Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • trmtab
    trmtab Posts: 911

    LOVE all the shell creatures, improved and as originally presented. Agree with Ruth, these could sell at a gift shop in Duck, NC or similar.

    very much "enjoyed" Oppenheimer…very well done, very serious…a sold out IMAX theatre in DC for the 2:30 show that we saw and the other two shows later today!

    Be safe everyone in these dangerous weather conditions, TT

  • homemom
    homemom Posts: 849

    What would those of you who are battling osteopenia do for lower back bone building exercises. I have been walking 1-4 miles 2-4 days a week. I've been told a stair master, elliptical machine, walking and dancing. Any other ideas? I thought I'd do lunges holding weights.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Posts: 48,092
    edited July 2023

    Anything that 'pounds' your bones; walking, running, dancing etc. I don't believe swimming & biking don't 'count' for that since you aren't making contact with the ground (which would make me question the elliptical). Yes, weights build bones. Everyone should be doing a little work with light weights. I would think things like planks, downward dogs, pushups etc. would build bones in your arms because you are putting pressure on them.

    I went to a fun wedding shower today. The daughter of a friend is marrying the son of another friend. Both the bride and groom are farmers!! It's a nice day here so I took a 45 minute walk when I got home.

    I especially love your sun and the last turtle, wonderland!

  • wonderland
    wonderland Posts: 2,961

    homemom: I don't have osteopenia but I agree with Ruth that weight bearing exercises such as those that Ruth listed are good for you.

    Ruth: 2 months until your son's wedding! You haven't mentioned a shower but the one you went to yesterday must have been very fun.

    Short walk yesterday before going over to dd's house for supper. Longer walk today.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Posts: 48,092

    DS fiance's mom & sister are trying to find a date for a shower & whenever they think they have a possible one, someone who 'has' to be there has a conflict. If the date they are talking about now is the one picked, the essential person who has a conflict will be me! I need to call her mom again tonight. Argh!

    I went to yoga last night, will go to Dance2fit this morning & maybe Pound tonight.

  • homemom
    homemom Posts: 849

    I belong to the Y so I'm going every morning and getting on the elliptical machine. I will add more equipment as I go, but for now I put some together for at home. I do lunges holding 2lb weights (that will increase too) 10x 2ea and have put together some weight lifting with the same repetitions. I'll be building on that, but that is my start.

    I have 18 months more on AI's which are wreaking havoc on my lower spine, so hopefully this keeps me from graduating to osteoporosis.

  • wonderland
    wonderland Posts: 2,961

    homemom: Sounds like a good plan. Wishing you the best that osteoporosis is avoided.

    Ruth: Hopefully a date will open up that's available for everyone.

    Walked early this evening.

    Karen: Thinking of you!!!

  • wonderland
    wonderland Posts: 2,961

    Push mowed for 50 minutes. Dh mowed 45 minutes and then the mower started to act up. Dh is cleaning the filter and hope to be able to finish tomorrow.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Posts: 48,092

    Pound this morning, Yoga tonight. DS, fiance, and two of their friends took off to go to a concert in Minneapolis while we volunteered to babysit their dogs (which between the four of them is 5 dogs, plus Bruno). Yikes, we must be nuts……..anyway, we will have a busy couple of days!

  • wonderland
    wonderland Posts: 2,961

    Have fun with all the dogs, Ruth!

    Pushed mowed 50 minutes. Did 1 hour of yard work by trimming my neighbor's overgrown area that gets in our yard. It's a messy area that's full of vines, weeds, unidentifiable trees/bushes. The vines grow everywhere all over everything and I have to keep them cut back bc they grow into our trees. My neighbor is elderly and there's no way he can clear it out by himself. It's all dh and I can do to keep it trimmed and off our yard.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Posts: 48,092

    The Wednesday Walking Women……..

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Posts: 48,092

    The Dog Hotel & Spa

  • ginger48
    ginger48 Posts: 1,437

    Beautiful artwork, Wonderland. So creative!

    I have been going to the Y daily and sometimes twice a day if two classes that really interest me are on the same day. I have been swimming and going to water fitness, Zumba and yoga. Doing some extra stretching at home. I have cleaned up my eating the past two weeks and am feeling stronger each day. So thankful I had those implants removed!

    Sending love and prayers to Karen. I hope she’s doing ok.

  • ginger48
    ginger48 Posts: 1,437

    homesmom- definitely need to do weight bearing exercise. Walking, dancing, running. I took AI for 7 years and I did develop osteoporosis.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Posts: 48,092

    Ginger, so glad you are making a good recovery and are happy with your surgery!

    Karen, thinking of you always.

