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So...whats for dinner?



  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited May 22

    m0mmy, when I had 3 wisdom teeth pulled back in the day I "ate" soft-scrambled eggs, Taco Bell refried beans topped with cheddar, and chocolate milkshakes made with a raw egg & Tiger's Milk protein powder. I healed so fast I got a dry socket, but the pain and jaw swelling eased very quickly. (This was back in the day before NSAIDs like ibuprofen & naproxen—I took a Tylenol #3, which also knocked out the pain).

    We'll probably go out tonight, as it'll be clear and in the 60s. Maybe sashimi or sushi & goma-e or sunomono as the veg. Brunch will be (after I finish my coffee) a "Legendary" high-protein (20gm) low-carb high-fiber (9gm) cinnamon bun.

    Here on the "third coast" we're very lucky to have access to fresh seafood, courtesy of Whole Foods, Burhop's or (the insanely pricey) Dirk's Fish. But the real game-changer has been Hooked on Fish, which opened in mid-2021. You can either subscribe or pay-as-you-go (I chose the latter, because sometimes I don't like the weekly selection or need to plow through my freezer). It's a bit cheaper than the aforementioned sources, and impeccably fresh. They also have some housemade & frozen options, as well as tinned Spanish seafoods (tuna, sardines, octopus, cockles, razor clams, etc.), beans, pastas, sometimes local pasture-raised eggs. They finally got their own storefront in early 2023. Fresh selections are announced on the weekend, and you choose your pickup (or delivery) day.

  • maggie15
    maggie15 Member Posts: 1,297

    m0mmy, I’m glad your jaw pain is better. Your hubby will appreciate a good birthday dinner. I’m sure you’ll be happy to have the paper finished.

    My scan today was cancelled since something happened to the contrast on its way from NYC. They’ll try again on the 30th. My drive to Boston is 3 to 4 hours so I’m not thrilled. At least my appointment yesterday happened.

    Dinner tonight was haddock in an artichoke tomato sauce from the hospital cafe. It was definitely fresh and quite tasty.

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,727

    Yeah, but then I have to do a PowerPoint presentation on the novel as well. A bit overkill if you ask me. Hubby wasn’t able to get the book for me today, but he said I am going to get it so I can finish the work on my paper. Once I get it done, I’m going to have a dear friend give it a good run through and make any changes that she suggests. I have done it with every paper I have written since I started last year.

    Thinking I’ll make a pork tenderloin for hubby’s birthday dinner.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408

    Walked to Regalia tonight. Shared a Mediterranean salad. Bob had fettucine "mare e mare" (mussels, clams, calamari, shrimp). I had the appetizer special: lobster ravioli with asparagus in vodka sauce. It was the size of an entree and I couldn't finish half of it. We both brought home leftovers. So tomorrow night's dinner will be our respective leftovers supplemented by a tomato & basil salad (maybe Caprese if I feel like adding mozzarella) and sauteed broccolini. Dessert (in a few minutes) will be a fresh fig.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,301

    Oh Wally - 40's & 50's??? Be still my heart.

    Thanks to those of you who caught our problems with tornadoes & straight line 110mph winds. Yes, I was right in their path. No damage to my house, but… I lost power last Thursday on 5/16 & power just came on at 4:30 pm today - 6-1/2 days. Luckily my ex-DH was bringing up ice every other day for my Igloo coolers and he took my frozen meat & fish across town to his chest freezer. But last night was 86 in the house - after 83 the night before. Needless to say, sleeping was VERY difficult. Thank heavens - I don't know how I would have managed another night with these temperatures & humidity at 96%.

    It certainly coerced me to clean out my freezers & fridge - which I hadn't planned to do until closer to hurricane season. Lots to throw away, including the delicious frozen hatch chili scones I've been hoarding.

    Had a short note from Lacey and she promised an update next week. But I'm 7 days behind with no internet access, so… I'll report when I hear. Nance?? Special K???

