Ringworm drug for dogs (Fenbendazole) might also cure cancer



  • Santa: Please share what your MO thinks about doxycycline. I read that it should be taken daily with a minimum of 3 months, and the dose should be increased day by day, to create a "purpose resistance." I hope he is familiar with the use of that antibiotic against cancer. Hugs

  • snooky1954
    snooky1954 Posts: 850

    Ahhhh…….Frisky, now it's my turn to beg to differ. Can't make a blanket statement like there are no survivors. Because of one "big unknown".

    Folks in other countries who don't have access to the Medical treatment that U.S, Europe,, etc have and those from these countries that chose to do nothing at all. We know nothing about their survival because they are in no records.

    One very popular Alternative Prac. claims that you've set your course when you have that first biopsy at cancer diagnoses.. Because of seeding. That small breast tumor may well have stayed there and not grown at all until it was bothered broken into and the cells hit the blood stream.

    Second, our immune system. What say a person has a tumor than for whatever reason (something In their diet, etc etc changes) and their body recognizes "non self" and attacks the tumor. How would one know?

    There was a Danish report on the autopsy's from a ten yr period. THIRTY per cent had cancerous tumors in their bodies. They didn't know about them and happily lived their life stress free while the cancer lived and caused no systems.

    Too many things are unknown about cancer. The only sure thing, IMHO, is if your immune system was up to snuff it would have caught it.

    Well, I'm not a wordsmith like lots on these boards, but those are my thoughts.

  • Frisky
    Frisky Posts: 1,686

    Snooky my remarks were about stage four only and I also said: Now, can someone survive 20 years after being diagnosed stage 4? Of course, but the problem is that no one understands why that one person does, and millions don't. I'm not aware of what would be a possible logical or scientific explanation for such a case. If you have one, I would appreciate learning about it.

    Doctors will explain the lack of reliable and consistent results with: every cancer is different...and my answer is: so why are we all being treated in the same way? Usually that shuts them up for a while. Because my mo and all the nurses leave no room for any hope of survival whatsoever. not even a tiny light at the end of the tunnel.....so maybe it's just only my limited perspective on this...that's why Joe's protocol is so important to me

    However, I do totally agree with you about the lack of statistics regarding people that are not diagnosed and live a long life with cancer regardless of lack of treatments, or they spontaneously heal....My American mom Luigia was such a case, they removed a huge tumor from her ovaries, and told her the cancer in her lung was inoperable, she should put her affairs in order. she was in her fifthies at the time, I was 25 and into macrobiotics. I naively suggested she might benefit from the diet when I went to visit her at Mount Sinai. She did go on that diet for a year or two, and got to live to 94 with an inoperable cancer in her lung. All along she and her husband believed the macrobiotic diet saved her life. Was it the macrobiotic diet? Autosuggestion? The Japanese creators of the diet both died from cancer....was it the lack of toxic treatments? I don't know? Maybe the cancer was dormant. Yes I know survival is rare but possible....but seems to be more viable with alternative treatments, so Joe's protocol is what I'm counting on...my Doxil, your Taxol, the other medications the other people are on...can they work on their own? Maybe they do at times, and I hope you're one of lucky one.

    Ultimately, we are all in God's and in our case may FZ make all the difference...I hope so for all of us that are trying

  • Frisky
    Frisky Posts: 1,686

    so I have the weirdest experience to share with you all....

    You all know how fatigued and worn out cancer and cancer treatments make us feel...well, I was given a stack of papers to read following my Doxil infusion, but I've been procrastinating going through it because I already know how depressing all the warnings would make me feel.

    On the top page, however, I was able to read with the corner of my eyes, more than once, a recommendation to supplement with iron....but supplementing with iron when a person has cancer is controversial.

    Anyway, half hour ago, I decided to pop one of the iron pills medication my primary physician had prescribed more than two years ago...I figured that my upcoming blood work would guide me regarding the quantities.