    I went to Pound this morning. Between my & DS's house (where I promised to water their garden & flowers), I did 3 hours of yard work in the hot, humid sun. I am off to Dance2fit in a few minutes. The puppies have alternatively played outside & napped. They are more settled down than yesterday, and it's too hot to be too rambunctious!

  • homemom
    homemom Posts: 849

    Just finished our 1 mile walk (hubby had back surgery end of March) and about to do my at home exercise routine with lunges and weights.

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Posts: 9,899

    Had a couple of errands to do and they were within walking distance

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Posts: 48,092
    edited August 2023

    Pound this morning. More yard work & puppy activities. Their masters come home tonight. They have been fun but super-busy! I gave them cooking lessons last night! 😄

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Posts: 48,092

    DH, Bruno & I went on a long walk in the rain (which we were very happy about as we really need some moisture).

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Posts: 48,092
  • trmtab
    trmtab Posts: 911

    Love the picture of the Dog Spa, but the one with all of them around you in the kitchen is a little overwhelming for the former newspaper carrier in me who is sort of dog adverse…yikes, there are too many! But you are clearly the Alpha!

    Today is my birthday, 62! I feel blessed to be my age and still have my mother…at the same time I fell my life went into hibernation at 58…March 2020 on travel before the COVID shutdowns and now still in isolation for the most part to keep my mom healthy…getting a little depressing actually…need to work on that.

    Hope folks got to see the full moon this week, it was LARGE and beautiful!

    Walked to our downtown for dinner tonight, will send some pictures of Mom and me and sister and food porn when on another device tomorrow/Monday.

    Happy Birthday Me!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Posts: 48,092

    Happy Birthday, TT! Yes, you are very lucky to have your mom. Mine has been gone for 20 years & I still miss her every single day. Definitely send some food porn pictures! Think of and DO some fun things for yourself. You are a better caregiver when you have other outlets of things you do for YOU.

    I am only Alpha to the dogs when there is food involved & there is a possibility that something could drop on the floor, or maybe I will let them lick out a bowl. Ha!

    My yoga class for today has been canceled so I will do some sort of toning DVD & maybe go out for a dog walk.

  • wonderland
    wonderland Posts: 2,961

    TT: Happy Belated Birthday! How fantastic that you still have your mom. She is also lucky to have you. Please post your food porn pictures!

    Homemom: Glad your dh is able to get out and walk after he has had his back surgery.

    m0mmy: Great to hear from you again!

    Ruth: Did you ever think that one day you would become the Alpha Dog? Great picture.

    I met a friend on Friday for a walk. Didn't walk yesterday or today. Our garden has been nicely productive this year and I have been busy pickling cucumbers and making/freezing tomato sauce for future use. Made/froze a lasagna with our tomatoes to enjoy in cooler weather.

  • homemom
    homemom Posts: 849

    Hubby tested positive for COVID yesterday morning, so our walking is on pause and I can't go to the gym. I tested negative, but I am going to test my self again once he feels better to make sure he didn't hand it off.

    I did my weight bearing lunges and weights for my arms.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Posts: 48,092

    Shoot, homemom! Hope your husband has a mild case & that you don't get it! Our neighbors just got home from an Alaskan cruise; her with a bad cold & he with Covid. Not very fun souvenirs!

    I went to Dance2fit this morning & will go back for Pound tonight.

  • homemom
    homemom Posts: 849
    edited August 2023

    Well, I didn't sleep last night because my throat and sinuses are acting up. I might have it. So mad at him right now, he never washed his hands when he went into the kitchen, so he touched everything. He'd take his mask off when I was out with the dog, probably to cough. He wouldn't sequester to the bedroom "feeling better"! Ugh.

    I'll still do my lunges and weights. 👀

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Posts: 48,092


  • wonderland
    wonderland Posts: 2,961

    Oh no homemom! I hope you don't have Covid but it does sound very plausible that you do. Take care of yourself!

    I didn't exercise yesterday. A bad storm ripped through in the late afternoon that was fierce but only lasted for a short time, thank goodness. You could feel it in the air all day long that something bad was coming.

    Went to my True Crime Club meeting that our library sponsors. Spent the rest of the afternoon cooking. Loving all the fresh garden food.

    I really need to walk and hope to do it tomorrow between 2 different zoom meetings. The high temperatures, humidity, and dew points zap the energy out of me and I have to really talk myself into walking!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Posts: 48,092

    What is a True Crime Club? It sounds fascinating! I couldn't live where it was humid very often, just a couple days of it last week about did me in.

    I went out to lunch with some friends, cleaned the house,went to Zumba & Yoga. We had a substitute for yoga who is a wonderful teacher. She travels a lot for work so only subs; and we love it when she does!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Posts: 48,092

    The Wednesday Walking Women


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