    Petite - can't remember if you post on this thread, but sorry about the blepharitis. My cataract surgeries were several years ago but I'm having a virulent attack of the same. Doesn't help with the pollen counts so high & I had no choice but to leave all the windows open for the last 6-12 days. Is a breeze at 88 degrees cooling??? Hell yes.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,130

    Minus, so glad your power is back on. Life without power in TX and LA is not bearable.

    We arrived at Pine Hollow on Tuesday about 1 pm. The last hours of the drive it was raining and continued to rain. Not a downpour, fortunately. We got the electricity turned on, flushed the water pipes and got the water going and brought in just what we needed for the night.

    Yesterday we brought in the clothes and pantry items and odds and ends. I went to town with a list for Walmart, wearing a sweatshirt and cropped pants, thanks to cool temperatures in the 50's. Dinner last night was chili and tossed salad.

    I don't transition as quickly as dh does so it will take me a few days to adapt to drastic downsizing. Our 38 foot 5th wheel camper has three slides and is roomy for a camper but it still isn't our house and lacks a dishwasher and washer and dryer. Meals will be basic.

    Once it warms up we will be sitting out on the deck. I just hope it doesn't warm up to a/c temperatures.

    I don't mind doing laundry. I find it an easy task, especially at home with rack space in the laundry room for hanging clothes. I think about hiring a housecleaner but have lowered my standards for a spic and span house. I think of cleaning chores as a version of exercise. DH is fond of some clutter and he would be miserable if I enforced a stricter level of order and cleanliness. We seldom have company and dinner guests are mainly a thing of the past. Meals with other people take place in restaurants.

  • eric95us
    eric95us Member Posts: 3,133

    We're at DD's house and had to go to a hotel because of Sharon's allergies to cats. DD has two cats….

    I have no idea how people managed in Louisiana and SE Texas before air conditioning…. Glad the power is back on and that you had ice chests and still working freezers at exDH's house.

    We're heading to Kentucky on Sunday to see my youngest and only remaining cousin (born in 1934)…and then on to Nashville to a place called the Station Inn for a musical treat.

  • wallycat
    wallycat Member Posts: 1,400

    Minus, good to hear you are safe and have your power back. Carole, good to hear you made the trip and are settling in.

    Anyone with health issues, hope you feel better and have no pain.

    I'm planning some kind of Indian curry to use up the last of my cauliflower.

    Our grass is growing like a weed, so my exercise will be mowing. I'm with you, Carole, on house cleaning. My standards have never been high but they are even lower now. Too much going on with DH and I can only do so much yard stuff and indoor stuff.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,301

    Ah - house cleaning. I remember when my Grandmother & Mother actually washed down kitchen walls regularly. At 20 my standards were pretty high. At 80 - I clean sinks & toilets once a week and get to the rest if & when. Like Carole - I rarely have guests over anymore - we go out. And I've grown to tolerate a certain amount of my own clutter. I do like clean sheets once a week. Does anyone else remember hanging sheets on clothes lines outside in the sun and then ironing them? They smelled so good - but what a lot of work.

    Wally - as for lawn mowing, after my 2nd breast cancer surgery I could no longer pull the cord to start the gas mower. I considered getting an electric lawn mower, but hired a yard guy instead. He comes every other week - which isn't always enough but it's what my budget dictates. In between I have an electric weed eater and I'm always digging & planting in the flower beds. Weeds are calling for individual hand pulling right now, but at 93 degrees - I've stopped up my ears. I think I'll make a Bloody Mary with V-8 and read the morning paper.

    Eric - sorry to hear about Sharon's cat allergy. I have the same problem even going to dinner at a house with cats. Sounds like you've planned some fun stops.

    Dinner will be French toast to use up the bread and either scrambled eggs or an omelette.

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,553

    Love breakfast for dinner !

  • maggie15
    maggie15 Member Posts: 1,297

    Eric, When we lived in Alabama, during the summer DH would start work at 1:00 AM and finish before 8:00 AM when he was outside selecting chickens. He would also load up his horse at 9:00 PM to go to an 11:00 PM riding lesson under the lights. I remember being so hot in spite of the AC when I was pregnant that I'd drive to the grocery store in the wee hours of the morning. There were lots of other pregnant ladies there. Enjoy your visit with your daughter.