    Well...I got up a few times to go to the bathroom, the first time to brush my teeth, the second time to pluck one of those hard whiskers coming out of my chin...and I soon realized that like Dracula after feeding on some innocent victim, I felt suddenly strong and normal...like I don't have cancer anymore...

    Of course I've called all my friends that were surprised and dumbfounded at the same time, since they have no idea what cancer feels like, and then I realized how important it was to share this little bit of an unexpected event with you all....because you would understand.

    I don't know how long this will last, but OMG! It's so fkng amazing to feel normal again....

  • nicolerod
    nicolerod Posts: 2,877

    Awesome Frisky!!! Glad you got a boost of energy. I only hope you don't get consitpated easily (like me) Iron can do that...so if you do take some Magnesium Oxide (not citrate) the Oxide will make ya go :)

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Posts: 6,835

    Nicole, thank you for the advice on the fem dophilus. This is the first UTI I have had, but will keep it in my back pocket.

    Going to jump in at current, since y'all are still being chatty Kathy's.

    Y, I see you changed your avatar, and you are still as beautiful as the other one and you DO NOT look like her mother!

    Frisky, I did not know that Z and Romansmom did not do traditional treatment or just did very little of it. . But you are right about how treatment does good for one and not for another. May the iron pills continue to work for you, you even sound different here, just in type! Woo hoo, happy dance for you. I know how it feels to finally feel normal.

    Santa, I think doing FZ to keep cancer from returning is a good thing. I was stage ll from 2008 - 2014, and then BOOM, it came back.

    As for "feeling normal", I think I may be there today, or at least clost to it. I only had a fever yesterday morning, the rest of the day was fine, but I didn't have much energy. I had quit the FZ AGAIN, as I had started back on it and the following day started with the fever. Coincedence? I hope so. I will start back on again, if not today soon. This has got to stop.

  • bsandra
    bsandra Posts: 1,050

    Dear Frisky, thanks for your answer (my name means "Sun-he" if to translate from Lithuanian into English). I am 100% for taking additional things and was surprised when read Mr. Tippens' blog, because we have been heavily using turmeric and CBD/CBDA already, and have been doing really quite well. In addition we do DC/CIK vaccine which, I am sure, helps too, not to say about other many supplements that we use, after gathering as much information as we could from all scientific articles, as well as from this blog. I am not saying we will be cured but I do believe in cure at stage IV. My PhD brain lets me understand a lot of information, and as stage IV is not equal to stage IV, we treat different diseases, so different drug cock-tails are needed. There was one day when I got struck by "thought lightning" and understood that "wait a minute, cancer is not a disease, it is simply something very different because it is our own cells". We all know this fact but we do not understand it deeply. We die not because there's no cure, we die because there's not enough time to find one for ourselves. And on top of that we are daily threatened that if we try this, we can harm ourselves, and if we do chemo, it will do its job. Not true. But in the end I believe in synergy of these methods. Therefore I am never against doctors or will to try FenBen. For example, maybe one day we will add it to "our cocktail" because this is anyway the only thing missing from that protocol and we have been doing really well compared to where we have been. I hope everyone who tries FenBen protocol gets good results because there's much reason for that. Maybe not for BC but for other cancers? If so, if even one person can be saved, it is fantastic. And medical system has to be reformed. No question. Dear Frisky and others, please tell us your scan or other results when you have them. I'll be praying they come back jaw-dropping!

  • snooky1954
    snooky1954 Posts: 850

    Frisky, I am so sorry that I was snarky with you. Nothing worse than being in a discussion and discover that you really don't have enough facts to know what you're talking about. I have a hard time accepting that a cancer patient does this TX and then another and another and in the end it's all for nothing. I do understand (now) what you mean by stage 4 is a different ballgame. I was diagnose just two years ago at the end of this month and I'm sure I'm very much still in denial. I will try to think before I type. lol

    Great news about the iron helping you so much. I had an unusually good day yesterday too, I spent hours on my feet cleaning and felt good doing it. No Fatigue. No idea where that came from cause I should be on chemo crash day. FenBen? Hope so, I started wk 12 yesterday.

