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My Husband, My Life, My Love, My Family, My Cancer



  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723

    Just popping in to say good morning. I'm starting to feel better today with a little of my old energy back. Not much planned today. Just bloodwork before my MO and infusion appointments on Monday. Head is still filled with cotton fluff. Hoping the Sudafed will help.

  • booboo1
    booboo1 Member Posts: 1,196


    Sorry you had such a crappy experience recently with the Covid scare and the other issue with the hospital. It makes me really mad. You are treated like a number instead of a patient. I know everyone is overworked and understaffed, but they don't have to be so impersonable. I hope the rest of your week has been ok. I miss my Florida friend, and I hope you can start to enjoy the holiday season. Big hugs to you.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,449

    Tanya, I am in your pocket as well lending my support for the terrible treatment you received. The staff goes through a lot but they need to keep in mind that patients are having a hard time as well. Mutual understanding is necessary.

    I wound up doing stuff for money which is fine by me. Can all go toward bills or groceries.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708

    Popping in with a quick pic. DH has been feeding the deer (“his girls”) that hang out up here and they obviously love him.


  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,050

    That’s awesome !!!!

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,449

    Lucky deer.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,449

    Nice sunny day. It is chilly so I will wear a layer of fleece and hat on my way for Christmas cards and one chocolate bar. It's all I need currently. Breakfast is hash brown cooked in Breville, also put black beans in too. Wheat bran sprinkle and adding ketchup and a bit of mayo to bind. I am super hungry. Other than that surveys and other things to make money are about it along with laundry. Boring but decent day.

  • tanya_djamila
    tanya_djamila Member Posts: 1,535

    Good morning ladies

    Mae thanks for the deer. What an amazing sight. Your husband is kind.

    Mara stay warm. thanks for the support

    Booboo nice to hear from you. Hope all is well.

    Waving hello to emac, 50’s girl Mel, kikomoon, kitty, sunshine, Candy, Duthchiris,Goldens, and a whole lot of other names that have disappeared from my chemo mind.


  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,050

    Hi Tanya~Good to see you hon. I hope your family is doing better. DH ok? Chilly streak here today. Starting for like a week. Yuck! Highest day to be 41. Super yuck

    50'sgirl hope you're doing ok. Thinking about you. Goldens hoping you're doing good also.

    Gotta do Christmas cookies. Tree. Sigh. A lot of work. As I age, everything seems so much more difficult. Throw in being sick. I have no energy.

    Why can't Christmas be like the Olympics, every 2-4 years. ? I'd be ok with that.

  • booboo1
    booboo1 Member Posts: 1,196

    Aw, c’mon Mel. I’m going to have to throw my “Grinch” pillow at you if you don’t get into the Christmas spirit. Put on some holiday music and sing along (good or bad…doesn’t matter). Bake some Christmas cookies. Get your most cherished tree ornament out and remember your kids when they were little. That ought a do it. A great, big, fat HUG from me to you. Hug

  • livingivlife
    livingivlife Member Posts: 454

    Mae- great picture, soon the word will get out and the deer will be coming from far and wide!

    Booboo- I love your thinking! Christmas is of course what we make it and how we choose to celebrate it. Whether on our own or with family and friends. How is that beautiful puppy doing?

    Thinking of Tanya, Sunshine, Kittykat, Mel, 50s girl and all the wonderful people I have missed.

  • booboo1
    booboo1 Member Posts: 1,196


    Yup. Mel knows I’m kidding (I hope!). It is hard sometimes to get excited for holidays and other events in our lives when we’re dealing with so much. I’m an eternal optimist, and I hope that’s not too annoying. This is my favorite holiday, and I am so happy and excited that I get to enjoy it with my family this year.

    Sunshine, glad you are starting to feel better, although I hate that cotton fluff feeling.

    Mae, I’m still looking at the deer pics. So cool. I can’t believe how many there are.

    Mara, good for you buying and sending Christmas cards. I used to send a bunch out, but I lost track of people and addresses after moving from PA to FL and back. So many people (friends and family) have moved…

    Love to all.

  • molliefish
    molliefish Member Posts: 650

    I'm getting excited for the holidays for the first time in a long time.. my radiated boob is stinging and peeling and well..shit... I'm just pleased to be here... it's been a long time since Christmas meant anything .. well before cancer the first time in 2015 but I can't (clearly) change what will be so I will address what is and make what will be happy with my wee family ..of which all of you are xoxoxooxox ladies

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,449

    Mel, that's why I took Christmas and other holidays off. Just don't have the energy even to show up to dinner along with the stair issue at DB house. I prefer to keep the day to myself, send out Christmas cards and that is it, movie night at home most likely and not sure from there what will happen.