    Carole, I'm glad you made it safely to your destination. I'm with you and Wally on housekeeping standards. DH doesn't mind since his mother was a home ec teacher and kept her house like it was a lesson in home economics. A pillow out of place was a disaster.

    Minus, It's good to clean out your freezer occasionally but being forced to do it during a week long power outage is the pits.

    m0mmy, I'm glad that there was no Power Point during my college days. Of course, they always came up with some kind of extra torture like having to go to the library and read a copy of everyone else's paper (kept on reserve) so we could have a seminar on each one. Pork tenderloin sounds like a delicious birthday dinner.

    My medical appointment today took place so, as Meatloaf sang, "Two out of three ain't bad." I'm going to have a fun day of driving on the 29th. DH has his day after cataract surgery checkup across the state (an hour and a half each way.) I'll then drive to Boston and stay overnight to get a parking space in the MBTA garage. It's MIT graduation so otherwise I would have to leave at 2:00 AM. Parking at the hospital is impossible now because of a 500 new bed construction project; the ambulances and cement mixers have a hard time getting there.

    Dinner tonight was steak, summer squash and onion rings.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708

    DH was in Houston for several days, so I had French bread pizza, tacos and leftovers of each but he’s back now, so I’m trying to keep it low carb for him.

    Tonight is pork chops with spinach and squash/zucchini. My chops were schnitzel style, his were pan fried.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,130

    Last night was Rao's with bulk Italian sausage and tossed salad. We now have ample leftovers in the refrigerator for upcoming dinners.

    It's good to know I have company in the relaxed housecleaning.

    My neighbor Mary lost 20 plus pounds this winter and is now wearing size 8 jeans. I admire her and envy her as I see her walking around. Maybe she will be an inspiration. But dh just suggested we drive to town for breakfast.

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,258

    Hi all - have been missing for a bit! The piglets have a wonderful new home - it was time, they were getting too big for us to keep any longer, and we had seen them through the dangerous first several weeks when they are most vulnerable. When we got them they weighed right around 2 lbs, but when they left they were almost 8 and 11 lbs! Their new owners have a big property and a huge clean stall for them - they have been on the livestock formula still, but also enjoying pellets, corn, tomatoes, and peaches! Yay!

    minus - glad you got through the stormy weather ok, sorry about the power outage. Never comfortable - been there, done that. When the last several hurricanes have affected our area, we have managed to escape the power outage - our lines are buried, but the other nearby areas are not and many friends, and DD & beau, have hung out with us for a meal and a shower. Glad you're checking in with Lacey - I think of her often!

    carole - glad you're safely to MN - I look forward to hearing about your adventures in your summer "home" and how you creatively use ways to cook there.

    Dinner last night was chicken quesadillas with sour cream and salsa. Easy and fast. I had some fajita chicken that was BOGO at the store - it was decent, and made quick work of the quesadilla prep. We just purchased three cut up chickens from friends who raise them. All organic feed, no antibiotics - good size, and came to me cryovac-ed in separated packages - two breasts together, leg/thigh together, etc. i asked for them skin on and bone in.

    I need to be better about posting here - I really only do on this thread now!

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,727

    Pork tenderloin has been delayed for another night. Hubby and I went out to lunch with a friend for hubby’s birthday. We are stuffed from lunch! So tonight it will be something light.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,301

    Special - HOORAY. So glad to see you. When are you going back to Colorado?

    Fridge is finally partially stocked again - at least milk & butter & eggs. I drove across town to get my freezer food from ex-DH. That's an hour each way. Houston is a BIG city.

    Dinner was potato salad - which I ate warm as I was making it. Paired with a chicken breast poached in wine & dill.

    A friend invited me to go to a Nora Ephron play tomorrow with her grown daughters. We'll eat first at a Mediterranean place the girls know about. So I'll freeze the rest of the poached chicken and have potato salad for breakfast.