    Goldie, I pray that they find out what is going on with you soon. I know it's miserable to be sick day after day.

    A question, in the next couple of weeks I'll go on a different treatment. I had wanted to ask for Zeloda but with all the recent talk about it's connection with liver mets, I'm not so sure. If I get on Zeloda will being out in the sunshine be a nightmare like it is on Taxol? On this chemo, I can only stay out in sun for about ten minutes and then profuse sweating...I get all the signs of a heat stroke. Staying in my ac duplex is driving me nuts. I'm an outside person and want/need to take care of my small veggie garden.

    Basically I just signed on to apologize for being arguementative.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Posts: 6,835

    Snooky, I don't think you "meant" to be snarky or argumentative. We all have a difference of opinion, and I think we can learn from that. As for Xeloda, I have been on it for 4 years. For the gals with liver mets, some it has helped right away and some it has not. Sometimes I don't think they give it enough time. In the beginning it was rough, but as time rolled on, it became much more tolerable. Currently I deal with watery eyes and drippy nose, but not constantly. HFS syndrome and my eyes are super sensitive to the sun. A lot of oncs start out with high doses, I would suggest starting low and then increasing if you feel you can handle it. I do 5 pills a day, 2 am, 3 pm, each are 500 mg. 14 days on, 7 off. Some do 7/7.

  • Frisky
    Frisky Posts: 1,686

    Snooky, I agree with Goldie, you must be yourself with me and everyone else...that's how we can really support each other...I despise mindless cheerleading and tacit agreements, as we don't learn anything useful when our assumptions are not challenged.

    Xeloda needs to be tested for compatibility, BEFORE, going on it. Something that is recommended by the manufacturer but never conducted by our doctors. It's processed by the liver, and known to wreak damage there when people are not compatible. When it works, as in the case of Goldie and Danny, it's great! They have been benefitting for YEARS, and the SE are manageable if you're not taking toomuch. From my observations, there's no correlation whatsoever between amount and results. Too much of it will make your life miserable with h&f and fatigue.

    Just ask to be tested. It's an easy chemotherapy to be on when it works.

    BSandra, I totally agree that cancer is a part of our organism that is out of balance with the rest, and that what we need is a metabolic rebalancing. The genetic mutations follow the development of cancer, and at times can be the cause when strong negative—cancerogens—environmental factors are present. Maybe there’s a simple logic to fasting for weeks on end, as some oncologist propose, maybe our food sources and bodies are so contaminated that nothing less than NOT EATING, will do!

  • Frisky
    Frisky Posts: 1,686

    Goldie, your fever following the intake of FZ is disconcerting...maybe, it would be wise to get completely well before continuing...something is going on that none of us are aware of or can explain...sorry you're experiencing this..

    I don't know about Romasna, she left this reality before I joined, but in my humble opinion, no one was more proactive with traditional therapies than our beloved Zarovka. RIP.

    She went twice to a major hospital all the way to Japan, to get treated by a famous oncologist with Cart-T immunotherapy, still not available here. She went to the Mayo Clinic to deal with her brain met and was doing Abraxane when she passed away. In addition she was fasting days before and after chemo in order to increase its potency....she was NOT doing anything unconventional, other than taking the type of supplements we all take to deal with the SE of those treatments.

    Without my magnesium, omega 3, B complex, NAC, etc etc I wouldn't be writing this...I would probably be too depressed to care..

  • Cascadians
    Cascadians Posts: 72

    I've taken FenBen 3 times now and each time I get a little flushed with a slightly higher temperature. It definitely does affect me. I don't like it but will continue. Along with a lot of other anti-cancer substances.

  • Frisky
    Frisky Posts: 1,686

    cascadians...is fever mentioned by other patients on this therapy that are part of Joe's Facebook group?

  • Cascadians
    Cascadians Posts: 72

    I haven't seen fever mentioned specifically but haven't read extensively yet -- that group has a huge number of threads and posts.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Posts: 6,835

    I agree Frisky, taking a break. I had taken about 6 or so doses (seems like more) prior to getting sick and it never affected me. So strange. Fever today is 99.5, not bad, but something is still going on. That is what it was yesterday, higher the day before. My memory is MUSH since being sick. I have left things on the stove, after I was done cooking, but didn't turn the dern stove off!!!!

