    I was supposed to have endoscopy Tuesday but when I showed up to the hospital it was canceled. I still don’t know why but I had to change doctors bc I find this treatment of patients completely unacceptable. Now I have to start over with a new doctor next week. Hopefully it won’t take them too long to schedule me.

    It’s been a rough week emotionally with the sickness and covid scare and poor treatment at hospital but I managed to get in 2 nature walks to keep from crying my eyeballs out.

    Take care all


  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,050

    oh Tanya~ I’m sorry sweetheart, we know how those crying your eyes out days get you. I’m so sorry so many of us find ourselves there. When that happens. Picture a stone in your hand like this one. It’s support for us sisters one day at a time imageI

  • kittykat9876
    kittykat9876 Member Posts: 420

    Well, mixed news, the radiation oncologist said brain mets are stable so we are going to get another mri in March ut still no driving, in Australia you have to have 6 oaths of stable scans to drive so I have to wait 3 more months. The abscess isn't healing properly so I have to have it opened up and cleaned out again on Tuesday so chemo is on hold again until til the new year, this will be the7th time and the surgeon said it probably won't be the last because of how deep it is. Lynee I'm glad you're home now you need to rest and recover, Tanya, sry you had to go through that I hope your new doctor is more on the ball, take care. I hope everyone else in Mel's living room is doing as well as you can.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708

    lw422, I was at MDA August 8-9, if you see me again feel free to say hi 🙂

    Wren, the boys will be a year old in February, so I think they’re as grown as they’ll get and I love the big ears too.

    Kitty, I’m sorry you can’t drive yet, I can’t imagine how difficult that must be, especially if there aren’t many other options to get around.

    Kikomoon, how are you? Haven’t seen you lately, unless I missed some posts.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,449

    Kitty, I am sorry to hear you have to get the abcess cleaned out again after so many times. I wish they could just leave something in there that would treat the abcess from the inside. In your pocket, glad brain mets are stable for you though.

    Tanya, sometimes those nature walks are just what we need when feeling down.

    I am tired today so not doing much except money making like surveys games etc. Was prepared to jump all over property manager for water being shut off without warning. I went out in hall to see if workers were here but no one is. Was about to email when suddenly an email from them came in saying the water was shut off by city, hopefully not for too long. If is not brought back, will have to order some for delivery. May also order more water bottles to keep for emergencies.

  • emac877
    emac877 Member Posts: 688

    So glad to hear that Lynne is out of the hospital! I have also been thinking of you Mel, and Kitty Kat. Tanya, I am sorry to hear of all your struggles also. I'm waiting to get scheduled for an endoscopy too and the process is taking forever. They had to have all my insurance and new patient paperwork before they will even schedule me.

    I have picked up several shifts this month trying to save a little extra and am regretting that. It's really been pushing me physically to my limit. I have been struggling with frequent GI upset and increased pain in my back. I have my quarterly Chest/Abd/pelvis CT on Monday with labs though so we'll see. I really don't expect to find anything new but the question is always in the back of our minds, you know? Other than that not a lot going on. I am very grateful for online shopping this year. We are being conservative which has also been good. I have some wrapping to get done today and then I'm headed to my folks house to help them with their tree. I think this year I'm getting the most joy out of playing Christmas music and seeing everyone's lights go up in the neighborhoods. I know we all have a lot going on right now and just wanted to reach out and say hello. Thinking of all of you.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,449

    My family decided that we are not giving gifts this year. We all have enough things of our own and I can manage cheap grocery shopping with nutritious food, using surveys and some raises in the disability amount paid, I do well. I will get Christmas cards for people but I am relieved we don't have to worry about spending too much. My brother and SIL will go out for dinner sometime before Christmas and I chose to spend it alone with the blessing of older DB and SIL. They know it is not so much depression as just no real desire to celebrate Christmas and don't want to handle their stairs when I am just building balance again. I may do a movie night type thing if I can order a movie and make up some movie popcorn or buy the movie theater kind of popcorn.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,050

    Mara~ whatever makes you happy is what I would be doing. I happen to not mind being alone also. I hope that whatever you choose will bring you peace and happiness! That's what we need.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,449

    I am still leaning toward ordering some movie popcorn and finding something to watch.

    Not much going on today, waiting for some finger cots as the winter season of very minor cracks has started. Will probably walk up and get some Christmas cards. Beans will be featured in meals and I will go from there.

    In everyone's pocket and love to all.