  • maggie15
    maggie15 Member Posts: 1,297

    Illimae, It's nice to see that someone else cooks the same meal two different ways because of dietary restrictions. I often separate what is in the pan toward the end of the cooking time and add anything problematic for either of us at that point.

    Carole, I wouldn't worry about fitting into size 8 jeans. Research shows that as you get older a few extra pounds can be insurance if you get ill. I hope you enjoyed your breakfast out.

    Special, Well done with the piglets! Caring for them must have been very time consuming but satisfying to see them thrive. It's so helpful to get meat appropriately packed for how you plan to use it.

    m0mmy, I'm glad you and your hubby had a nice birthday lunch out. The pork tenderloin will taste good tomorrow.

    Minus, I make German potato salad which is supposed to be served hot. It has vinegar and no mayo. The hot chicken salad I usually pair it with contains mayo.

    Dinner tonight was unstuffed cabbage rolls.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,301

    Maggie - I sprinkle the potatoes & chopped onions with Tarragon Vinegar when they come out of the pot, toss & then let them sit a bit. I do add both mayo and sour cream but not huge amounts. And finally dill & celery & hard boiled eggs. As you can see, I'm not a fan of mustard potato salad.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,301

    I remembered last night that my Welch Grandpa, who was in Germany around the 1st WW, always talked about Kartofell Salat. My Grandma (also English & Welch) never made it, and it wasn't something my Mother really made either. Interesting to research - what did we do w/o Google? Apparently the "authentic" recipe changes from Northern Germany to Southern Germany to Austria. Some have mayo, some are dressed with only vinegar & oil and not creamy at all. Most do have mustard but never French's Yellow….

    It would be fun to see how many variations all of us make.

  • maggie15
    maggie15 Member Posts: 1,297

    I make different versions of potato salad depending on what I am serving it with and for variety. Most of the ones I like are mustard free. I do put mustard in other things.

    Dinner tonight was oven barbecued chicken and corn on the cob. The barbecue sauce has mustard powder in it. I often make potato salad to go with this but I went for a walk instead.

  • reader425
    reader425 Member Posts: 941

    I never add mustard to potato salad, but always eggs and mayo; sometimes sour cream. Now I want to make some more.

    Tonight was the last of the lasagna I had made, along with leftover tossed salad. We are harvesting a great deal of lettuce right now from our raised bed.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408

    We used to have a supermarket called Treasure Island that made a fantastic Greek potato salad: no mayo or mustard, just oil & lemon juice, dill, scallions, salt and a hint of garlic. They also got Poilane bread delivered from Paris twice a week and had a wine & cooking school upstairs. All sorts of international foods. They were my go-to on Christmas Eve if I'd forgotten to buy a plum pudding in advance (or ran out of the ones I'd bought at the Harrod's boutique at Heathrow). Alas, the whole chain is no more, replaced by strip malls with banks as anchors.

    Minus, thought of you (and Leslie's folks in Katy) during those awful storms in Houston. Not only is Houston humongous in area, it's about to overtake Chicago & Toronto population-wise. As to weather, it seems that every time more than just showers are forecast there's a "Severe Risk" warning. Haven't had to go hunker down in the basement yet, but the season is young.

    Thurs. night we had the Regalia pasta leftovers. Last night, Bob went around the corner to the little pan-Asian joint for takeout. I had hot & sour soup and a couple of Vietnamese spring rolls (shrimp, salad & cellophane noodles in rice paper). Tonight, more of the same—plus a couple of pieces of ma po tofu and veggies. Stopped in at Hooked on Fish for their second anniversary, and picked up another 8 oz. of Copper River salmon filet. (One of those rare occasions when they had it for in-store purchase). Tues.' order is sea scallops and Key West pink shrimp. The Pacific striper thawed out, so I think I'll nuke it in parchment with herbs, tomatoes & peppers tomorrow night.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,130

    Dinner last night was warmed up pasta leftovers. I ate a small portion because I wasn't hungry. A man who is new in the resort walked over to happy hour on Mary's deck with a tray of jalapeno poppers he'd cooked in his smoker. They were the best I've ever eaten, stuffed with cheeses and wrapped in bacon. I ate two.