  • Frisky
    Frisky Posts: 1,686

    Goldie, do you know anything about Lugol's solution? It's an iodine and iodide combo liquid solution. It's used in small quantities, a few drops of 2% in a glass of water to stimulate the thyroid which, of course, stimulates the immune system, and many other functions including mental clarity. It's something I use from time to time when I need a mental boost....but don't take it at night...only in the morning.

    You need to look it up and learn all about it, if you're unfamiliar.

  • I confess that I am sad to hear somebody saying : she/he died because (she/he) abandoned chemotherapy", or "she/he taked her/his own route" etc. None of us know how or when are we going to die, because we are not just a body, we are not machines, and our lives are in God hands. Recently I read in a thread about someone in terminal stage who completely cured himself by making a diet based on grapes ... Well, this person died 2 month later in a car accident or something like that. FRISKY's mother lived for many many years with cancer, without receiving chemotherapy ... On the other hand many people do it well for a long time with conventional chemo. But if we all are in this thread is because we have almost a doubt about chemo long-term effectiveness. So I think all that brave woman died because it was they time, and they probably would have died earlier or they would have suffered more if they had only tried chemotherapy. Who can know? It is so annoying to end up being always crushed (I include myself) for the terrorism of the pharmaceutical industry

  • JFL
    JFL Posts: 1,373

    Yndorian, you look great in your new profile pic!

  • JFL: Thank you, you are very sweet. Now I use hair bands all the time because my hair is growing very crazy and it seems a good idea to cover it as much as possible! LOL

  • snooky1954
    snooky1954 Posts: 850

    Frisky thanks for telling me about the compatibility test for xeloda, what? is it a blood test? Totally agree about the iodine, it's anit-cancer to boot. I did take it daily for a year. Also, since most use sea salt now instead of the iodine enriched salt you may actually be low on iodine

    Goldie on Joes FB page today, they are discussing liver issues with FenBen. They mention Pain under ribs, stomach issues, extreme tiredness. High liver enzymes. They have no solutions though and a couple of the posters have liver mets so they are thinking maybe it's that. This is not a lot of people, just about 4 so far. Their only advise is detoxing.

    Been coming off steroids last couple of days, I'm depressed, chemo brain etc. So if I seem a bit "wishy washy" lately lets just contribute my postings to that....or to the intense 110 heat index for last few days.....and I've been stuck in my home.


  • Frisky
    Frisky Posts: 1,686

    Snooky, I've been cooped up as well, because of the heat, and I'm starting to go crazy....

    this is what I've found regarding the capecitabine compatibility test.

    Fluorouracil has been associated with contact dermatitis as well as acute, anaphylactic reactions. Since capecitbaine is converted into 5-fluorouraci, peak 5-FU is within 2 hours of administration, the reaction to capecitabine is likely due to metabolic products or the 5-FU. The time course of the reaction might be helpful as one might expect the angioedema and respiratory distress to have an onset of several hours if related to the metabolism of the capecitabine.
    The Eppinger and Sperber reference describes IgE prick skin testing with 5-fluorouracil (0.001- 1.0 mg/ml) and an IV desensitization regimen beginning with 0.001mg/ml and increasing to therapeutic dose within 4 hours (page 190, Table I). I would suggest a similar regimen before attempting to administer the capecitabine orally.

    Unfortunately, all of us end up developing some sort of liver problems....look at the amount of medications our hearts, livers and kidneys have to deal with every day, years in and out....

    Sonia, you look amazing!