  • sondraf
    sondraf Member Posts: 1,679

    We are experiencing light snow and freezing fog here in London today - the newspapers are hilarious with their predictions of up to 'one inch!' causing havoc. Sidewalks can get slippery, no joke, but the fact they are panicking over sending out gritters is a total side eye from someone who lived in the upper Midwest. I do love the freezing fog though.

    Recovering very well from my non-cancer reduction surgery yesterday, already off painkillers though definitely have the opiate hangover. Will go for a little walk shortly to clear my head.

    Ive already mapped out our holiday menu and done the specialty online ingredient shopping (grass fed meat and fresh seafood) along with early baking and doughs into the freezer. Today I was thinking of making little info cards out of old christmas cards to go with the homemade treats to neighbors/cat sitter/friends, outlining what the treat is and what its made with in case of allergies. I spent last week on my ass - time to do something productive and creative!

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708

    Sondraf, good for you baking treats, I’m far too lazy and unskilled for that but I did give chocolates and starburst candy canes to the infusion nurses at my last treatment before the holidays.

    The deer feeding started with one, she soon brought others around. I hope my raven comes back after winter, we enjoy the local wildlife so much.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,449

    Sondra, glad you recovered, yes I have to giggle at the panic a dusting of snow gives too since we see regular snow here. Glad you got to bake as well.

    I am going to go to the store in between surveys and wee games for a few pennies. I want some small tortilla wraps to use for pizza, cook them up with cheese, beefless ground and whatever I want. I have been watching a youtube channel called Ardent Michelle and she features a lot of inexpensive meals, sometimes 20 meals for 25 dollars. Having a breakfast of ground pepperoni to get the piece used up, green olives, crunchy black beans and cheese and wheat bran. Prebaked the beans first, will add to frying pan with rest of them, probably use mayo to bind seasoned with steak seasoning.

    I decided to go ahead and order the Christmas Cards, most are not being mailed, just two of them. My cousin Dennis may be surprised to get one as he has been faithful in sending them and both Mom and I kept forgetting to send one back. I will remedy that. I also have my Mom's little book of dates so I will see if his birthday is listed in there.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,050

    we did manage to make cookies. Thanks to DH. He is the one who gets things done! So thankful for him.

  • livingivlife
    livingivlife Member Posts: 454

    Mara- I find that a lot of people don't send out Christmas cards anymore. I always do. Got mine out Friday. There was a couple going to relatives in England so I hope they get them in time.

    Mel- your DH is so helpful! Now you can check that off your list of things to do.

    Sondra- glad your surgery went well. We are supposed to get 20cm of snow on Tuesday. When you live in a country where a lot of snow isn't the norm then everything seems to be a gridlock.

    Kittykat - thinking of you wishing this abscess would soon be cleared up so you can once again begin your chemo.

  • karenfizedbo15
    karenfizedbo15 Member Posts: 719

    Reading along and understand the additional stress or indeed distraction that Christmas brings! Alongside scans, results and unexplained pains….so thinking of us all here. Plus those of us managing to just keep the hell going….

    Quick update - feeling pretty good on weekly Taxol, bald but hey…had a portacath fitted this week ( after a fight ended up going private with insurance). A far better experience to spending so much time rigging cannulas into crap veins. CT this week ( also private as NHS taking way too long). If OK will move to fortnightly IV and we’ll see how it goes.

    Sadly my DH has not been great for at least a year…significant muscle wasting and poor balance. Suspected Parkinson’s/ dementia ( MS and MND on radar too) and mega investigations which ruled out brain tumour and stroke but found low grade prostate cancer…at age 61. We’re waiting on a DAT scan which is taking forever.
    We really do not deserve this…

    A quiet festive period for us but we’ll enjoy it…tree up next week….it’s in a pot in the garden just now but it’s -5 here today, so far too cold

  • Kikomoon
    Kikomoon Member Posts: 358

    Illimae, I am here - thanks for asking about me! Just check in about every three days or so and have so much to read I can’t keep it all straight.

    Not doing too much around here. Not putting a tree up this year because we are leaving early next week Monday to Wednesday to DFW for Christmas with the in-laws and can’t leave the cats alone with a tree. Maybe I will put some indestructible decor out.

    I hope everyone is able to find some peace in this holiday season. Karen- thinking about you and DH. No you definitely don’t deserve this.