    Tonight will be exotic (to me) mushrooms bought at the farmers market chopped and sauteed in butter. Also lovely asparagus from the market. Not sure how to cook them. Probably a ribeye cooked on the grill.

    The first farmers market was well attended by people happy to get out into the sunshine after a lot of rain. The day started out in the 40's and I was bundled up. We made some sales but there were more lookers than buyers. A number of our former customers came by to say hello and look at new creations.

    This summer at Pine Hollow Resort will be a different mix of people since several sites were up for rent. The only possible negative so far is barking noise. Dogs are welcome as long as they're calm and friendly and kept on leash outside. It's fairly close quarters and most of us don't like being barked at. We will see how things go.

  • clars
    clars Member Posts: 46

    Chicken tikka masala tonight. A healthy version. I put on 17kg (!!) during treatment and really trying to lose it but menopause at 40 is a shock to the metabolism for sure.

  • eric95us
    eric95us Member Posts: 3,133

    We're in Nadhville tonight. Sharon is going to join a jam at The Station Inn and tomorrow we're going to a performance there.

  • wallycat
    wallycat Member Posts: 1,400

    Last night was the last of the Indian Curry and I slipped in some shrimp to make it a bit different. Tonight was a bbq chicken socca "pizza." Leftovers tomorrow.

  • maggie15
    maggie15 Member Posts: 1,297

    Carole, I could make a meal out of hors d'oeuvres. I hope the new dogs are quiet.

    Sandy, I hate it when somewhere I rely on for good food closes. We used to have a wonderful butcher in town but he closed his shop when he retired. He didn't want his name associated with something that would not be up to his standards.

    Clars, Your chicken tikka masala looks delicious. What did you use to replace the high calorie ingredients like cream and butter?

    Eric, The Station Inn is the big time. Sharon might be jamming with someone famous.

    Wally, I have never added shrimp to curry but it sounds like something I will have to try.

    Dinner tonight was chicken in an orange curacao sauce with yellow squash and mashed potatoes.

  • eric95us
    eric95us Member Posts: 3,133

    Sharon, at the jam at The Station Inn in Nashville.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,130

    The banjo is my favorite bluegrass instrument. We really enjoy bluegrass music. Most summers we go to a bluegrass festival in Pine River, MN.

    Last night I sauteed the asparagus in butter and then added the chopped assortment of mushrooms. DH loved the combo and I liked it, sprinkled with grated asiago. The grilled ribeye was good, too, though a bit overcooked.

    Tonight will be chicken thighs. Also yellow squash and zucchini. Just remembered them stored in the refrigerator. I wish I had your impressive collection of recipes for chicken, Maggie.

    It started raining sometime in the early morning while we were still in bed. Such a nice sound on the roof of the camper. Now it seems to be clearing up. Nothing planned for the day. I may go to town to buy items on a list.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408

    Yay for Sharon! The jams at the Station Inn, Broken Spoke, etc. are legendary—what an honor to have been invited! Bluegrass and old-time are the purest forms of country, IMHO—and the musicianship is formidable. I've tried to get into the open mic at the Bluebird twice, and twice my number didn't get drawn. Somewhere I have the little stamp that guarantees a slot (one or two songs) but I keep losing it and haven't been back to N'ville since 2010. Several of my friends have been honored to have been selected from the open mic for their writers' rounds.

    Dinner last night was Pacific striped bass nuked in parchment with lemon, EVOO, cherry tomatoes and herbs (tarragon, dill, parsley, basil). Side was asparagus pan-seared in EVOO and balsamic. (Dessert was an Atkins bar). Bob also had his leftover Fujian-style broccoli beef and brown rice. Tonight will be Copper River salmon with broccolini and lentilles du puy. Bob's sleeping in, so I'll make cheese & mushroom omelets for brunch.