  • Thank you Frisky, and also Goldie who said me that before and I overlooked it. A little visual "update".I'm just want to say that yesterday I was snooping in a thread of cancer from another page. They were talking about fenben (months ago. One person said that, although he is very skeptical, he personally knew two people with terminal cancer who had been completely cured using fenben. Another person said that he lives in Oklahoma, where Joe is from, and that he is helping many people with his protocol. And there were more comments like that. I find it interesting because it is a thread that is not related to Joe's page or facebook. Little pills of hope. Love you

  • snooky1954
    snooky1954 Posts: 850

    Sonia. Thank you for passing along that info. If you have Hope you have everything. Bless YOu

  • Frisky
    Frisky Posts: 1,686

    Sonia and Snooky...have you noticed many success stories with joe's protocol related to MBC or are they rare? I'm wondering now what she can expect based on other people's experiences with MBC

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Posts: 6,835

    Hi ladies. Again, just going to jump in to current, instead of going back and replying to everyone. Feeling better, but still feeling hestant. I've felt good before and relapsed. It's only been a few days, need a week or more before I can say I think I'm better. This is just rediculous. I have not had a fever in a couple days either, not even low grade ones. I'm so sick of conflicting information. Current complaint is on the Milk Thistle. I bought like 6 bottles of it, now someone on the Xeloda is saying "I have always read that Milk Thistle can negate the effects of chemo." It just gets frustrating. Do this, no don't do this, do that, don't do that.

    Frisky, The times I have gone to Joe's FB page, I have not seen a lot of stories having to do with MBC, but seems to be more chinming in. I have even gone the "search" looking for BC stories. I also looked for information regarding fevers in the search, not much on that either. Because the Xeloda pills are also referred as FU-5, I call them my FU pills!!!!

    Snooky, I hope you are feeling better today. Depression, wishy washy is no fun. Do you live alone? Pull yourself out of that rabbit hole girl. I know it's easier said than done. Huggles to you from me.

  • snooky1954
    snooky1954 Posts: 850

    Goldie.....this is a link to several studies about milk thistle and chemo type drugs.


    Also, thanks for the pep talk. I'm doing exactly that! (yes live alone) Reached out to my kids today and told them to be here for a nice Sun. dinner! They said yes, now all I have to do is get my tired old body moving... I know POSITIVE thoughts. I'll be fine.

  • Frisky
    Frisky Posts: 1,686

    Goldie you didn't see negative stories as well, I'm assuming...

    In a way, we shouldn't be surprised there's been a small response so far. The question is why...

    Based on the tiny response from MBC women on this site alone, I tend to believe that it could be people's natural reluctance and inability to think and decide for themselves. Too good to be true, type of skepticism. Fears of being taken advantage of.And of course, just good old-fashion ignorance and lack of information.

    Maybe, more are silently watching and waiting on the sidelines for positive results before joining.

    Lastly, maybe we are just unfortunate, and MBC is one of those cancers immune to FZ....

    we'll see....

  • Frisky, I haven't found success stories of mbc and I tend to think that it is because mbc has many treatment options (many more at least than most of the other cancers) and possibly women do not want to leave their "safe" zone. All the cases I have read were about terminal cancers, and the fenben was "a leap of faith" as described by Joe himself.

    I don't see the reason why fenben should not work in bc. Many of the successful studies have been made with breast cancer cells in mice and have proven their effectiveness.

    Joe Tippens has said he regrets that many people wait to try until it is too late because their bodies are too damaged. I do not intend to let that happen to me

  • Frisky
    Frisky Posts: 1,686

    you're very wise Sonia. The problem as I see it for young women like yourself where traditional treatments are curative, is that you would still have to take tamoxifen or some other hormonal for the next ten years. So in a way it's never over, while if this works....it becomes just a non toxic and inexpensive TX

  • nicolerod
    nicolerod Posts: 2,877

    Goldie, omgosh I totally relate to the Do this..no don't do that..you can take this, no you can't take that.!!! I was saying the same thing last week..I think in the Ibrance thread I said something similar. It is so frustrating...I have read that THC is great for cancer..then I read it can interfere with hormone therapy drugs. I read that cur curcumin was great..then I read that, that also can interfere with hormone therapy.... the list goes on and on!!!

    It really is frustrating...once you find something that seems good..then there are things saying its bad...