  • denny10
    denny10 Member Posts: 421

    karenfizedbo15, glad to hear Taxol appears to be working for you and you get to go fortnightly. I have private insurance [in UK] but have waited 6 weeks for a decision about my next treament, even private care does not guarantee immediate response, but much better than NHS at the moment. As if your own ill health isn't enough, I think it is harder to watch loved ones suffer, I hope your husband gets some help soon.

    To everyone else whether juggling family issues , overwhelming christmas preparations, pain or fatigue, sending you very best wishes.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,449

    I have to get the stamps today. Amazon is delivering so cards could arrive late morning, afternoon or evening but that is OK, no appointments this week. Only 2 of 8 cards are being mailed and one is within my province and the other goes to Quebec next door to me.

    I decided to try out a yucky smelling experiment. I took a whiskas perfect portions and can of turkey I feed my cats in between dry, put in the chopper and blended it up, they ate it really fast, will keep it in a container a couple of days and supplement the dental food they are getting with that. Their dental food was almost a 100 dollars so I am aiming to stretch and they eat small amounts at the same time to minimize any digestive issues as well. They did love it so am soaking the dishes now and wiped down counter and floor so it does not smell. They are fed every couple of hours in small amounts to avoid digestive issues for Tigger so at least half the meals will consist of the wet stuff. He had a slow feeding bowl and could not slow down even with that.

    For myself, since I forgot to pull anything out of the freezer I will need either a chicken dog boiled or else boil a sausage, chop it up and fry with olive oil. They taste of the sausage is fine but need some extra seasoning. Easy enough to do that. Have not tried one of my Johnson sausages yet.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708

    kikomoon, just a thought but could you cover the tree with a sheet while you’re gone? It might be enough to block access or at least remove the temptation.

    Wevee we got 3 days of high winds coming, followed by a week of highs in the 40’s, so no plans except hunkering down.

  • sondraf
    sondraf Member Posts: 1,679

    kikomoon - I love how you can't leave the cats unsupervised with a tree :) I mean, its certainly logical and smart but all cat owners know its the case even if you ARENT traveling from home :) Completely untrustworthy but so cute!

    KAREN - so glad to see you check in, Ive been thinking of you the last few days and wondering how you were doing. You must have had a lot more snow than us down south, and colder temps too. Im glad your current treatment is doing something, although that is a tough go with your husband. I hope you two can find some peace and enjoyment over the holiday period!

    Had MO yesterday and it was mayhem. I dont know if its the last meetings before the holidays or staff not getting in or what, but it seemed crazier than normal with a lot more demanding people than normal. The tension was pretty palpable from the treatment floor to the pharmacy to the consultation rooms.

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723

    Sondra, that's crazy. I also saw my MO yesterday and had my Zometa infusion. Waiting area seemed to be more busy than usual. but everything went smoothly. MO wants me to see a pulmonologist to evaluate the "groundglass opacity" in my lung, but other than that, nothing alarming.

    Crazy times, right?

  • sondraf
    sondraf Member Posts: 1,679

    Sunshine - Lot of ambient stress here - nursing staff are on strike next week, the weather impacted transport so techs/other support staff were delayed, there are strikes on train/bus/airports so all the patients traveling in from afar/other countries are impacted, and the whole place is stuffed to the gills (I know of several trying to transfer their care and they cant due to patient numbers).

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708

    Micmel, did you see this? We’ve got the most popular thread in 2022. This would be the first time in my 47 years to be associated with anything deemed “popular” lol


  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,449

    Mae, we are an awesome bunch I must say which includes all different ages, diagnoses and stages. We are also supportive to everyone, new and longtime poster as well.

    My day turned out lazy. Was one of those lets try this or that days for me. I do that a lot with my computers or devices but today was focused on cord management. Did up the mess of cords for my appliances I use on the daily, wiring and vacuum and used the zipties to hold everything together. Looks pretty good now.

    The property manager was in and next door, there has not been workers around for a while, going through the apartment. I asked if I could take a peek as someone curious about what was done. Moving the door allowed them to put the kitchen along one side facing the hall, bedroom still facing my place and an apartment size washer and dryer. I may have to make friends with the neighbour and see if they would let me use their machines for some pocket change to wash bigger sheets. Looks so nice but they do pay 600 a month more than me. There is also a decided lack of storage so if someone lives there, would be a good idea to have furniture that doubles as storage. Inspires me to look into skinnier furniture as well to offer more floor space with some floor to ceiling shelves or have someone build boxes above my doors to get everything off the floor, we will see. There is no rush for that.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,050

    Mae ~ I did see it! It was number one last year also!! I think that’s awesome. You wonderful ladies. Without you. It’s nothing. Love to all.